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13667567 No.13667567 [Reply] [Original]

*Unsheathes pen*

>Women are...big children all their life--a kind of intermediary stage between the child and the full-grown man.
>The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has no sense of justice.
>Instead of calling them beautiful, there would be more warrant for describing women as the unaesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art, have they really and truly any sense or susceptibility; it is a mockery if they make a pretense of it in order to assist their endeavor to please.

>> No.13667606 [DELETED] 

His essay On Women was not that impressive, honestly. I prefer his essay On Love or Otto Weininger's Sex and Character, which is more complete.

>> No.13667627

t roastie

>> No.13667636 [DELETED] 

t. brainlet
Have you ever read Sex and Character, dumbass?

>> No.13667806

>be incel
>b-but an old white philosopher said it!

>> No.13667815

I'm not an incel.

I've never met a woman who didn't manage to repulse me with her ugly soul within a day of meeting her.

>> No.13667832

wtf is wrong with his hair

>> No.13667835

t. triggered roastie

>> No.13667842

He liev 200 years before hairspray was invented you phoneposting child, fuck off

>> No.13667858

learn how to type dumbass, have you even finished elementary school?

>> No.13667894

>learn how to type dumbass
Fuck you it's 10:28pm where I am I'm tired, you'll know how that feels in 10 years

>> No.13668304

it's called the most based hair style of no fucks given

>> No.13668468

Sure, I'll believe the bitter deluded incel instead of the thousands of works of art, poetry, and music I've experienced by women that have deeply moved and impressed me. I do pity you sad fucks.

>> No.13668533

>incel virgin is an incel because he can't get laid or have sex

Lmao. Typical incel rationalization from an incel who can't even have sex or get laid. I wouldn't fuck him if he said those things. Women won't fuck you if you say those things. But also he said those things because women wouldn't even have sex with him before he said them which makes him an incel which means he's an incel so he'll never get laid lmao.

How is my roastie impersonation

>> No.13668563


Got a problem, bub? *Unsheathes pen claws*

>> No.13668577

If you are moved by works of "art" women have created, then you are closer to being a woman than a man yourself

>> No.13668598
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i will go to whore to have sex and collect money to bay virgin wife

>> No.13668601

"Philosophy" like that is pure BS. Everything he said is literally just his opinion. He didn't come up with it from some principles, there is no complex logic, no new method of organize your thought, no hard data, really no substance at all.

>> No.13668603


>> No.13668615

REMINDER that this fucking faggot spend his whole youth partying and getting laid but when he wanted a woman to abandon her son and marry him, she refused and he became a bitter old cunt. He's a complete fucking hypocrite and biased.

>> No.13668630

Oh no, the incel anon hath judged me. Get lost, kid.

>> No.13668638

>He didn't come up with it from some principles, there is no complex logic, no new method of organize your thought, no hard data, really no substance at all.
>He didn't engage in sophistry

>> No.13668660
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>> No.13668676

What value does he provide though? Every blogger can say stuff like that.

>> No.13668693

how is any philosopher different from a blogger? Really though.

>> No.13668722

Source? I believe you and am genuinely interested.

>> No.13668774

I don't like most philosophy. It's mostly just loosely defined terms and opinions.
I just read stuff like an autist and translate natural language into formal propositional logic.

>> No.13668794

Same. It's what I'm trying to get at in my thread >>>13668480

>> No.13669994
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>> No.13670073

>the thousands of works of art, poetry, and music I've experienced by women

>> No.13670204

>Women are...big children all their life--a kind of intermediary stage between the child and the full-grown man.

Aren't men generally known for being, On Average, more unwilling to grow up (More hedonistic, willing to take risks, ect.)? I figure we have the term "MAN-child" for a reason.

>> No.13670224
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>the unaesthetic sex

>> No.13670256

>being moved by music written by women
That's gonna be a yikes. I assume you're talking about pop drek with female singers.

>> No.13670284

Yes and no I guess.Women dedicate a grand total of 0 seconds to introspection and the real of the metaphysical, and in turn, they get to invest their live efforts into the material, if you don't get to know them, this quality might trick you into thinking they are down to earth, well-adjusted individuals.

I never had a single romantic partner who I cold judge to have any level of personal accountability for her actions, women might mature faster into their role on society while men might retract and get bogged down in some type of self searching exercise, but emotionally, I yet to meet a woman who developed past puberty. I guess what im getting at is that ehen you don't have anything hard to convey, words will never fail you.

>> No.13670298

>...and usually keep their attention fixed upon what lies nearest; while we, as a rule, see beyond it, for the simple reason that it lies under our nose
>From the fundamental defect that has been stated, and all that it involves, spring falseness, faithlessness, treachery, ungratefulness, and so on
>In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all.
His essay was spot on.

>> No.13670301


>> No.13670467

this kek.

>> No.13670509


>> No.13672020


>> No.13672046

Really the difference between women and men is not as big as 4chan thinks, most people are just brainlets, regardless of gender.
But I think that the fact that the term man-child exists shows that men are held to a different standard, not necessarily that they are more childish.
Also it's very easy for women to have sex, which is an adult action but dorsn't make them adults intelectually.

>> No.13672052

>women might mature faster into their role on society
I think the reason for this is that we've become so emasculated as a species that our societies are now feminine as opposed to masculine thus leading to higher female success in the world while men are given the choice of becoming more feminine in nature or remaining a relic of our previous societal expectations. This is just my own opinion though and I'm probably wrong.

>> No.13672114
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Based and cuckpilled.

>> No.13672142
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>> No.13672151

This is only one example of his many many affairs with lower class women and women in general. Studying his life and you can see how was constantly falling in love with women and then being disappointed by them because they don't fit his standards. He had a Madonna-Whore complex.

Schopenhauer was, unironically, an incel.

>> No.13672170

How can you be an incel when you have sex? Maybe he was bitter, but not an actual incel.

Also any info on why he hated that woman's second son?