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13660740 No.13660740 [Reply] [Original]

Ive got multiple mental disorders that make sitting still and focusing, and reading comprehension impossible.

I need noise and something to enhance my reading experience, but at the same time If its too much noise I get distracted by it.

What sort of music do you use to read?
Im currently trying to read Meditations, and I AM interested in the book but I just cant focus.

>> No.13660757

Maybe develope some self-discipline? There's a clear line between mental disorders and trashy behavior.

>> No.13660782

Im reading meditations. I think im in a good place so to speak, regardless of my circumstances.

>> No.13660941

i see what you (((mean))).
Mental disorders CAUSE "trashy behavior". And in my circumstances My "trashy" behavior will not end, but still regardless of my circumstances, as I said, I am trying to focus and I cant DO that with the shit in my head.

Get one thing clear, (((YOU))) are a NOT the cause of my frustration, just a side effect.

>> No.13660979

I use Vyvanse and mostly listen to audio books unless it's something like a programming book.

>> No.13660988

Behavior can be modified. Mental disorder is only the manifestation of results from poor behavior. Your mind is moldable. Fix it.

>> No.13661135


>tfw was prescribed vyvanse but had to stop taking it because would do nothing but re dose and jerk off for 3 days with no sleep

>> No.13661151

How nice it must be to not have any mental illness. Im not even gonna use mental illness as an example as to why you're wrong.

I suffer from multiple physical disabilities, do you think that my behaviors are not dictated by the effect of those things on my body and how I must deal with them? I choose not to walk, because when I walk my legs begin to hurt severely. I have to wipe my ass endlessly because my asshole spits out liquid shits. I drop things and trip over myself because arthritis and a vascular disorder in my legs respectively. Guess Ill just someone magically STOP doing all those things because "just be yourself bro". Go fuck yourself.

The cause is just as valid as the effect. and if the effect causes behaviors to be "less than desirable" then thats the part that makes it difficult to do anything else. My behaviors that are caused by mental illness can be explained very easily, but since you seem to think I can just wish my shit away you must be a privileged and Lucky mother fucker. You dont know the depth of my suffering. Literally go fuck yourself, again. Though I do agree with you that behavior CAN be altered greatly. But if you're retarded, you're always gonna be a retard. Some things like mental illness do not change. And the effects from their presence also will not leave no matter what you do.

My psyche wont put me on an SSRI for some Fucking reason. I need it desperately, but something about my bi-polar he says it wont be effective or some shit. Not referring to you, but I guess THAT is just another example of cause and effect. My psychiatrists behavior will not change due to the circumstances that HE faces in dealing with ME personally. He doesnt even understand the depth of my personal and deep sufferings.

Again, Fuck Yourself.

>> No.13661214

bullshit coping. if reading is impossible for you then why are you trying to read in the first place? My mom has polio and she doesn't go around sports boards asking for advice on how to run a mile, then wallows in self pity on how much life would be better if she could walk.

Life sucks for you, we get it, I'm not downplaying your illnesses, but maybe try and do something more in line with your current aptitudes.

>> No.13661226

How many posts have you made in the last two days?
There’s normal chan banter and then there’s being a snot nosed faggot. You’re a snot nosed faggot. Fuck off

>> No.13661252

OP here. I dont want to get into an argument or any troll shit.
Just post some good reading music, the best you got. I cant stand "just be yourself bros" kind of shit.

I just want music to read to. In particular I want something positive and uplifting but very minimal.

Its not just reading. Its much more than that. Im not even going to respond to you with an argument but im going to follow suit with this anon >>13661226 and tell you to fuck off. My life was on easy mode until i realized how fucked I inhrently am and was. Imma tell you to change your behavior and stop being so entitled. But i bet you are unable to change that yourself. See a therapist for your narcissism.

>> No.13661440

You're a legit Chris Chan-tier mental retard, your life will be terrible and I'm happy for it.

>> No.13661651

>How nice it must be to not have any mental illness
I was diagnosed with ADHD. Had a complete psych evaluation and IQ test done. I fixed it by working on the weak areas of my brain.
>do you think that my behaviors are not dictated by the effect of those things on my body
Okay, work to fight the disability as much as possible and quit being a whiny little faggot. You sound like the most insufferable and weakest little bitch to ever visit this board.

>> No.13662286

I am disgusted and unsympathetic... So alone. Im not nearly his level of autism. a fact. Fuck you

>One diagagnosis


>> No.13662342

Force yourself to sit still and focus you stupid fucking retard

>> No.13662374

What cures my ADHD is to read while walking but I don't recommend this because apparently every time I recommend it to a friend and he starts doing it he almost dies a week later.

