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File: 508 KB, 3300x1840, chadfishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13660577 No.13660577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I will never, ever undo the mental damage that just a couple weeks of being a good looking male on a dating app has done to me.

Same area, same age, same bio, same number of and types of pictures as me.

Chad: 153 likes Me: 2 likes

Chad has married women wanting to fuck, Chad says one line asking them to fuck and they reply back saying yes and asking for his Snapchat. Chad has women who explicitly say “NOT LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP” in their bio wanting to fuck. Chad can act “creepy” (meaning overtly sexual) in his opening message and the girls say “thank you”.

You cannot convince me anymore that this shit is an exaggeration or a lie or that the way the IT people see relationships is actually true, IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES. It’s fucjing devastating, I can’t handle it. My self esteem has been 100 percent fucking destroyed by what I’m seeing and the difference in life quality I could have if my face wasn’t ugly. This is the most eye opening thing I’ve ever done, I’ll never be the same after seeing how women actually are when they like you.

>> No.13660591

The "desire to be desired" is essential feminine. It wants to be the object of the desire instead of the desirer itself. It is passive instead of active. It wishes to be pursued instead of pursueing.
Of course, the most masculine is not partaking in the game of desire at all.

>> No.13660592


>> No.13660611

Is this Londonfrog?

>> No.13660613

> Chad has women who explicitly say “NOT LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP” in their bio wanting to fuck.
that phrase just a means of filtering idiots, no one installs tinder and doesn't want a hookup

>> No.13660615
File: 421 KB, 1745x1123, blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660619

high iq

>> No.13660625

K, now do one for a fat ugly female and compare to chad. Even chads are incels in a way.

>> No.13660637

Most women are like this and the opinion or normalfags are worthless. The truth is if you are good looking then you can even rape her children. Relationships are based mainly on looks alone. If not looks then it is resources you provide. That is all. Other things matter only in such a small degree they may as well not exist. Remember this. Life only cares about flashy looks and resources. Only men are able to transcend. Women are forever tied to animal plane. Just remind yourself, no matter how depressing it is, would you like to be with women if you were good looking if you know what you know now?

>> No.13660640

is that incel graph for real? That’s a massive increase for only ten years holy shit

>> No.13660646

I remember seeing a thread on /adv/ where girls said they would kill their kids if a better man wanted them to.

>> No.13660652

Why do we habe threads like this? You dont even pretend to be /lit/ related.

>> No.13660656

It is real and it is worse lmao. I dont have the papers on this PC but they are pushing 40 in some countries. It is not over yet. Prepare for beta uprising.

>> No.13660659


>> No.13660661

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.13660681

You can thank online dating.

>> No.13660683

They would not only kill they would destroy themselves, their nations and future of the whole planet. But the depressing truth is that disregarding sex and women, good looks is the sole predictor or you having easy life full of opportunities, friends, jobs, money and other things. This is life for the bugs. We now they are bugs because some men are able to transcend this excrement.

>> No.13660692

Nothing will stop the collective power of the inceletariat

>> No.13660701

City life unironically is more akin to how insects live than other mammals.

>> No.13660709

How is this /lit/ related

>> No.13660716

>last screenshot
>'haha thanks x'

>> No.13660718


City life is anonymous and, as it were, abstract. People are related to one another, not as total personalities, but as the embodiments of economic functions or, when they are not at work, as irresponsible seekers of entertainment. Subjected to this kind of life, individuals tend to feel lonely and insignificant. Their existence ceases to have any point or meaning.

Biologically speaking, man is a moderately gregarious, not a completely social animal -- a creature more like a wolf, let us say, or an elephant, than like a bee or an ant. In their original form human societies bore no resemblance to the hive or the ant heap; they were merely packs. Civilization is, among other things, the process by which primitive packs are transformed into an analogue, crude and mechanical, of the social insects' organic communities. At the present time the pressures of over-population and technological change are accelerating this process. The termitary has come to seem a realizable and even, in some eyes, a desirable ideal. Needless to say, the ideal will never in fact be realized. A great gulf separates the social insect from the not too gregarious, big-brained mammal; and even though the mammal should do his best to imitate the insect, the gulf would remain. However hard they try, men cannot create a social organism, they can only create an organization. In the process of trying to create an organism they will merely create a totalitarian despotism.

