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13717254 No.13717254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13717263

Why TF would a Swede read K in English translation?

>> No.13717266

So this is the definitive proof that buddhism is for zoomer brainlets and Christianity is the ultimate pseud filter, right?

>> No.13717276

hating christianity is a pseud filter but so is believing in it

>> No.13717277

>Christianity is the ultimate pseud filter, right?
sorry sweatie that's atheism

>> No.13717281
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Fucking Pagancuck! stop hating based Christianity, the most based religion

>> No.13717280

Buddhism has more intellectual merit to it, I'll give the Bible discipline but it only gets that by a few meters.

>> No.13717302

this but unironically, christcuck.

>> No.13717306

Its proof that Millennials like Felix gravitate towards a gaijin basterdized version of Buddhism because it supports their secular and hedonistic lifestyle but Christianity scares them because it actually requires them to commit to something rather than remain ironically detached from existence.

>> No.13717310

Christianity is far more spooked than Buddhism.

>> No.13717367
File: 109 KB, 1000x672, Dank Christian Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any dank christian memes?

>> No.13717373

>That pic
Is Christianity okay?

>> No.13717376
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>sex good
>dhamma bad

>> No.13717388

based soren would disagree wholeheartedly. If you can rationalize your belief in Christianity then you've achieved the intellectual peace and truth all philosophers dream of

>> No.13717389

He shows off the English version because he has an English speaking audience.

>> No.13717400


>> No.13717432

Pretty much, their version of buddhism is silicon valley mental defense for being a shitty boss.
>gosh, according to buddha, all the money i haven't isn't even a thing, gentrification is an illusion

>> No.13717440

>>Western Civilization

One of them was build on Christianity.

>> No.13717446
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Felix is so fucking obviously a pretentious weeb. He panders to his audience because he thinks anything Japanese/Eastern is complex and therefore he looks intelligent. The unfortunate truth is he's right and that's why his fans eat it up. he's just a gross person overall.

>> No.13717500

He's just a weeb and likes Japanese/Asian stuff cause he's a weeb and his audience has weebs so they all think it's cool too

>> No.13717523

Indians are caucasians, and they figured out steel first (well really just had the advantage of typhoon winds serving as billow technology that was far advanced for 2400 bc)

>> No.13717549

lol christianity is a pagan religion u fucking doofus peabrain

>> No.13717571

the western world would have probably benefited greatly from a culture of buddhism compared to the hedonistic suffering of christianity

>> No.13717677

Kikeregard is cringe and rationalisation is alway after the fact. Just a justification for our weaknesses, thats alright though as long as its conscious imo.
Atheism is a psedu magnet imo. I have more respect for pagans and animisits.
It only, arguably, wins in discipline because hell is eternal, so they're scared into being disciplined. At leasts the Buddhist have a positive vision to work towards. Heaven seems just as bad as hell if i cant opt out at any point.
Smh. How does Buddhism open the way to hedonism. Sense pleasure is the most basic form of craving to be extinguished.
The eternal seething fire you shall be cast into for all your sins. Good meme. Spread well.
> The greatest catastrophe is to be discontent
Verse 46, Dao de Ching. Yeah. Probably.
Tbf the whole caste system is incredibly fucked up. I think the brahman caste is to blame for this though. Just like the elite kabbalists are to blame for most of the shit wrong with the west and the places it extends its poisonous reach, such as India. I certainly don't think thats an effective argument against the yogic system.
The sheer fact that you watch the show is a clear sign of your pseudery.
The trinity is also the trimurti but I dont see many catholics who understand this.

These threads are stupid anyway. Just find your cope or kys.

>> No.13717682

What the fuck? I've been putting off reading this shit because /lit/ told me I had to read the entire western canon before so I estimate I'll be reading it in 20 years but this faggot can do it and he hasn't even read much at all?

>> No.13717734

this fatass is probably cool and has more friends irl than you do

>> No.13718104
File: 18 KB, 360x360, raf 360x360 075 t fafafa ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felix reads a lot and grasps the concepts pretty well. Attractive people are more intelligent.

>> No.13718153
File: 214 KB, 728x546, body-and-blood-of-christ-a-12-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is a theurgic Greek mystery religion and that is a good thing.

>> No.13718155
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atheism is a trap in which Midwits fall into and cannot escape.

In general, they are smart enough to question things, but either too proud, arrogant and/or ignorant to KEEP ON questioning things while HONESTLY studying religions with open mind and open heart.
They question religion, fall into atheism and believe that they reached the absolute truth, they don't need to study anything else because they are 100% right and everyone else is stupid.

>> No.13718169
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>> No.13718171

There is a page of German idealism at the beginning which is relatively straight forward if you can think of second and third order concepts and of mediation between two things as being a third thing (A, B, and C, where C is the mediation between A and B).

If you can't then just read past it, it isn't that important. The concepts that follow are well explained in the text.

>> No.13718177

Kierky BTFOs Buddhism as an escapism, a desire to be someone else: a no-self rather than your own self.

