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13717516 No.13717516 [Reply] [Original]

Despite the fact that most of the western philosophy after 19th century are directly or indirectly influenced by the eastern philosophy? Is it because of the usual racism against the eastern philosophy?

>> No.13717522
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1566764145526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astonished that article is written by two men. I wonder how old they are and if they have the "gay voice." You know the one I mean? Bald men with goatees always look like faggots too. Tons of those in academia. Like pic related, here.

Anyway, I expected that article to be written by a woman suction-cupping her way up the sheer wall of philosophy with her vagina, since women can't do philosophy and are barred entry except on the basis of vaginal ascent.

>> No.13717529

Dude, hqve you watched the new Dave Chappelle special? It will amswer all of your life's problems.

>> No.13717842
File: 233 KB, 724x780, t3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite sure they mean they want it to be written by the offspring of the colonies.
The ones who lost all identity and therefore have nothing left but complaint and anger.
I'm in France and I am one of those, mixed child with a mother from a former French protectorat.

If you go back long enough, philosophy has roots everywhere where roots exist. Chinese philosophy, Arab philosophy, amerindian philosophy, all of those exist and are studied. There is depth in 1001 nights, there is depth in Nasr Edin Hodja little tales. My only frens are hardcore racists who turn the eye at an Arabic name but when a story is good, it's good.

What they want isn't diversity that already exists. What they want is to be proud of showing some complaints and self-hate, or hatred towards those who included them in the western world.
They wouldn't give two shits about a Massai warrior telling tales. They want some guy saying how bad the western world is.

Fuck those fags. And fuck their diversity based rhetoric. If something is good, it will find its way to recognition.

>> No.13717908

there has been a major push in the past ~5 years at top 50 philosophy departments in north america to diversify course offerings and syllabi. it has been slow going, but the number of departments offering undergraduate courses in non-western philosophy has been increasing steadily. and, the coverage of non-western philosophy in topic courses (e.g. in ethics, philosophy of mind) has been increasing too.

and, at the research level, there has been a push to have wider coverage. that shows up in what kinds of conferences get convened, who gets invited to certain types of conference, who reviews whose book, who cites who for what, who writes encyclopedia articles for which audiences, etc.

i sense that this is also a trend in major australian and british philosophy departments, though i'm less familiar with them.

i didn't read the article but the title certainly sounds like the kind of thing you're describing. that said, speaking just for the part of academic philosophy i know, many people are urging for greater diversity precisely because they sincerely think it's intellectually crucial. there are, of course, those who simply want to score ethics points, virtue signal, etc. but i think most of the profession realizes that it's a good thing for philosophical inquiry to have nontrivial literacy with other cultural traditions in philosophy.

>> No.13717911
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Philosophy is dead anyway

>> No.13717921

The full depths of "eastern thought" (much better described as "eastern method" imo) had been exhausted by 19-20th century Euro-American thinkers. Contemporary eastern thinkers are a part of the global academic, for the good and for the bad, there's no need for stupid orientalism for the west to read Byung Chul Han.

>> No.13717928

Philosophy is universal, isn't it?
Socrates' view on Truth was that it exists, with or without the ones to search for it or think they know it. Same for beauty or morality. At least that's what I understood. Everything I've read so far is more or less in agreement with that. And when you see similarities in western, eastern, southern or Eskimo philosophies, it should prove that things are, independently of whomsted'rsrt states it.
(I'm not sure about Eskimo though)

I'd be amazed if there were actual differences between views of the world and of the mind depending on geography but I have only seen superficial differences, nothing essentially different.
But maybe I just don't know enough. I don't know.

I'd be curious to hear what diversity can provide.

>> No.13717932


The idea of a peoples without history in the post-colonial world is already by itself in leftist circles and post-colonialist and Maoist political theory a huge subject. However they are split in two circles, the most egregious self-hating whites or envious post-colonialist subjects , people like Walter Mignolo, who think everything "white" should be purged and a new "native" identity/philosophy should rise. There are others who have a more nuanced view like , like Frantz Fanon in the past , who claimed that not having a history in the post-colonialist world can be opening and can supplement already existing so called "white" existing philosophy /perceptions.

>> No.13717937

>Let's justify social inequality by calling it god's order.
>Problem solved.
Wish it was that easy today.

>> No.13717951

Eastern philosophy never treated itself as a science and can't be developed on

>> No.13717954

Based and dare I say, redpilled

>> No.13717967

>implying there is one truth, which just so happens to be the one white men came up with
You are part of the problem desu

>> No.13717975
File: 64 KB, 600x600, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have included some Sanskrit works, scriptures and fundamental literary texts, because of their influence on the Western canon. The immense wealth of ancient Chinese literature is mostly a sphere apart from Western literary tradition and is rarely conveyed adequately in the translations available to us.

>> No.13717979

It is, but modern people want to "rectify" God/the gods' way.
They think they can do better.
Accepting things as they are seems difficult for many.
I thought that was something the stoics explained quite simply.
Wanting to make a better word is stupid. We can't even sort our own inner world, and we want to fix the outer one.
Seeing a saviour's complex in someone is a red flag for me.

>> No.13717989

But I just said other races came up with the same one, yellow, black or smurfs.
You are the problem thinking whites are wrong.

>> No.13717996

>thinking whites are wrong
Based retard. Stating there are multiple truths in no way suggests one of these truths is 'wrong'

>> No.13718003

What problem? Go dilate

>> No.13718013

Is there any interesting or valuable opinion that wasn't created by a white man?

>> No.13718048


>> No.13718050

>there are multiple truths
Oh ok.
Socrates and Plato were wrong all along.
There are multiple truths, multiple genders, multiple cultures that are all equal. There are as many truths as there are people, only what someone thinks matter, what is doesn't.

