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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 182 KB, 800x840, redscare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13669609 No.13669609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they /lit/?

>> No.13669615

Pick one. And then dilate. Or read the Bible.

>> No.13669626

poor quality

>> No.13669630

Do you have some sort of proof of them being so?
They cute, but this is very off topic.
Did you want a three day break?

>> No.13669636


just shut up

shut up

>> No.13669639

I doubt these broads can field strip a rifle

>> No.13669643

dasha and anna are very lit, dasha at least as far as i know, is big on poetry and general philosophy and political theory

>> No.13669645

Listen to Redscare

>> No.13669652

What size are your shoes? Is it greater or equal to the amount of cats you own?

>> No.13669655

Faggots that probably cant bench 225, not worth my time or attention

>> No.13669663



I have never owned that many cats at once.

>> No.13669667

more what? go listen to the girls podcast to learn more


>> No.13669671

I'm trying to read up on this podcast before I judge it as typical chapo shit, but all the write-ups on it are really really gay. Can someone sell me on these broads before I assume they're just another couple of "look at me, I'm being meta about how I'm being meta" kikes?

>> No.13669686

They're two funny, entertaining art girls talking about cultural issues. They're liberal on government policy but have some more socially conservative views; i'd recommend it

>> No.13669688


>> No.13669691

tranny detected

>> No.13669692

theyre "anti-woke" left, horrible label, but thats the most popular label they get assigned

they resent identity politics and all the bogus shit the modern left is obsessed with, and are particularly concerned with class in terms of politics

give them a listen, the major thing is that you gotta find them funny, so give it a shot

>> No.13669705

t. dasha and anna
Just listen to Cum Town.

>> No.13669707

I see... where are podcasts anyway?

>> No.13669713

Well, if theres anything I know about art hoes, it's how funny and entertaining they are!

>> No.13669721

Yeah i know, but they;re not really like that at all

>> No.13669731

You did not answer either of my questions.

>> No.13669755

Just google redscare podcast lol, are you brain-damaged?

>> No.13669759
File: 196 KB, 1100x733, 7C3C78BF-DF3C-4A87-AD57-EE5C2BF07F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich narcissists wanting to live forever is indeed bad, yet another reason to bring capitalism/statism down. But “transhumanism” isn’t all eugenics pedophiles

>> No.13669762

They are so vapidly contrarian and focused on generating hot-takes concerning banana suit leftists that even though I agree with 99% their politics/social perspectives I can't stand to listen. In short, they are mean girls from high school who have adopted the post-ironic Bernie bro attitude but are so insecure in themselves that they have to oscillate between genuinity and post-genuinity schizophrenically like a bitch who can't make up her mind about where she wants to eat.

>> No.13669764

Did. Thanks


>> No.13669779

Don't toy with me. Is the product of your shoe size and amount of cats currently owned less than your age?

>> No.13669781

>“transhumanism” isn’t all eugenics pedophiles

pedophiles in control of AI


>> No.13669790
File: 227 KB, 1200x1179, 1514909399931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better question is, are pic related /lit/?

>> No.13669795

i don't care about thots but i want to know w2c that t shirt

>> No.13669799
File: 42 KB, 641x482, 99599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we see your fresh anus now pls?

>> No.13669800
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, Dasha-Nekrasova-Feet-4415066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Are there any modern women who don't take millions of pictures of themselves, but who also aren't tryhard Tucker Shapiro watching neocon thots? Is it possible to be a respectable, politically conscious woman without being a shallow retarded cultist or trading their physical appearance for attention? I wish more old busted ladies who never had much sex would start podcasts. That way it's more like I'm listening to a full, real, individuated human being, who also happens to be a woman, rather than a woman first and foremost, who only incidentally happens to be a human being.

It's just disappointing that whenever any woman is young, thin, and not fuck ugly, she's inevitably taking pictures of herself nonstop, and she has inevitably made a choice from 1 of the 5 different stereotyped young thin girl personas. Sometimes these women can still be OK people but it's still fundamentally normie, because it doesn't penetrate deep enough past the normie layer into true self-awareness, by becoming neurotic and truly humble. I guess I'm an MRA PUA MGTOW incel here but I really do wish fewer women would do this, especially at expensive universities. If I'm scrolling through dozens of your archetype on Tinder every morning on the toilet something has gone wrong with your process of individuation. Basic bitches are awful, granted, but at least they can be paradoxically genuine in their sheer naivete. These woke or post-woke or post-post-woke leftist type broads plateau too often and just become cunty Daria wannabes. It's like the premise of their persona is to penetrate beyond being a walking set of fashion statements but then they turn that premise itself into a fashion statement.

Anyway, I'd lick her feet but her legs are kind of stickish. And I feel like she'd be one of those girls whose high sexual confidence comes from being hot on Instagram, not from real sex, so when you have sex with her it's just boring.

>> No.13669808

I'm pretty sure Stav doesn't even know how to read.

>> No.13669813

Adam and Nick are mildly /lit/ as individuals, Cumtown as a podcast is /lit/ to the highest degree

>> No.13669817

How does one become so based?

>> No.13669822
File: 2.58 MB, 498x298, 6F2CC53A-DA1B-4DDD-B54A-FC3CCBB9147F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Semi immoral villains of this sort will be a sweet head to crush open on e we catch them.

