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13714640 No.13714640 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13714654

Why are women so evil bros?

>> No.13714666


>> No.13714687

It's the work of the female ego in justifying its unrelenting targeted disgust for certain men, whereas a man shoots from the hip and therefore finds no fault in a damning generalization

>> No.13714785

>Daughter of the counter-culture, Starr was born in New York in 1961 to secular Jewish parents who challenged institutionalized religion and were active in the anti-war protest movement of the Vietnam era. In 1972, the family embarked on an extended road trip that led them to settle in the mountains of Taos, New Mexico. There, they embraced an alternative, "back-to-the-land" lifestyle, in a communal effort to live simply and sustainably, values that remain important to Starr to this day

Of all the words of tongue and pen...

>> No.13714799

Women are off the hook boys, it was the old enemy all along!

>> No.13714800

>the guilty flee where none pursueth/10
Really makes you think...

>> No.13714801

Lydia Davis (Flaubert, Proust)
Marian Schwartz (Tolstoy, Goncharov)
Rosamund Bartlett (Tolstoy, Chekhov)
Anthea Bell (Sebald, Zweig)
Caroline Alexander (Homer)
Margaret Jull Costa (Saramago, Pessoa, Marías)
Natasha Wimmer (Bolaño)
Edith Grossman (Garcia Marquez, Cervantes)

>> No.13714802
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Every fucking time without fail wew

>> No.13714818

nooooo haven't you read A Room of One's Own!?! It is a scientifically objective account of why things are the way they are. The fact that it puts forward an unfalsifiable hypothesis should show you bigots the error of your ways.

>> No.13714829

the West owes an immeasurable debt to Constance Garnett.
without her the western canon would not be what it is today; ALL of the writers have some measure of influence, often profound, from the Russian literary tradition

>> No.13714833
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this is fucking immoral and this translator should be murdered

>> No.13714837

She's valued because she was the first, not because she was accurate or even good by any measure. She's lucky that great works have a tendency to resist even the clumsiest translator.

>> No.13714840

Holy shit who is this demon? How could she have been given the rights to publish these works?

>> No.13714853

It's from St. Teresa of Avila's "Interior Castle", as translated by Mirabai Starr.

>> No.13714859

>Natasha Wimmer (Bolaño)
Bolano's Spanish is quite easy to translate.

>Anthea Bell (Sebald, Zweig)
see above

>> No.13714877
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>Mirabai Starr, MA, is an author, translator of the mystics, and a leading voice in the emerging interspiritual movement, using fresh, lyrical language to help make timeless wisdom accessible to a contemporary circle of seekers.

>She has received critical acclaim for her revolutionary new translations of Dark Night of the Soul, by 16th-century Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross; The Interior Castle and The Book of My Life, by St. Teresa of Avila; and The Showings of Julian of Norwich.

>She is author of the six-volume Sounds True series, Contemplations, Prayers, and Living Wisdom; a poetry collection, Mother of God Similar to Fire, a collaboration with iconographer, William Hart McNichols; God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which was named the winner of the New Mexico/Arizona Book Award for Religion and one of the Best Spiritual Books of 2012 by the website Spirituality & Practice, and won the 2014 Nautilus Gold Award for Religion and Spirituality in the Western Traditions, and her newest book is Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation.

>Daughter of the counter-culture, Starr was born in New York in 1961 to secular Jewish parents who challenged institutionalized religion and were active in the anti-war protest movement of the Vietnam era. In 1972, the family embarked on an extended road trip that led them to settle in the mountains of Taos, New Mexico. There, they embraced an alternative, "back-to-the-land" lifestyle, in a communal effort to live simply and sustainably, values that remain important to Starr to this day.

>As a teenager, Starr lived at the Lama Foundation, an intentional spiritual community in New Mexico that has honored the world's spiritual traditions since its inception in 1968. The foundation's focus has always rested on the mystical heart of each path, and Starr was trained from an early age to recognize and celebrate the interconnections between and among all faiths.