>> No.13660721

Viva las revoluciones de involuntaria de celebato

>> No.13660722

Who here actually considering the monastic pathway?

>> No.13660723
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It is written in a book of life and therefore it is lit. Some things make us laugh others cry.

>> No.13660732

Monastic pathway is a temple inside us. No matter where you are, homeless or ceo you can be a monk.

>> No.13660733

The point is that at the end of the day any pursuit has to end in reciprocity, and that's easier good-looking men

>> No.13660736

the reason social insects are like that is the way their genes work. most of them are sterile, the entire colony is really like one organism in a way

>> No.13660738
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Yup. It's 100% tinder's fault an no one's talking about it

>> No.13660741

>Of course, the most masculine is not partaking in the game of desire at all.

>> No.13660742

hey fuck off kraut phoneposter

>> No.13660747

>most of them are sterile
So you’re seeing the similarities.

>> No.13660748

Tinder is culling the unsuitable males.

>> No.13660752

This is true, and it why an ascetic lifestyle is the most masculine of all.

>> No.13660759

women view most males as unsuitable and they mostly select them based on looks or resources so we are stuck in idiocratic cumbrain society if we let them

>> No.13660758

With the side effect of getting mates to even the ugliest female.

>> No.13660763

>Of course, the most masculine is not partaking in the game of desire at all.
And get filed for sexual harassment.

>> No.13660765

>women who download Tinder to have sex want to have sex with attractive guys and not ugly guys
Wow, major redpill fellow incel! Praise Elliot! MGTOW and MAGA fellow kekistanians!
Also, this post is off-topic >>>/r9k/

>> No.13660766

Iq is dropping

>> No.13660768

I think its funny how people will try to blame "economic conditions" rather than the insane standards of modern women

>> No.13660772

>and they mostly select them based on looks or resources
Seems like the best thing to pick them on.

>> No.13660778

Maybe good from a myopic eugenic standpoint, but probably not good for society itself. What's that African proverb about the boy who isn't embraced by the village burning it down to feel its warmth?

>> No.13660784

I feel like a new class of voter has to be named to be separated from the left, the women’s interest voter. That way it’s more clear when and why the ideals of equality and humanitarianism are dropped.

>> No.13660786

>rather than the insane standards of modern women
Which you base on no evidence.

>> No.13660789

It is reality.

>> No.13660794

If you want to have low iq stagnating society that collapses after other society decides to not be like that then sure. Women having free reign is a sign of death of society. New invaders or the betas are simply going to conquer it. It is destined to fail from imploding or outside.

>> No.13660795
File: 63 KB, 899x635, averagewomanontinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go on twitter.com

>> No.13660799

Probably. He has never made said anything of substance and has never made an on-topic post in his life, and this post is no exception.

>> No.13660805

its called feminism, neolib and human rights these days

>> No.13660808

There are studies. The real people who should be blamed are the attractive men who are willing to fuck down the attractiveness scale for a quick lay, giving women the impression that they're too good for less attractive men. It's hard to a fuck a 6 if you've already fucked a 9, even if you yourself are a 6.

>> No.13660815

There is so much evidence, you just ignore it.

>> No.13660816

It has to do with a number of things imo. I do not believe women have always been this way. I think it has to do with porn, "sexual liberation", and a number of other things. Old-school Catholic traditionalists like Fulton Sheen were pretty much right in my view.

Sex should not be treated as a "recreational activity". It is best to treat it as "sacred" and something that exists for a "functional" purpose. The physical enjoyment or pleasure one feels from sex should be relegated under higher mental joys and emphasis ought to be placed on monogamy and strict fidelity.

