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/lit/ - Literature

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13673422 No.13673422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I quit my job as a lawyer in a top firm at the ripe age of 25 to travel the world as a vagabond and write novels, poetry and song.

Month 2 living on 2,5€ a day and the charity of strangers, reading 5 - 8 hours a day and writing 3, mostly in the wild and visiting small towns for libraries and provisions, occasionally entering cities for the cultural value and tinder adventures. I know many of you are in the situation I used to be in. I was a sensualist in a big city, only cared about pussy, accumulating wealth and feeling powerful by exerting my will upon people I perceived as my inferiors.

Anyways, you may think I’m a huge faggot or an idiot, but I could have used the info I’ve learned on the way back then when I was struggling to make the leap of faith.

If you are curious about anything, AMA.

>> No.13673430

>and the charity of strangers
Yes you're a huge faggot

>> No.13673472

Sounds ideal. Where do you sleep?

If you didn’t still use tinder you wouldn’t be a huge faggot.

>> No.13673479

Rape, steal and murder my dear friend this shall be your true freedom and in screems of innocent you will find yourself again.
Become who you really are.

>> No.13673492

How much did you save up before you decided to behave like a child again?

>> No.13673494

I didn’t mean actively begging, but old people in small villages feel curiously compelled to help you when you on your way when you look haggard. It’s a similar thing with some girls for some reason. For the record, I’m not a wannabe Buddhist or pacifist or whatever, I was reading Ayn Rand and biographies of early twentieth century magnates religiously right before setting off.

>> No.13673504

What countries are you traveling through?
Sounds like you're living the dream.
If I do that after graduating I'll have a mountain of student loan debt waiting for my return unfortunately.

>> No.13673507

>was reading Ayn Rand and biographies
Yes you're a huge faggot

>> No.13673508

>Month 2
I know teenagers that have been travelling for longer than you, you're basically just on holiday at this point.

>> No.13673526

So you're two months into a backpacking trip that has been cliched since, oh, about 1965. You already think yourself incredibly wise and free, and want to give others advice from your smartphone (which is still, it seems, the crux of your existence.) Hmmmm. Why does this read as naive, insufferable, fatuous, hypocritical... well, in a word, faggoty?

But I'm not above a little bit of sadism: give us one of the poems you've been inspired to write since you've shed your old skin and live in the new skin of the wild and free man. God bless.

>> No.13673538

i bet you tell every person you meet your life story because you think it sounds so cool. i would bet money that you have jewish blood

>> No.13673542

>God bless
30 year old boomer detected

>> No.13673544
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>> No.13673551

>I was a sensualist in a big city, only cared about pussy, accumulating wealth and feeling powerful by exerting my will upon people I perceived as my inferiors.
> occasionally entering cities for the cultural value and tinder adventures.
So what changed, except for the fact that you're a hundred times lazier now?

>> No.13673560

Outdoors, in comfy places. Usually I set down a couple hours before nightfall. If it’s cold I’ll light a fire, it it’s raining I’ll set up a tarp. Normally it’s just a sleeping bag or a blanket if it’s warm.

Tinder is fun, Anon. Bitches love adventurous men.

Thank you Ted, but it’s too early in the stages of civilization for that.

Money is not a problem. In any case, this lifestyle costs around 1200€ a year, 1500€ including every extraordinary expenditure. I’m Spanish so free healthcare theoretically.

Im doing my native Spain through scarcely populated areas so far. I’m thinking of going towards Norway next year.

Debt is a bitch but again, my method amounted to a hard reset: throw out my phone numbers, credit cards etc.

>> No.13673569

You should link your blog here before someone wakes up and gives you a three day vacation for your shitty blog post which is a waste of a proper literature thread.

>> No.13673571

Post excerpts or be forever labelled as a massive faggot. You're not going to overcome any amount of jealousy on everyone's part here unless you demonstrate that you've actually got some merit behind your faggoty humblebrag.

>> No.13673576

what is your opinion on law as a career? What did you like and dislike about it?

