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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 411x334, 2cr0rpk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1371123 No.1371123 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a moment you're in a room filled with people. Many (perhaps all) of these people are taking a gigantic shit on the carpet of the room. The room smells terrible, and the stench is making you wretch and choke. The air is thick with the smell of digested food, and you can't move, because the floor is covered in a think layer of human excrement.

Now, a Tripfag appears, people know his name. He walks to the centre of the room, removed his pants and squats. A solid mass of faeces slides slowly out of his anus. It makes a wet thud as it hits the ground.

The room falls silent, in a mixture of disgust and shock, someone speaks. "What the fuck!? That bastard just took a dump in our room"

Another says "What do you think you're doing, shitting all over our room?

The whole room joins in, insulting and abusing the Tripfag for shitting in their room. And all this time not a single person stops defacating for even a single second.

it's a metaphor

>> No.1371149

That tripfag is Brownbear just so you guys know

>> No.1371159


fuck you you fucking faggot.

>> No.1371166

Definitely Brownbear.

>> No.1371169


>> No.1371174


that's the point dumbasses

>> No.1371185

I think maybe BB is the only tripfag who shits on the floor on this board.

>> No.1371190
File: 7 KB, 205x189, 1291418904136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a fake brownbear here pretending to gift people last night. he was like ten times better and funnier than the real brownbear. i know this, because it was me!

>> No.1371195

Imagine it more like this: when the tripfag enters he yells as loudly as he can: "LOOK AT ME I'M A TRIPFAG WATCH ME SHIT ON THE GROUND FOR NOBODY CAN SHIT AS GREATLY AS I CAN."

>> No.1371199

sage goes in all fields

>> No.1371200
File: 23 KB, 565x377, al-green-ol-8-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tripfags are cancerous.

>> No.1371235

ITT: people who are fucking mad

>> No.1371272

>mfw Brownbear actually is a good tripfag
>mfw Deep&edgy and Mogwai ruin this fucking board
>mfw i have no face

>> No.1371281
File: 10 KB, 238x217, 10188781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're brownbear and you don't even think to post with trip every now and then to give your samefagging even a semblance of believability

>> No.1371288


>people post with an opinion opposite to mine
>samefag herp derp

try harder faggot
& no i'm not brownbear

>> No.1371292

lol +1

>> No.1371295

>& no i'm not brownbear

>> No.1371297

/lit/ - Lit's talk about me some more

>> No.1371310


How you been Brownbear?

>> No.1371317


not bad thanks, yourself?
been playing some black ops on the ps3, the new patch they updated with really fixed some major issues and made the game a lot more fun.

however i don't like that i'm usually one of the few people who play for the team or play the objective.

>> No.1371323

Metaphor's fuckin' true because suddenly you can put a face to someone who's taking a big shit on the floor.

Now, anyone know other literary discussion boards (preferably good ones) that aren't on 4chan or really, any of the shitty chans?

>> No.1371327
File: 24 KB, 446x480, bush1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>appears out of nowhere, seemingly oblivious to the samefag accusation situation

>> No.1371359

Moved recently and haven't had internets for a while. I need to get back into online gaming. Mostly tf2 for me. Anyway funny metaphor.

>> No.1371987
File: 31 KB, 470x400, castro smoking cigars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do your own research without alerting us to the fact you look down upon this literature board.

>out of nowhere
check the original post
>seemingly oblivious
i ignore childish arguments and accusations that are beneath me.


i need to sort out a new gaming pc, my old pc is broken and wasn't much in the gaming department anyways. and thanks, i just wanted to show how shitty anonymous is at being self-aware.

>> No.1371991

salvage your CD drive, monitor, keyboard, mouse & hard-drive(you especially). It meant i got to spend more on my graphics card when i did it :)

>> No.1372030

Why did that turn me on?

I've got a raging boner right now. I'm gonna go pop some quaaludes...

>> No.1372036

Jesus, just fucking kill yourself. Please leave /lit/ and do not come back. I can barely handle that whore making whore threads, we don't need a faggot.

>> No.1372048


i'm not too sure, however i'm glad you took something away from it

>> No.1372102

at least this is more entertaining than all those e-reader threads lol

>> No.1372112

>look everyone I'm creating a persona on a website created for anonymous posting.
>i'm soooooo unique.
>people actually CARE about my thoughts

>> No.1372156

If you guys don't care, why do you keep posting about it?

>> No.1372161
File: 42 KB, 607x507, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know why I have a tripcode? Because of the way anonymous posters treat the tripcode-users. We're adored! It's like I'm an internet GOD here.
I might as well be sitting on a throne made out of all the attention I'm constantly given while sipping out of a cup made of an unknown tripfag's skull.

So, anon, you ask me why I trip?
I ask you why you don't.

>> No.1372168

Woah there cowboy, someone's up early.

>> No.1372169


Indeed it is, and a shitty one at that.
That said, this thread will max out replies.

>> No.1372176


i don't need sleep.
But i know if i fall asleep now i'll be late for work later on.

>> No.1372186

Imagine for a moment you're a narcissistic twit. Now, I understand it might be hard to imagine both of these attributes simultaneously, but if you are Brownbear I think you can. So you're a narcissistic twit, enigmatically identifying with an affirmative force that exists solely in opposition to decent, humble, creative behavior, but because you have so much opposition, and from the surface of your narcissism the narrative instantly devolves to

opposition of others => u mad => u dum,

you see yourself as the creative, angular, thoughtful person. I....I forgot where I was going with this. Enigmatic. You're enigmatic, and so you want to show the other people how shitty they are as individuals, so you write a thread about yourself using an insulting metaphor which is mostly insulting because it brings others down to your level, and...