Early Europeans had this right, but due to rock & roll and the growth of a highly sensual culture, most women have become like Lady Chatterleys. Men should also take responsibility and try to ban porn and prostitution. Granted, I believe something like a basic kind of polygamy for the rich could help minimize issues of prostitution and sex trafficking, though I am arguing such from a more realistic perspective and not ideally (i.e., ideally, I would have everyone be monogamous).

>> No.13660821

It’s actually destructive, this is called the fisherian runaway in sexual selection. There are multiple studies indicating that this sort of strategy, when left unchecked, consumes whole species into self-destruction.

>> No.13660824

It’s all an economic system man, as women’s value goes up men have to try harder. There is like a chain sliding effect where even if it’s out of balance by one person everyone goes down with them. The most beautiful women are living like absolute queens.

>> No.13660827

God this is so dehumanizing. Men are the products and women are the consumers when it comes to online dating. Men have to shoulder the entire burden of sexual selection

>> No.13660829

Forgot link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisherian_runaway
Check it out, it doesn’t get more grim than this.

>> No.13660831

The average woman just imitates the social norms of whichever culture she was brought up in. The issue with libertinism is more of a modern cultural issue.

>> No.13660837

The issue are the elites and people in power.

>> No.13660845

wtf bros I'm panicking right now. And the worst part is that women won't be able to understand their consequences and stop it because all they care about is cummies and securing Chad's seed.

>> No.13660847
File: 212 KB, 601x800, 1524732502144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nothing new under the sun faggot

>> No.13660857
File: 447 KB, 1200x1200, 54864546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is too late to stop. Please remember that the black sun will rise or we are going down in flames with the whole tranny society.

>> No.13660864

While it is true I would blame them to a large extent, the middle-class and peasants are also to take responsibility for this cruel state of affairs. Blaming those in power, exclusively, is disingenuous. Regardless, I agree libertinism is a problem. In my view, fixation with freedom at the expense of communal stability or ethos is the culprit for much of these problems. Freedom outside of constraints is a massive problem. Slogans such as "if it feels good, do it" are very myopic and lose a lot of nuance.

>> No.13660866
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I was hanging out with some girls the other day, one of them had been talking about ow she wanted to get in a relationship again and that she didn't just want hook ups. One of them joked that she should try making a Tinder profile. I live in a fairly conservative country so they approached it with a level of caution that would probably not be there if I was somewhere else. This girl is at best average looking and after making her profile she was throwing dislikes like she was Kim Kardashian looking for a replacement for Kanye, the ratio was something like 9 dislikes per each 10 guys. Yet it only took her 10 minutes for her to get a match. 10 fucking minutes. I would lie if my heart didn't die a little that day even if I didn't show it. I have made my Tinder account multiple times through the years when I'm at my most desperate and each time it takes me days to get my first match and that is by throwing likes to everything and everyone.

I know this is a blogpost but it is incredible just how different men and women experience life, I am convinced that we could never hope to truly understand each other in a significant way

>> No.13660873

Why shouldnt whose "little men" just tear it all down if it is like this? Are they going to roll over and die because some bitch whore says so?

>> No.13660875

I would prefer it happen after I am gone, honestly. Regardless, it will inevitable happen within this century.

>> No.13660876
File: 57 KB, 398x555, 1534922590407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you like to be with women if you were good looking if you know what you know now?
Yes, but only if they acted as submissive sex slaves as they do for Chad.

>> No.13660879

Holy based.
The people who should be blamed are the environmental controllers who are forcing people into believing they need they should hyper-sexual.

>> No.13660881

this is coming from a group of feminists who dont know how to cook or clean for themselves. women are getting lazier

>> No.13660883

So basically incels are oppressed? Why isn’t the left defending these guys? It’s definitely not their fault they are inferior that is only a product of systematic injustice.

