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/lit/ - Literature

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13709885 No.13709885 [Reply] [Original]

What are y'all listening to and reading right now? (You must answer these questions to post in this thread)

>> No.13709899

silence & /lit/

>> No.13709941

also please stop trying to shill TES flavor weird lore in here, it's incongruous for me

>> No.13709948

Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments and the latest CHVRCHES album. Rate me

>> No.13709961

Prometheus and Atlas
listening to Бeлoe злaтo

>> No.13709977
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>> No.13710620

Why don't the British drink coffee? Tea is disgusting.

>> No.13710629
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lost years/lightbringer

and three kingdoms manga

>> No.13710645

Runaround Sue
America (Baudrillard)

>> No.13710651

insecure attention whore

>> No.13710941

Suck my kiss and Letters from a stoic.
But seriously fuck their mission statement. I don't give a fuck what that fucking corporation is trying to do. It is what they are actually doing that is the annoying and frustrating part. Why is everything such a fucking chore holy shit. I can never seem to articulate why I dislike big businesses, I might need to read more books on it or something.

>> No.13711066

>What are y'all listening

If you think about it, it's quite likely that somebody I have replied to or who has replied to me in some discussion has died since when the discussion took place and now. Considering how many people use 4chan, and how long/how many posts I have made, it is most likely one or some of them have died, statistically speaking. Thinking about this, anons must be dying all the time, and none of us are aware of it, given the size and anonymous structure of this website. Maybe it's the tendency to see this website of a stream of disjointed ideas that mentally separates us from the reality that the posts are made by individuals, with lives separate from our posts here. I sometimes also imagine, when posting in threads, what it would look like to have all the posters gathered in one room together. Obviously, the exchange would be different, but that's not the point. The interesting part of imagining this is how different it seems, despite not actually being all too functionally different.

>> No.13711157

>listening to
haven't listened to an album properly in weeks
>reading right now
big book of symbolist poetry I got

I've given up on theme-focused writing as fundamentally incompatible with the current world. I only care about writing for pure aesthetics and storytelling now.

>> No.13711295

Entombed - Left Hand Path [Full Album]


George Eliot Middlemarch

>> No.13711859

For the longest time, the only obstacle in the way of my suicide was my own fear of death. However, with each passing day, that fear is replaced with an intense hatred for myself and my life as a whole. I think I'm going to hang myself by the end of the week. I only feel guilty about how it will affect my father's emotional state.

>> No.13711866

Everything should be done to alleviate the suffering of life in the most humane ways.

>> No.13711876

Dedicate your life to serving your father instead. Suicide while your parents still live is a grave sin. I urge you to turn aside from this path.

>> No.13711877

I'm incapable of helping everyone, which only causes me more grief. It seems the only suffering I can truly alleviate is my own. Obviously, the only surefire way of doing so is suicide. I've tried thinking my way out of this for the past 10 years and I've gotten nowhere. I'm not a good person, I am lazy, spiteful, envious, and a whole list of other horrible things. I deserve to die at this point.

>> No.13711893

The best way I could serve my father is by killing myself. I'm currently a leech on his wallet. I only have a roof over my head because his wife owns a spare house. I've worked over 15 jobs in the past four years; quitting most within a month without any notice. My father regularly gives me money for food, otherwise I would've starved by now. I truly am a lazy cretin who deserves no pity or help from anyone.

>> No.13712219

I can treat you nicer if you treat me nicer.

>> No.13712228

Ask your father if you and him can build something together. Spend time doing father and son activities.

>> No.13712238

Music ain't my thing. Reading Devils/Demons by our guy Dosto. What about you, OP?

What's on my mind: I have so much stupid, medium-importance physical ailments happening to my body, that I have no idea how to process it. God, I wish shit wasn't like this.

>> No.13712244

I don't understand, why wouldn't you move back in with them? they could rent out the spare house and put you in charge of maintaining it, collect the profit and put it into a investment portfolio for their retirement; this could be your job.

>> No.13712277

reading dune & flicking through voltaire's candide

listening to 808 states

>> No.13712288

>listening to
roommate (female) showering
just finished Anna Karenina, took about two days. might try W&P soon but decided to read Godel Escher Bach for a lark

currently thinking about drugs I'd like to be taking, how the death of my father irreversibly changed my life, and the situation (my insane whore mother and my younger sibling, who has cut off all contact with her)

>> No.13712312

Shouty boy musics
Something Happened - Heller

>> No.13712363
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Hey anon.
I'm also thinking about drugs and father. My girlfriend is away so I can do what I like without feeling self-conscious. I know who I can ask for what I want but feel ridiculous doing so. What do you want to be on right now?
Christmas last year my sister called father out for abusing her as a kid and so that's being dealt with. He threatened suicide last time I spoke to him and I know I'm the only one that would be saddened by it, even if he is a truly bad person. I know no-one will have seen/spoke to him since, he could very well be a corpse. I think he may be. You know how sometimes you just feel like you know something. Like someone calls you as you think about calling them. June. I think he died in June. I don't know. I don't think anyone does.

Related; Godel Escher & Bach is a lark. My father gave me my copy (lel) He is(was) a mystic and convinced of synchrony.

Pic related. He also reveals himself as a flat rather in this (his final) communication with me. This being his Christmas present to me.
Hope you're well anon. Hope your situation with your mother is less fucked in the future and that the death of your dad doesn't mess with you too hard. I think I'm gonna re-read GEB thanks to you.
For reference I am this anon

>> No.13712371

Whiter than you, Muhammad

>> No.13712407

Been reading Infinite Jest (i’m Almost 100 pages in boys)

Listening to prurient mostly but also parquet courts

>> No.13712413

Overrated DM album. At least listen to Bathory or something faggot.

>> No.13712472

Listening to Deathspell Omega.
Reading Dostoevsky's Gambler.