>> No.13718052

I agree with Bloom for once. There are many authors (Nietzsche, Schopi, Hesse...) who wrote a lot about or with ancient Indian thought, but there are little fruitful text about Chinese wisdom teachings in regard of literary or philosophy. Some wrote about China, but like "meh" and furhter reactions were like "k maybe".

>> No.13718058

I distinctly remember in the 00s that the general opinion was that Westerners simply couldn't understand Eastern philosophy and thinking because we haven't grown up with it. Which is bollocks, but it's that attitude that has stopped it being more of a thing in Western curriculums. I think a lot of it was really embarrassment at the New Age interpretations that weren't "authentic" enough or whatever, like the Beat Generation and their version of Buddhism.

>> No.13718066

It's not bollocks. Not that i don't think a westerner can understand it, just that it will take more work. The language barrier is huge. Yes professors can study it and probably get something out of it because they will work with the original language ect, but is it really worth teaching at undergrad for example?

>> No.13718070

>We offer one last piece of advice to philosophy departments that have not already embraced curricular diversity. For demographic, political and historical reasons, the change to a more multicultural conception of philosophy in the United States seems inevitable. Heed the Stoic adage: “The Fates lead those who come willingly, and drag those who do not.”
Last paragraph. How's it make you feel?

>> No.13718074

of course, we could understand it. but learning the language to translate or directly understand it for yourself is hard work which takes years, and one semester of intro classes won't get you anywhere with Daoism or Confucius. It took me years to learn basic grammar rules and vocabulary to get better understanding than with shitty translations. Sinology is a what you should study, not philosophy.

>> No.13718077

it explains why america gets worse the more nonwhite it becomes

>> No.13718078


>> No.13718083

OP here. You could say the same about French, German, Greek philosophy etc. Average philosophy students in the Anglo-American world are monolinguals, but that doesn’t change the departments from teaching Aristotle, Kant, Descartes etc. Why not teach Indian and Chinese philosophy then, especially considering those two countries are going to dominate in this century and there will be a clash of values most likely.

>> No.13718087

*Pushes you in a hole*
Listen man, it was inevitable. It's only date, I had nothing to do with it. You would have fallen if I didn't push you.
Trust me.

>> No.13718094

>It's not bollocks. Not that i don't think a westerner can understand it, just that it will take more work.
So you're lessening how strong the opinion used to be. People were claiming that it was impossible, and to some degree it's imo because they couldn't separate the philosophy and/or religion from the culture, and so you have the issues with actual "cultural appropriation" where outsiders seem to be imposing rules and terms of authenticity on people who just are authentically part of the tradition. I think academia still has quite a poor idea of this whole thing, there are more mature views in places like the Buddhist organisations in the US. One group of New York Buddhists said something like they weren't going to go for take out anymore [getting dogma handed down from the East], but rather make some home made meals.

The article is also fundamentally flawed in that philosophy in America is predominantly Americans and Anglos (analytics), they don't really teach "Western" or "European" philosophy. The idea that you have to teach the "philosophy" of any random group of people is going to piss a lot of people off, because a lot is not philosophy it's anthropology. The Native American and "Africana" comments are sure to piss a few off (it's the idea that either group have some sort of unified culture). The Jewish thing is double bollocks, you'd be hard pressed to find a Jewish philosopher who isn't part of the Western tradition. Bad article.

Could you have a Taoist or Confucian or generally non-Western undergrad course that is worthwhile? Probably, but I think there's a lack of skills/knowledge in academia.

>> No.13718098

forget American academia. the standard is decent Euro Unis. and knowing Greek or Latin is a requirement here. Plus if you want to be seen an expert on some philosophers, it is implied you read their books as they wrote it. (Oh, and since you mentioned it: Modern Chinese values differ a lot from writings of Laozi and Kongzi.)

>> No.13718120

>decent Euro Unis. and knowing Greek or Latin is a requirement here

I’ve known a couple of people from uni in Europe studying philosophy, but all of them said unless you want to be expert in that area and pursue PhD, most people just know their native language and English. I’ve saw a few of curriculums in the undergrad in Europe too and they only assumed the fluency of English.

>Modern Chinese values differ a lot from writings of Laozi and Kongzi.)

No they don’t. Ancient Chinese philosophy still have a massive influence on the thoughts and ideas of ordinary people in China just like India. If you interact with Chinese, you would know this. On the other hand, they know jackshit about communism and the Western philosophy except the surface level.

>> No.13718131

>pleb students in pleb unis
I said DECENT, anon. I am very aware that many unis go down the gutter.
>ordinary people still do daoistic stuff
sure. but I guess the peasants alone won't invade Europe, and I think that was the point from earlier on. It'susually a government spreading ideology into the colonies.

>> No.13718135

>not written by obvious jewish names
They changed their collective hive names again, did they?

>> No.13718140

Then I am a lich.

>> No.13718150

What does the east really have to offer? I've dabbled in various religious traditions and all I got from it is a better understanding of why the Chinese are soulless NPC's. Maybe that's why the left is pushing eastern philosophy so hard, because it creates more of them. Western philosophy gave us modern science and all the innovation that comes from it and I would rather have more of that.

>> No.13718158


Where? Last time I checked école normale supérieure, they don’t assume the fluency of languages except English.
>I guess the peasants alone won't invade Europe

Those peasants are invading North America, Australia, New Zealand and some parts of Europe tho. And don’t forget that most of Chinese elites are also still under the massive influence of the philosophy especially Confucius. They don’t give a damm about the ideal of Communism, for them it’s just another Chinese Empire.

>> No.13718165

>There is depth in 1001 nights
Yeah like the stories of Christians using shit as incense and the pope eating shit. So deep.

>> No.13718172

>"We should all blindly accept inequities as natural and good because some things are also natural."
Dumbest take I've heard in days.

>> No.13718173

You wallow in your ignorance.

>> No.13718175

Fair fights between religions.
Same level as Jews saying Christ melts in shit or Mahomet tiddling 6yo tiddies.
I'd call that banter.