>> No.13718195
File: 35 KB, 315x475, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very much a "western" buddhist for about 10 years, practiced on and off, read a lot and argued even more with folks from all religions.
Towards the end of my journey my meditation sessions would not produce the supposed effects of revealing no-self, emptiness and void underneath all transient phenomena, but instead I would experience profound "personhood" and "self" the deeper I went, not my ego self, but another Self, a good Self, the highest good. And simply knowing that such a Good existed filled me with joy and consolation, that even if I were to be annihilated or reincarnated forever, it wouldn't matter because at the core of reality is this one Good being, and he is very much person/Self. Eventually my sessions became more vivid, and this being...would be in the form of a pure, innocent baby....That was the last time I meditated and thought of myself as a buddhist. Then I had a period of Advaitic practice, thinking that the Self was Atman...but he kept pulling me in a different direction.
This experience (and other coincidences) lead me towards Christ.

>> No.13718375

I want to intellectually terrorize this guy so much. Shames he hides on the internet.

>> No.13718386

Complaining about a Swede being anti-Christian is like complaining the snow is cold.

>> No.13718418
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>> No.13718443

>literally worshiping a racial semite on a stick

>> No.13718454

It's white in the sense that it's the predominant religion in European & North American history for the past 2000 years. Most white people are Christian. The intellect and heart of Christianity were in the Byzantine empire and Western Roman world.
Jews rejected the religion and God and they still do, it is the gentiles that built Christianity up and spread it.
Just like the bible says, the jews got #btfo
Now the jews are all talmudists, kabbalists or atheists.

>> No.13718460

>white people love marxism that makes it white, goy
>use our slave morality and worship our jew from palestine

>> No.13718467

>Most white people are Christian.
I don't think there are stats that back that up. An awful lot are atheist, like most of the former communist states.

>> No.13718478

In the video he sayed he tried to read the danish version but couldnt read it very well. So he bought the English version.

>> No.13718539

Christianity transcends all races, Adam and Eve were not jews. There were many patriarchs in the bible that were not jews, like from Adam up to Enoch, Noah, Shem, etc...and Abraham was a Chaldaen ethnically before becoming the first "hebrew" spiritually, via his covenant with God.
There was a big period where the prophets were hebrews and Christ incarnated as one of that tribe, but after his death and resurrection the apostles spread his message widely and it was the gentiles who were most receptive.
So we have a big period from Adam to Abraham that was non-jewish. Then an inter-period that was hebrew. Then after the apostles were given their commission the religion of God was primarily adopted and nurtured by gentiles, not hebrews.

So there's no "race" that Christianity belongs to, God uses who he wills at certain times in human history.

And tl;dr you are committing a genetic fallacy.
The semite on a 'stick' meme is mostly spread by frustrated pagans who don't know how to argue against Christianity, like Varg.

>> No.13718639

>If you can rationalize your belief in Christianity then you've achieved the intellectual peace and truth all philosophers dream of
Kierkegaard proclaims otherwise. Belief has irrational foundation.

>> No.13718643

>Attractive people are more intelligent
Sorority girls: peak intellect

>> No.13718793
File: 248 KB, 1024x784, 1560480415713m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism is just a fad religion for the spoiled millenials of the West.

>> No.13718862

Buddhism has that third world mysticism. Christianity is those fat guys with MAGA hats, Buddhism is the old asian man I post picture quotes from on my facebook wall, like from those kung fu movies with the wise old master.

>> No.13718885

Just keep telling yourself that, while Church attendance goes ever downward.

Actually it seems like a lot of progressive churches which are LGBTQ-positive are doing quite well, and this kind of Christianity is going to take over.

>> No.13718934

You're incorrect. All of it is declining, but the mainline LGBT churches are declining the most and have been doing so for decades.

>> No.13719170

as always, that which is alien to you/to the culture you grew up in, is much more attractive, although you haven't deeply studied neither, nor have you stopped to analyze the religion you grew up with honestly looking at it as if it were alien to you

>> No.13719208

and what about the religious? they don’t even question religions as atheists do
(also, although there’re philosophical arguments for the existence of god, they don’t justify theism and don’t point to any specific religion)

>> No.13719255

Just one of the examples of what occurs when you have malware in your everyday information feed.
For the record, it's due to leftists in the media, as they desire political power and they therefore must paint their opposition in the worst possible fashion.

>> No.13719269
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>> No.13719280
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>Christianity transcends all races

>> No.13719317

>they don’t even question religions as atheists do
The spiritual journey is full of challenges. You may think that because they don't insult theists on Youtube that they don't question religions or validity of certain aspects of their behavior, but you'd be wrong.
>also, although there’re philosophical arguments for the existence of god, they don’t justify theism and don’t point to any specific religion
I think you should apply your current knowledge and its extrapolations to the issue. Consider that aliens may have, and may have had religions billions of years ago/from now.
God refers to the source of all being, given the depth of the phenomenology, I'd say the entropy stream (Universe) must have had quite the origin - or the entropy is permanent and the rules of it must have had a source.

>> No.13719326

>Use your slave morality to play pretend materialistic equality
>Use your slave morality to oblige yourself to a set characteristics
>Use your slave morality to feel shame for not being authentic (despite being)
You leftists and kikes are all the same. Lots and lots of false accusations, but nothing to back it up.

>> No.13719333

> I'd say the entropy stream (Universe) must have had quite the origin - or the entropy is permanent and the rules of it must have had a source.
sure, but that’s not theism, only deism
(the famous first cause argument)

>> No.13719336

>sure, but that’s not theism, only deism
Deism ends when your own life begins.

>> No.13719340

>go poopoo in the holy river and raise your kids as feral rape ghouls
But hinduism is the best of all