>> No.13712855

Hey bud you forgot the middle one
You know the best one
You know with Jesus and shit?
Js dude
We ‘very unstable’
Yea that’s why god manifested himself as a person
So you don’t have to do the we you can just follow the he
Left and right paths are bullshit you need a balance not all or nothing
Like if you could choose to believe anything
Why would you not pick Jesus he literally forgives you for everything
And keeps you from destroying anything
So you can have all three circles at once
Instead of just two of them

>> No.13713139

Why are you typing
Like a fucking retard?
Do you have a mental

>> No.13713244

Actual conversation I've heard at a job interview today: "you know, if someone asks for a kiss, then there's no wrong giving it it him, at the end of the day we gotta make a living." The girl giggled gleefully.

>> No.13713833

You’re gonna fuck up your dad for life though. He is never going to forgive himself if you do that.
Your life is not yours alone. If you love your father, carry the burden properly anon. If you have to suffer, do it so he doesn’t have to.

>> No.13713891

You're just depressed . Get help.

>> No.13714284

Lol that’s hilarious
Thanks you did a great job

>> No.13714519

Superflight by Casiopea and reading Confessions of a Mask (eng translation)

>> No.13714993

sad how these threads have died. you used to be able to get an interesting stream of depression posts, anons talking about their oneitises, complaining about their job, talking about school, weird stories, autistic moments, schizo rambling, and shitposts. It used to take around 36 hours to hit the bump limit, now they're either pruned or get archived before 300 replies are reached. Many fewer (you)s are given as well, it's no longer a conversation, just a bulletin board.

It's sad lads. Like I won't pretend these threads were ever really good but I'd keep it open and check it throughout the day nonetheless. I liked just chatting with anons, there isn't really another place on the site you can do it--all the offtopic boards are just utter chaos and shitposting. Dunno where I can hangout online anymore. I'd like to find a comfy small discord or something but I haven't so far.

>> No.13715100
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/lit/ never recovered from being on the front-page of Reddit multiple days in a row.

>> No.13715151

>Dunno where I can hangout online anymore. I'd like to find a comfy small discord or something but I haven't so far.
I'm starting to suspect they don't exist, I've been in several "small comfy" servers and they all suffer from the same thing; people get to know each other so well because of oversharing no meaningful discussion can ever take place because everybody already knows how the other person thinks.

>> No.13715165

Illusions Perdues and Lights Out Asia

>> No.13715174

What were the posts?

>> No.13715181

The recommendation and "/lit/ top 100" charts got spread everywhere.

>> No.13715185
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we do drink coffee, and drink Yorkshire tea. American "breakfast tea" is swill.

>> No.13715218

listening to random classical on the radio. this one's a schubert I think.

Reading "Brian Eno Visual Music" picked it up from a gallery this weekend it's pretty rad. must admit I've been a fan of his music for years but was largely uniformed about his other art, interesting read/10 would recommend

>> No.13715250

This bullshit going down in the Amazon is terrible. Burning the rainforest year after year for farmland? Fuck you. Cut down on meat consumption, you retards.

Fuck this Hong Kong bullshit too. It's over a murderer and Imperialist justifiers are jumping all over it to bash China. China is a capitalist shithole but Hong Kong is Chinese. The ones instigating this shit are petite-bourgies who deserve the rope. Americans jumping all over it to shit on China and support retard Hong Kong without knowing what even started it.


>> No.13715324

do i hate my job because it's easy, uninteresting, worthless and unfulfilling, or do i hate my life for the same reasons?

>> No.13715424

Why isn't Brazil allowed to do what every European country did and still does?

>> No.13715775

Maybe it's this, tea here is just slightly flavored hot water.

>> No.13715809

Apology of Socrates and listening whatever my yt playlist is selecting

>> No.13715943

And! They are lynching Negroes, comrade!

>> No.13715951
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Yeahh cause I'm praying for rain
I'm praying for tidal waves

>> No.13716034

The disintegration loops
Ended up with a few more pages of The Book of Disquiet, that's enough per day, or even per week, for me anyway.

I was gonna continue with The Brothers Karamazov, but I'm having some problems with my neck and weird sensations in my forehead, which sadly are amplified by sitting and reading a book, especially heavier books.

I also had coffee too late, and it's 2 am here, and my sleeping-schedule is yet again fucked.

>> No.13716060
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Chronic joint pain....

Why..... My .... Knees.... No.... Feel... Good.... No.... More.....


>> No.13716079

I have a really large .epub that I think is too big for me to convert. Calibre worked on it for nearly an hour and then gave me a memory error. I haven't found any online converters that succeeded either. Anyone know what I can do from here? Maybe you have a beast of a computer and want to give it a shot?


>> No.13716422


>> No.13716472

>implying reddit isn't fully parroting the state department line and smugly proclaiming how they "stand with HK"

>> No.13716519

Douglas Hofstadter figured out the nature of consciousness. The work remains for us to figure out the details.

>> No.13716524
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>tfw no-one responds to you depresso post about your schizo, flat earthing, pedophilic dad

>> No.13716535

I started listening to it after reading the thread name. You faggot

>> No.13716556

Reading /lit/ and listening to my cat purr

>> No.13716560

I truly feel that only by being boozed am I able to make substantial advances in my emotional life. Only then do I feel the need to make the move that needs to be made.

>> No.13716585
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>Out of uni for 2 years
>Can't seem to get any kind of job other than minimum wage, wageslave shit
>Start wageslave job as cashier tomorrow at fucking 6AM
>Can't find any motivation to do anything beyond the very basics I need to survive
>Never had a gf
>Can't keep any long term friends
>Main career goal right now is to do something in marketing because it seems like the only type of job I can feasibly get in which I can do creative work but deep down I hate myself for it because I know that the work is used to support a system I detest
>Can't see myself doing anything but working dead end shitty wage slave jobs and being a lonely depressed piece of shit until I die

What do you think bros? Should I end it all?

