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13661959 No.13661959 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Philosophers that remind you of yourself

For me it’s Nietzsche - intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor

>> No.13661975

It's Deleuze and I hate it.

>> No.13662126
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I am a fairly boring person, and there is little to my name besides my passions and vices. However, I love to bask in the light of more interesting individuals often, and I strive to do justice to the emotions which I developed by surrounding myself with their shining brilliance by reflecting them in my writing and reporting their effects. I am naive, and starry-eyed, and not a positive role model, but I am lifeless without the aesthetic—I am its shadow, dark and dependent, and this part in the drama of life is enough to satiate my soul and grant me brief access to the will of the great.

>> No.13662159

It would be Oscar Wilde for all three of you. None of the wit, just the being a faggot part.

>> No.13662161

>ITT: Philosophers that remind you of yourself
>For me it’s Nietzsche
Same, but for very different reasons.
Though he had more courage to get along with his thoughts than I have, many of his conclusions (death of God in our society and perhaps humanity, nihilism, cope, the depth of moral dilemmas; glory versus suffering) have been etched onto me very deeply.
I still think that God does exist and live, yet we cannot fathom the God the decent human beings experienced, we come from a place of minimalism and cowardice in the face of the Leap of Faith.

>> No.13662175

Emil Cioran. He just shitposts all day long just like myself.

>> No.13662197
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Only gay people, such as yourself, know who Oscar Wilde is.

>> No.13662221

If someone is between 15 and 19 years old, it always comes down to Nietzsche for the sole reason that he apparently suits quite well when it comes to the self-aggrandizing pseudo bullshit teenagers so often indulge in.

>> No.13662232

Seething Christcuck detected. Read Charles Darwin

>> No.13662250

For me personally it's Kierkegaard.
Because he died a virgin

>> No.13662295

Wittgenstein, retarded autist

>> No.13662306

Darwin didn't refute christianity
16 yo or new atheist 32 yo who doesn't read books detected

>> No.13662358
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ironic shitposting is stil lshitposting..stop it

>> No.13662401

>refute something that doesn’t exist
18 year old that thinks Christianity is cool now that all his friends are atheists detected

>> No.13662488

you just outed yourself loser. Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist.

>> No.13662538

definitely Guy Debord

>> No.13662566

It reeks.

>> No.13662679


>> No.13664094

Socrates, I'm really annoying

>> No.13664509

Diogenes. Same attitude but I'm not smart.

>> No.13664516

Ben Shapiro

>> No.13664533

Don't remember his name, but it's the guy that wrote 'my diary desu'

>> No.13664534
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>competition driven and can't stand losing
>very eccentric, not contrarian per se but have very weird tastes in everything
>prefer animals over people

Who am I?

>> No.13664542

he was more witty than smart

>> No.13664551
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For me it is pic related.

>> No.13664580

All of you are a bunch of pseudo intellectuals and can't step on the little finger of any philosopher.

>> No.13664592
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yeah anyone who is posting these without trolling is a lost cause. comparing yourself to philosophers because you "prefer animals over people" is homosexual.

>> No.13664853

Camus was the ultimate midwit, like a 5’10 man in a room of short people.

>> No.13664869
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>> No.13664872
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>> No.13664926

That really sucks anon, feel better