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/lit/ - Literature

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13662519 No.13662519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Femanons, you go into a guy's bedroom and he has a Marx duvet, what do you do?

>> No.13662525

why do guys like you and me know what a duvet is?

>> No.13662549

i let him do a cummy cum in me ;)

>> No.13662552
File: 2.31 MB, 718x404, 1562392122866.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the UK and have used a duvet almost my whole life and I love it. It's warm, comfortable, and secure. Only a retard wouldn't use one, unless they live in a hot region.

>> No.13662674

We call them doonas here :3

>> No.13662699
File: 98 KB, 500x552, D13u4EVX0AAJDiB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning fellow ausfag

>> No.13663065


I used to sell bedding. Duvets included, so knew the word

>> No.13663099
File: 209 KB, 615x361, Nakamura calling you a retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you knew a basic household item, good job. Idiot.

>> No.13663110

based as fuck

>> No.13663140

it's just past noon

>> No.13663151


>> No.13663166

Femanons do not exist, especially on a board about literature. All you're getting here is tranny larp.

>> No.13663212

Im in SA

>> No.13663235


>> No.13663265

I don't understand how anyone could believe in Communism at all.

For example, if I wanted a cashmere jumper, how would I get it in a communist system? Since it has objective value being that it's hard to produce, why would it be as freely available as a cotton jumper?

Seriously. What is the communist answer to this?

>> No.13663270

What is this from?

>> No.13663285

The store. The taylor. Off the internet. It won’t be hard to get.

In a post environmental collapse world everything is going to be hard to get, but that wont be because of communism, buddy.

>> No.13663289
File: 763 KB, 1233x785, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure it out

>> No.13663299

A 16 year old weebs hard drive.

>> No.13663307
File: 421 KB, 651x517, Nakamura slapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm just goofin', Aku no Hana

>> No.13663311
File: 166 KB, 636x377, Nakamura asks you to relax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more tranny

>> No.13663314

He was asking what the source material was you retarded dried out namefag.

>> No.13663326

Goodnight, kiddo

I know. How do you expect me to know the source. I’m not from /a/, the kid is

>> No.13663328

I think you don't understand economics.

>> No.13663345
File: 461 KB, 1147x645, B9AD6083-505B-4F3E-9F0F-47638BBA2357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you don’t understand it either

>> No.13663352
File: 793 KB, 638x989, Nakamura politely asks you to leave .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, you really are an idiot. You're a cancer. I hope you join that 43%. However, making you angry always does brighten up my day. Godspeed you ugly man.

>> No.13663356

Disgusting cheap whore.

>> No.13663357

Well then if you didn't know you shouldn't have made another fucking worthless post you insufferable moron.

>> No.13663363

>I don't understand how anyone could believe in Communism at all.
You ever lived in a family?
>For example, if I wanted a cashmere jumper, how would I get it in a communist system?
You ask and you get, but communism is really very vague, utopian notion. It's better to talk about socialism. There you buy it with the money you earn for doing labour.

>> No.13663579

Absolute dabbage

>> No.13663630

i'd take out my scissors and cut it in half since that piece belongs to me

>> No.13663694
File: 1.94 MB, 282x501, 848974CF-28B1-4661-A100-2E699DC669C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dabbage control. I just found an under age weeb strutting sidetracking a thread. A shitthread, but he shouldn’t be here

>> No.13663709
File: 102 KB, 500x1200, 1566093433101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't be anywhere you mistake of nature. Can't you be an idiot somewhere else? Does your chemically broken brain realise this is an anime privy website?

>> No.13663710

Shouldn't you be festering in a grave by now, tranny?

>> No.13663742

>You ever lived in a family?
Unlike in a family no member of a heterogenic society has a inert biological insensive to share freely. The bigger the genetic distance to the people you live with, the less "social" they are. See Robert Putnams Study about social cohesion.

While socialism can work in a family, even a small community of people, it doesn't work in a populatin without personal investment (strangers) and multiracial members.

>> No.13663761

Marx was an antisemtie and a racist (arguably a fascist too) and i hate all forms of bigotry

>> No.13663766

Fuck off schizodyke

>> No.13663772

and you don't seem to understand...

>> No.13663779

Having a Marx duvet is peak capitalism, though

>> No.13663783

Actually ties into Baudelaire, fairly well. Might as well take the opportunity to read some of him too.

>> No.13663788

>While socialism can work in a family, even a small community of people, it doesn't work in a populatin without personal investment (strangers) and
Obviously, this alienation is why we have capitalism. Traditionally humanity operated in groups that were small enough . Atomized individuals living in hives seeing hundreds of strangers a day with whom they don't interact is relatively new phenomenom.

>multiracial members.
Lmao, why do mutts force niggers into everything?

>> No.13663796

I wish, that I could turn back time
‘cause now the guilt is all mine

>> No.13663797

Nogs and other nonwhites are currently swarming european and north american countries. It is a topical issue.

