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1368174 No.1368174 [Reply] [Original]

>start ASOIAF
>try to read different books after each installment
>read ASOIAF every chance I get
>realize the prose is repetitive and shitty
>still, no other books can capture my attention as well

There has got to be something better out there, preferably a story that is finished. I'm thinking about starting the malazan book of the fallen, or thomas covenant, but both are lengthy endeavors and I want to know what /lit/ thinks.

>> No.1368186


If you can get past the first book then you might like it, or so I've been told. I could never get past the first book but I have a few friends who have. To me it was like reading one the most boring history books ever written. I don't read fantasy to be bored, I read fantasy to be entertained and I wont slog through a whole book even if the rest are sort of decent.

>> No.1368215

the prose may be repetitive and shitty, but damn is dem some good books

>> No.1368220

What's ASOIAF?

>> No.1368227

Malazan is good. They are kinda slow paced at first though. I honestly get a bit bored by the first half or so of each of Erikson's book but then it builds to some balls-to-the-wall awesome conclusion and I remember why I read those books. The first book is kinda crappy all the way through.

That doesn't sound like a glowing recommendation but I really do think you should read it. Other fantasy books wind up feeling very very tame after reading them.

>> No.1368233


>> No.1368463

Torrent Malazan audio books OP because actually reading the series is painful. Although sometimes even listening can be painful too but you don't really have to pay attention all that much.

All in all it's nothing truly amazing but the 15yr old Malazan fanboys will tell you otherwise.

>To me it was like reading one the most boring history books ever written.

This is the most accurate description of the first book I have ever read.