>> No.13716645

Can, Faust, Ween, 2010s Swans, Uranium Club, 80s Sonic Youth
Notes From Underground

Someone recommend me some books based on what I'm listening to please.

Right now what's on my mind is the nature of apathy, ignorance and cruelty in the world. Partly because I've been experiencing those pathos in myself and the people around me for a while now and it seems constant but ineffable. I've also been thinking of how stagnant my life is and wondering why I'm not able (or maybe willing) to do simple tasks like learn in a structured way or to apply for a job. I'm also afraid I might be engaging to much in escapism but I don't know how to correct that in myself right now.

>> No.13716713
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Book: nothing right now, I find it hard to read when I'm drinking, which I do every night now. Maybe if I can move out and get my own place I'll be emotionally stable enough to read again. I have a huge backlog and a shitton of books on my shelves reading to be read but I just can't bring myself to do it
Music: SWANS, various failures

>> No.13716868

My lamb and martyr. You look so precious now. You looks os precious. You look so precious now

>> No.13716894


>> No.13716995


>> No.13717003

man, you get fucked in the ass by life hard

>> No.13717039

or try to get on neetbux if that's a thing in your country

I feel for you anon, I would probably kill myself too if I worked retail

>> No.13717567

Yes, you should - and you should actually have the courage to do it rather than just posting about it like this with no will to follow through.

>> No.13717643

dude that picture makes so much sense I find myself in Ekstasis too often

>> No.13717681
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Reading: Fear and Trembling
Listening: Children of God lmao

I'm trying to find religion, but I'm finding it hard. I've read Kant's The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God, A bit of Aquinas, and I'm reading through Kierkegaard right now. I just don't know. Why does the first mover have to be God? If there is a God, why is he the personal, Christian God? I guess I can believe that Jesus Christ was God. I mean, his apostles didn't accept to be tortured to death for no reason. And there is historical evidence of Jesus existing. I know I deserve hell if there is a God. I just don't know bros. I believe in evolution. How could I believe in Christianity if I believe in evolution?

I know all of this sounds very stream of conscious. I'm not very good at articulating things. How could I work towards a goal that I'm confident in if I don't know what I'm doing? How does anyone know what they're doing?

I'm discontent with a lot of things, but I know it's my own fault. I could be better.

Sounds nice anon. What are you writing about?

>> No.13717686

that will wreck your dad so hard anon, please dont do it, at least not until he dies.

>> No.13718470

Reading Blood Meridian, I obviously read in silence but lately when not reading I've been listening to Danzig II: Lucifuge among other musical projects Danzig led.

>> No.13718496

If you’re listening to Uranium club you probably are engaging in escapism. The DIY scene has been swallowed by hacks and Capital has surely subsumed anything good or creative there regardless of the next Mark Winter project. You know it’s dead when the idpol that’s present espouses the same ideas as MTV. I’d recommend a break, do some productive things for yourself, maybe listen to some EDM.

Less Bolano, more Carver my nigga.

>> No.13719213

Please let me see the dead body. I know the guy the was mauled by a dog or something.

>> No.13719297

You dad hates you. You've only ever been a disappointment for him.
All the intelligence he saw in your eyes when you were a kid he watched slowly rot away, substitued by intellectual pretension, need fucking "hobbies" and sexual perversion.
You think he didn't saw your trap folder? Or your Cucking folder For what matters? All those captions, Anon, he saw them all,
You think he wouldn't wish You to just meet a girl and Finally GROW and GO ON WITH YOUR LIFE?
You think he wouldn't have You be extátic to see You escape this life-in-death that is the Eternal adolescence of our generation?
He knows you don't want freedom. You just want self destruction.
All your hobbies, All your interests only speak to him about your self destructive desires.
Fulfill them Anon.
He's waiting for you to do it.
He knows you'll do it one day or another.
He can't wait to see his treasure, the son he made and wanted to see spar as high as the clouds, Finally earn It's wings in It's own way.
They are all waiting, Anon. Not only him.
You know what you must do.

>> No.13719554

19 year old

>> No.13719737


>> No.13719975

I think that the world is material in nature but also that I have no way of knowing if all the material is just a construction of my mind or the godhead or whatever.

>> No.13720106

I want to start writing a blog. I know their high-time has passed but I feel such an urge for an outlet, and I've got a bunch of ideas swirling around my head that could make it on there. Which platform do I use, bros?

>> No.13720120

I was thinking about doing the same thing on Minds but it doesn't look like a lot of people use that site. I haven't seen anything else that's fairly free speech and popular.

>> No.13720141

desu I'd wish for a website that's as popular as Instagram but for writing. We seem to be lacking a big platform like it. Does Minds have a focus on it?
I apparently have an old blogspot account that I could use, but I'm not sure if that or WordPress is a better option. Blogspot doesn't look popular anymore.

>> No.13720159

>I know their time has passed
If all you desire is an outlet that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13720438

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking exactly. I still really like blogging as a medium, it'd be a shame if it died off.

>> No.13720672

Tea is delicious but a lot of countries don't make it right.

>> No.13720691

I signed up to write for the school newspaper but all their articles are more akin to buzzfeed pages or pitchfork reviews than anything that I would consider writing. Would be awkward to not do it but I fear submitting anything to the editor because he'll probably want me to completely redo it and I couldn't write in that awful way.

>> No.13720725


Is warosu messed up? It kept showing the same threads for a few days and couldn't find some threads, and showing me this shitty message about checking my browser. Some of the threads still showed up after I pasted the thread number from archive.moe, but now I checked again and they no longer do.

>> No.13720839
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I'm treading water. I can't keep doing this. Humans weren't meant to live this way. How the fuck do I do something, anything. If not purpose then change.