>Formerly an adjunct professor of philosophy and world religions at the University of New Mexico for 20 years, Starr is a certified grief counselor and speaks and teaches nationally and internationally on the teachings of the mystics, contemplative practice, and grief as a spiritual practice. Her talks and retreats incorporate silent meditation, interspiritual chanting, sacred poetry, and deep dialog. She blogs for the Huffington Post.
>Starr was trained from an early age to recognize and celebrate the interconnections between and among all faiths.
>Starr was trained from an early age to recognize and celebrate the interconnections between and among all faiths.
>Starr was trained from an early age to recognize and celebrate the interconnections between and among all faiths.

>She blogs for the Huffington Post.
>She blogs for the Huffington Post.
>She blogs for the Huffington Post.
>She blogs for the Huffington Post.
>She blogs for the Huffington Post.

>> No.13714878

she's valued because she was prolific, having translated just about the entire Russian "canon" single-handed and her translations earned the approval of Tolstoy himself whom she met in Russia. The revered translation by the Maude sisters(also women, obv) was done after they requested Garnett work with them on theirs since she had developed a reputation of quality. Garnett denied their request, i don't remember why. i should mention that Tolstoy read the Maude translation and said a better translation could not be done, if you want to go back to the original point of women as translators.
anyhow, Garnett excluded one line from C&P. not an important one, but it was excluded. that's where you get the "clumsy translator" meme. translators often resign themselves to editing her original translations than translating themselves because she did a great job.
when the modernist authors praise the russian writers, they do so by way of Garnett.
stay mad

>> No.13714919

what is with the perennialist trend amongst reform protestants and reform jews? Is it just a blatant attempt at grafting some kind of supernatural basis onto socially liberal politics?

>> No.13714928
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>> No.13714933

God's absence leaves a gaping hole.

Most "New Age" spirituality is about wanting to find a replacement for the Lord.

And since politics are the new religion, it only makes sense that they would walk hand-in-hand now.

>> No.13714953

>what is with the perennialist trend
>amongst reform protestants and reform jews
that's what that word means.
how could there be any other sort of perennialism.

considering eastern religions are non-subscriptive/non-exclusive its not the biggest intellectual leap for the like three major western religions to make

>> No.13714970

Why live if there were no women to chase? Incel, homosexual, and transgender self-destruction is the result of not playing their game. We literally live a life rooted in pussy

>> No.13714971

God damn it really is the fucking jews.

>> No.13714997

Yeah but that trend is localized in New England and big cities in the US, basically amongst certain small groups of protestants and jews, not all protestants or all jews. It seems like the nominal jews and christians that follow perennialism have been demoralized into thinking that it is wrong to say their specific sect is right about anything

>> No.13715213

Wrong. She was not the first. The first English translators of Dostoevsky were Marie von Thilo and Frederick Whishaw. The first translation of Anna Karenina was by Nathan Haskell Dole. There were three translations of War and Peace before Garnett did it. Garnett's translatons became canonical because they were outstanding.

Much is made of the fact that Garnett made mistakes, but one has to remember two things: (1) her translations have borne more scrutiny than the others, and (2) the translation market demands expiration dates; new translators with better Russian but worse English want you to buy their translations instead. And if you think accuracy trumps all else in translation, then you must also think the King James Bible has been topped over and over.

Russian literature scholars often have little criticism for Garnett and lots of praise. (Nabokov is the famous exception.) Gary Saul Morson's takedown of Pevear & Volokhonsky recommends you buy Garnett instead. When Ralph Matlaw set out to translate The Brothers Karamazov he quit partway through and decided to revise the Garnett, saying he didn't think he could do any better. For the modernists who admired the Russians, for Joyce and Woolf and Hemingway, it was Garnett's translations that made them fall in love. John Middleton Murry (hyperbolically) called her TBK "the most successful translation in the history of English literature." Her work is called groundbreaking not because she was the first (she wasn't) but because she set a new standard. A century later the best option for reading the Russians might still be a corrected version of Garnett. That's how good she was.

>> No.13715305

She missed the mark and the spirit of evil led her to this grave error.