>> No.13718182

Go ahead, save the world from what doesn't please you.
You're the man.

>> No.13718187

What the hell is this even supposed to mean? Muslims don't even consider the Arabian Nights to be deep or meaningful. To them they're children's stories.

>> No.13718191

Why not serve just Fortune Cookies in philosophy classes so students can receive the peak of Western and Eastern thinking?

>> No.13718219

>Children's story have no depth
Same for Grimm's tales, Perraul's, La Fontaine's or Esope's fables?

>> No.13718232

I've already agreed with you. Eating poop is very deep and is certainty comparable to Grimm's collection.

>> No.13718235

Most do? They just have separate departments for western and eastern.

>> No.13718268

Children's stories is a 19th Century affectation, you mean folk stories. Yes, sort of like Grimm's but also like Homer's and even like the Bible.

Plus it contains several "first" stories like the three apples, a detective story. I don't see how that's a kid's story either, you talk bs.

>> No.13718280
File: 71 KB, 336x480, Augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have made a long respond to this, but
these people are so ignorant that I'd prefer not to. If they wouldn't serve Fischer's Vampire castle, they'd see how wrong they are. All I'm going to say is that St. Augustine, one of the great fathers of the church and of Western thought was African, and may or may not have been gay or bisexual .I'm gonna pray to St. Augustine for these folks, wish me luck.

>> No.13718283

I'm talking about Muslim attitudes towards the stories today, right now. They look at them as suitable for women and children. Whether or not you classify them as folk tales or suitable for children is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they're deep or meaningful. I'm sorry if it offends you that I don't think stories of eating poop is deep.

>> No.13718293

>I'm talking about Muslim attitudes towards the stories today, right now. They look at them as suitable for women and children.
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess giving you some perspective on your frankly Victorian and Western/Anglo view is cultural appropriation. I don't care whether you think they're for dogs, it's a stupid view.

>> No.13718300

What you've said is meaningless to me.

>> No.13718344

> St. Augustine, one of the great fathers of the church and of Western thought was African
He was as 'African' as Camus.

Also, related question: were you dropped on your head in childhood? How'd the therapy go, still have problems?

>> No.13718363

>and may or may not have been gay or bisexual
That definitely the conclusion that I came to after reading the Confessions and seeing him talk about having premarital sex with women. I'm glad to see another person here on my wavelength because people usually laugh at me when I make such an assertion.

>> No.13718429

Camus was born in Algeria by French parents, while Augustine was born, most scholars agree, to Berber parents (natives of Africa). Though, there is no way to tell how exactly his skin colour was, it is worth noting at that time, including Augustine, there were many Christians in Africa.

>> No.13718442

Even if he was Berber, that still makes him white.

>> No.13718449

Tolkien was born in Africa therefore he was black

>> No.13718450

You're being a racist westerner again dude.

>> No.13718457

Eastern philosophy isn't based on logic, simple as

>> No.13718458

How do you know?

>> No.13718468

What about Leibniz

>> No.13718473

Good biscuits.

>> No.13718482

k maybe

>> No.13718564

Let's stick to the facts. Tolkien was born in Africa to English parents. As it is the case with Camus who was born to French parents. All the evidence we have, and most scholars agree, points us St. Augustine was born to Berber parents (natives of Africa). https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/who-are-the-berber-people.html

There's this one episode where he writes on, about a young man he was close to:
> But what speak I of these things? for now is no time to question, but to confess unto Thee. Wretched I was; and wretched is every soul bound by the friendship of perishable things; he is torn asunder when he loses them, and then he feels the wretchedness which he had ere yet he lost them. So was it then with me; I wept most bitterly, and found my repose in bitterness. Thus was I wretched, and that wretched life I held dearer than my friend. For though I would willingly have changed it, yet was I more unwilling to part with it than with him; yea, I know not whether I would have parted with it even for him, as is related (if not feigned) of Pylades and Orestes, that they would gladly have died for each other or together, not to live together being to them worse than death. But in me there had arisen some unexplained feeling, too contrary to this, for at once I loathed exceedingly to live and feared to die. I suppose, the more I loved him, the more did I hate, and fear (as a most cruel enemy) death, which had bereaved me of him: and I imagined it would speedily make an end of all men, since it had power over him. Thus was it with me, I remember. Behold my heart, O my God, behold and see into me; for well I remember it, O my Hope, who cleansest me from the impurity of such affections, directing mine eyes towards Thee, and plucking my feet out of the snare. 15 For I wondered that others, subject to death did live, since he whom I loved, as if he should never die, was dead; and I wondered yet more that myself, who was to him a second self, could live, he being dead. Well said one of his friend, “Thou half of my soul;” for I felt that my soul and his soul were “one soul in two bodies:” and therefore was my life a horror to me, because I would not live halved. And therefore perchance I feared to die, lest he whom I had much loved should die wholly.
Link: https://www.bartleby.com/7/1/4.html

I never specifically said that Augustine was necessarily gay or bisexual, however, I said "he may or may not have been gay or bisexual", since there are people who believe this, and point to this passage. Honestly, it's hard for us to tell. The point is that both PC and anti-PC folk are wrong to look at history and thought through the one lens that suits their political goals and think in shallow terms. History can be surprising.

>> No.13718597

Ah yes, those are the scholarly sources I've been looking for.