>> No.13720858
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What made Joan Crawford the most beautiful woman in the world?

>> No.13720867

some basic bitch lofi stream and La Symphonie pastorale

>> No.13720884
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>> No.13721297

Put up a blind today and got sciatica while I was doing it. Rang my dad and told him, and he said that he first got sciatica putting up curtains when he was about the same age as me. Who knew that the circle of life felt so much like a knife stabbing you in the buttocks.

>> No.13721435

Writing inherently takes more effort to consume than photographs so such a thing will never happen. The most popular text-based website is twitter and it's whole thing is that you can only write a short blurb.

>> No.13721544

the trades are the way to go

>> No.13721717

Reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra for the first time, got serious chills at the end of the vision when the sheperd bit the snake and transformed

Listening to Yerself is Steam

>> No.13722551

I still cannot get over this girl I hooked up with. I see her every second day and we try to act like nothing happened. Man shouldn't live like this

>> No.13722999

Greta Garbo was prettier.

>> No.13723024

I need geld. It is pathetic to bow before such lowly people. People I wouldn't even spit on. I need it though.

>> No.13724043


>> No.13724144

we want to be remembered but we are all increasingly desperate not to remember a thing. Attention Deficit Disorder is a clinical description of fear of the past. ancestors are dead and we'll kill ourselves so that they don't haunt us, but that is their way of haunting us. the suicidal world consciousness is split in two, as suicidal consciousness always is. call upon new tribes to kill us. I will slaughter without regret all those who believe popeyes makes the best fast food sandwich

>> No.13724160


>> No.13724174

>Worked over 15 jobs

That's respectable. My parents are giving my money as well, why feel bad at all? I never asked to be born into this fucked up world, they might as well spend a tiny bit of their income to let me live a comfy life until earth breaks down in less than 10 years.

>> No.13724183
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>> No.13724278
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Garbo's face didn't have the same character, plus her accent was a real boner killer. You have worse taste than me.

>> No.13724561


>> No.13724697

Listening to Tool's Fear Inoculum on repeat, preparing myself for tomorrow.

Reading Hunger by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.13725030

If we have another hot and humid day I'm gonna fucking shoot someone.

>> No.13725928
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I'm starting to think that the burden of conciousness is the most ingenious breeding principle that nature has invented, the last in her evolutionary arsenal. And overly sensitive, feminine types are the first victims of its mechanism. It's both an incredible tool of human progress and a torture. He who can yoke it wins.

>> No.13726188
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I am going to learn math and astrophysics and also biology so I can look for metaphysical principles underlying the natural world

I figure if I do that for 40 years I might find one or two things worth reporting, even if I only find clues, at least I can lay those clues out at the beginning of someone else's journey after finding them at the end of mine

>> No.13727233

>trans :clap: women :clap: are :clap: women
>"Ok, but what does it mean to be a woman"?
>liking dresses, having long hair, being emotional, doing girly things
>"Isn't that just misogyny?"
I can't stop thinking about this. I never though much about trans people other than vague sympathy and I'm questioning the entire concept. Does the idea of being "transgender" even make fucking sense without gender essentialism, which is most strongly rejected by the same groups most supportive of trans people? Am I TERF now?

>> No.13727238

>Does the idea of being "transgender" even make fucking sense without gender essentialism, which is most strongly rejected by the same groups most supportive of trans people?
Not really, most for the arguments in favor of it that I've heard heavily rest on biological determinism; ie, prenatal testosterone levels and so on

>> No.13727241

>Does the idea of being "transgender" even make fucking sense without gender essentialism, which is most strongly rejected by the same groups most supportive of trans people?
Not really, most for the arguments in favor of it that I've heard heavily rest on biological determinism; ie, prenatal testosterone levels and so on

>> No.13727243

>Does the idea of being "transgender" even make fucking sense without gender essentialism, which is most strongly rejected by the same groups most supportive of trans people?
Not really, most for the arguments in favor of it that I've heard heavily rest on biological determinism; ie, prenatal testosterone levels and so on

>> No.13727255

>Does the idea of being "transgender" even make fucking sense without gender essentialism, which is most strongly rejected by the same groups most supportive of trans people?
Not really, most for the arguments in favor of it that I've heard heavily rest on biological determinism; ie, prenatal testosterone levels and so on

>> No.13727260

Holy fuck, I'm. Sincerely sorry for messing up my reply so badly

>> No.13727290

I told myself I'd eat more potassium (my levels are low) and read an hour each day. I have yet to read. Maybe I should before bed instead of watching shitty Youtube videos like a stupid normie.

>> No.13727368

Yayayi - Yayayi
Shadow of the Torturer
>taking CHIM seriously
sure, it's intriguing, but it's video game lore. the universe doesn't work like this, and it's only relevant for discussions of the Elder Scrolls. please keep this discussion in /r/TESLore, /r/Skyrim, and /v/

>> No.13727394

the problem with the LGBT movement right now is that we just can't seem to collectively realize that gender is a social construct on every level. there is no absolute sense of male or female in one's personality because both of those attributes are completely arbitrary and based on culture, not biology
the real metric that we need to look at is dysphoria. do you feel an overwhelming need to be the opposite sex both physically and socially? if so, you're trans, not because your brain is the wrong brain but instead because it rejects its body. that's all it is; you feel an irresistible urge to physically transition and be referred to as such, there are no gender roles at play here
this extends to non-binary "genders". do you feel overwhelming discomfort towards being seen as either male or female? if so, you're "agender", which is just short for "I feel universal dysphoria". and since you can't have dysphoria only sometimes (you're probably bipolar) or in less than absolute terms (pick up crossdressing, don't transition), this rules out genderfluidity and bigender as possible realities, and don't even get me started on xenogenders. you can either feel no dysphoria, dysphoria towards only your sex, or dysphoria towards both sexes, so you can only be cis, trans, or "agender" respectively
of course, we aren't going to see improvement in this department for a while, since there's been a recent trend towards the tolerance of """non-dysphoric transpeople""", whatever that means, which has been justified with gender essentialism. additionally, "genderfluid" is one of the more common nb identities, so a standardization of dysphoria is just going to step on their toes and cause backlash
summary for that wall of text: yes, we're tending towards more insane definitions of gender, but as long as you remember that dysphoria is an actual problem that is only solved through physical and social transition, there's no need to be a TERF just yet

