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13649314 No.13649314 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books like Schopenhauer's On Women, Otto Weininger's Sex &, but for our age? The fact is that male-female gender relationships have changed. I'm looking for books that expose the fact that 21st century females are probably the most privileged humans that ever lived:
>constant positive attention from friends, family and strangers
>don't really need to work, can easily find a suggar daddy or a rich bf
>don't need to put ANY effort in socializing, people are automatically interested in them
>even if they're a 4/10 average girl, they can browse tinder and choose a 9/10 male from the top 5% of CHADs
>can divorce rape anyone they want
>have a robust social net of positive stimulus which prevents suicide and mental illness
>will never know what true loneliness is
>live a life of constant dopamine releases, without ever caring for the day after
>biggest struggle is twitter drama fights with other females
The average female basically lives with the social status of a royal queen but with the added bonus of present day technology. It makes their lives a paradise on earth. This is a sociological fact and there must be authors who researched it, right?

>> No.13649430


>> No.13649456

I always found it interesting that Roy Baumeister's lecture & book "Is There Anything Good About Men?" goes into this whole problem, of women being worshiped by default for being women rather than for what they create or become, but HE HIMSELF has to go about it in a very soft, pandering, defensive way, precisely because men reading his lecture/book are likely to react kneejerkily by defending women qua women qua special princesses, and women reading the books are so addled from a lifetime of being treated like special princesses that they are equally likely to react kneejerkily by going "WHAT? A BOOK CRITICAL OF ME? BUT I ROCK!! THAT GUY MUST BE FUCKIN'.. A VIRGIN.. OR SOMETHING!"

Like, the guy dissecting the "insipid woman-venerating culture" (Schopenhauer's phrase) himself has to indulge in the woman-venerating insipidity for fear of provoking it. That's a testament to its power.

>> No.13649522

The funny thing is that this was a product of the middle ages; ages that in our collective unconcious are seen as "barbaric, ugly, and dirty" but they were the ones to introduce "muh pure and heavenly lady", as opposed to classic civilization when women were seen as third rate citizens. Probably a product of muh mary and muh jesus.

>> No.13649535

>third rate citizens
How misleading. They were and still are children. Feminists believe that their problems are created by men and men’s problems are created by men. Essentially it’s the belief that men aren’t doing enough, feminism is to men as childism is to a parent.

>> No.13649575

>constant positive attention from friends, family and strangers
You mean positive attention from creeps who then get aggressive when you don’t reciprocate. Women are horrible to each other, particularly those that are prettier than them.
>don't really need to work, can easily find a suggar daddy or a rich bf
You’re thinking of that status quo 70 years ago, now capitalism has memed them into working.
>don't need to put ANY effort in socializing, people are automatically interested in them
Maybe if your 7.5+ and don’t care about decent conversation. Creepy guys looking at you like meat asking the same boring questions and not really caring about your answers is not fun.
>even if they're a 4/10 average girl, they can browse tinder and choose a 9/10 male from the top 5% of CHADs
7.5/8+ unless you’re willing to bypass the date to fucking.
>can divorce rape anyone they want
No one worthwhile is going to marry a divorcee.
>have a robust social net of positive stimulus which prevents suicide and mental illness
Imagine having your whole social life based around something that is rapidly falling away and there’s very little you can do to stop it.
>will never know what true loneliness is
Unless they are ugly or over the age of 28.
>live a life of constant dopamine releases, without ever caring for the day after
Until they pass their prime and the partying has had such a toll on their bodies that no one wants them.
>biggest struggle is twitter drama fights with other females
Already mentioned many other worse one.

