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/lit/ - Literature

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1366476 No.1366476 [Reply] [Original]

'sup /lit/?

A (female) friend of mine and I were having a discussion about what we like to read the other day, and she is dubious that fantasy can be anything but silly/crap, but she is willing to give it a shot.

So can one of you kind sirs suggest a book for a semi-sceptical fantasy first-timer? I doesn't matter what sub-genre of fantasy, and it doesn't matter if it's part of a series or not, but it should be well written.

I'll take equivalent sci-fi suggestions too, though fantasy is preferable.

I give you delicious cheese pizza in return; I can also provide tits if desired.

tl;dr - recommend something for a first-time fantasy reader.

>> No.1366488

What does she normally read? I want to say the Gormenghast trilogy, if she's in the mindset that fantasy is all useless tripe. It definitely changed my mind.

>> No.1366492

Philip Pullman, The Golden Compass

>> No.1366500
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well anon surely you must read fantasy if you're trying to show her otherwise!

give her something you like, i'm sure your tastes won't effect how much she likes you!

>> No.1366501

why do you have to spread your childish indulgences? isn't it enough that the jocks at school no longer give you swirlies?

>> No.1366505


Well she reads various things really, though she is currently reading The Master and Margarita, and I think her favourite book is The Bell Jar.

I don't think she necessarily feels that strongly against fantasy, but she is definitely sceptical.

ty for the suggestion too, I recall a friend recommending that once.

>> No.1366507

The Tempest

>> No.1366509

or she might realize that this fantasy fanboy has no redeeming qualities

>> No.1366513

If she likes romance, get her to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

>> No.1366539


I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner, one of my favourite books.


I hail from the UK; we have neither jocks nor swirlies. Seriously though, I love tea and toasted muffins.

>> No.1366548

>she is currently reading The Master and Margarita, and I think her favourite book is The Bell Jar

Give her Ficciones and The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.1366554

Oho. Maybe throw some Borges or Calvino her way (which are both dubiously speculative fiction). Also check out Lord Dunsany, and I second the Gormenghast suggestion.

>> No.1366557
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>I think her favourite book is The Bell Jar.
Guys is this danger zone? I'm quite young, unexperienced & girls have been reading this for a long time. wanna know if it's loser-fuckedup or hipster-fuckedup. (a girl liking it that is)

>> No.1366560


ty for the suggestions


We're friends with benefits anyway, so I doubt it matters whether or not I have any redeeming qualities.

>> No.1366567

A Game of Thrones.

I was skeptical about fantasy, too, until I read that.

>> No.1366575

I don't think that any non-geeky girl is ever going to be a fan of fantasy - even the really good kinds of fantasy, I think, don't tend to appeal very much to women. Very male-oriented in the way they tend to be good.

So I think it depends what kind of person she is. Tell us more about her taste. She sounds like a sort of artistic - poetic - intellegentsia girl (I want to clarify, before I go on, that I mean this only in a descriptive sense) and if that's the case then don't even freaking bother.

>> No.1366580


>> No.1366592


Many thanks for the ideas; Gormenghast has received two votes so I may go with that, though I will definitely consider everything else too.

>> No.1366590

Maybe not things like A Game of Thrones or that type of fantasy, but a lot of the books in >>1366554 are rather gender neutral.

>> No.1366593

drugstore-feminism fucked-up

>> No.1366594

I've read the Bell Jar and if forced between the two choices, I'm gonna have to say loser-fucked up. Prozac Nation is more hipster-fucked up.

>> No.1366599

Does Neil Gaiman count as fantasy?

Because he's great.

>> No.1366602
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>We're friends with benefits anyway

>> No.1366607

I'm not sure she'll be much into Gaiman if she likes Bulgakov. but then again, dat voice. You could give her the Sandman comics, if she's against comics, OP.

>> No.1366606

Fantasy usually goes right over my head. Tolkein's writing style was able to draw me in and make sense more than any fantasy I had been exposed to previously. I started with The Hobbit.

>> No.1366605

I really liked Bell Jar, I don't think it was all that fucked up. So she attempted suicide, bfd it was a great book.

>> No.1366603

I don't know. I think you're actually right about Gormenghast, and maybe about Dunsany. But certainly Borges, for all his genius, is a writer who I think appeals more to male than to female readers. And I think the same is true of Calvino.

>> No.1366609

You would like Morrissey, whore.

>> No.1366610

*she's NOT against


>> No.1366612

ok so bell jar should be a warning sign whereas prozac nation should be enticing.

what about girl interrupted?

>> No.1366617
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no i really hate morissey as a person. but unfortunately the lyrics mean that i have to, compulsory, like it or not, listen to the smiths once a month at least. but i guess he's a good singer & marr is a lovely guitarist.

>> No.1366619




She is very 'slightly-shy-girl-next-door' in her outward appearance and demeanor and so on, but she actually has fairly geeky taste and appreciates quite dark humour, which is why I we get along well; she's not masculine, but she's not particularly feminine either once you get to know her.

>> No.1366623

Really? I'm female and those are two of my favorite authors. I've introduced a few of their stories to some female friends of mine as well, and they loved them. Eh, who knows.

>> No.1366632

Well, I guess I'm just a shithead, then. More power to you.

>> No.1366651


Appreciating the discussion/suggestions, ty


>herp O_o