>> No.13727396

Hey it's this thread again

Piano Sonata No. 2 in G sharp minor op. 19 "Sonata Fantasy": 2. Presto

Reading Jung's Scrutinies

>> No.13727580

Ball sack

>> No.13727592

why would a person given male or female genitalia want to then change into female or male or become a hemaphrodite?

>> No.13727685

the thing is that those fixed identity poles have to be in place for the expressive acts to have any meaning

>> No.13727793


>> No.13728079

I have an internet addiction. It's is a great gateway for an occasional porn addiction.
I worry so much about so many things that sometimes my mind enters an overloaded state in which

my thoughts run rampant and I feel a loss of control over them.

I smoke spliffs every day and I am addicted to them. Maybe the withdrawals come from nicotine

alone, but it works as a spliff addiction.
My circle of friends is essentially a den of addicts. Every night, starting at aprox. 10pm, we

get in a car and smoke.
Frequently, at the end of the night, we go to McDonald's. My health is pitiful.

Over the course of a few years, we've seamlessly become drug dealers in the eyes of the police.

I've had so many encounters with the law that I've lost count.
Year by year we smoke more and every once in a while a new member joins.
Just yesterday, my friend dodged a prision sentence because he decided to leave just one minute

before the cops arrived and searched the rest of the crew's cars. He had the big loot though.

I have a bad, passive-aggressive relationship with my borderline alcoholic russian parents. I

don't call them mom and dad. I stopped doing so when I was like 4.
They didn't raise me in a love environment, but in a fear and respect environment.
I prefer not talking to them anymore, even though I still do, and still live with them. In

reality, I depend on them.

Straight out of high-school, I landed a job in the capital -- Lisbon -- as a junior system

administrator/devops. This was the dream. Not everyone had the chance to just go and do this. But

my will was too weak. I couldn't handle it. The 2.5h of daily transportation in a train which had

a tangible aura of depression, the snakes wearing suits and ties, the casual overworking of the

employees... Everything. I quit without a notice and illegitimately kept the last paycheck they

gave me, knowing they wouldn't notice it in their non-stop work environment.

I fucking hate my life.

Sometimes I feel like the only thing keeping me grounded is creative work. No matter how

meaningless or amateurish, it keeps me in the zone. A great way of getting things off my chest.

In real life, I never have discussions about these things.

>> No.13728120

Having to get up in the morning is a fucking crime. I would be solving equations and saving humanity if it were not for this absurd requirement. Fuck getting up in the morning, fuck your company, and fuck you.

>> No.13728291
File: 41 KB, 1280x738, 1495508776458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just been this summer, especially the last few weeks. it is weird, the threads have just been 404ing without even going halfway, sometimes. it's recent, though.
just a few months ago at the earliest, threads sometimes lasted nearly a week. I don't know if a thread has ever gone over that without hitting bump limit, probably not.

>> No.13728308

it's not your fault, the site was fucked at the time.

>> No.13728330

I wish rebirth was a thing, i want to know what's it like to have a proper family unit and a father figure

>> No.13728349
File: 48 KB, 600x300, 1567102893097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just 16 minutes ago discovered that my apprehension in the face of delving into philosophy is due to my inability to link my fear of the unknown, with the fact that an unread book is in and of itself an archetypal representation of the unknown.

And now my fears have dissipated?

>> No.13728357

You are not what has happened to you, my nigga, you are who you choose to be.

>> No.13728393

Didn't get a fucking wink of sleep last night. Hayfever, whatever had me feeling like I had a Volvo parked on my chest, which was bad enough but I also had to get up to shit 5 fucking times, no idea what that was about.
Just as I was drifting, I shifted my leg awkwardly and caused one of my testicles to shoot back up inside, had to stand up and let it descend (and it took its sweet time). At that point I just gave it up as a bad job.
I can function just fine with no sleep, I just spend the entire day feeling like I need to burst into tears.

>> No.13728429


>> No.13728531

Hahaha these cocksucking student loan people think I don't have a job hahaha. That's right bitch I'm paying zero lollll

>> No.13728539
File: 170 KB, 1200x720, Baisers Voles.1968.720p.BluRay.AVC.mkv_snapshot_01.28.19_[2019.07.09_01.24.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to the new tool album rn, pretty meh so far

Reading The Red and The Black and Book of Disquiet

>> No.13729198

I think I'm gonna be smart and be teetotal from now on

>> No.13729449
File: 99 KB, 1280x960, tv1998t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a long distance relationship and I'm planning on staying with her for a couple of months and I'm absolutely dreading it. I should be really happy, but my feelings for her are fading and I'm too afraid of being alone to call things off

>> No.13729467

Don't apply to be a janitor. You don't help. You barely do anything worthwhile, and I'm not even saying that because DO IT FOR FREE. I was a janitor. People just evaded or others took their place of shitting everything up. There's a stupid amount of stupid stress on a fucking imageboard that doesn't matter.

>> No.13729468

Saw the hottest black woman I've ever seen in McDonalds today. It was like someone drew a cartoon of the perfect curvy woman. She was somehow exaggeratedly curvy without being too curvy. She was wearing a tight dress too, and she was very pretty. I'm racist but really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really wish I could put my face in her ass. I would stop being racist for that ass. That ass made me feel the way a weeb would feel if anime became real. It was too good for 3DPD reality. It was something out of an ideal form that can't exist in real life. I'm going to go to McDonalds every day for the rest of my life just on the off chance that I can see that ass one more time.