>> No.13673578

Pls go sleep outside in winter, Pablo

>> No.13673581

Holy fuck seethe harder

>> No.13673582

You must be in the top percentile of attractive men. i will never be able to get laid on tinder no matter how “adventurous” i am.

>> No.13673584

I don’t feel any of that, my offer of counsel was of purely practical nature, as there are many little details about enterprises like these that you won’t think about until it’s too late. It has happened to me on everything from water to climate to where to sleep. I don’t feel wise, just happy. You either misinterpret me or you are just projecting.

Yes, I have Jewish blood. And yes, I’m a narcissist, like everyone here.

>> No.13673589

Another 30-year-old (hyphenate ages, retard) pretending to be a millenial detected.

>> No.13673597

typical jewish dog.

>> No.13673609
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>everybody taking the bait

>> No.13673620

Are you american or kazakh?

>> No.13673637

god i hate the faggot bucket crabs threads like these inspire

i'm here shitposting and you're living the dream. fuck it. how did you get started? how do you make money if you're living in the wild? where do you eat, shit, etc.? i want to join you

>> No.13673639

The /lit/ lifestyle has always been a central point of discussion of this board, newfag.

It’s in Spanish, and I’m not going to post anything or give clues to my identity, as it would turn this into an ego trip. I’m here to help people that are where I was.

I did it in Europe, so it may be different from the US. Also, it was corporate law. You have to be extroverted, which I’m not, a very common person, to relate to your clients, and always have a smile on your face. The rest of the work will be automated in two decades.

In summer, obviously.

Sex is just a distraction and wholly independent of this sort of lifestyle. You could go ascetic very well.

>> No.13673641

he's living like a stray dog, you faggot. how low-born are you?

>> No.13673643

Stop pretending to be multiple people OP

>> No.13673647

Seething on seethe.

>> No.13673653

Kys you gay larper

>> No.13673659

>Pls go sleep outside in winter, Pablo
Might be warm if he sleeps next to a sewer vent, tho.

>> No.13673679

This thread has revealed that /lit/ has a huge boner for wanting to be travelling vagabonds wholly dedicated to literature and writing. Funny enough, this sort of thing is not entirely impossible. It's my goal personally to have enough income coming from a couple published works to where I can live out of a truck and travel the USA full time. Currently working on getting the writing for the publishing done, amazing what happens when you set aside a couple hours each day just to focus on working.

But this thread was enlightening. Everyone wants this as evidenced by the incredible wave of jealous resentment.

>> No.13673682

nice reddit logic

>> No.13673683

>im a big boy who goes to work who wears big boy pants


>> No.13673690

I actually agree with you, regarding people being jelly, but I don’t think the vagabond lifestyle is feasible in most places. Maybe in your native Spain or Europe in general but not somewhere like America. Being a vagabond in Burgerland is much more bleak

>> No.13673692

Sleeping outside in Spain is possible.

In Norway you will die.

>> No.13673698

>In summer, obviously.
So what will you do in winter?
Go overwinter in Malaga with all the braindead old brits and germans so you can still wank outside?

>> No.13673700

Ruthless post, desu

>> No.13673702

>being a filthy homeless Spaniard who whores himself out for a warm bed and a shower every and again
>If you can take a leap of faith you can be like me too
If I wanted to be like you I'd just start taking heroin

>> No.13673712

I hate backpackers. They always think they are super deep while really just wasting their time.

>> No.13673716

One day I woke up and I didn’t feel like going to work.

So I didn’t.

Withdrew everything from my bank account, took my passport, a sleeping bag, an small backpack and some warm clothes and never looked back. They actually reported my disappearance to the police.

I won’t need money for some time. I’ll try to publish my work eventually. In the meantime, I wouldn’t mind taking low responsibility, physical and outdoorsy temporary jobs. One month on minimum wage would last me almost a year.

Eating: buying in bulk from supermarkets at the cheapest prices. It’s a skill you have to perfect. I have some foraging skills, and I’m looking into hunting and fishing seriously.

I’d post an email account, but I’m worried about getting banned and this thread deleted.