>> No.13718661


> By the age of sixteen (370),
Augustine also studied at nearby Madaura (Confessions II.3) under the tutelage of the
“pagan” Maximus, with whom, in correspondence exchanged at a much
later date (390), reference was made to their both being Africans with a common heritage and education in the Punic language of ancestral Northwest Africa [Letters nos. 16-17] But as William Hugh Clifford Frend has observed, “Augustine was first and foremost an African, and was influenced throughout his life by the Berber (as distinct from the Punic) background of his upbringing,” though of his later sermons it could be said they were “in a faultless Latin without trace of barbarism” (1952μ230, 57-58, 327). Clearly, the home situation under Monica's guidance was multi- lingual. Moreover, as observed by Rousselle, “the division of responsibility between husband and wife would continue throughout the child's upbringing, which was left in the charge of women until the child reached the age when its sex and social needs determined what course further education would take” (1994μ368). Monica was instrumental in the conversion of her husband to Christianity not long before his death (Confessions IX.9), and in the instilling within her son the seeds of such a possibility, in spite of the postponement of his baptism, long before these took root and grew into his statured role (Confessions I.11)

Here you go.

>> No.13718685

Fuck off Derrida

>> No.13718794

Isn't Eastern Philosophy as conservative as Platonism and Stoicism?

>> No.13718803

A lot of Christian theological colleges start with Eastern mode of thought

>> No.13718804

>heritage and education in the Punic language of ancestral Northwest Africa
'Punic' is the language of the Phoenicians and Carthage, it was a northwestern Semitic language closely related to Hebrew.

Neither the Phoenicians nor the Berbers had any relation to niggers whatsoever.

You might as well claim that the Irish are niggers because they're related to the Celtiberians, and Celtiberians lived in Spain and Spain is kinda like Africa if you squint at a map.

>> No.13718854

Berbers back then were just the desert tribes my dude. In Roman times North Africa was more fertile and there was a prosperous Carthaginian-Roman farming civilization there. This is where Augustine came from. Then the Vandals (germans) took over for a while, then back to the byzantines, then the arabs, and then finally the berbers.
The guy was and considered himself Roman, calling him anything else is brownwashing history tbqh

>> No.13718869

Your argument is circular. You are trying to somehow show a priori that all philosophical traditions are universal but you do this through a western universalizing stance which, as a premise, believes that all philosophical traditions contain the same universal kernel of truth. If you are unable to separate yourself from this bias how can you hope to compellingly argue your point? All you can do is appeal to "Socrates and Plato."

As Anon pointed out, you have not been able to comprehend the epistemological ramifications of different understandings of "Truth" and fall immediately into a reactionary view of right and wrong.

>> No.13719005

Modern Leftists arent really interested in the serious study of indian, chinese or islamic philosophy as those would also enter in conflict with their thoroughly westernised managerial therapeuthic identity politics based worldview. Their problem is with philosophical activity in itself, and the very notion of socratic inquiry and autonomous philosophical subjects. The leftist subject is a therapeuthic subject, always already an 'other', locked out by default from art or philosophy, whose 'self-esteem' needs to be restored and 'identity' constantly affirmed by institutional means. this situation is in part a response to the crisis of legitimacy of western institutions, or if you want to get conspiratorial think of all the western educated 3rd world revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s and how the current system seems geared to make those potentially rebellious periphereal elitees into neurotic and dependent imperial administrators and apparatchicks.

>> No.13719061

You've confused linguistic families with everything there, culture, heritage, genetics etc

>> No.13719072

Isn't 'multiculturalism' just the latest and most radical incarnation of a western post christian universalising mission that seeks to subsume all other cultural forms? For example, devout muslims see islam as absolute theological truth, while multiculturalists see islam as a hollow 'identity' which exists only insofar it is 'recognised' by western institutions.

>> No.13719074

This guy sounds like a typical Pakistani
>believes his values aren't basically outdated and British
>feels he can speak for all Muslims
>suddenly can't understand anything when someone points out his bullshit

>> No.13719106

I don't understand because you're talking nonsense. How is it cultural appropriation to believe the Arabian Nights is childish and to point out that most Muslims agree with me? Somehow from that alone you have my whole belief system and ethnicity worked out which totally doesn't come off as nutty. Of course like every crazy person, you assume people are merely pretending not to understand you.

>> No.13719116

>you have my whole belief system and ethnicity worked out
The truth will always out ;)

>> No.13719156

c'est un dessin

>> No.13719191

Most 'decolonialists' i've come upon in latin america just project their narcissistic and americanised middle class 21st century subjectivity to a totally ficticious pre colonial past and use it as an excuse to avoid reading, thinking or questioning things. Compare and contrast 20th century indigenism, the political uses of anthropology in Mexico and Peru as part of projects of national construction. Now the figure of the indian is instrumentalised for more modest ends those of bare personal survival under conditions of cultural deracination and precariety

>> No.13719211

It's not about incorporating/discussing eastern thought, but about reducing the prevalence of native western thought by any means necessary.

It's doomed to fail anyway. How could any of us truly understand confucianism, or kashmir shaivism when we're so far removed from the cultural context? We should focus on our own endeavors.

>> No.13719219
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 9d62acd313bbb18c2903ce1bdcca81cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bald men with goatees always look like faggots too
[hip hop music stops]
What the FUCK did you just say, white boy?

>> No.13719271

because eastern themselves don't give a shit about eastern philosophy. in the universities they teach western philosophy in depth and some intro to eastern Phil.
eastern cultures are taking their last breaths.

>> No.13719275

>It's doomed to fail anyway. How could any of us truly understand confucianism, when we're so far removed from the cultural context?

The problem is people have given up reading anything which wasn't written explicitly for them. Understanding springs moreso from removals than from continuities. It's telling how leftists feel threatened by the 'colonialism' of Plato or Homer but then turn around and uncritically consume american mass culture without ever stopping to think about how it shapes their worldview.

>> No.13719282

Hey man, you know they wouldn’t have the balls to argue. What time is it, noon? Let’s go to a strip club.

>> No.13719296

I'm not advocating for abandoning eastern thought altogether, it's just that we will always be a couple steps behind those who were born into cultures where the influence of said philosophers are felt even to this day directly and indirectly.

Same way I don't expect the Chinese to truly "get" Christianity, because their culture wasn't formed and molded by it for more than a thousand years.