>> No.13729473

Write a tell-all post about what it's like to be a jannie. Is it all a bunch of redditors who hate the boards they're supposed to be curating?

>> No.13729499

It's really nothing exciting. I was a janitor for /v/ (plebeian enough!) and most people already know everything from those leaks from however many years ago. I was in those leaks and honestly freaked out a bit because I thought I'd have said something revealing or anything like that but after searching the entire thing with my name I felt a bit better.

IRC was okay. Everyone seemed to get along and I had no problems with anyone. Probably not what everyone thinks. The mods were fine. Everyone was nice. We'd play video games sometimes. Sometimes we'd make fun of people on the board or complain about how stupid they are, as you'd see if you'd read the leaks (or don't, it's not like it's a big thing).

I don't really know what else to say. I hated it but liked it at the same time. I don't care about the redditor thing personally. Not a tribalist myself.

>> No.13729511

>I was a janitor
>I don't care about the redditor thing personally. Not a tribalist myself.

Checks out

>> No.13729527

It's a waste of mental energy to care where people go on the Internet when everyone is equally retarded despite perusing different websites.

>> No.13729531

Either way it's good that you, a person that thinks that way, moderated a board full of people who 95% disagree with you.

>> No.13729557

Maybe so. I don't know. Maybe being like more of the board would have been better. I learned a lot more about 4chan during my tour.

>> No.13729585

I need to rebase my branch (my lifestyle) on master (the tao). I've slipped into wrongdoing and profligacy and it is a frightening place to be. I'm not nearly as bad as some but I've glanced into the seedier side and it disgusts me. I hate being manic rocket-propelling toward trouble like it's all I need.

>> No.13729699

your git analogy doesn't make any sense.

>> No.13729713

What's that smell called, the smell of your ass sweat and dick musk mixing together due to intence masturbation over a long period of time

>> No.13729992

yeah life fucks us in the ass, get in line anon

>> No.13730187

>I would stop being racist for that ass
motherfucker, just stop being racist. you'll stop trying to suppress your attraction to black women and you'll be a lot happier. simples, innit

>> No.13730207

been reading Dune, pretty good
came uncomfortably close to blurting out "how are you this hot" to a guy at the store
one day I'm going to drop my spaghetti I swear to god

>> No.13730242

visit an Orthodox monastery

>> No.13730362

I tried.

>> No.13730530

For those who don't know, Skyrim is the fifth game in a series called The Elder Scrolls (TES). In its universe, the writers have established a sophisticated cosmology and creation story, all reliant on the basic fact that reality, Aurbis, is a the dream of the primordial of order, Anu. Within the TES univese, consistency is almost never observed, justified by dream logic, and as such, time is non-linear.
Another factor of this universe is that, by default, free will does not exist, since, again, dream logic. There are two primary exceptions to this rule: the Prisoner (player character, also another cause of non-linear time) and CHIM.
CHIM is realizing that Aurbis is a dream and, as such, all beings have equal reality. This realization allows one to attain god-like powers, since there is intellectually no difference between a mortal and the Divines/Daedra. It's essentially lucid dreaming within someone else's dream, except it's reality.
This has occurred twice in canon so far, with the Emperor Tiber Septim in 2nd era and Saint Vivec in 3rd era. They are each now seen as gods (Talos the 9th Divine and part of the Dunmer Tribunal) by their respective races.

My questions to /lit/: is this sound writing, and is this sound philosophy? Discuss.

>> No.13730542
File: 75 KB, 400x557, Fz1147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious lads, can any other woman even come close to this level of beauty?

>> No.13730570

It's not exceptionally groundbreaking but it's cool how much depth and complexity is hinted at in what is on the surface a normal fantasy setting.

>> No.13730602

This comes off as basic bitch Gnosticism. I suppose it works within the bounds of what the game establishes, if only because it seems like they explicitly reject having to follow logic or any consistent rules for the meat of the setting.

>> No.13731011

I'm either a 7 w8 or a 9 w8 - how do I read more about this?

>> No.13731047

the joy of short stories

>> No.13731212

>Stay in insular religious commune (think Jehovah's Witnesses)
+Tons of family around, all grandparents in walking distance
+Housing and food is paid for, cars are provided as needed,
-no savings, communal housing, 40+ work weeks without pay
-daily mandatory devotions, elders get up in your business
-not attracted to any of the women in the church, marriage is "may issue" by pastor and will get denied if he wants to fuck with you
-legit medically pathological pastor
-don't believe and don't have authentic relationships with anyone

+Can theoretically go to college and own own home
+Larger choice of mates
-will have to split a flat to afford to live in the city, tough job market so probably just minimum wage without benefits
-shunned by family, maybe permanently

>Leave and get military desk job for three years
+Don't have to pay rent
-communal housing
+Easy to save up money if you aren't stupid
-minimum wage, but I'd probably be doing that anyways (and without benefits too)
-might not be able to get in because of bad knee
-three more years of being constantly told what to do (but leave in a state more able to be independent afterwards)
-might not be able to adjust to military life
-have to stop being a vegetarian, at least for a few months
+Full college ride after three years, full medical too and access to best Credit Union in America
-hard to be in a relationship
-job experience probably isn't transferable to civilian life
-away from family and hometown

What would you do in this situation?

>> No.13731255

otherwise option 3 unless I can swing full room + board at a college (which may be possible given my fucked home situation)

>> No.13731290

>three more years of being constantly told what to do
you can retire from the military. you can't retire from a cult

>> No.13731352

Military is the only choice there that offers any dignity and real potential for freedom in the longer term. It allows you to attain a genuinely respectable position in society, save money, make a new network of friends outside your weird cult, set yourself up for better lifestyle afterward, and more.

