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13669435 No.13669435 [Reply] [Original]

I got a subject matter that I can't stop writing about and I wish to turn it into a disturbing "choose your own adventure" style horror novel. Horror books can be scary on their own but I think I can really push the bar by putting the reader into the main character's viewpoint where they are forced to pick from outcomes that all lead to distressing situations.

I've never done this before so I'm just using Microsoft Word. Are there better options out there? What is the best way to keep track of my multiple branching scenarios?

>> No.13669488
File: 199 KB, 700x458, WS5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why post it notes were invented anon

>> No.13669499
File: 25 KB, 208x320, 81S88UFKuML._AC_UL320_SR208,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also choose your adventure books did rather peak in the 1980s

>> No.13669520
File: 10 KB, 290x174, asipconpiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm didn't think of that. I could turn my wall into sticky notes and red strings. Hell sounds kinda fun desu. Would def prefer a software version of this tho since my hand writing is shit

>> No.13669530

Aye I get it, but I never felt any of them really pushed the horror aspect hard enough and I got one hell of a nasty story to tell.

>> No.13669742

Index cards would be great as well. You can number them and cross reference.

A personal wiki would let you link between pages. That's a little more involved though

>> No.13669751

I've been thinking about doing colored highlighting for each story arc, with another color for story arc switching events. Not sure if that will pan out or not but it's my first thought

>> No.13669844

You can get multicolor index cards too

>> No.13669886


>> No.13669941

Scrivener could work for you.

>> No.13670384

This is exactly what I was hoping to find with this thread. Thank you.