>> No.13673720

lel jelly nigger faggot. stick to your stack threads

>> No.13673732
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>> No.13673733

thank you. what was the first thing you did when you got to Europe? sleep in a motel? language barriers at all? what's the best thing about the lifestyle, the worst?

>> No.13673757

i think he’s from europe

>> No.13673759

He says he spends 1.5k a year, how is that hard to afford?

>> No.13673766

90% of this country is not worth travelling.

>> No.13673767

Your blogging on /lit/ hasn't personalthreadfag

>> No.13673782

shut up wannabe jannie nigger. why does this board attract the most armchair reddit janitors? fuck off

>> No.13673789

I live and work in Vietnam. I'm from Canada and I work as an English teacher. Every penny I earn stays in Vietnam, because I love this country and its people. Nothing makes me angrier than the sight of white begpackers panhandling on the streets here. You sometimes see them with their blond hair and rosy complexions and hippy dippy clothes sitting down beside Agent Orange victims who have to crawl through the fucking gutter in the rain because all their limbs are missing. Then these arrogant pricks have the nerve to hold up a sign like "Help me realize my dream of travelling through Asia on $1 a day!" Imagine being born in a wealthy First World country with essentially limitless opportunity, and being middle class and being able to buy a plane ticket anywhere in the world, but coming to a Third World country to leech off the already bankrupt and starving locals without even lifting a finger to do work as easy as teaching. Some of you try to cross over into teaching English and you always bail after a couple of months. I'm substituting 8:00 Sunday mornings for a begpacker who started and worked a couple weeks, then took a cash advance to fly to eastern Europe, and didn't come back. You people are absolute scum, and this is coming from an English teacher. Spain isn't a Third World county, but it's close enough. OP, you disgust me. I'm shaking with rage right now at the thought of someone giving up a lawyer's salary to begpack. Do you just not care about the people you're sucking resources from?

>> No.13673794

>as it would turn this into an ego trip
As if it wasn't already enough of one.
>I'm not going to post any proof at all
More reason to believe you are just some bored summerfag blogging your short story for (you)s Pablo

>> No.13673798

In my past experience, using a vehicle isn’t satisfactory at all. You feel separated from nature and expenses mount. Plus you are confined to roads. To each his own though.

I’m also surprised by the attention this is getting.

How? Precisely I thought of moving back to America, as the big outdoors are huge and mostly unspoiled. Europe is a bit too civilised for my taste. Also, I feel people get too hung up about weather. With a good sleeping bag and maybe a tent in winter you can survive almost anything.

Anywhere in coastal Europe it hardly goes below freezing. Worst case scenario yeah, I’ll go south for the season, as birds do.

Working as a lawyer was wasting time. This doesn’t feel like it.

>> No.13673799

nice copypasta, but op is traveling in his own native country

>> No.13673811
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This kills the wagecuck.

>> No.13673818

>starts reddit spacing
If you're going to post here at least do it on /out/ like the other homeless do. It sounds like you are vastly unprepared for survival outdoors in both kit and skills and will end up dead/giving up come winter. You don't have anything in your bank account so you're one robbery away from being like all the other beggars. You can't have been much of a successful lawyer if you were able to withdraw it all once and not buy any decent gear so evidently this wasn't a bold move and more a knee jerk of desperation because you couldn't handle life. Maybe your girlfriend left you or you were going to lose your job anyway. You've fucked up your life and with probably end up actually homeless unless your family is willing to take you back.

>> No.13673822

ok forgive me for getting kinda vulgar but I'm really thinking of doing this (I'm also European, not some trust fund american baby): where do you shit? shit, how do you shit lmao? how uncomfortable is life? do you ever hunt? 1200 a year is like what, 30 - 40 dollars a day? what will you do when your money runs out?

>> No.13673825

what kind of fucked up world are we living in where bourgeois trust fund babbys are the only ones who can afford to be homeless wanderers? meanwhile i end up homeless organically and the police are always on my ass.

>> No.13673830

god these faggot armchair psychology posts have gotten so insufferable past couple years. like who are you talking to? a cartoon in your head. stop posting.