Okay, I lost the thread again. Why is that enigmatic? Why is this interesting? Why is another bullshit drama entertaining, justified, or at all decent for a harmless, frequently helpful anonymous imageboard about books and ideas?

>> No.1372193

Yeah, I was going to go to bed after "midnight yoga" but now I've been roped into listening to my friend's radio show and writing down ideas for a literary journalism piece on the "yoga" I'm doing, will have to go to church tomorrow, p. tired.

>> No.1372242
File: 12 KB, 427x410, disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have noticed several problems within your post, though i'm not entirely sure if you meant for them to be there in some kind of satire of what a normal anonymous post is like.

The fact you 'saged' the post contributes to the possibility of this post being of a sarcastic and mocking tone. After all, if you wanted to generate healthy and creative discussion wouldn't you allow the post to be seen by the greatest number of eyes?

You create for yourself a deluded illusion of a poster here on 4chan, you attribute to me the phrases 'u dum' and 'u mad' and whilst within this thread i have never uttered those phrases or even given you chance to think i would use i'm sure you can recall some thread long ago where i did indeed use the term 'u mad'. You'd be correct of course, but i have never said 'u dum' here on /lit/ or 4chan in general for that matter. Please stick to the facts within future posts.

>> No.1372245
File: 180 KB, 800x600, Deal With It Nerd OC..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"you see yourself as the creative, angular, thoughtful person" you have, and i am sorry to say this, no idea of how i see myself, you only have the passed down image of me given to you from other anons who have said such things. It's akin to all of /lit/ hating Atlas Shrugged when indeed very few have read it. They gather these ideas about the themes, plot, author and characters and develop a dislike for it on this and this alone. Please try and get some first hand experience instead of relying on others for your opinions which have no basis in fact.

It seems the metaphor has gone way over your head unfortunately, i am not trying to being anyone "down" to anywhere, i am merely showing the anons how amusing it is that they are so often ignorant to their own faggotry.

Overall, your post lacks substance and instead hides behind the charade of intelligence, this charade maintained by the unneccessary use of larger than average words (consult a theasaurus in future) You have no decent opinions and indeed cannot contribute to this discussion in a healthy way, instead you "sage" the thread because you have nothing of merit to show and want to hide your post amongst the later pages on /lit/ whilst venting your frustration at being mad fucking jelly of me

>> No.1372257

Jesus Christ, will you just shut the fuck up already and let your faggy thread die?

>> No.1372262
File: 193 KB, 640x480, haters gona hate sword in the stone owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice rebuttal.
u mad u dum u jelly

>> No.1372268

You are seriously 15 years old. Gain some maturity, then come back. In the mean time go back to where you belong >>>/b/

>> No.1372276
File: 135 KB, 595x483, u mad cuz im stylin on u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually i'm 18 years old, and you are still to refute my central point, instead you resort to ad hominem and name calling.

>> No.1372593 [DELETED] 


>> No.1372625
File: 395 KB, 700x700, wolf rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that sounds pretty shitty, i went to my friends house because our old friend was back and we played some BLOPS zombies, was fun.

now i'm incredatired and have work all day

>> No.1372648


Oh shit... that IS a stylin' shirt...

>> No.1372729

Damn that be stylin

>> No.1372740

>implying this isn't copypasta from /tv/

>> No.1372751

I think it's pretty obvious it's copypasta, however walking Juno from /tv/ didn't make it, he himself got it as a copy pasta

>> No.1372765

>implying brownbear isn't walkingjuno.

No one on this board knows anything do they?

>> No.1372815

I hate all you faggots

>> No.1372833

>a think layer of human excrement.

In this smelly room we respect grammar, fuckface.

>> No.1372895

I think you mean spelling.

>> No.1372916

Why is this the best thread on /lit/

>> No.1373380

back from work everyone, how were all of your days?

>> No.1373387
File: 252 KB, 400x482, scrotie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373755


nice book, however i fear it doesn't much contirbute to the thread.

>> No.1373882


>> No.1373897

Brownbear, considering you're doing an English degree and all, shouldn't you be creative / able enough to write your own threads instead of using copypasta?

>> No.1373902


>> No.1373952


i said this earlier in the thread but brownbear is walkingjuno

>> No.1374775


>> No.1374845

Imagine for a moment you're in a room filled with people. Many (perhaps all) of these people are taking a gigantic shit on the carpet of the room. The room smells terrible, and the stench is making you wretch and choke. The air is thick with the smell of digested food, and you can't move, because the floor is covered in a think layer of human excrement.

Now, a Tripfag appears, people know his name. He walks to the centre of the room, removed his pants and squats. A solid mass of faeces slides slowly out of his anus. It makes a wet thud as it hits the ground.

The Tripfag then proceeds to take out a large sign adorned with various symbols. These symbols: the Tripfags name. He proudly plants this sign into his freshly pinched off poo and loudly announces "Look at my fucking shit. This is MY shit!"

The other inhabitants of the room stop and stare. They stare at this poor creature laying claim to a particular piece of shit--a piece of shit indistinguishable from every other piece of shit in the room. They interpret the Tripfags action in the only possible way. It is a plea for attention. It is a plea to an audience who does not give a fuck. Some of weaker minded inhabitants of the room speak up. They complain about the pointlessness of the actions of the Tripfag, but they have been trolled. No one cares. No one cares at all.

Everyone goes back to shitting.