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/lit/ - Literature

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13664900 No.13664900 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people on this board hate this book? Is it because it's not DEEP like muh republic? Is just simple fun something bad?

>> No.13664939

>Why do people on this board hate this book?
we don't but posts like yours is why some people might dislike it

>> No.13664979

I don't think the absurdity is very funny or clever, especially when it has nothing to do with plot or character development. The book has nothing interesting to say because the absurdity is truly random an so it isn't in service to anything.

Not that it matters but the sort of people who like this book are very obnoxious to me. Look at how the OP writes "muh republic." He has to be in his teens.

>> No.13665023

>rick and morty the book
>why do people hate it?

>> No.13665037

you just had to find the biggest söy cover of it, right?

>> No.13665040

>muh randumb xD

>> No.13665060
File: 47 KB, 236x339, memed-io-output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is just simple fun something bad?
People glorify simple fun as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order

>> No.13665063

Actually the absurdity is all very much at the expense of various kinds of theism, which also explains why a christlarping board like /lit/ is going to reject ot

>> No.13665066


>> No.13665092

How is random absurdity a contradiction to theism?

>> No.13665096

I think the intro is a really good metaphor for dealing with an existential crisis. most of us will have to deal with aliens paving over our world for the greater good and what comes after is really what you should be looking for

>> No.13665131
File: 122 KB, 657x527, 1537456138103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh social commentary on muh ebil religiun and muh ebil totalitarianism
If your book is any of those then literally an hero you fucking faggot. and go suck a dick since there is no skygrandpa nor literallyhitler to stop you now. hope you die. retard nigger bitch

>> No.13665143

Because the very idea of “randomness” goes directly against the logic of god possessing omniscience. Random and predetermined events cannot coexist if everything moves according to God’s plan. Adams uses the absurd nature of the universe to highlight why the imposition of a God is actually a way of disenchanting something that is already unfathomable by making it concrete, accessible and personal.

>> No.13665157

I don’t even like Adams, I’m just aware of the context that surrounds the book. Imagine being so ideologically warped that a totally neutral post makes up seethe THIS hard

>> No.13665161

Randomness is relative to our perspective. What appears random to us is not necessarily random or random for God.

>> No.13665170

Yes I’m well aware of the theological arguments against it, I’m just explaining what Adams is trying to by utilising the absurd. Im agnostic so I don’t see much point in defending dated atheistic arguments

>> No.13665191

You're saying randomness is contradictory to theism but this isn't true. Randomness isn't truly random but even if it was that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a purpose for it. There could be a God in the Hitchhiker's universe and canonically there is.

>> No.13665208

I could have simple fun rolling a tire down the road with a stick why would I waste time on reading a book about it

>> No.13665238

I’m saying ADAMS thinks that randomness is contrary to god’s existence, because either randomness exists or God does. Like you said, the random in a theistic universe is simply a projection of the human onto god’s divine plan, so therefore a God in a random universe is equally as impossible, right?

>there could be a God in the hitchhiker universe and canonically there is
You mean the man in the shack? I’d say it’s pretty obvious he’s doing it to heighten the absurdity even further.

>> No.13665265


>> No.13665269

Christians. Fuckfases hate anything atheists make, the more popular the more hate. They’re joyless cunts

Take it back

>> No.13665284 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13665316
File: 92 KB, 1200x675, r_m_sauce.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?” ...

>> No.13665364

The absurdity does follow it's plot though. It's interesting to see how all these random events somehow end up being connected.

>> No.13665371
File: 30 KB, 413x539, 48B6A7CF-62A1-45A7-B41A-F8901EBC2705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your memes have no effect here, frat boy

>> No.13665388
File: 487 KB, 1200x675, Rick-and-morty-1200x675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“So this is it," said Arthur, "We are going to die."
"Yes," said Ford, "except... no! Wait a minute!" He suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur's line of vision. "What's this switch?" he cried.
"What? Where?" cried Arthur, twisting round.
"No, I was only fooling," said Ford, "we are going to die after all.”
>you know in your heart ,the truth

>> No.13665688

this book is for retards.

>> No.13665718

This book didn't leave any strong impression on me but I didn't hate it. I did hate all the sequels. Should've been an one of.

