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/lit/ - Literature

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13717896 No.13717896 [Reply] [Original]

>And then I realised, that I had been the Stranger all along.
Don't you hate it when authors do this?

>> No.13717927

did you seriously not understand the title after the first fucking page

>> No.13717940


>> No.13718001

Who is that thot

>> No.13718174
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>After all this trouble, it finally dawned on us: this truly is an Animal Farm

>> No.13718176

Alber Camus

>> No.13718250

>We realized that the Catch-22 was actually the friends we made along the way.

>> No.13718253
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>Henceforth, Odysseus's journey home
>From distant Troy to Ithaca's shore
>Where he reigned abreast ocean foam
>Would take its name and be enshrined in lore
>From the hero of old and farer of the sea:
>The Odyssey

>> No.13718256

>"here are my teachings my friends." said jesus
"they are very important, so take them as your bible"
uhm ok lol

>> No.13718284
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Thanks for making me laugh.

>> No.13718813

The weird (strange lol) thing is that in the spanish translation, they translated one scene when the girls describe him as "extraño" (Strange). In English they translated that scene as "Peculiar". In the original she said "Bizarre". In Spanish tho, the title name is "El extranjero" (the foreign) while in English it was translated as "the Stranger"

>> No.13718922

Stranger is foreigner just different language root. In early modern English, like the kj Bible, it means foreigner

>> No.13718979

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49

America's "greatest" living author. Stopped reading right there.

>> No.13718985

>on my first day in the slaughterhouse, I realized the dangling pig carcasses reminded of The Jungle
Poor tastes

>> No.13718996

>And so, with the Cratchetts and Mr. Scrooge seated around the table, they all sang A Christmas Carol.
Lol ok Dickens. DROPPED!

>> No.13719004

>>And then I realised, that I had been the L'Outsider all along.

fixed that for you

>> No.13719006

Maria Casares

>> No.13719014
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>Gregor Samsa awoke and it was all a dream.

>> No.13719015

>And that's when it hit me: the world is, and always has been, just one big Fight Club

>> No.13719031
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Which translation is that? It seems better than Pope's which /lit/ claims is great:

>The suitors were slaughtered, in other words killed
>By Odysseus, known as the man many skill'd.
>Now the hero, his son sail the winedarken'd sea;
>You just finished reading Homer's Odyssey.

>> No.13719039

The original Greek has about 5 pages where they repeat "ODYSSEUS was lost at SEA" and gradually turn it into Odyssey.

>> No.13719042

>the L'Outsider
This is funnier than it should be.

>> No.13719060
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>The auctioneer cleared his throat. Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

>> No.13719067

Goddamn it. Left the thread open and didn't bother replying for a while.

>> No.13719094
File: 134 KB, 1280x716, Finding-Dory-Trailer-1-07-1280x716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What an excellent fish dolphin is to eat cooked," he said. "And what a miserable fish raw. I will never go in a boat again. The old man and the sea are quits I tell you!"

>> No.13719233

>It was in that very moment when he came to the conclusion that he was The Idiot the whole time

I thought Dostoyevsky was above all this?

>> No.13719256

>Ok, Idiot

Wow are all Russian writers are this shit?

>> No.13719376

It gets worse.

>Raskolnikov, at that very moment, realized that he was stuck in an unending cycle of Crime and Punishment

Can't believe this shit.

>> No.13719422

He was the first to use that plot twist, so it can't really be considered cliche

>> No.13719466
File: 71 KB, 1093x767, DbXxhQQVAAA5xmR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I listened to Camus my life would be 10 times more exciting.

I'll start tomorrow. Take me by my word.

>> No.13719470

There's only one faggot on this board who shills Pope.

>> No.13719555

>first to say it was all a dream
...chungzi would like to speak with you outside.

>> No.13719593

I mean, I shill for THE pope.

Not this one, he sucks, but, correct popes that fill the seat of the vicar of christ are good. So there's that.

>> No.13719733

This isn't the best meme but it is entertaining and it's better than a lot of the trash /tv/ comes up with

>> No.13719935

>I suppose all that one can really do at the end of the day is burning down the Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Sasuga Mishima

>> No.13720085

>And then fell the spring snow.

>> No.13720509

>I used to think life was a tragedy, now i realise it's just The Divine Comedy

>> No.13720560

>Jove's glaring eyes, was paradise lost

What a fucking hack

>> No.13720591

"I'm sorry I didn't write, I was Scandinavia for some weeks. And I have to tell you something: I met a guy. At first the culture and the men were so strange and unfamiliar. But after two weeks with him it's safe to say that I just can't get enough of Norwegian Wood."


>> No.13721978

>And so my journey came to an end. One might call this time of my life Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of Pilgrimage.

No wonder Murakami never won the Nobel Prize

>> No.13722025
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>Rachael was in a deep sleep following the intense fucking Deckard had given her tight andy ass. Watching her, Deckard wondered to himself, Do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.13722083
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End your life.

>> No.13722094
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>Hold on to your hats, chaps, and watch out for the darkies -- we're about to land right in the very Heart of Darkness. End of Chapter 1.

>> No.13722400

> I had her on my bed, my cock berried in her butt, and i was feeling very horny. That was when I realized I knew How 2 Make Her Cum -- Kindle Edition, by Mr James Rankin.
Mr James Rankin, more like Mr James STANKin... it stinks.....

>> No.13722413

Kate Middleton

>> No.13722437 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 297x297, 1567042648757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then we sat, overlooking the valleys of transylvania in the wake of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

>> No.13722641
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> -This is all kind of like what happened in Ulysses, Mr. Bloom said.
Fucking Christ, Jim.

>> No.13723398

>with the stables left open the meadows were stomped by Runaway Horses


>> No.13723978
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>as I lay there with my rags, I knew what was coming will be Crime and Punishment

>> No.13724087
File: 158 KB, 727x1090, Cormac-McCarthy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He leaned and spat. "This ain't No Country for Old Men."

Bravo Corncob.

>> No.13724137

Holy fuck im literally reading this right now thanks for the spoiler faglord

>> No.13724145

Where is the vocaroo recording?
The one where he says "This shit is so funny, do you get the joke yet? After all this, I was the Lord of the Rings"

>> No.13724147

>what was written here were nothing but the Confessions of a Mask

>> No.13724231

no problem anon kun.