>> No.13660886

Nothing, which is why this system can't exist without a form of authoritarianism

>> No.13660890

I agree. I blame people in power because they let degeneracy in. They should be the authority to strive for and live the moral life full of sacrifice for betterment of mankind. But look at them now. They are drug addicts, alcoholics, pedophiles and literal retards. Then other influential groups think they can just run experiments on humans or profit to such degree that is dangerous for humanity.

>> No.13660891


>> No.13660892

Pedophilia is part and parcel of White Western civilization.

>> No.13660893

How do I get a red pilled gf like this

>> No.13660898

It's not just "incels" that are suffering here but a number of people. It's easy to make labels and mock anyone who does not fit into the normative schema of "fuck without inhibition with no strings attached" bullshit of the modern era. Better to have strings attached to one person than to fall into an abyss encircled by laughing and circle-jerking hyenas.

>> No.13660901

The OP image always makes me laugh over the one chick who equates stealing chocolate to raping underaged girls. Even saying that sentence aloud makes me cry laughing holy FUCK what a ride

>> No.13660902

The only thing that matters to women is how much power her partner has over other people

>> No.13660908

SJWs/Tumblr-marxists and incels are two sides of the same coin. The incels feel they inherently deserve sex despite all of their flaws which can be improved on. SJWs/Tumblr-marxists feel they deserve respect or deserve money without having to work for it. They all victimize themselves and make demands, but none of them are honest, hardworking people who have the basic intelligence needed to overcome obstacles.

>> No.13660915

The issue is a lot of modern Westerners feel deracinated after losing belief in Christianity as academia pushes for nihilist and physicalist discourse, as if it is the only viable alternative. A country needs a strong ethos for order and harmony, yet all that exists in the modern West is an irresponsible sense of freedom, which does fundamentally lead to Nietzschean nonsense.

>> No.13660921

remember the real numbers are way higher than what is reported

>> No.13660929 [DELETED] 

Also, I know this is random, but the best path is Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey was Law. In other Shin Megami Tensei games, Law tends to be suffocating. However, I feel that Law is undeniably the best in Strange Journey. I highly recommend playing the game. It is the most /lit/ of video games.

>> No.13660942

I don't know about you, anon, but in a way, it was uplifting for me to know that my inceldom was never about my personality/fault of character like society ( and women, especially ) wanted me to believe.

>> No.13660943

it took a tinder experiment for you to realise that looks are literally all that women care about? Its amazing how successfully society manages to deceive people about so many things that are self evident from infancy

>> No.13660944

Red pilled

>> No.13660947

Jeff Magnum is that you!

>> No.13660949

This is absolute bullshit. You can tell yourself that you’re like a monk but you’ll never know until you go live a cell and spend the vast of majority of your day in prayer to God.
I did but I wasnt strong enough or faithful enough at the time so I left. Might reconsider when I become better

>> No.13660955

Also, I know this is random, but the best path is Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey was Law (note, I am referring to the DS original -- 3DS remake sucked). In other Shin Megami Tensei games, Law tends to be suffocating. However, I feel that Law is undeniably the best in Strange Journey. I highly recommend playing the game. It is the most /lit/ of video games.

>> No.13660957

Its because chads and women are oblivious and and especially women are always nagging and attacking the truth because they are literal children brainlets that lost all what was worthy. Most of them cant even clean the floor lmao.

>> No.13660966

She gets it and she still can't help but criticize men for having poor genetics as though it's their fault. Women must feel so much revulsion for ugly men.

>> No.13660969

Someone should have responded to her about how she would have been either a sex slave or a wife ( in other words, a glorified baby spawning apparatus ) beaten on the regular if it wasn't for these men she so despises acting on her behalf.

>> No.13660971

Not bullshit. Monastic path is not just about jewish god.

>> No.13660978

Women have only three aspects when it comes to sexual selection:
>picking a man of equal or higher status
>a man of vitality/health
>sticking to certain norms of the society
The issue is largely cultural.