Maybe reading while pacing indoors would work. I used to go find an abandoned classroom on campus when I was in undergrad and walk in circles around the big table, as long as the room was big enough that I wouldn't get dizzy.

For some reason, I always read or focus better when I'm "dispensing the lower of 20% of my energy" (only way I can phrase it) on something continuous but mindless, like walking. That lower bound of energy is just restless stupid energy that would otherwise make me want to switch between three Youtube videos while also refreshing /lit/. When it's all being channeled into something physical and repetitive, the upper 80% of more placid, directible energy can be focused on something cognitive. I used to alt+tab back and forth between taking notes and playing Doom 2 during uni lectures and it would actually increase my focus because it was so mindless that I could focus on listening, whereas if I were just trying to sit still and listen, that lower part of my consciousness would drift and get distracted constantly.

>> No.13663441
File: 20 KB, 664x520, lemonscented.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any with lyrics is a no-go, but I'm sure you knew that. I listen to instrumental music that fit the book I'm reading, many of which are from video game OST's. Book about space travel? Stellaris soundtrack. Cyberpunk? VA-11 HALL-A soundtrack. Greek classic? Neir OST. Foreign books I normally listen to songs from that time period in that language, since I can't understand it, it doesn't distract me like English lyrics.

t ADHD retard

>> No.13663541

I get up and take a bong rip and a couple of sips from my beer every ten minutes before moving on to the next chapter.

To answer your question, I keep the radio on in the background.

>> No.13663586
File: 197 KB, 620x339, Nakamura looks down on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're fucking joking anon.

>> No.13663615

man you must feel so important when you swallow all those feelings your dad made you regret feeling when he beat the shit out of you.

>> No.13663632

I'm ADD, but never had problems focusing on reading. ADD is the most treatable disorder in psychiatry ~90% respond to stimulants, try them. Ignore fuckwits saying just focus etc. Vyvanse is the preferred medication to start on, also stop smoking weed if you do that.

>> No.13664405

ITT: Zoomers that have "ADHD" due to excessive phone use since childhood.

turn your phone off, take a book and go outside.

>> No.13664484

>I'm ADD, but never had problems focusing on reading.
How the hell did you get diagnosed?

Sorry, far older than a zoomer.
My IQ tests from when I got my diagnosis show I'm highly intelligent and I've tried working on self improvement all my life yet I've been highly dysfunctional, and underperforming.

When I was a child my teachers almost forced my parents to take me to a doctor to get diagnosed with ADHD. Before I got the diagnosis my parents stopped the process because they were afraid the social stigma would be worse for me than the diagnosis.

As a 28 year old I again went to a psychiatrist and finally got a diagnosis and started medicating.
Now I can finally actually use my willpower for self improvement and intellectual tasks are generally a breeze now. I will start university next year, even if I only get a 3 year bachelor degree I'll be over thirty when I graduate. The prime of my life has been robbed from me by idiots like you.

You have no idea what ADHD/ADD actually is, you have no idea what depression is and you certainly have no idea what psychosis is yet you feel and urge to feel superior to those peoplevsnd telling them how they are wrong, you are truly a pathetic specimen.

Of course it's not only your fault, people fool psychiatrists to get ADD diagnosis when starting university and stop taking medicine after they get their degree, something one would not do if one truly had ADD.
Also people telling you they are depressed when feeling sad for 2 days are just bad at using their language.

>> No.13664505
File: 282 KB, 922x715, 1560029887694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take your ritalin

>> No.13665584

its not just ADD sadly. Ive got other brain shit that makes it hard to stay focused.

just gonna say thanks for the support.

Im not so much a whiny bitch because I dont make shit up thats wrong with me. I dont self diagnose, and the problems that I have really do affect my daily life. Just because I have to discuss it and seek assistance doesnt mean that im crying out for attention.

I pace a lot. This is actually good technical advice. Im gonna try it.

anon i feel you. The shit in my brain is legit real and ive been dealing with it since i was a kid also. You never grow out of it and it never gets better. same age too.

>> No.13665856

>my face when i replied to a post that I made.
I musta been drunk as fuck.

>> No.13665878

clear line ya ok

>> No.13665892

everyone has adhd these days its the technology thats fucking us up

>> No.13665910

ive had it since I was a kid but went undiagnosed til I was 28

>> No.13665924


>> No.13665984
