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File: 315 KB, 800x1013, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13671275 No.13671275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah bro we gotta do away with everything
>everything, including the state, money, nations, tribes, religion, the family, everything
>What we're going to replace it with? Dont ask yourself that, that's idealism. We'll make it up as we go along by critiqueing everything that remains.
Why did this guy have such a huge impact on philosophy again?

>> No.13671282

You should read him and find out

>> No.13672063
File: 27 KB, 375x499, 51gGJYvMt5L._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13672154

love this hahaha

>> No.13673097

>What we're going to replace it with?
A human society.

>> No.13673129

Ideal humans living in an ideal society?

>> No.13673138

This is so vague that it's completely useless

>> No.13673181

just like the OP

>> No.13673197

Except the OP doesnt claim to have an all-encompassing worldview that demands to change all of society and then ends up just killing a couple of million people before collapsing.

>> No.13673205


>> No.13673208
File: 57 KB, 645x729, Bottomless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you think communism is shit then you're a polfag

>> No.13673219

Its not that "we've got to do away with them", its that socialism will a stage the state, nations and money will serve no purpose and will wither away in use. As for the other things, he never said he wanted to get rid of them.

>> No.13673227

It's a bait thread.

>> No.13673229

>Yeah bro the state will run everything to the most minute parts of the economy
>But then itll wither away, trust me, just give us all the power first, then we'll give it away freely

>> No.13673269

Socialism isn't "the state running the economy". Some capitalist states like Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Britain during WW2 had their economies almost entirely directed by the state, yet they weren't socialism because the means of production hadn't been socialized. In fact, as socialism advances, more and more planning and production will be turned over to the working class to organize for themselves, and as they learn how to do it, eventually they won't need the state to organize production anymore and will be able to do it for themselves.

>> No.13673398

Im not saying that socialism IS the state running things, but Marx requires that the worker's state will eventually take control over everything, and will then miraculously wither away, a prediction that we should just trust completely and not be suspicious of at all.

>> No.13673456

Well what do you mean "take over everything"? The primary reason we need a state is to make sure the bourgeoisie don't just take over again. Even though you might have a revolution, the bourgeoisie aren't just going to disappear. So you need a dictatorship of the proletariat to make sure they can't launch a counter revolution. The won't control *everything*.

>> No.13673464


Curiously, there is an almost imperceptible Gnostic pit under all of his nonsense, so faint that not even he realizes.