>> No.13673839

are you eurofags under the impression that all americans are coddled babies with a trustfund? im american and i don’t even know what a trustfund is exactly let alone have one. fuck you i work minimum wage

>> No.13673840

For ""some reason"" nearly every ugly normie drone from my old computer engineering class went to Vietnam and Thailand for six months, came back in the delusion they were enlightened and hot shit for fucking random gold diggers everyday
Some even brought a girlfriend that they aren't even able to communicate with
Good for the girls to escape, I suppose

>> No.13673843

nice math retard

>> No.13673846

most of you are coddled babies yes. i'm not a he-man but im not a mental child who happens to wear a suit and tie to work like most of you. sorry but its true. you're a culture of toddlers playing in a nuclear silo

>> No.13673855

you're right, 3 - 4 dollars a day. even better.

>> No.13673873

Everything I stated about him (you) is factually correct if you read his posts baring the girlfriend/job comment. This guy has already made a number of huge stupid decisions and I doubt he will go beyond 6 months.

>> No.13673874

As an Anon pointed out, I’m European. I don’t like motels, as I can’t stand most hippies and backpackers to be honest. I’d rather be outdoors. As for language, I can speak the basics of the big European languages, otherwise google translate. Again, I can’t begin to point out how friendly people tend to be in the countryside.

Also, I think you asked about shitting. This was a revelation. Squat. Clean and simple. Most time you don’t even need to wipe. If you do, leaves or sticks or stones or whatever. Done in two mins with proper diet.

Showers: Use public fountains or public showers early in the morning when you won’t be bothered. Near the sea, it’s not a problem.

Best thing: Freedom. Living life as human beings evolved to live.

Worst: finding desks to comfortably write on. You need to plan out routes and pick libraries and supermarkets. Urban areas are to be avoided, as they are ‘unwholesome’. This last feeling is quite hard to explain. It grows on you when you are used to the wild.

>> No.13673886

He literally says he's homeless, living under a tarp and begs for money/food. 3-4 dollars is not hard under the circumstances but it's hardly a life.

>> No.13673891

>Also, I think you asked about shitting. This was a revelation. Squat. Clean and simple. Most time you don’t even need to wipe. If you do, leaves or sticks or stones or whatever. Done in two mins with proper diet.

ive noticed when i eat healthy, esp fruits, my shits are fruity and usually require zero wipes.

> Urban areas are to be avoided, as they are ‘unwholesome’. This last feeling is quite hard to explain. It grows on you when you are used to the wild.

reminds me of that scene in Into the Wild when he decides to spend the night in a city just once. I know exactly what you mean.

thank you anon. I'm in a position to finally capitalize on this, I do freelance work and my busy season's starting, plus I'm stacking from the job I'm already working. I'll have thousands by Christmas.

What do you do about getting robbed? Do you really keep all of your money on you at once?

>> No.13673896

That's cool and all bro, but after decades of ostensible adults telling me what real life is "supposed" to be with that doll's glaze in their eye, yeah I think I'll listen to the shitposter.

>> No.13673902
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How does it feel to LARP as multiple posters and ask yourself questions and make comments on your own posts OP?

>> No.13673911

>tfw a homeless spanish jew mutt who you saw showering in a local fountain on your morning jog comes into your publishing house with a filthy wad of paper expecting to be published

>> No.13673916
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get rekt faggot

>> No.13673921

He says he's planning on going elsewhere. And it doesn't matter. He said without a hint of shame that he's leeching off people.

I'm hardly a wagecuck. I teach 2 hours a day. The cost of living here is low and the salary is decent, so I don't have to work full time to support myself plus afford a bit of luxury. I'm teaching seven days a week because of substituting for the begpacker, but I'll cut that back to five as soon as a replacement is found. I learned not to work myself to death at my last job. This is easy street compared to being a broke neet I imagine.

I'm a Christian. Western "Buddhists" are a joke. I don't fornicate. I wouldn't mind an Vietnamese wife (Vietnamese women are pretty charming), but I came here to have more free time to set up my own business.

>> No.13673926

Skimmed the thread so don't get mad about repeat questions
Which law firm?

