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/lit/ - Literature

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13716655 No.13716655 [Reply] [Original]

We post our favorite book(s)

>> No.13716903

embarrassing , read more memer

>> No.13716929

Don't just post your favourite book. If you want the thread to be worthwhile, actually discuss your favourite book. Otherwise you just look like an edgy reddit nigger who is trying to "TRIGGER THE LIBTARDS" by posting The Bell Curve. No one here particularly cares that you've read The Bell Curve. The board has unironic Nazi threads semi-regularly.

>> No.13716960

to be fair this book did single-handedly dispel about a billion pages of judeo-left claims that whitey is responsible for nigger under-achievement

>> No.13716964

hahaah he said the nigger omg so funny

>> No.13716982

it also generated 6 gorillion pages of seething judeo-left cope

>> No.13716983

This is information you/OP could have included in the first post, as part of you actually discussing the contents of the book, instead of using it as vehicle for shallow social signalling like you're on twitter or reddit trying to provoke a pointless slapfight with some soccer mom.

This is Reddit shit. The only people on 4chan who give a fuck that you hate niggers, on the face of that fact alone, are other tourists here from Reddit. That's the nice thing about the site, people here are either jaded or permissive enough (depending on your perspective) that they generally don't blink when someone says "I loooove The Bell Curve! Jews control the media!" So don't ruin this being one of the few places on the internet that ARE so open-minded, by degrading it to the level of Twitter/Reddit slapfights. Go post in a Youtube comments section if you want that level of discussion.

>> No.13716990

>edgy reddit n*gger
tfw when you try to posture as morally superior to another anon but you're actually just as bad

no it literally didn't, and there's a rich literature that debunks and disproves every major claim in the book. but you're probably the type who picks and chooses what facts to believe in versus not so true discussion would be a waste of time.

>> No.13717001
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and yet here you are
not OP btw. my fav book is Mein Kampf

>> No.13717006

>no it literally didn't, and there's a rich literature that debunks and disproves every major claim in the book. but you're probably the type who picks and chooses what facts to believe in versus not so true discussion would be a waste of time.

You should look into the work of Robert Plomin. Murray's central claims are correct and, what's more, seem obvious when put in a context of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology (rather than the context of modern political ideological bickering).

>> No.13717009

i dont need a book to know the average nigger is stupid.
They cant even speak proper english.
I also dont discount the notion that there are smart niggers out there.
If youre a smart nigger thank your lucky stars.

>> No.13717024

>morally superior

You're just as Reddit as the other guy. I was explaining to him that being a lo-fi shitty poster is bad, regardless of the moral/political stance you adopt. What matters is post content and post quality. You just responded by trying to suss out what my moral/political stance is, because fundamentally you rank post content/quality as secondary in importance.

The other guy wants one-sentence posts agreeing with his worldview ("Niggers bad"), and you want one-sentence posts agreeing with your worldview ("Don't say 'nigger'; also, niggers good"). You're both fucking Reddit.

Go back to /r/4chan, EPIC basedbro. I was effortposting Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism just a few days ago and we probably agree on most political topics. That's not the point. I know you heard a Youtuber being naughty by referencing 4chan and decided to come here a few months back, and you're excited to post epic cringe fail memes and be part of the dark web, but it would be nice if you'd post something funny or interesting instead of high-fiving other reddit faggots because they agree with your political views.

>> No.13717042

i think were doing blacks a disservice by forcing them to study for 12 years.
Kids should be able to opt out of school when theyre younger and given a government job or training for a trade so they wont end up getting duped by gang members and wasting their lives away in prison.

>> No.13717048

this, except it should be offered to less intelligent whites. all blacks should be shipped back to their motherland where they can finally be free of white oppression

>> No.13717057
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>> No.13717100

well that will never happen because blacks are a large voting bloc.
Anyways blacks love the idea of organic farming, maybe train them to be that, theyre also good at plastering for some reason.
the dumb ones definetely cant be electricians or plumbers that still requires math and reading blueprints among other things so we have to aim low.
They already own all the waste management and military marines jobs.

>> No.13717319

The Fall by Camus

>> No.13717553
File: 23 KB, 200x306, Sexual_Personae_(Camille_Paglia_book)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, OP.
>no it literally didn't, and there's a rich literature that debunks and disproves every major claim in the book
What the fuck are you talking about? Most of the book is data and statistics. The claim that blacks have low IQs has not been debunked. It's pure, verifiable data. Comparing racial earnings, and then comparing again while controlling for IQ hasn't been "debunked." You're a fucking idiot, mate.

>> No.13717782

That was beautifully said Anon. People like you make this board worthwhile. Don't ever stop fighting for quality posts.

>> No.13718305