>> No.13660984

I'm ugly and I'm able to fuck women way hotter than her. I think that women are more so repulsed by male weakness than by male ugliness. The "little guy" in her description is defined by his status, not his looks

>> No.13660985
File: 24 KB, 400x200, ExterminatrixofIncels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in sin is not "high quality of life."

Be glad that your bad looks allow you to be free of frequent temptation.

Avoid pornography; fast; pray; stay close to sacraments. Virginity is a high and holy state of life; remain in it. You will receive a peace that passeth understanding.

>> No.13660987

I feel a strong sympathy for Law's tendency to purge the unnecessary elements from societies. Even if it would purge me as well.

>> No.13660991

>The issue is largely cultural.

how do you maintain such levels of cope? is it special medication?

>> No.13660993

Do you anons think women are happier as well?

>> No.13660998
File: 612 KB, 1200x1200, 84846848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the ugly ones. The children of the black sun. Expect us.

>> No.13661005

Even if you were Megachad and had dozens of offsprings, your genetic material would be so diluted a few generations down the line that it might as well amount to nothing. How do Chads cope with this?

>> No.13661006

Who cares? Sex isn't everything, go read a book and edify yourself.

>> No.13661007

No, it seems that a lot of them are (female) depressed because they can't lock down Chad

>> No.13661008

Opinion on black people and committing half of all crime?

>> No.13661009

Nah, women are screening for highly domesticated males. Anti-social behavior, aggressive behavior, unfiltered, untamed impulses have been weeded out of the gene pool through the rise of civilization (sexual contract)

Agricultural civilization was dysgenic, industrial society will annihilate our entire specie.

>> No.13661010

great post, this man took the leviathanpill

>> No.13661011


>> No.13661014

Do you think the rich are happier?

>> No.13661019

I think that if most people actually understood a lot of this stuff we wouldn't even be able to walk the streets due to the stench of the corpses pilling up.

>> No.13661021

When the beta revolution comes she’ll be the first one lined up against the wall

>> No.13661023
File: 539 KB, 1200x1200, 84684684684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the occult pill.

>> No.13661024

just lift you fag, become a buthisface

>> No.13661026

I mean, just fix yourself then. Surely your fetishes or issues would be easier to remedy now than if you continue descending?
The way my upbringing worked in this society was largely like an "outsider", so I can see many of the issues at hand more clearly than the average man. I can understand the nature of social change more easily.

>> No.13661029

I'm fat, mean, autistic, and ugly and I've had sex :]

>> No.13661030

You are alive because your parents had sex, retard.
Though it was indeed a mistake

>> No.13661031

Most people simply aren't violent like that. You don't need "redpills" many men know that they will probably never find a hot wife. My father for example is divorced and might never have sex again, and he is well aware of that, he still doesn't murder random people.

>> No.13661037

I’ve had sex and I definitely stand with incels

>> No.13661042

They don't know about it, they don't care.
The only thing that matters is their hedonistic pleasure in fucking your mom, sister, gf.

>> No.13661044

Many men can't get very muscular.

>> No.13661046

Not sure

>> No.13661052

Then why isn’t the issue being addressed?

>> No.13661054


>> No.13661055

On a macro and micro level no. You should be picking lifelong mates ideally on personality, everything else is secondary

>> No.13661057

I don't mean that as in that I have issues, I mean that I would support such a protocol even if in the end I would be eliminated by it as well. If I prove myself to be unworthy of living in the manner Law ( the platonic ideal of the absolute moral authority, without ambiguity ) demands of me, I deserve to be purged from the system.

>> No.13661059

will lifting make me not a manlet?

>> No.13661062

People say that the world doesn't owe you anything, but you don't owe the world anything either in turn. Why not wreak havoc on it if it treated you harshly?