>> No.13715354

the revised garnett translations are pretty fantastic, yeah - especially the kent / berberova revision of anna karenina

i would still recommend:
>ready's c&p
>avsey's karamazov brothers / the idiot
>dunnigan's w&p

>> No.13715572


>> No.13715628

Ursula le Guin's "translation" of the Tao te Ching (she doesn't know Chinese and adapted some other guy's translation) was so bad I had to stop within a few pages.
She replaced every instance of the word "virtue" with "power"(?????) because of, in her words in the introduction, "virtue carries certain patriarchal connotations about women"

>> No.13715632

I only read them if there is no other translation available

>> No.13715645

This can not be real

>> No.13715648

>"virtue carries certain patriarchal connotations about women"

This is bullshit. Though the feminine principle ( Yin) is the destructive one, and the male one ( Yang ) is the constructive, yes.

Not unlike the way Tiamat, the ur-mother is also the primordial chaos.

>She replaced every instance of the word "virtue" with "power"

Arguable. The Chinese original can mean either.

>> No.13715685

every damn time, at this point you cant even argue against it
im not touching anything done by a women let alone a jewish one

>> No.13715691

She's also a New Age bullshit peddler. I wouldn't trust her with something like Interior Castle.

>> No.13716073
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Her senses blinded.

>> No.13716561


>> No.13716580

I have a translation of some Rumi quatrains done by two women and it is so trash. What is it about women and not being able to faithfully translate?

>> No.13716590

>he reads translations

>> No.13716636

>she has worked with WHM
That “iconographer” is a charlatan, no wonder she’d work with another subversive element

>> No.13716679

I'm sorry to hear that. There are women who are capable of translating with actual scholarship to back it up. Ellen Chen's translation of the Tao Te Ching is one of the best I've read, and she does compare her translation with others in the commentary as well as comparing how other commentators interpreted the text.

>> No.13716700

the ideal woman

>> No.13716716

Desire to be part of a tradition, but NOT Catholic, above all.
Jews worship the Holocaust nowadays. Again, they want to be part of a tradition.

>> No.13716730

>It seems like the nominal jews and christians that follow perennialism have been demoralized into thinking that it is wrong to say their specific sect is right about anything
It's just New England culture. Admitting that someone could be right or wrong on a matter of faith is seen as rude.

>> No.13716748

Catholics have never cared about tradition either. They change their doctrines and soften their moral beliefs every five minutes.

>> No.13716796

Was looking for a replacement. Will check this one out, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.13717007

Is that real? What the fuck???

>> No.13717016

Based and garnettpilled. Fuck p/v-- well, they seem like a nice couple, but still they are not preferable. Im a Russian lit student and I find myself repeatedly arguing these points-- no one seems to understand though

>> No.13717206

> the spirit of missing the mark
actually sounds like a good book title

>> No.13717282

Virginia Woolf would bitchslap modern day neo-feminazis, and you fucking know it.

>> No.13717331
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>then you must also think the King James Bible has been topped over and over.
Correct. You are my mortal enemy, and I the lathe of truth. (Faggot.)

>> No.13717398

The Maudes are the definitive Tolstoy translation though

>> No.13717411

The translation is only as good as the author. To prevent hidden agendas, translate the books yourself and then assess the damage caused by misunderstanding. You will then contemplate if book burning is actually a good thing.

>> No.13717419

>not reading anne carson

>> No.13717423

Aylmer Maude was actually a man. Don’t worry. I didn’t know this until today either.

>> No.13717430

Aylmer Maude was also personal friends with Leo Tolstoy and consulted him while they translated his work

>> No.13717465

The true evil of this process is providing modern translations of religious texts at all. Religion should stay in the past where it belongs.

>> No.13717493

I agree. Translating the Bible in lolcat should not have happened but here we are. It's only a matter of time until someone publishes a complete emoji Bible.

>> No.13717618
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>virtue carries certain patriarchal connotations about women.

>> No.13717645


It's an etymological thing my man.

>> No.13717666

virtue comes from "virtus" which means "the quality of being man-like," because "vir" = latin for "man," -tus is just an ending for constructing adjectives/substantives from existing nouns

it's still fucking retarded

>> No.13717725

Did you even have to check?

>> No.13717794
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>> No.13717809

That little book made me hungry.
Even the food she bitches about sounds delicious.

>> No.13719030

They already have. It's called "The Message". Basic heresy