>> No.13669832
File: 82 KB, 736x748, arthoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I mean by 1 of the 5 personas. This art hoe shit has gotta die already. They all make the exact same fucking expression and talk in the same ways. I watched the InfoWars thing and I swear even the way Dasha drinks from her straw once she realizes she is Being For The Gaze of the Other is affected to maximize her art hoe archetype. You can see her instinctively panic as she realizes she only has a split second to comport herself and instantiate the archetype.

I'm trying to be genuine here I swear. I just feel bad about this phenomenon and I wish there were some way to escape it. I don't know if this will make any sense, but women should be able to be anonymous losers. The default state of all humans should be anonymous loser. Being a young thin woman is like if you took an ugly anonymous invisible man and made him into a passably pretty young thin woman. Suddenly he'd get all sorts of attention and he'd forget about all the unconscious processes of bildung he was undergoing. Even if he wanted to retain his real self, it would be lost amid confused and muddled feedback from people giving him attention solely for now being a young thin modestly pretty woman. That's not fair. Women shouldn't be cursed with being pretty. It turns them into art thots with thick eyebrows who ironically camwhore but that's still camwhoring.

>> No.13669834

Who is this hideous wretch?

>> No.13669837

Oh, this girl works with infowars?

>> No.13669838

They might be the opposite of /lit/, and it's funny because Nick and Adam really try to be.

There's a particularly tragic episode where they mention they were reading Blood Meridian (I think Stav and Nick were) and they were still reading 4 episodes later and then just dropped the subject entirely. Just complete dummies with no focus or sticktoitiveness.

>> No.13669841

Haha. I typed immortal. They’re full immoral

>> No.13669852
File: 545 KB, 800x450, C4E62C19-A19F-4305-8A38-0F52B1CC0ABF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13669854

Dasha is a quintessential Female: she went from a liberal to socialist to a marxist to (apparently) a trad cat, probably without ever having read a single book in any of those subjects.

She just goes wherever her feminine, menstrual intuition tells her to.

>> No.13669858

No she got approached by some retard InfoWars reporter and asked obnoxiously why she's a socialist.

I can't explain it but you can see a lot of affectation in her reactions, both conscious and reflexive. In everything she does the persona comes first, because it's part of her "style." Then as she gains confidence that her style is holding its ground and making her look cool and good on camera you can tell she becomes more eager to exploit the situation because she's going to look cool online.

I was watching some old video from 2012 of these nerds playing Warhammer 40k recently, and one of them was a massive dork with a big wool sweater, with an almost dangerous level of disregard for comporting himself or affecting any kind of cool style. He was just a very sweet guy. He wasn't even super autistic or weird, but you could tell almost all his socializing had come from other dorks who don't know how to judge each other, for so many years that he had no natural defenses against normies. That's like the polar opposite of Dasha. Dasha should at least have the option to wear a wool sweater and play Warhammer. She shouldn't automatically be sucked into the normie world just because she has a vagina.

>> No.13669862

I do agree with your sentiment. Unfortuantley we are ruled by biological determinism, and our intellectual preferences for women to be a certain way are just that - intellectual preferences; we are perfectly content being attracted to women as they are, as shallow as we may view them to be on a conscious level. It does seem like many men such as you and I would prefer not be sexist but inevitably rub against reality. It doesn't really matter though, the intellectual life is a solitary pursuit and to think otherwise will only result in sadness of the deepest degree


>> No.13669863
File: 135 KB, 220x118, 8D17000F-9EDD-44F4-9E14-86DF0E4066D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Larping on 4chan will bring the revolution
Go read another book sweaty

>> No.13669870

Aren’t those the retards who tried to get Martin Shkreli on their dumb podcast and failed miserably because they all were too inept to coherently persuade him?

>> No.13669876

Alex Jones is the most entertaining dumb cunt ever

>> No.13669879

Just listen to the podcast, it's funny as shit

>> No.13669885

I don't think they've sincerely tried to do anything in the past 5 years.

>> No.13669889
File: 64 KB, 515x752, B936E154-B59C-41D0-AFD2-F7C9F815266C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not playing any roles yet, dear.

>> No.13669891

I guess you're right. I just wish there were a solution that didn't force women to become men (or men women), allowing both genders to fully indulge their archetypal gender behaviours, but that also didn't sacrifice political and intellectual equality in the process. Or vice versa. Sometimes I wonder if it's not just better to let women live it up as skanks in their 20s, so at least they can mindlessly bask in their pure attention-whoring, drama-queening feminine essence before becoming old crones. But with how many women can't handle aging these days, I don't know.

That's a nice song friend.

>> No.13669895

So convincing

>> No.13669911
File: 11 KB, 212x240, 845065E5-AE9F-472D-91DB-59096DD67AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I fuck twinks

>> No.13669914

If the revolution comes I’ll eat my entire copy of The Ego and It’s Own and post it on here

>> No.13669932

>why oh why do I live in a world of beauty AND camera!?


>> No.13669960

What if I told you that I'm holding your mom's asshole hostage, and that if you don't listen to Cumtown I'm going to launch a fierce geyser of molten semen into it? Convinced yet?

>> No.13669971

You have a vulgar and disgusting mind. You are probably American