>> No.13719412

What about the millions of Chinese who have converted to Christianity, some of whom were even martyred for their beliefs? Postmodern relativism despite its radical pretentions has always been a philosophy for bloodless academic managers and bureaucrats, concerned first and foremost with containing the disruptive nature of truth.

>> No.13719419

The fuck, they've been teaching eastern philosophies and religions in college for at least 100 years

>> No.13719526

Does anyone on this board believe academia is even vaguely credible anymore? I understand learning physics or something in school, that is still valuable, but is there anyone here who actually thinks like the person who wrote that article, and if you do why the fuck are you here and why are you such a faggot?

>> No.13719649

Link a single university course where this is a requirement

>> No.13719732

The true objection isn't to the lack of "eastern philosophy" but the presence of FUCKING WYPIPO.

>> No.13719741


See §5. Random example. It says you need certain levels of German, English, and, because they water down everything so that no one feels excluded, another language, recommending Latin and Ancient Greek. All my friends learnd dead languages in school or uni.

>> No.13719757
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1562530549272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's call it what it really is

Western philosophy?

>> No.13719765

Leibniz's conception of China was based on not too accurate writings from missionaries. Later in his life he didn't push them as hard.

>> No.13719780

Philosophy departments do cover Asian philosophy. I took a class on Asian philosophy while getting my philosophy degree and I can't imagine being a competent philosopher without knowledge of the Eastern philosophers. I really think we ought to teach the Upanishads alongside Xenophanes and Parmenides in ancient philosophy classes due to how similar the Indian nondualist metaphysics are to most of the Presocratics. Those students who never took Eastern philosophy classes were at a huge disadvantage in properly understanding the Presocratics and it's a shame.

>> No.13719787

1) The language barrier is very real.
2) Much of what is in Eastern philosophy is already present in Western philosophy and vice versa.
3) Philosophers are arrogant.

>> No.13719796

In Germany you usually learn either French or Latin in school, Greek is rare. Most phil programs don't require Latin or Greek, but some will teach it.

>> No.13719811

Sudied both, too, and it was interesting, but there's a reason most canons start with Socrates and those before are name Pre-HIM. Because with Plato's Socratic dioalogues scientific questioning began.

>> No.13719822

so eastern philosophy is just Buddhist stuff?

>> No.13719869

It's true that the Indian and Chinese systems are closer to folk wisdom than philosophy in the modern sense, and I completely agree that texts like the Upanishads are unscientific. However, when it comes to studying figures like Nietzsche, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, and many other significant continental philosophers, texts like the Upanishads can be useful in providing additional context to the reader. It's especially true of cases like Schopenhauer or Jung where it is well known that they read these books and were philosophically impacted by them. A good deal of continental philosophy is a response to ideas established in the systems of Vedanta, so while they might not be representative of scientific thinking there is still a lot of value in learning them.
But mainly for Parmenides. One grad student told me that most undergrad students don't understand Parmenides at all without viewing a good number of commentaries; I think that a quick reading of Tao Te Ching and the primary Upanishads (they're pretty short), rather than commentaries, would suffice.

>> No.13719880

Hindu, Buddhist, Tantric, Sufi, Taoist, etc

>> No.13719888

Why are white people so trash baka

>> No.13719965

The eastern philosophy is typically not intellectually rigorous in the same manner that western is. Reading, for example, Spinoza will allow you to experience the subject of philosophy in a way that the east simply cannot grant you. I concede that you should be familiar with Hindu and Chinese philosophical and ethical foundations, but my rationale behind that would be to understand why they act as they presently do rather than to achieve philosophical insights. Buddhism and philosophy centered around is is an obvious exception and is extremely important.

The unfortunate truth is that the east was completely eclipsed in terms of intellectually rigorous philosophy the moment the Greeks birthed Socrates; all civilizations have been playing, in essence, catch up ever since. Had Europe not experienced the enlightenment and produced their Kants and Lockes then, perhaps, the situation would be different.

>> No.13720055

much of eastern philosophy seems to be experiential in nature, and while there's tons of analytical texts in the tradition from different people theyre written in times where you were expected to also be practicing all that hooey to relate to it. this is a lot harder to sit around and teach write and analyze all the time like western philosophy

>> No.13720065

it feels like a room full of 1800s gentlemen decrying how the west is superior to the east while knowing nothing but vague mirages of what it all means

>> No.13720071

If I wanted to publish something to do with this, what is a good journal to publish to? Any advice from anyone, I have what I believe are an interesting and compelling set of ideas around this.

>> No.13720094

I'd argue that the Eastern philosophers go in two different directions. The Indian lot tend to have gone in this extremely autistic "distill every word this or these great thinkers have ever said", it's almost in the vein of like a master craftsman apprenticeship where you have teachers and you dedicate your life to that particular trade. Chinese is a little more like folksy philosophy that permeates everything and in some senses has a lot of praxis, it's a bit like Wittgenstein to the Germans. And of course there's everything in between, I'd say if anything it sort of lacks the focus of having become a kind of project.

Also the whole enlightenment philosopher thing is trash and bullshit.

>> No.13720227

You're only allowed to read the Upanishads in the jungle

>> No.13720266

This is actually a decent question, though.

>> No.13720301

I'll study eastern philosophy when these goofy white bitches go to China and demand they read the Greeks. This is just veiled anti-white bullshit.

>> No.13720512

Sounds about right yeah. I think that multiculturalism has real value in how it induces critical thinking and reflection on an ontological level but this subtle and profound effect is not accessible to everyone and is usually undercut by the quasi-Christian--I might even say quasi-colonial--virtues you described; "we are all equal [under God]".
Multiculturalism succeeds when people fully comprehend the arbitrary nature of their social and linguistic conditioning and use this insight to refine themselves, others, and their community.

>> No.13720526

Imagine being this afraid of knowledge

>> No.13720535

nah he's right. Nobody tells other races they have to broaden their perspectives. eat a dick faggot

>> No.13720543

Yeah that's what it is.