>> No.13661069

As if that helped /fit/

>> No.13661070


>> No.13661071

>would you like to be with women if you were good looking if you know what you know now?
Tbh, no. I don't want to be the typical incel virgin pretending to be mgtow, I want children so I know I'll have to overcome my contempt of women. My last hope is that if I'm the man I want to be, maybe I'll get the chance to be a great father and partner.

>> No.13661072

They feel a hatred that you can't even conceptualize, it is similar to what i will for the man that killed my father.
The though of a low quality sperm provider being alive and having a chance to inject his semen inside them is the most horrible and evil thing that they can imagine.

>> No.13661073

I mean how would you address it? I know that I am ugly and not hot woman will ever love me, but what should I do? Force them? I am sad about it and I might shitpost here, but in the end they can choose whatever they want. Actually becoming violent because of my own ugliness would be immoral.

>> No.13661077

we should and I fully support it. My dream is going on a hunt with my fellow betas/neets/incels/fitliters and litters.

>> No.13661079

lifting is peak bugman behavior. burning insane amount of calories, unrealistic muscle mass, a bodybuilder would not last two days in the wild. if you are not fit to survive you are a bugman, no matter how big your muscles are.

>> No.13661081

Women don’t have feelings

>> No.13661080

One partner or no partner, simple

>> No.13661084

I have been lifting for 16 years, you still can't tell when I wear a sweater.

>> No.13661088

Yes, it is absolute bullshit. It is new age faggotry with no substance. You cannot be a CEO and live a monastic lifestyle, they are contradictory. Every monastic tradition ever developed involves a departure from normal life.
Read a damned book sometime, hippy.

>> No.13661089


>> No.13661091

Because at that point you are directing your anger in the wrong direction entirely anon.

>> No.13661093

Well, yes, I see your point then. Granted, it is an ideal I sympathize with, but it should be noted it's always more difficult in execution. There will always be some degree of hypocrisy or aporias from certain people at the top. In other words, I would keep it short by saying the West needs its own variant of widely accepted "Confucian-like ideals/virtues". Many systems exist to be adopted from Stoicism to Catholicism. Granted, the ideal for order is one reason East Asian countries preserved their cultures very well, since it became very ingrained into their social fabric to the point I would argue it is largely genetic. In other words, I think Westerners should acknowledge a fixation on unrestricted freedom from moral authority naturally leads to a lack of core and disorder.

>> No.13661096

The entire narrative about women caring about personality is the byproduct of women trying to hide what they are really going after aka resources (well at least later on in their lifes), this is why they will say things such as "stable, confident, hard working, nice"

>> No.13661098

You are going to be disappointed either before she fugs someone else or after she takes your stuff and make her kid hates you. I work in social sphere women are making children hate their fathers nowadays in alarming rate.

>> No.13661101

I agree with you, a CEO cannot be a monk, however a regular person without going to a chuch can become a monk, if most of his day is spent contemplating God.

>> No.13661104

Based future convert to Islam.

>> No.13661109

>implying you would
thats because you lift like shit, 60% 1vmax high intensity high rep for mass 80% low rep for nervous system

>> No.13661113

>handsome men are immediately attractive

>> No.13661115

Read a book

>> No.13661119

I do not like Islam. If I had to pick an Abrahamic faith, I would go with Catholicism, but I think the new pope is a little too liberal for his own good. Regardless, I am not particularly fond of any of the Abrahamic faiths, but I do have a somewhat 'soft' spot for older Catholics like Fulton J. Sheen.

>> No.13661120

This is absolutely absurd cope.
You must mean lifting beer to sip, not actual weights.

>> No.13661122

Why is it so hard to believe that genetics matter for lifting? You are just as bluepilled as people who think looks don't matter.

>> No.13661123

no it's not. in fact it's mostly growing

>> No.13661126

How so? Why should I feel compassion for that which has no compassion for me?

>> No.13661130

Do you even work a job? Where are you getting this delusional shit from?
If you work a normal 8 hour work week it is nearly impossible to do what you are saying. Besides, without the Church you are swimming aimlessly in an ocean, and you’ll never find the shore.