College and minimum wage job without any support network sounds totally miserable and shitty. Not worth it.

>> No.13731375

>Trump accidentally declares war on Russia, Mexico, and North Korea all at the same time
>all the aspiring careerists die in a nuclear holocaust
>college students pick up pieces and start up post-post-postmodern movement, becoming famous for centuries

>> No.13731549
File: 881 KB, 1278x687, tumblr_my57hczueh1r3owlzo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished watching Yi Yi.
Fantastic movie, a real work of art.

I wish I could become more film-literate, or develop a sense of what the "canonical" films are. The only reason I bothered watching this one is because of a thread the other day - if it weren't for that I would never have heard of it. It makes me wonder what other potentially great films are out there. Maybe I should look at one of those "1001 films to see before you die" books, but they seem to be crammed full of mainstream stuff.

I also read another chapter of Gravity's Rainbow today.

>> No.13731554

Anyone that seriously says "learn to code" should be drawn and quartered.

>> No.13731573

have sex, learn to code, et cetera et cetera

>> No.13731591

I learned to code through being autistically obsessed with making minecraft mods as a child and now I have a comfy life. I'm aware it's trite advice but it is possible.

>> No.13731725

I don't wanna do this relationship thing anymore; it hurts.

>> No.13732537

Morrowind is the only good game in the series. The setting has been underused, misused and straight raped since then. Daggerfags need not respond

>> No.13732705
File: 682 KB, 2000x1205, 1491511445313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that the more movies you watch, the more there are to watch. There's a whole world of cinema out there that you've probably never heard of, that'll open up to you gradually if you keep looking.
I haven't seen Yi Yi myself, yet. I've seen two other movies by the same director, The Terrorizers and A Brighter Summer Day, check them out.
Here's another recommendation: The American Friend (1977). You might like it. If you do, check out other films by that director.

>> No.13732726

There's this thing that I've been thinking about for quite some time now: Judaism and Islam are pretty much the same religion, yet because of how different modern day Jews and Muslims are, we tend to think that their religions must be accordingly different too. There must be a difference in the guiding principles of both groups that explains the differences in their behavior, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Just like the Quran, the Torah condones violent conquest, slavery, severe restrictions on the liberty of women, and various other nasty things. Yet jews are much more civilised than Muslims, much more refined. Most Jews are peace loving liberals actually, while most muslims are jihadi sympathizers. How is that so? The only valid answer imo, is that there's a difference of 30 points between the average IQs of both groups. This difference translates to a more liberal attitude among jews, even though their scriptures are anything but. This is a depressing view too. It implies that culture might not be that important after all, and that everything flows from genes, not thoughts and ideas.

>> No.13733286

Listening to Bowie, reading 2666
where the fuck does that image come from? never heard of chim

>> No.13733288


>> No.13733320
File: 613 KB, 750x398, 431c3abd51cefad8afc40bc5737ec05967ad7b9352f741c08f2efe08dee52112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right then, since half of you faggots aren't actually writing what's on your mind.
Pic related in OP has actually reminded me I've been trying something related. I downloaded the Hemi-Sync files from the Monroe Institute, since I found that they worked with the CIA as part of Project Stargate back in the day. I assumed it would be bullshit, but after trying their audio files I felt the closest thing to feeling separate from my physical body I've ever felt in a waking state.
It was as if the vibrations in the files all gathered in my forehead and I felt almost dizzy but a kind of dizziness within the confines of my skull, as difficult as that description might be to imagine if you haven't experienced the same.
I'm going to stick with this shit. I don't know what will come of it, whether it'll lead to actual supernatural or OOBE shit but only pussies back out after dipping a toe in without at least exploring the deeper end of the pool, so to speak.
Having said that, I noticed some very quiet, incomprehensible words being mentioned in their lucid dreaming files. No idea what that's supposed to do, whether it's some glownigger voodoo or what, but I've started now so I'll keep you fags posted if something comes of it.

>> No.13733400
File: 52 KB, 500x500, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

count of monte cristo + pic related

>> No.13733614

what's the source for the files ?

>> No.13733688
File: 185 KB, 700x553, 1465060675306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHIM is a concept from the lore of Morrowind, a game in the Elder Scrolls series. You've probably heard of Skyrim from the same series, the difference being that Morrowind isn't shit, had lots of love put into it and is where all the interesting ideas emerged, even if they're somewhat esoteric and you may not find out about most of it from playing the game, unless you want to.
CHIM essentially means becoming a lucid dreamer in the dream of reality.
If you play games at all, Morrowind is worth a try. It has a very interesting setting and lore, at the very least.

>> No.13733694

I'm all for exploration, but are you not worried that you're willingly subjecting yourself to some sort of brainwashing? You need to be careful what kind of influence you allow your mind to be put under.

>> No.13733717
File: 166 KB, 1715x1157, 65485_04_122_878lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through the albums of Cocteau Twins, also random techno tracks and things from the Twin Peaks soundtracks, as well as random jazz and other things I'm finding on YouTube.
Reading The Silmarillion, might read War and Peace again soon.