>> No.13673930

I obviously was a terrible lawyer, I hated it. Ill take my chances with my survival skills. As I’ve said, money is not a problem. My girlfriend left me years ago, it’s all been casual fucking since. I’ll give you I suffered from acute existential dread and exhaustion, and could cope with life at all. About fucking up my life: my life was already fucked. It’s beginning to feel good for the first time since I was 17, probably. You don’t sound very happy yourself. I’ll say I would have written exactly what you did just two months ago, word by word. I don’t wanna sound like a hippie, but living outdoors really, really changes your outlook on life. It’s like depression and anxiety vanish.

I’ve answered some of these questions. Life can be easy or hard, depending on how much do you value comfort. I’ve always been quite ascetic to be honest, and love physical exercise.

1200 a year.

>> No.13673934

It doesn't have that post in it so I'm not sure what you are trying to prove Pablo. Oh well this thread well be over eventually, one way or another.

>> No.13673943

The imaginary one made up by the r e d d i t spacing "lawyer" and his other personas.

>> No.13673955

What are multiple IPs on multiple devices genius?

>> No.13673964

mental illness, which is what you seem to have

>> No.13673969

They say it is cheap to purchase a girl to be your wife. The dowry is around $6,000. One of the founders of Pirate Bay escaped there and married a girl thinking it would prevent him from being extradited to his home country. It was shown in the AFK documentary.
at 49:50 minute you can see the "marriage". For divorce you pay $12,000.

>> No.13673975

What a massive faggot, i really hope you're baiting OP.

>> No.13673976

Yes because OP totally isn't the deranged LARPer here whatsoever.

>> No.13673991

You're going to age rapidly being exposed to the elements and your health will decline. You'll start to notice people treating you differently as your appearance crumbles. Girls will start to be less charitable, then openly despise you. Free meals and bed and breakfasts will dry up as your youth fades. Old people will start glaring at you. One day you'll have missed too many meals and resort to shoplifting. You'll start to have trouble affording to shave and clean yourself properly. You'll start to have the police called on you, and workers will follow you around businesses or kick you out. Teenagers will start insulting you. Eventually you'll be robbed or beaten, maybe even killed. You'll decide that you need to change your life, but then you'll look in the mirror and realize it's been so long you've forgotten how to live any other way.

>> No.13673997

>I've been backpacking for 2 months now let me tell you how life works
I've had the misfortune of knowing people like this in real life and they're absolutely insufferable.

>> No.13674011

Books for this feel? I want to get at least some recommendations out of this shitty LARP.

>> No.13674024

This is why I fear the vagabond lifestyle even though it is easy to romanticize it and make seem all free and uninhibited or whatever. Nah, true freedom is my current lifestyle. Work as security guard for minimum wage. Get paid to sit and read books all day. Live frugally because I don’t need any of the pointless shit that most people spend their time and money on. Manage to save up money despite my low wage. Have the necessary amenities like food, shelter, hygiene. No boss looking over my shoulder constantly. I’m free motherfuckers. Fuck being a vagabond.

>> No.13674055

imagine the smell

>> No.13674065

One important thing I forgot to say is: Nature is not a game. You have to be careful, or you could die. No one will come to help you. This means managing dehydration (harder than it seems) and warmth (again, requires some first hand learning, and from my camping experience it’s tricky in winter). You can never be too cautious. Also wild predators, getting lost, etc. You need to learn slowly, esp. if you have never been outdoors or don’t know the area.

About getting robbed: Hardly a risk outside of cities, unless you are flashing your Rolex. I keep money and my phone always on my pants or jacket. The rest is expendable. I send my writing notebooks once finished via mail to a person I trust.

Also, reading: kindle. I find this almost vital. An internet connection once a week or so ( I keep my phone mostly off) can really take the edge off things and help you feel comfy and not totally disconnected.

I’d try not to keep more than 500€ on me. I’ve left the rest of the money with someone I trust.

I’m glad to help, anon. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

>> No.13674075

Yeah, of Pablo

>> No.13674096

This is more proof that Jannies are hardly ever around here sadly.