>> No.13720573

yes, and I thank God for the good judgement : )

>> No.13720604

It should be remember that "White" in America just means light-skin. People pretty much consider me White even though I genetically am not. Note, I am also not mixed. It kind of sucks because I get no advantages, and I am very tired.

>> No.13720608

Unsurprising that the racists are the ones afraid of exposing themselves to unfamiliar and challenging ideas.

>> No.13720637

Do you want to compare Goodreads profiles? I guarantee I'm better read than you.

>> No.13720673

How about the unfamiliar and challenging idea that the races are not the same? We're not the ones who censor ideas, you are.

>> No.13720674

Or maybe only white people coming from middle class to rich families have time to be "philosophers". Homeboy gotta hustle to make ends meet. He ain't got no minute to ask bout free will and sheet.

>> No.13720709

>tfw be latin american 2nd gen immigrant son of contra refugees, awash with 3rd world blood money, pretty much all european heritage

>still able to dominate earnest white leftists through disingenuous use of identity politics

>> No.13720730

I honestly wish I could manipulate these leftists for something like a literary agent or a well-paying job. Instead, I feel like a literal slave back for another degree in something I hate. I made the mistake of getting a degree in Neuroscience, and I am back for another in Computer Science, which is starting to give me a headache.
I don't know where this idea that all non-White foreigners have it easy came from. I sure as hell wish my life were easy. I am very tired and would take any decent paying job or literary agent at this point.

>> No.13720753

naw it's linked to my facebook. Feel free to post yours though because I'm curious.

That's not really equivalent. There's a difference between resisting the inclusion of traditions of philosophical thought wholesale because they are from a different culture and resisting racial supremacy. If you're really a white supremacist and your next move is to start posting pseudoscience don't bother because it's a waste of both of our time.

>> No.13720760

but they literally learn more about western philosophy than their own

this is one of the top-tier university of Pakistan
checkout the course outline, even they believe in "start with the greeks" meme

>> No.13720769

This has nothing to do with merely including other traditions. This is specifically anti-white agenda and they don't even try to hide it. It has nothing to do with white supremacy and my refusal to play along with their bullshit is not me shutting myself out from different views. You know that but you're being stupid because you sympathize with their racist cause.

>> No.13720809

There is no racism at all, a lot philosophers of the West admired the eastern traditions. We don't incorporate eastern philosophy, because how would we? Concepts from Buddhism are extremely hard to understand correctly, you cannot translate it with safety, each time philosophers tried there were mistakes. Also the ocidental philosophy resolves around the Logos and has a very different way of being compared to Easterns. So, let the buddhists teach Buddhisms. Mixing everything only produces shitty results.

>> No.13720837

Yeah that's what i thought, you can't even think about it, and you call others afraid of knowledge. lol you are so predictable

>> No.13720875

Based and redpilled. Lecture room philosophers eternally BTFO

>> No.13720877

I, like everybody else who procrastinates on /lit/, have read hundreds of white supremacist diatribes. Nonetheless, I remain unconvinced. Spare us both the banality of another.

>> No.13720899

Philosophers were failed because we just didn't know much. There are many Western philosophers today who understand Eastern philosophy well, and vice versa. The field of comparative philosophy is just overall neglected.

>> No.13720900

It's not even white supremacist, asians and jews have the highest iqs and perform the best in school and make more money, and have larger brains. The transracial adoption study showed that environment is not what's causing this.

You have basically no argument and im not going to listen to your feeble 'dont talk about this'. You can do what you always do, avoid thinking about the subject and post inane nonreplies.

>> No.13720915

As if you can control for all variables well and avoid sample bias. Most of these studies are funded by those connected to Deep State or the Establishment. The results are manipulated in a manner to promote certain rhetoric that preserves the status quo.

>> No.13720918
File: 1.56 MB, 2970x2483, race realism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unconvinced of what, exactly?

>> No.13720927

What status quo? White supremacy has no place anywhere near the establishment.

>> No.13720931

I see so basically what the Right say about global warming? Very convenient demand for scientific rigor, do you think all of psychology is worthless? Because IQ is the best researched thing in the field and has the most rigor to it. It certainly has more predictive power than anything in climate science as well.

>> No.13720934
File: 452 KB, 1692x1936, latest findings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Findings are far beyond the domain of psychology.

>> No.13720935

The status quo of fighting dumb wars for Israel and dehumanizing people of the Levant (e.g., Syrians).

>> No.13720950

As if I am going to believe IQ scores being funded by corporations connected to certain think tanks. It's given for social engineering purposes to defend certain investments.
There's a reason Nazis hated this IQ shit. You can defend right-wing sentiment without the use of dubious IQ "data".

>> No.13720955

6 out of 8 myths in the 1st picture are not about IQ

the entire 2nd picture is not about IQ

>> No.13720959

IQ is not related to being right wing, it's just a metric to test intelligence and it's been refined for 100 years. Saying that its just propaganda without explaining why is not an argument.

>> No.13720972
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Race does exist, but it is debatable what distance indicates separate race. You can zoom in and pick out differences autistically or you can zoom out and see all races at once and determine which are closer. Moreover, I consider Subsaharan Africans as a different subspecies.

>> No.13720978

racists have no real defense against inclusion of eastern philosophers.
"Quickly now! Open that folder. Ah yes--bane of my enemies--my collection of race realism pngs! It doesn't matter that this is a thread about something completely different! This will be the thread that I really redpill those libs!"

>> No.13720985

Many of the statistics GIVEN are propaganda because a lot of researchers, like Lynn & Vanhanen, don't actually go and test the people in the respective countries. Instead, they rely on stuff like GDP estimate or whatever. There is not much control in IQ tests being given in many countries for obvious geopolitical reasons. They are, indeed, making up a lot of stats on the fly for certain geopolitical reasons.
IQ should only be used to judge the individual and not collective.