>> No.13661132

They actually acknowledge this shit if you’re willing to listen. They don’t blame themselves though, they say that, like others of this generation, they were never raised to know how to handle long term commitments. I think this is a common vein with them, if you notice feminism is also calling men terrible with the concession that it is not their fault. I think women do this to make their own behavior more permissible, just like how when called a slut they will claim something about how they’re just doing it like guys do it. We’re being had by literal children.

>> No.13661133

The funny thing is they believe it. Some of them lie but most of them are delusional. They rationalize everything afterwards like children. Children first start to draw and then give it meaning. This is a woman. Man has a goal and then proceed to build it. Women are backward thinking. No wonder older psychology theories about morality view them as not capable of achieving highest levels.

>> No.13661138

Women probably never really did anything to you, they just don't want to sleep with you. It's passive, while you want to actively attack them.

>> No.13661141
File: 65 KB, 432x324, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why ugly men need to be genocided preemptively

>> No.13661147

Jesus fuck man. Women will not fall over you, you need to work for it, and one part of it is making yourself physically attractive. eg.: lift or lose weight. If there are a hunted selection for one woman on tinder then be better than the rest.

>> No.13661148

The majority of Chads lift, are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.13661152

Is the incel phenomena universal? Why do none western countries procreate more successfully? Eg a billion Chinese and Indians. Do they practice culturally enforced monogamy?

>> No.13661154

It is not. the problem are iq tests and replication. t. useless psych major.

>> No.13661155
File: 289 KB, 1880x912, 1565423733371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised no one has posted narcissit blackpilled anon this far into the thread.

>> No.13661158

Lift big, sleep big, eat big

>> No.13661161

"ugly" only exists as a means of comparison. If you kill all ugly people, then normal-looking people will be the new ugly

>> No.13661163

OP, these are not the women that you would want to be with anyway. They are not lovers and are not with the actual good and light of the world.

>> No.13661164

They are literally tearing down civilization.

>> No.13661165

they do in India
what are you talking about?

>> No.13661168
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>he fell for the lifting meme

>> No.13661171

Who said anything about attacking women? But really, I don't understand why people are so surprised about all these mass shootings happening when you leave so many men with nothing to care for. When you're not allowed to be a whole human being, you don't get to be anything else but something less than human. Something inhuman.

>> No.13661172

There is difference between not having compassion for someone and then actively trying to harm them.

Also the anger is misdirected because you are assuming these people understand where you are coming from and then choose to be dismissive or rude to you. The truth is they are wrapped up in their own world. Much like you might not think of starving kids in Africa, it doesn't mean you dislike or have disdain for them anon.
I have compassion for you my friend and so do many others on this board.

>> No.13661173

>100 new posts in half an hour
non-/lit/ threads showing they are the true dime drawers

>> No.13661175

they do, but the majority of men who actually lift do develope muscles, even the most low t bug men

>> No.13661179

IQ is only increasing in a matter it is not as reliable and valid for testing for intelligence. There is a lack of replication of these tests and they are not that great or done for the new internet era population. There are more reasons but I am tired now to name it all. Humans are not getting smarter, maybe more educated.

>> No.13661181

Anon should imagine if some poor homeless guy was angry about having to dying of hunger and cold on the street and thus decided to attack out of anger a random anon who seemed rich

>> No.13661186

Not really, I know tons of low test beta fags like myself who lift and never see big gains.
Btw you can see my muscles a bit when I am naked and flex, but that dorsmt help much.

>> No.13661191

Yea who would have guessed that when a huge portion of young males are denied opportunities for stability, family, own house or anything worth they turn to apathy. I cant imagine why they would do so when they have no religion/state/ideals/future or anything to devote their life to. Must be because of toxic masculinity /s

>> No.13661194

Unironically it’s one of the only options, but what kind of slippery slope does that entail? I have found fucking zen as an incel. We can’t lose, or really normies can’t win. The outcomes of this culture war are:

>right wing order
>degeneration of the left in trying to keep itself pure
>the left harbors incels
>lower standards quality of life across the board from the slippery slope entailed of curbing the issue with force

>> No.13661200

Here is the redpill on lifting for looks.

