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/lit/ - Literature

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1366074 No.1366074 [Reply] [Original]

So, have you ever carried your elitist 4chan persona over into the real world?

On campus I was arguing with a friend over whose better: David Bowie or Avenged Sevenfold. I told him that he'd have be slightly retarded to think Avenged is anywhere near Bowie, Bowie has more talent in his finger, and the only people who like Avenged Sevenfold are 13 year old kids and manchildren getting into heavier music for the first time.

A couple of his other friends overheard me say that. Irritated, they walked over and engaged in the conversation, so I was bringing the smack down on all three of their impressionable asses.

May have lost a couple friends for a month or whatever, but it had to be done. Plus I looked like an elitist dick in front of strangers, which was awesome.

Surely you've had experiences where you were an elitist dick in public, right?

>> No.1366081

Is this a real story? Bowie vs. Avenged Sevenfold. You didn't lose a friend, it's more like you picked some lice out of your pubic hair and crushed them. And when it comes to books or theater, I am always an elitist prick which is why I regularly come on /lit/
>why i regularly come on /lit/
>i regularly come on /lit/
>i regularly come
>i come

>> No.1366079
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I wish. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

>> No.1366082

>it's more like you picked some lice out of your pubic hair
>some lice out of your pubic hair
>pubic hair
>you got crabs, bro.

>> No.1366084

>implying i speak to anyone

>> No.1366089
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all the time.
schooling people in my course all day erry day.
i'm actually a pretty nice guy in real life and respect other people opinions even though i may disagree with them myself

>> No.1366090
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no but i've been rejected before for my 'elitist' taste.

bad times, bad times.

>> No.1366092

no, that was just the excuse they used. they hate you because you're you

>> No.1366094

it's like for a minute there I thought I had clicked /mu/ instead of /lit/

then I realized the only difference between them is that you fucks don't jack your peckers off to IAOTS, just books that make you look like an intellectual

>> No.1366096
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>> No.1366097 [DELETED] 

I generally stay out of it irl. I don't have wikipedia or thesaurus.com for backup. Not to mention backspace, that's pretty handy too.

Anyway, sounds like OP is a bullshitting child telling us about his lame fantasies, he probably got schooled by the a7x tards and is sat on his chair, butthurt and thinking of what he should have said. If this isn't true, any example of how you layed down your brutal ownage? You're permitted to paraphrase.

>> No.1366100


oh lol...

but yeah; truth

>> No.1366121

All the freaking time, apparently. I don't mean to, but I am fairly sure that I come off as a ridiculously elitist prick a large proportion of the time. Condescending, etc. I don't think it's deserved of course - having a critical standpoint, knowing what you like and don't like, doesn't make you an elitist, and I very rarely actually say that something is bad and that a person is wrong for enjoying it - but nearly everyone disagrees with me so there it is.

>> No.1366137

what is with this assumption that we only read books that make us look like an intellectual, for the specific reason that we want to seem intellectual

that's some ol bullshit

i read books that are interesting. lord knows anyone looking at me would know i'm not trying to be cool.

>> No.1366161

It's just that this is relevant on every board on 4chan, really. Well, save for /po/, i dont' know how you can be elitist there.

>> No.1366195

for fuck's sake. even if you are an elitist (as if that was something to strive for), believe me, David fucking Bowie is not high art. It's shit-tier popmusic made to get teenaged girls wet and spending money. The fact that he's out-lived his sell-by date and gets middle aged women wet instead now is neither here nor there. If you'd said Corelli or Coltrane or something then at least you'd be prick who knew what he was talking about, instead of just being a prick.

>> No.1366206

i mean it's true that bowie is not high art, but the fact that something is pop does not make it artistically worthless or invalid

>> No.1366223
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>> No.1366221

>for fuck's sake. even if you are an elitist (as if that was something to strive for), believe me, David fucking Bowie is not high art
OP didn't say he was. But he is a dick for shitting on his friend's tastes just to fulfill his ego.

>> No.1366235

In a big party i was arguing with my punk friend (only with him) about the political system of my country, he told me that the state sucked and anarchism was the only solution for the political problems of this country, it was more complex than that (he's the only punk inclined into libertarian ideas).

I told them about the problems of my country (Chile) were part of the global system problems and only in long-duree (long duration, structures of braudel) It wasn't the fault of one person or the modern state, destroying everything isn't a solution.

So their friends (specially a girl) asked me a lot about the best political system and the solutions. I told them that keynesianism was a good solution, with a minimal state with interventions in the most problematics sides of the economic and society.

Everyone fighted with me, except my punk friend (the only guy with a brain in that group) he defended me and told them to shut the fuck off. I kept talking with that girl and we had a reaaally great night, if you know what i mean, now she's a good friend.

this happened like two years ago

>> No.1366239

Wow, I just saw this thread on /mu/. It sucks on /lit/ just as much.

>> No.1366242


>> No.1366250

Hmm damn. Good man, bro. 10 internet points to you

>> No.1366257


>pointless post about how he had a discussion about politics
>at a party

>infer from this post that you habve friends (PUNK friends? How exotic!!"), go to parties + have sex and are rly cultured and politically informed

>> No.1366258
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>I kept talking with that girl and we had a reaaally great night, if you know what i mean, now she's a good friend.
i hope you mean she ended up your girlfriend for a lengthy period of time but had to end on good terms & are now friends.

you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.1366262

Pfft. The only time you won't see me reading Ulysses while listening the oeuvre of Stockhausen is when I'm discussing Czechoslovak New Wave films with my comrades.

>> No.1366276

My city it's filled with anarcho-punks, crusties and thrashers, and i didn't say the knew about politics...they just try to talk about something they don't really know.

We didn't have sex, it was just a good night of cuddling, love, alcohol and nonsense conversations.

>> No.1366286
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>actually backtracking after saying "we had a reaaally great night, if you know what i mean"

>> No.1366301

Are you jealous or something? It was a great night

>> No.1366307


>> No.1366316

>too retarded to understand the subtext of "if you know what I mean"

>> No.1366393

>Someone doesn't share your opinion on a topic that is subjective.
>Act like a pretentious shit and make logical fallacies in hope to prove a point (you didn't).

And you socially retarded manchildren wonder why people don't want to talk to you. I really don't care if I'm using Ad Hominem right now, you deserve it.

>> No.1366408

>And you socially retarded manchildren wonder why people don't want to talk to you
i don't do this! but i stil have no friends :(

someone said it might be because i lack empathy but im not even a sociopath :|

>> No.1366429

I never wonder that, and I have sex with people. Real sex. With penetration. Penis in vagina. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

>> No.1366435
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ah right, a perverted Richard & Judy puppet show with your hands?