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/lit/ - Literature

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13659667 No.13659667 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw monolingual
oh my god how has it come to this?

>> No.13659691

You are the sole proprietor of this greif.

>> No.13659694
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>tfw I know Russian, Hebrew and English

>> No.13659696

The thing about people who claim to be bilinguals or even (dare I humor them) trilingual is that they fail to mention that they don't read the classic texts of their language.

Let me give you an example: say I told you that I could speak fluently in French, in Spanish, in Italian, in you-name-it. Then, bien sors, you ask me if I read any books of the language. I look at with you the befuddled expression of a person whose dignity has been fulminated. Why, no, I go, of course I don't read in those languages.

If a Spanish-speaking person cannot read Don Quixote... if a Francophone cannot read Proust or Flaubert... they aren't fluent.

>> No.13659710

>he hasn't taken the non-lingual pill

Free yourself

>> No.13659715

I'm thinking of picking up some idioma español novelas but I'm not sure what would be a good classic for an beginner/intermediate level reader

>> No.13659718

>if a Francophone cannot read Proust or Flaubert... they aren't fluent.
how long would it take one to achieve this level of literacy? in fact, I have been thinking about learning French with the end goal of reading Molière and Montaigne. I just don't know if I have the discipline to slog through a year of reading "one fish, two fish" in French.

>> No.13659738
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>Americans are so cucked
>Needs to learn english to insult us

>> No.13659794

There was one little novel my girlfriend at the time recommended that I read: it was some type of cooking novel: ah, yes, I remember: como agua para chocolate. You could give that one a try if you're interested. I read some of it and it certainly helped with the learning of the language, but, for me personally, I need books and I need material which reinforce within me a certain beauty of rhythm and of meaning. I can't for the life of me read a text in which I have no interest.

I don't know. I've studied languages for some time: I've read the manuels de grammaire; I've read los libros, les livres: it takes time, and it takes commitment, and it takes a warm bosom shawled in a cope tugging at you tous les soirs in order for you to really get into it.

I'm trying to learn French to read Proust; and I've already gotten a fair bit into Cervantes: but, of course, the black melancholy time and again throughout this moment of anguish hurries back to me.

I sometimes imagine myself as Odysseus: should I with all of the strength I have heave myself off the ship, or concentrate the little will I have left within these tired and fatigued bones to press on toward whatever my teleology may be?

>> No.13659836

Classical Chinese is a great language to learn for this reason. It has many masterpieces that are four lines of five characters each, or not much longer. The depth they can pack into such short texts is astonishing.

>> No.13661541

>you need to be able to read archaic, not-in-use versions of a language to be able to speak it
it's like saying if you can't read ancient greek or latin, you can't speak normally.

>> No.13661572

stop grieving and start learning. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today

>> No.13661917
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This anon's answer is unironically based.
Also add the fact that someone who happens to know more than one language doesn't necessarily mean they are smarter. See the retarded Ch*canos who can't speak English nor Spanish, as they usually speak the bastard language that is "Spanglish".

t. Gween cardo Mexican

>> No.13661949

>Someone who happens to know more than one language doesn't necessarily mean they are smarter
Of course not, it just means they invested the time necessary to learn it. Any language can be learned by just about any tool given enough time.

>> No.13661956

Imagine being a translation reader

I am a francophone classicist and I can read 5 languages including (ancient) Greek and Latin. I only lack knowledge of Germanic languages but outside of some German philosophy I don't think I'm missing much.

>> No.13661979

That, poetry, music and some literature.

>> No.13662048

Comment est-ce que vous l'avez appris le Latin, anon based et recherché ?

>> No.13663209

How to learn a language (by Anon):
1. Read.
2. Look up unknown words.
That's it.
I can understand Stendhal and Proust, but I can't understand spoken French at all.