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/lit/ - Literature

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13654223 No.13654223 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon frens! What are we reading today?

>> No.13654244

I'm reading Algernon Blackwood. Comfy horror my nigga

>> No.13654252

I don't read you fucking nerd loser. I am going to be fucking your mom while stay in your room crying into your nerd book LOL.

>> No.13654266
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Should the Tent Be Burning Like That?: A Professional Amateuras Guide to the Outdoors
i dont understand half the terminology but its still fun

>> No.13654267
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y u sow meen fren?

>> No.13654268

Last few chapters of As I Lay Dying. Unironically starting with the Greeks after I'm finished.

>> No.13654278
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>> No.13654283

Zeros + ones : digital women + the new technoculture

>> No.13654297

I'm sorry

>> No.13654401

I'm reading The Republic. I found Lolita at a secondhand bookshop today so maybe I'll read a chapter of it as well if I need a breather.

>> No.13654415
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I'm about half-way done with >pic related. Some of it is funny, but it's not really poetry and it's not a novel and it's not really short stories. An oddity, really.

>> No.13654424
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iz ok

>> No.13654449
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Hey fast frenz

Reading Fanged Noumena

Good morning and good night to all my fastest frenz.

>> No.13654668
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Jung's Archetypes. Also Nabokov's Pale Fire.

>> No.13654757

V. And anti-oedipus

>> No.13654761

Which one?

>> No.13654763

I'm reading Karl Polyani's The Great Transformation. Just finished a really interesting bit where he says the market society contrary to what liberal economists say actually needed huge amounts of state intervention to create and mantain, while the reaction against this liberalism arose spontaneously, which is why anti-industrial action arose in every European country under the same conditions regardless of the ideology of the rulers. So basically anti-laissez-faire is the real laissez-faire.

Idk I thought it was interesting

Also just started Emerson's "New England Reformers", but I'm only like a page or two into it and put it down to shitpost here