>> No.13720998

Nobody excluded them. Even Martin Heidegger had interest in zen buddhism and he was a natsoc. Think about Guénon, Schopenhauer.

>> No.13720999

What do you make of the IQ studies like transracial adoption study? Shows one result pretty clearly. You are underselling the sheer quantity of research on this topic and how consistently it shows the same thing by focusing on some studies that had methodological issues.

>> No.13721007

I have no problem with Hindu and Buddhist thought at all, or Muslim thinkers. Im racist because the evidence shows that the races are different on average. It blows my fucking mind that people dont get this, it's like youre all experiencing collective insanity on this subject.

>> No.13721012

Literally read the OP

>> No.13721026

>You are underselling the sheer quantity of research on this topic
No, I'm not. I briefly alluded to how Lynn & Vanhanen purposefully misrepresented the results of a lot of West Asian countries, and instead, they relied on GDP estimates rather than actual testing in urban areas.
Subsaharan Africans are stupid. I even just said they are a different subspecies. If you had any reading comprehension, you could tell I am alluding to stats on West Asia being deliberately misrepresented. I agree black people are stupid though, which has been known since ancient times from many cultures during their high-points.
You have a very parochial perspective, and I am very tired. There are many model minorities in the USA, especially Lebanese and Iranians. I do believe Lebanon, much of the Levant, and Iran are much smarter than one is typically led to believe. They are adjacent to White people too on autosomal DNA plots.

>> No.13721029

>Lynn & Vanhanen, don't actually go and test the people in the respective countries. Instead, they rely on stuff like GDP estimate

This is bullshit.

First of all, they separate estimates (based on neighboring countries, not GDP) from actual averages of studies. It's not like they don't tell you which is which.

Second of all, over the years, they replaced most of their estimates with actual studies, and turns out their estimates were very accurate. (Surprise, a country neighbored by 4 countries with IQ 85 doesn't have an IQ of 120)

Third of all, the estimates were a minority, something like 60 out of 200 countries. Now it's only like 20.

>> No.13721049

No one needs CS on top of their neuroscience degree. Just spend the next month or two learning to program. Then start applying to jobs in the nearest tech hub.

The thing about this pic is, there have to be at least a few times Africans got the better genes. But it doesn't show any. Makes one wonder if there isn't another list floating around africaChan with *300* variants in their favor.

>> No.13721056

Again, I do not trust Lynn & Vanhanen for a number of reasons. I would prefer an impartial third-party, from a country that has no axe to grind in the geopolitical affairs of that region, that closely surveils the research or something akin to that. There is a lot of incentive for USA to dehumanize West Asia because of oil being priced in USD helps keep the dollar a reserve currency and keep the debt-based economy afloat. Lynn & Vanhanen did not even do studies in URBAN AREAS of Iran or Lebanon and instead relied on GDP estimates.
If the IQ of such countries were so low, why do they have so many successful academic immigrants in USA? There is too much discrepancy, and your explanations will not convince me. I know how well the media and much of "academic research" "spins the truth", especially at the last moment. Most of you only care about social engineering and not the Truth.

>> No.13721073

Neuroscience is a meme-degree if one does not go for a M.S. while having an internship in something that is in demand*. M.S. programs also tend to be very expensive, and I am not in the mood to pick up a loan. Going back for a B.S. in Computer Science is cheaper.
Moreover, I find animal research personally traumatizing, and much of the hot research in Neuroscience involves sacrificing rats, which I did not find pleasant in the least. Furthermore, I find a lot of techniques done in the lab to involve a lot of dexterity and swiftness that my rigid and stocky body cannot handle. Even when I was not overweight, my body was always a little slower than average. I would have preferring doing something fMRIs though, which would have fit my preference, but I predict in the future, there will be less demand for it.

>> No.13721079

>have preferring doing something fMRIs
have preferred doing something with fMRIs*

>> No.13721100

If there were that many variants in their favor, the gap wouldn't exist in the 1st place. Also, these aren't merely variants in their favor. They are variants that meet stringent criteria. (Present in at least one third of the population, 100% more common, genome-wide significance increase (<10^-8), known to influence the nervous system (no "it's just a meaningless correlation" excuse).

The reverse table does exist and is easy to find. It's not in Africa-chan, as if such a thing even existed. It's in the original source of the image. There are 0 that meet the inverse criteria. The closest you get is rs80001695 but it's only 96% more common in Africans, so it doesn't make the 100% cut, while you have hundreds of variants above 1000% for Europeans.

>> No.13721111

Eastern philosophy is too close to the truth, (((they))) don't like that

>> No.13721120

Everyone since ancient times knows Africans are retarded. For example, scholars from the Golden Age of West Asia, before Mongol invasions, frequently wrote about African stupidity while making gradual progress in math, medicine, and so forth. I would prefer these allele frequencies to be compared to West Asians instead.
Finally, I want to reiterate, Africans are a different subspecies.

>> No.13721125

>ancient times knows Africans
ancient times knew Africans*

>> No.13721187

quads of truth

>> No.13721193

No, listen: I'm not saying you can get a job in neuroscience. I'm saying you could get a job programming in a couple months for free.
My brother has no degree, only finished 10 out of 14 weeks in a coding boot camp and now has a job making $95k. It's not even at one of the companies I had contacts.

I'm just saying the image is less persuasive as is. The 100% seems arbitrary and still allows Africa's to have more overall, with thousands at 85% or something.

But so whites with this vast discrepancy maybe had an evolutionary pressure? What could it have been? And how do these lists compare to Asians? They must have even more.

>> No.13721210

I apologize for misinterpreting.
I do not want to take the risk. I have a feeling the market will get more competitive soon, especially with outsourcing coding jobs to Indians, and it seems more advantageous to finish my degree beforehand. Moreover, your brother may have just been lucky. I have heard of people who already have a degree and can't find a job.