Lifting does help. You can probably spend too much time on lifting and overly focus on it and the reward might not be that much better (unless you enjoy lifting for other reasons which is understandable).

It's also beneficial health wise (for testosterone, etc.) for you and helps you gain confidence by seeing your progression.

Posts like >>13661168 and >>13661122 are also wrong. Genetics matter but not to an extreme degree and also those men look better.

>> No.13661201

>I have compassion for you my friend and so do many others on this board.

That's bullshit and you know it.

>Also the anger is misdirected because you are assuming these people understand where you are coming from and then choose to be dismissive or rude to you.

That's right, nobody could give a fuck. See >>13661171

>> No.13661203

You're going to be quiclkly beaten by Chad policemen I'm afraid.

>> No.13661206

There was /pol/ screencap from a fellow who went into great detail about how monogamy is literally civilization, no monogamy, society starts falling apart. something to that effect. anyone have it?

>> No.13661208

Cry habeeb and let loose the frogs of war

>> No.13661212

Incels have nothing to lose, Chads have lots.

>> No.13661213


Even if they were chads (not really) they cant stop the zerg swarm of my neetbros.

>> No.13661217

all women are like that

>> No.13661220

Are you saying these people would look better if they were flabby and out of shape? Get real, lazy bitch.

>> No.13661225

Then you are doing it wrong. Stop coping.

>> No.13661227

go back to eddit faggit

>> No.13661229

Someone post that pig woman experiment.

>> No.13661233

Well I dont want to discourage anyone, but for some it will simply not work well.

>> No.13661234

Your mistake lies with thinking that women are for serious, deep relationships/companionship. Women are for having children and satisfying your eros, but you can only develop true philia with your fellow men.

>> No.13661235

Nice literature thread, fags.

You're not even pretending this is /lit/ relevant.

>> No.13661237

this thread is awful

>> No.13661238

I have to s. We are living in dangerous times full of misunderstanding. Last time I thought feminism is a joke but they are serious.

>> No.13661240
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>> No.13661241

Yea and if you don't fuck models everyday you are also doing it wrong.

>> No.13661245

look anon, i would believe you if you actually posted some scientific study that showed for example that some people with X genetic feature have a difficult time in putting on muscle mass

>> No.13661248
File: 30 KB, 375x499, looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this book?

>> No.13661250

I agree we should only have gigachads, book for this feel and butterfly threads from now on.

>> No.13661256

>Are you saying these people would look better if they were flabby and out of shape
They're ugly out of shape, and they're still ugly in shape. It literally doesn't matter whether they lift or not.
>Get real, lazy bitch.
I exercise regularly (without any retarded delusions, and simply with the knowledge that I'm improving my fitness and nothing else).

>> No.13661258

most policemen are obese or old dyel faggots losers

>> No.13661259

it's over

>> No.13661262

The reverse Flynn effect started a bit before Tinder so they are not necessarily related.

>> No.13661266
File: 61 KB, 1200x800, 5486846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I only care about your charming personality sweetie.

>> No.13661271

>That's bullshit and you know it.
It's not my friend. I want a great life for you, otherwise I wouldn't be trying to have this conversation.

>That's right, nobody could give a fuck.
I think it's easy to think that in our society because of how easy it is to get wrapped up into our corner of the world. Like I mentioned earlier, most people seem to have full plates. They have concerns of their owns and don't look into problems around them sometimes.

Look, lets get down to specifics. What have you tried and what hasn't worked?

It depends what you mean by work. Does lifting immediately get you laid? No. But by making yourself feel better physically and mentally you will have a better starting point.

>> No.13661272

men btfo

>> No.13661274

Jó estét elvtárs.