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13661914 No.13661914 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13662391

he didnt release an ebook so unless someone has scanned it then no
just buy the book its good

>> No.13662421

Yeah, I read the sample pages and I just wanted more.

>> No.13662466

lack of ebook is a massive pain in my ass

>> No.13663014

No I dont think anyone scanned it yet

>> No.13663058

Is it a good book that will make me want to kill myself, or just cringe.

>> No.13663125

Honestly, a bit of both

>> No.13663176
File: 397 KB, 565x740, 1558231071294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty based desu

>> No.13663191

It has its moments where I want to burn it all down and moments where I wince from the undiluted edge. It's a fun book tho

>> No.13663201

Sounds good, too much edge is a bit of a deal breaker for me but this seems to keep it somewhat under control from what i'm reading. Bought it.

>> No.13663211

This is not good

>> No.13663225

It’s a fun read. I’ve been reading it together with Bronze Age Mindset. I might be going a bit mad as a result but it’s fun

>> No.13663271

I think it speaks to a very specific person, a 20 something white "well adjusted" urban /pol/ poster. It's like being a SJW but with no institutional power and an agenda that's actually being pushed against everything you stand for. You sit in university for 4 years having this agenda shoved down your throat surrounded by people with the same ideas while you play along. The media you consume, the books you read, the people you meet are all of one mind about this and you have absolutely no way of inserting your identity into the world without destroying your life. Then you do it again, but in a cubicle, and forever.

>> No.13663306

I feel like every rant he has segways great into his story being told, its just a fun read in my opinion, yeah can be cringe but when your writing something like this its going to come off cringe anyway haha.

>> No.13663315

ok i will buy it

>> No.13663329

Alright, but I'm a 20 something "well adjusted" white guy with very rightwing views and that excerpt is still not good. It's not original and it's not particularly well written.

>> No.13663366

Try reading the sample few pages on amazon and see what you think, might be better than this one excerpt.

>> No.13663371

write something better desu

>> No.13663384

what is this who what where did it come from

>> No.13663448

transgressive deviant literature, Ted pilled shit poster, twitter

One of the only decent twitter books i've read.

>> No.13663482


>> No.13663502

Same here and I agree.
Just seems like a poorly-written, unoriginal, right-wing rendition of catcher in the rye.
I've see interviews with that Mike Ma and he is very low IQ

>> No.13663520

t. urbanite

>> No.13663536

I live in a country (for work) that doesn’t have amazon yet
How do i get

>> No.13663560

it's not supposed to be a high IQ book though

>> No.13663571

>find a bro
>gib shekels
>ask him to mail you copy
Mike may even do it himself anon.

>> No.13663572
File: 3 KB, 118x125, 1551529784036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its cringey but a total parallel to me and my crush.

>> No.13663580

post more pages

>> No.13663669

Thats kind of the point of the book, more so with BAP though. Its trying to get you to stop being apathetic and chimp out.

>> No.13663706

Imagine being so mentally impervious to literature that you would compare this and catcher in the rye

>> No.13664716

>line breaks instead of indents

>> No.13665459

This is insanely cringe

>> No.13665838

Ignore that poster. READ. THE. BOOK. If you cannot relate to the author then you are on the spectrum of what the individual thinker (highly afflicted by society) struggles with.