>> No.13734175
File: 14 KB, 244x364, 2pn8rk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't write this and not link the files anon

>> No.13734313

the faint sounds of the city outside
current book is absolute trash space opera, won't even mention the name
on my mind: the weakening of memories, and fondness, and bonds due to time and distance. we exist in the minds of other
the further you go from your roots, the more likely you are to slip into rumor, legend, oblivion

>> No.13734611
File: 172 KB, 736x563, 1559866844867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean sure I agree with you on a logical level but at the same time someone's got to give it a go so it might as well be me, I'm going to get fucked up by something eventually since time will do the job no matter how safe I play it and getting MKUltra'd is interesting at least.
I downloaded them from some torrent. Just look up Monroe Institute or Hemi-Sync on some torrent website. I've got all except the ones they only use when people physically visit them for a week or so which are supposed to be much more intense.
Used to be some on youtube as well but I think they got nuked by the copyright Jew or something like that. You might be able to find them on youtube though, look up something like "focus 10" or "focus 12" or "focus 15" (names of altered states they use) since you need to master keeping your mind awake while your body falls asleep to begin.
So to do that you want these two files that have some beats and guide you through a breathing exercise and if you do it right, you'll feel it for sure.
You can read about Project Stargate's connection with them in official FOIA documents too. The guy who wrote that is kind of a brainlet though, but these exercises really do manage to get your mind in some form of altered state, I'm sure of that.

>> No.13734624

I can't make myself read anymore. I guess because everything feels hopeless and pointless and done

>> No.13734658

Btw the subliminal stuff only comes up in the lucid dreaming files. No need to be concerned about the files that introduce you to other concepts, for those of you who were concerned about the possibility of glownigger brainwashing stuff.

>> No.13734783

I want daddy Vehk to "stab" me with his "spear" owo

>> No.13734805

>didn't use ctrl-f
This has been answered.

>> No.13735075

my love is accidentally shaped like a spear :)

>> No.13735669

There are a lot of decent people out there - even on 4chan. It's unfortunate that the nature of the medium makes it challenging to create bonds with people and recognize other anons, but I suppose that's a major part of the magic of image boards.

>> No.13736131

Christianity does not contradict evolution. Read Chesterton, I could propse to you his arguments, but just read him (" Orthodoxy").

>> No.13736258

Why am I tormenting myself with melancholic lo-fi hiphop, and why do I keep having bad daydreams about failure?
Why do I keep falling behind with my Mandarin studies, and why do I feel like it's a do or die situation while it's midnight?

>> No.13736339

I mostly spend my nights stood on the edge of a cliff staring into the abyss below conceding that things could be a lot worse, but truthfully I'm fearful of the day I realize the abyss exists only in my mind and at that point the things lurking inside shall devour me.

it's a bit melodramatic but I'm almost certain soon I'll have to go on anti psychotics again

>> No.13736723

Faith No More - Angel Dust and Neuromancer by William Gibson

>> No.13737046

Elder and Bhagavad Gita

>> No.13737137

Putting aside any moral or pseudoscientific arguments, does anyone *really* think the hyperstimulation associated with porn consumption isn't bad for you? Especially online porn, which offers you thousands of hours of all sorts of sexual content at the click of a button. I'm not claiming to be better, I'm probably a hopeless pornography addict myself, but it's fucking bizarre that "porn is OK for you" or even "porn is GOOD for you" are now pretty mainstream positions.

>> No.13737454

Anyone want to join our literature discussion discord channel?

>> No.13737540

Is there a non-autistic way to describe the "zero sum" spirituality? I actually reached that position without prior gnosis and ekstasis, and the closest term I could ever find was panpsychism, which doesn't seem quite right.

>> No.13737544

Just send me money and I promise to not give you a beating.

>> No.13737577


>> No.13737743

I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.13737749

Eh, the two actually dovetail quite nicely, so you aren't completely wrong

>> No.13738075

I remember when we held hands on his fold out couch. A bare mattress barely a bed. In my drunken stupor and half crippled by tiredness I would lay there breathing in between the crinkles of the blankets.

A brief glimpse evidenced my suspicion. To my right layed you. Pretty as a doll, pretty as ever, pretty as always. You had such soft hands, they looked identical to mine only much paler, heavenly paler. Just like that, through haggered breathes and the mummurs of a dying conversation, we could drown out the others with the shared sacred silence. How we pretended to be asleep and unaware of the embrace.

>> No.13738089

I guess it depends on the porn. Femdom porn has ruined my sex life.

>> No.13738101

Only ever read Berserk manga (gave up while Guts is on ship and has killed giant Monster and Griffith has created his gay kingdom and proposed to the princess) it was good but was a total meh and felt like a kids comic book. Only good part was the Golden arc (forget name) and for a short period when Guts stabbed the God hand woman.

So what is this like?

>> No.13738112
File: 47 KB, 298x445, Wagner Religion and Art 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Wagner, as well as Liszt's transcription of Wagner:


And am currently reading pic related, Wagner's Religion and Art. Among many other things such as an array of Plato's work (only started philosophy this year but am Zoomer so I have time), Jung's Modern Man in search of a Soul, the Bible, Race (by Baker), Wagner collected writings, Henry Lawson poems and short story's and soon I'm going to start the Illiad. And this is a small amount of how man books I usually read at the one time. Takes me a while to get through each individual book because of this though.

>> No.13738114

>I'm kinda quirky like that

>> No.13738133

No, I meant I'm retarded that I forgot pandeism existed.
Side note, wouldn't pantheism better fit the idea shown by the image? If "zero sum" recognizes a being referred to as "God" rather than "the universe", then doesn't it imply that the universe is still conscious and not just a giant corpse?

>> No.13738141


bits and pieces; I'm pretty cozy and don't have that spirit in me today to engage properly

>> No.13738468

Well yes That was the whole point. I thought it was obvious.

>> No.13738661

>If "zero sum" recognizes a being referred to as "God" rather than "the universe", then doesn't it imply that the universe is still conscious and not just a giant corpse?
[Alan Watts recording intensifies]

>> No.13739021
File: 31 KB, 834x1000, tengen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread slower than usual?

>> No.13739028

tfw my brother’s friends are afraid of me

>> No.13739137

Both are good imo
It depends what mood I'm in.

>> No.13739624

what did you do anon?

>> No.13739830

think I'm going to be a different person, my current one doesn't have much going for it

>> No.13740599

yes. they have been lately, no idea why.