>> No.13663799

But I can’t read french and if I read a translation you guy’ll make fun of me

>> No.13663803
File: 230 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20190818-013859-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pop my shoesies off, that's for sure

>> No.13663808

I hope they conceive your grandchildren and turn your gated community into a shithole

>> No.13663823

I'm german. If you thing that the forced multiracial society is a purely mutt experience you would be fatally wrong.

>> No.13663828
File: 68 KB, 558x344, 1xazem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people having a country for themselves since ancient times and beeing succesfull and happy that way evokes such a hate in anon that he wishes that they all get genocided through outbreeding so he doesn't have to feel like a loser in comparison with his betters

>> No.13663849

Kek, guess things get too comfy on our side of iron curtain that I forget what's happening in the west.

>> No.13663881

There’s nothing against the rule of floorchan that keeps *overaged* people out. Nothing even about keeping women out. Homosexuals? No, they get a whole board even. Any board here for the under 18 crowd?


>> No.13663882

Keep your eyes open, Poland the the further east ones get flooded slowly as well. Less with niggers but more with curry and other chinky ones for the same reason. You're beeing indoctrinated with the same shit the west has been. Give it time and you will wish to never having broke down the curtain.

>> No.13663969

If everything is free why wouldn't I buy millions of cars on the internet?

>> No.13663981

For what reason? You only need one car.

>> No.13663982

Yes but I want many cars

>> No.13664010

Again, why?

>> No.13664047
File: 47 KB, 640x320, adorno-thumbs-down-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't imagine living without consumerism and still wants consumerism
absolutely disgusting, you are probably the one who is going to become anti communist once communism happens because you can't live without starbucks™ and apple™.
enjoy your trip to gulag

>> No.13664069

Wow what a great assumption tripfag.

>> No.13664081

I like cars? Why does it matter?

>> No.13664092

Hate consumerism, degeneracy, capitalism, niggers, trannies and women. Who should I read?

>> No.13664106

Karl Marx

>> No.13664110

Who’d he buy it from, Gucci? Get outta here.

He admitted it.

So build yourself a big ol Jay Leno garage and go hungry a few nights

>> No.13664115

>So build yourself a big ol Jay Leno garage and go hungry a few nights
Why would I go hungry under communism if everything is free?

>> No.13664121

I've read all of his posts and he didn't so keep telling yourself that sweaty.
No point in arguing with whatever it is. It basically just comes in threads to lower their quality anyways.

>> No.13664124

Butterfly's collected posts to help see why you feel the way you do. :3

>> No.13664137 [DELETED] 

Frankly, I just woke up. My response was dull witted. But your questions were also.
I like. Why’m I gonna surround myself with a hundred of em?


>> No.13664139

Sit on the doona and watch my fucking anime

>> No.13664141 [DELETED] 

Frankly, I just woke up. My response was dull witted. But your questions were also.
I like cats, but why’m I gonna surround myself with a hundred of em?

>> No.13664146
File: 23 KB, 600x431, 98ED62BB-D477-4840-BD65-226A3C64DFB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly, I just woke up. My response was dull witted. But your questions were also.
I like cats, but why’m I gonna surround myself with a hundred of em?

>> No.13664147 [DELETED] 

Who are you even replying to gran? Gosh you are already starting to get senile so you might as well get the cats now.

>> No.13664150

Can you control your stupid whore tranny? She's pissing me off.

>> No.13664154

I have a Caesar duvet and a Spirited Away duvet. girls love them.

>> No.13664155

Just because you like something, doesn't mean that your demands are reasonable. Child doesn't pay money to mother for sweets, but if child likes sweets and demands ton of them doesn't mean that the entire family should go hungry over that.

>> No.13664159
File: 140 KB, 1180x585, Marx7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all communist literature except the feminists and the queers.
although marx talked briefly about how the capitalist family revolves about ownership of sons, daughter, wife, etc and lacks the human element, most feminists today consider him a misogynist or "ignorant of women suffering"

>> No.13664162

She's not mine and I can't stand her either. I just did the :3 to throw people off desu. I'd love for someone to finally give her the boot as well.

>> No.13664165

Yes but he said I'm able to buy stuff online. What is stopping me from buying unlimited amounts of whatever I want since it's free?

>> No.13664184

>What is stopping me from buying unlimited amounts of whatever I want since it's free?
"To each according to his needs", ordinary person has no need for more than one car. Again, try to think in the framework of primitive tribe.

>> No.13664197

How does an online store know what my needs are

>> No.13664209

Ordinary person doesn't need more than one car. If you somehow have a need for more than one, then you would have to justify it to the rest of society and hope they will find your needs legitimate.

>> No.13664225

If there are 10 websites selling cars giving 1 car to each person I can get 10 cars and no one would know.

>If you somehow have a need for more than one, then you would have to justify it to the rest of society and hope they will find your needs legitimate.
It's not society. He just said it was an online store.

>> No.13664228

>If there are 10 websites selling cars giving 1 car to each person I can get 10 cars and no one would know.
Why should there be more than one?

>It's not society. He just said it was an online store.
Problem with utopian theoretizing is that you don't really have a clue about the society in future. You can only set up a direction and work the details in process.