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13659516 No.13659516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Race is the product of a stable colony of ethnicities acting under natural selection.
Ethnicity is the product of a stable colony of families acting under natural selection.

Natural selection is any change in frequency-distribution of genetic material in a population caused by free will.
Artificial selection is any change in frequency-distribution of genetic material in a population caused by will imposed by a sentient creature (caused by free will filtered through a model contradictory to the model of that population imposed in place of free will).

Motivation for living things begins in genetic material as instinct, an example of free will.
Will is motivation caused by purpose.
Purpose is the will to adhere to a strategy to progress past struggle to a certain critical point of evolutionary stability.
Strategy is a system of choosing or decision-making which compares perception to memory and inference according to a rule and executes the will to enact one or more responses (for example, the genome of a living creature; each gene is choice of response to a specific stimulus).
Struggle is the state of an evolutionary system in which many genes vary frequently over time.
Stability is a critical point in the evolution of a system in which genes that may have frequently varied forever before vary much less frequently forever after.
precipitates adventitious dimensions within the system (unique new things).
Freedom is a state of genetic stability in a population where the population has made all decisions and genetic changes necessary to enter stability.
'Tyranny' is imposed on a state of freedom by eliminating or reducing the frequency of genes required for the stability of the state of freedom and introducing or increasing the frequency of genes that correspond to the imposer's own stability, purpose, and bias or otherwise reduce stability.
Choice is an event in which strategy is used to change bias.
Will is not choice, will is bias and action, will is inertia.
Will effects constant change in a system until it is strengthened or countered by another will.

>> No.13659517

Free will is that which begets natural selection and is will toward Good, a purpose of freedom for a population.
Imposed will is that which begets artificial selection and is will toward Evil, a purpose of 'tyranny' for a population.

Bias is a position on a spectrum, such as the configuration of one component in a system (a spectrum being a limited space of discrete dimensions).
Living bias is a model of response to perception in an organism.
The first component, the baseline, of living bias is the genome, which defines the organs and their functions and through instinct directs the will toward freedom.
These are the "default settings". This is the "nature" in "nature and nurture".
The second component, the imposition on the baseline, of living bias is the circumstantial factors; everything that happens after birth.
This is everything altered by the process of growth and survival. This is the "nurture" in "nature and nurture".

Will is both bias and action, will is inertia.
Will is constant propagation of a bias.
Will effects constant change in the bias of a system until it is strengthened or countered by another will.
Will is not choice or choosing; those are subsets of will. Choice is when strategy triggers change in bias.

Genome is the primary bias of a population.
Morality is the secondary bias of a population.
Culture is the propagation of a population's bias, both genome and morality.
A social unit is a population of culture-bodies (bodies that engage in culture such as individuals, gangs, families, villages, or confederations).
A society is the largest social unit in a specific locality (like a continent or island or any other collection of barriers).

A society is a hierarchy of free will.
The elite are those in a society that have maximally unrestrained free will.
A society imposes a social contract on all of its individual members that guides their will and adjusts their biases by enacting consistent responses to specific behavior.
A social contract is a body of the most actively propagated biases in a population.

This means society is a genetic selection device that maintains a race as a result of its social contract by mixing any subordinate ethnicities so that the genes that best uphold the most rewarded purposes of the social contract become most frequent.
Putting that into perspective in present circumstances isn't difficult.
Our genetics are finely tuned to act within homogenous societies. The laws you follow become set in your genetics.
I'm not going to document the insane living hell of double standards and engineered chaos that our society is here.
Living this way will utterly annihilate us in an evolutionary instant.
Our society is creating a race of null-willed slaves totally disconnected from the elite and everyone who participates in society is being annihilated.

Race is the only thing that matters.

>> No.13659607

Where's this image from?

>> No.13659612

nvm, found it

>> No.13659627

No, culture is the only thing that matters but culture and race go hand in hand. Now that culture and race are mixed people are batshit. People need orders to follow but races have different cultures they come from so the orders are inconsistent now. Racial mixing is indeed literally degradation of culture. No culture no society.

Clever image by the by.

>> No.13659642

Would you say Brazilians have a culture ?

>> No.13659664
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>Free will is that which begets natural selection and is will toward Good, a purpose of freedom for a population.
Imposed will is that which begets artificial selection and is will toward Evil, a purpose of 'tyranny' for a population

Probability (free will) is not an active force, it is simply an unknown and unquantifiable variable.

You roll a dice. The outcome is not decided by chance. There are forces which can be measured to determine the outcome 100% of the time. There is no autonomy.

>> No.13659712

South America is a complete mystery to me. No one cares about them. They're kind of just down there. Out of the whole world if you wanted to disappear and still have a society that's ok tier I figure that's where you'd want to go, down there, of which is why they want a wall to make it difficult during ww3.

Though intimately I don't know anything. The people that escape to the North say it's hard down there, yet they miss it.

I'll just have to wonder. If they don't have a culture is it perhaps due to the meddling of the North? Lots of South American doctors move to the USA. That must hurt. That sort of thing made the Soviet Union fall when the Jews left by the hundreds of thousands. Maybe it's shit due to the capitalist rat race above.

>> No.13659839

>morality, the storage of bias that is most easily changed with the least long-lasting effects, matters most
sorry you are wrong.
Genetics matters much more.
Genetics is the record of what has been proven to be stable - the fruits of periods of evolutionary freedom, proof of what works and what makes us prosper and grow and be happy over long periods of time.
Morality matters for changing genetics only. Morality ultimately cannot replicate without genetics.
(culture is genetics and morality)

read what i said pay attention to the terms.
different races have different instincts from having a different history of survival in different climates and political circumstances.
but they can be crushed into one society. If you force them together they will mix.
Just because understanding what that means terrifies you doesn't mean god will come down and blow it up because its 'so perverted against the natural order'.
You have to stop it yourself.

>> No.13659882

>Probability (free will)
>There are forces which can be measured to determine the outcome 100% of the time.
wrong, there is entropy, there is missed information, it all degrades over time, it's the inherent price of a stable system

>> No.13659887
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Artificial selection IS natural selection, though, since free will is a spook.