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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 800x448, nobel prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13715122 No.13715122 [Reply] [Original]

This year there will be two Nobel laureates in literature.

Who's gonna get it /lit/?

>> No.13715202

Expect something politically correct. The academy is ruined.

>> No.13715328


It is rather rare when someone gets a Nobel in literature without any social or political context. I know that Pasternak and Brodsky only got their Nobels because the first one was oppressed in USSR and the other one left the country fo US. Not being political is an exception, not a rule

>> No.13715332

Can I have one?

>> No.13715334

Don't forget Kertész who only got it because he wrote a book about the Holocaust.

>> No.13715374

>Expect something politically correct.
Expect someone apolitical.
I'm sure they'll play safe until the political situation in the world cools down.

>> No.13715378

Not Borges

>> No.13715381

Paul Simon when?

>> No.13715432

The first one will go to William T. Vollmann. His vast body of work covering war, violence, poverty, climate change, and the history of the Americas will finally get the recognition it deserves. The second one will go to Bruce Springsteen.

>> No.13715443

Kanye and Pinecone

>> No.13715452

not sure, but one of my english professors was a nobel laureate in poetry and i was his assistant

now i live at my parents house and am unemployed

dont major in english

>> No.13715484

Didn't they give the Nobel to some terrible Boomer musician a few years ago? I really question how anyone can continue to give a shit about it.

>> No.13715536

Bro. It's not cooling down anytime soon.

>> No.13715551

No problem, there are many shit writers with no opinions at all.

>> No.13715552

A woman of color
A man of color with a third potential victim medal (political prisoner or gay)
Chinese author approved by gommies
Someone who was critical of Putin
Someone who was sexually abused
A rapper

>> No.13715707

Don't know who's gonna get them this year, but I know I'd be less rustled by it going to some random people of colour than to sellouts and nobelbait authors like Kertesz and Coetzee. I'm seeing this tendency with Olga Tokarczuk of Poland as well (they're already translating her Books of Jacob and she's supposedly writing a new one about Ukraine).

>> No.13715733
File: 22 KB, 302x475, 46218941._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the greatest novel of our time

>> No.13715859


They're gonna be authors no one's heard of.

>> No.13715972
File: 1.11 MB, 720x540, 8FA777A0-E3A0-41BC-8819-BD1EC64EFCA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bon Dylan
>some terrible boomer musician

>> No.13715988


Pinecone and McCarthy. Only one of them will show up

>> No.13716382

He is right you know

>> No.13717109

>Easy on the songs, Mr. Nobel commitee

>> No.13717144

What type of books win this crap anyway? Are they looking for greatly entertaining books regardless of genre or subject matter or are they looking for subject matter like political stuff

>> No.13717150

Yeah, too bad the books themselves suck.

>> No.13717153

Dag Solstad might finally get it.

>> No.13717167

As a youth, my belief was that the Nobel was awarded to men and women who found means to push the written word and the capacity of its potential past what heretofore was widely thought its limitation. Now, at the grizzled age of 28, my best years behind me, I can only say that the Nobel seems to pick random fucking names out of hat and every once in a blue moon chooses well.

>> No.13717194

Eliese Colette Goldbach for her essay "White Horse"

>> No.13717224


It's common knowledge that the prize only goes to authors who are sufficiently left wing (look at the history of the prize and not a single conservative writer has ever won). that's why murakami hasn't gotten it yet. even though he hasn't done anything right wing, he hasn't been enough of a spokesman for the left. they want people who push their agenda: open borders, multiculturalism, socialism, feminism, miscgenation all the good stuff.

>> No.13717246

What about Winston Churchill?

>> No.13717283

Too soon

>> No.13717300

PC culture ruined the Academy 1926 and it have been taken over by SJWs since then. Except 1982.

>> No.13717304


>> No.13717483

No Americans for a long time, that’s all I know

>> No.13717847

Inb4 Swedes use the price to appease Trump who will then go on twitter and depending on the political orientation of the laureate, congratulatr them and declare that yes od course he's read the wondedful books or use it to bash Democrats.

>> No.13717870

They should have someone leak that The Art of the Deal is the laureate for the lulz.

>> No.13717871

It's going to be Dag Solstad and then it will be either:

an off-the-wall pick of a younger ethnic writer

Someone like Adounis or Ngugi (or maybe even Ishmael Reed, though idk if he'd accept it) who has been up for it forever

>> No.13717887

The only Chinese author from the mainland who got the Nobel had a lot of his books banned

>> No.13717901

Ideally Murakami and Pinecone

>> No.13717925

Dudes, really? I can't understand where this is coming from, are you baiting? Especially, to put Murakami, who I suspect has been working exactly with a Nobel goal in his mind, alongside Pynchon is laughable. Don't misunderstand me as I believe his are actually the stylistically and intelectually lukewarm works that often get the reward, but tobimply, as you have, that he, the airport store author, is somehow deserving of it when you have people like Javier Marias, Peter Nadas, even Kundera, or Georgi Gospodinov whose wonderful Physics of Sorrow is better than anything written by Murakami, that is irreconcilable.

>> No.13717933

Joanna newsom

>> No.13718038

I am an author no one's heard of.

>> No.13718039

The times they are a changing
*autistically blow and suck on a harmonica*

>> No.13718118

take last 30 nobels in literature and literally kys. /pol/ ate your brain.

>> No.13718154

>a rapper
Based retarded timeline