>> No.13665795

i just dont like how pop it is. robert sheckley did it first anyways

>> No.13666155 [DELETED] 

>muh social commentary on muh ebil religiun and muh ebil totalitarianism
I feel like big part of why people on this site have issues with it nowadays is that we are talking about social commentary from 40 years ago when christianity was still much more important in the generally western and specifically western european public, and you actually offended people with such blatant display of atheism.

For example the big scandal regarding Monty Python's "Life of Brian" created at virtually the same time would be near totally unimaginable nowadays:

>> No.13666167

It's pretty boring.

>> No.13666175

>muh social commentary on muh ebil religiun and muh ebil totalitarianism
I feel like big part of why people on this site have issues with it nowadays is that we are talking about social commentary from 40 years ago when christianity was still much more important in the generally western and specifically western european public, and you actually offended people with such blatant display of atheism.
For example the big scandal Monty Python's "Life of Brian" created at virtually the same time, as perfect example, would be near totally unimaginable today:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeKWVuye1YE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asUyK6JWt9U [Embed]

>> No.13666310

Because it isn't a book...

>> No.13666353

Because it's low brow british humor. The kind of stuff that insufferable high school and college kids who won't stop quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail enjoy.

>> No.13666475

That's right, 'twas a radio show

>> No.13666506

I didn't really mind the book, but the people who like it are annoying. It's very much in the wheel house of a cynical teenager who thinks being snide about everything makes them intelligent.

>> No.13666531

The thing is that Hitchhiker basically is just Monty Python in book form. It feels less special when you think of it like that. The Atheism is explored in an overly simplistic way as well.

Overall, it's definitely a book that's funny at points, but it's arguably a candidate for the most overrated book of all time. Reddit considers this book the single greatest of all time-- I have no idea how anyone can consider it the GOAT unless they're not very well read.

>> No.13667758

because it has the most annoying fanbase ever
aside from the quran and the bible

>> No.13668007

>The book has nothing interesting to say
It's a satirical commentary of modern life. Some people like that sort of thing, some don't.

>> No.13668069

tripfags deserve to be gassed


>> No.13668338

>Reddit considers this book the single greatest of all time-- I have no idea how anyone can consider it the GOAT unless they're not very well read.
It's R*ddit we are speaking of after all.

>> No.13668345

Because it's only slightly better than being the literary version of Elon Musk

>> No.13668476

Christians have the joy of the Lord

>> No.13668966

That’s a terrible cover OP, but I got the big collection of all the books with some of his other writing when I was like 7 and I read through it all an easy 10-12 times until middle school.

At the same time I was also digesting Adams’ nonfiction work, most of which was collected in “The Salmon of Doubt”, and very much formulating a juvenile expression of atheism, because I did not know spirituality could be discussed in such intellectual terms as a youth. I’ve since moved past that, but I give absolute credit to Hitchhikers and Adams for getting me into literature as a child, and it’s something I hope I can share with my children one day.

I only wish he had finished the Dirk Gentley series and had lived to see what his early ideas about video games grew up to become — anyway, Discworld is superior in terms of wittiness and literary content.

>> No.13668980

Isn't that the Reddit Pratched faggotry stravaganza?

>> No.13669001

discworld is based bro..

>> No.13669002

Hitchhiker's decent, but it was his peak. The rest of his work is just boring and repetetive. Same shit as Pratchett, shit gets cliched fast. Good strategy to sell out as a writer I guess.

>> No.13669014

to be fair, Adams only wrote like 4 Hitchhiker's books. Pratchet wrote dozens of Discworld books.

>> No.13669021

In another of Douglas Adams' books, the gods sold their powers to managers in exchange for clean linens in an assisted living facility, which is a metaphor for what the White nations were doing.

>> No.13669030

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.13669045

yea dude Adams had some fun ideas, I mean the later hitchhiker books have absolutely accurate takes on society and he has a keynote speech, I can’t find it now since it’s been so long, where it’s just him shitting on Dawkins, Hitchens, other prominent atheists lol

>> No.13669113

This is a bit unfair. Adams was a legit dada stylist - that is, random metaphors for real stuff. Penguin of doom is just randomness for random's sake with no intent to have a thread of original content underneath whatsoever.

>> No.13669117

This is Reddit: the book (and that's a bad thing)

You need to go back