>> No.13721212

>philosophers speak, write or get written about
>it's generally stuff you can understand, or at least discuss sensibly
>what they said, wrote or had wrote about them gets written about
>then that gets presented in lectures
>then THAT gets written about, creating a layered conversation with dense, interlocking insular terms that mean next to nothing outside philosophy.
>another actual philosopher comes along
>says things a child can understand
>"Fuck off! This isn't a convoluted Kantian swamp i can feel proud of swimming in! What about [insert pile of shit to drown someone]?"
This is why philosophy died in the 19th century. It will live forever in reality, but it dies many deaths in academia by losing all touch with life, policy, business, humor.

>> No.13721253

>but I predict in the future, there will be less demand for it.
If you're thinking squids are going to replace MRIs they've been saying that for decades, there's been no game changing developments in the last decade, however MRI technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. MRIs are here to stay for better or worse. I hate them.

>> No.13721434

Seems like a lot of wasted time and money when you could just start sending out applications. But do you I guess.

>> No.13721458

why do we need the perspective of different races? we all are after all the same races, what does it matter if philosophy is eurocentric?

These people sound like the reactionary they dispise so much.

>> No.13721537

Implying kants ideas could be described in a different way. They couldn't if you're curious.

>> No.13721547

>I have a feeling the market will get more competitive soon, especially with outsourcing coding jobs to Indians
Have you been in a coma for 15 years? That happened.

>> No.13721554

Automation will also make the market more competitive, so I think I should focus on machine learning.

>> No.13722664

Philosophy is an actual tradition of Western thought originating with Socrates. Confucianism or Taoism is not philosophy, Vedanta is not philosophy. African tribal beliefs are not philosophy. And I have seen all of those offered as college courses.

Commercial internet was a mistake. Stupid people will always rule the conversation when the floor is open.

>> No.13722682

Does anyone have the pasta with this guy that's like "You can't make normative statements from empirical data. Do you have a bachelors degree? in that field?" etc.

>> No.13722714

There should be some expansion on what philosophy is taught because, from what I remember, Buddhists did talk about the limits of language many, many years before Wittgenstein; and so on and so on.

However, teachers have a limited amount of time to teach material, so they tend to focus on the major players in philosophy -- which tend to be Western.

>> No.13722722
File: 21 KB, 333x499, 41MGHDCAE5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the west never ripped off the east

>> No.13722760

>Third, in terms of culture, Kant's early views may be placed in a global rather than a purely Western context. Recent research suggests that key ideas of Kant's natural philosophy also have sources in Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu and Confucian thought, which were disseminated in continental Europe by Jesuits based in China, popularized by Leibniz and Wolff, and further developed by Wolff's Sinophile student Bilfinger.[3] One example is the idea of dialectics that Bilfinger found in the Chinese classics, and which Kant encountered in the proceedings of the Russian academy. Importation and serious consideration of eastern thought was in its infancy during the end of the modern period, and Kant was unaware of the Far Eastern roots of the notions that influenced him. The historical irony is that he dismissed nonwestern cultures while being deeply influenced by their insights.

>> No.13722781

>I wonder how old they are and if they have the "gay voice."

most likely, the majority of the men that fit these stereotypes to a T are generally straight. The gay men that fucked me, even if they are a bit queer have visibly good testosterone production and are never such pussies in opinion or in bed.
I imagine these straight men would even get bitter at the straight patriarchal lives that many of these gay men led that they simply are unable to.

>> No.13722797

He never said whites exclusively cans up with it

>> No.13722802

these 'men' all do it to pander to women in the vain hope of getting some gash, homos are under no such incentives.

>> No.13722804

If I knew, I'd send my stuff in to them.

>> No.13723418 [DELETED] 

The long assault on the Liberal Arts continues. I would like to see departments devoted entirely to schools of obscure, outside perspectives. Get a whole group together to go over some medieval, Bukharan scholar for four years and see what he had to say about optics. Kids running around reading about, even translating, heretofore unrecognized Confucian texts.
But no, this exists to chase creative, intelligent types into IT sweatshops, to become coders or nurses. High school forever and ever.
You’re reading seppuku in that headline.

>> No.13723535

I agree anon, but middle eastern philosophers such as Avicenna and Mulla Sadra were directly influenced by the Greeks and did philosophy in the same sense.

>> No.13724123

Based and redpilled.
The kind of push OP is talking about is exactly the type of half assed bullshit that the next generation of 'progress' will whine about as being orientalist.
I'm also very skeptical of the capacity of most department of giving a fair assessment of them. People being serious about easterners would end up as guenonfags.

>> No.13724127

Uh-oh, I feel a rivalry brewing...

>> No.13724207
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This whole rhetoric where if you don't include literally everything in your thing it's bad is just getting a little tiresome don't you think?
Next thing you know you're gonna be drinking some coke and somebody's gonna come up to you and say "hey you're not being very inclusive to Pepsi and where's the Dr. Pepper representation in that glass."
Oh wait this literally already happened what a time to be alive.

>> No.13724210

Why is John Green not advertising these?

>> No.13724218

This is considerably overrating the mutual influence. Especially about Chinese thought, which had near zero impact on the west until very recently, and to this day is minimal.
The reverse is not as obvious but also largely true. Chinese traditions were independent and in spite of the effort s of western jesuits to implant in china you have to wait the late late Qing decadence for Chinese scholars to take genuine interest in some westerners. Then came the destruction of Chinese intellectual traditions by the local leftoids that were praising the worst of westerners instead, a situation that has only recently be reversed.
Trying to shove excessive bizarro eclectism between two very distinct authors or schools is the surest way of misreading both.

>> No.13724319

Thanks for this post. I think I understand Augustine a bit better now.

>> No.13724356

>kashmir shaivism

I read the Wikipedia article so I think I'm good to go.