>> No.13649584

Have sex incel

>> No.13649591

Elliot Rodgers' My Twisted World

>> No.13649598

kek the cope is unreal.
>You mean positive attention from creeps who then get aggressive when you don’t reciprocate. Women are horrible to each other, particularly those that are prettier than them.
No, i mean attention from Chads and Chadlites all the time, even if you're a below average girl. I know this because i have a sister who's not even that attractive (i'd rate her a 5/10 myself) and she's getting literally HUNDREDS of matchs on tinder per week. She has fucked guys even i myself had to admit "that man is simply attractive". You don't know a female's world until you actually live with them.
>You’re thinking of that status quo 70 years ago, now capitalism has memed them into working.
Partly true, but also not. See: Halo effect. They get better promotions and more opportunities due to their perceived beauty. Also, there isn't as much pressure for them to work, so they live a carefree life being sustained by their biological daddies until they find a sugar daddy.
>Maybe if your 7.5+ and don’t care about decent conversation. Creepy guys looking at you like meat asking the same boring questions and not really caring about your answers is not fun.
Cope. Creepy ugly guys = guys that aren't chads or chadlites. Even in that case, they still get attention from them. Just see on Facebook.
>No one worthwhile is going to marry a divorcee.
True, but it's rare that worthwhile women (rare as they are already) also are a divorcee. So it balances out. 99% of stacies just marry a beta cuck to provide for them.
>Unless they are ugly or over the age of 28.
Cope maximus. Women over the age of 30 and the like get into fucking younger guys, and being ther "milfs". Which means they get their money.
>Until they pass their prime and the partying has had such a toll on their bodies that no one wants them.
Cope maximvs. There's ALWAYS someone with enough money and thirst wanting them. ALWAYS.

>> No.13649603

there isn't much literature on the reality of women as its a taboo that would drive most men to suicide if they really knew what they were up against. it was taboo since the conception of monogamy and it is especially taboo now that manogomy is falling apart and non chads are fighting over scraps.

'Women; and indictment' by anthony ludovici is a great book, but not modern.

>> No.13649605

This happened in Rome, and ancient egypt. Probably more.

>> No.13649614

do you want fries with your cope

>> No.13649617

make me, cumbrain

>> No.13649620

Pure ideology

>> No.13649623

so you want to get raped?

>> No.13649624

Don't you guys have a shooting to plan or something?

>> No.13649627

the 30+ yo used up cunt is still a child, therefore their wrong beliefs and actions and constant fuck ups are a consequence of them still being children, so all is good, let children be children, the adults (men) will pick up the slack

>> No.13649628

>have sex posters now want to fuck incels
I admire the commitment to obsession with sex

>> No.13649630

So this is the power of chapo tranny snark

>> No.13649632

whats the utility of this post anon? its not an argument, and if anything draws further attention to the point via your 1)bump and 2)inane reddit quip

>> No.13649635

>let children be children
Except you don’t do that retard

>> No.13649639

No, shooters are retarded copers who have their orgasmic release through violence and killing inocent people. I enjoy releasing my sexual frustration in subtly mysoginistic short stories and prose works.

>> No.13649657

i feel like searching out things to confirm what you already believe, especially when that thing is, and pardon my moralizing here, sort of brazenly hateful, isnt a very constructive way to behave, in an academic or personal sense

>> No.13649660

except thats how society works, women are constantly harping about equality but at every opportunity women are treated better and they have no problem with it. Equality to them is being equal or better off than the most well established %5 of the men, anything below that is discrimination.

>> No.13649668

>isnt a very constructive way to behave, in an academic or personal sense
this is true, once a person holds a certain belief he should strengthen them without outside influence or help, but find it himself will and determination to accept and never waver in his belief

>> No.13649680

>brazenly hateful
There's literally nothing hateful in OP at ALL. It's quite simply describing a female's life. Tell me, what is hateful about saying that girls have the power on sexual relationships? It's simply a fact of life.
As to the whole "lole don't go looking for your beliefs" or whatever, it simply makes no sense. There is nothing wrong with informing yourself about things you have an intuition. You need to correctly understand your intuitions before you can deeply critique them.

>> No.13649689

>isnt a very constructive way to behave, in an academic or personal sense
That's quite literally how you behave in an academia, retard. You first have a theory, then you go and read people that are related to that theory. And when you have a solid basis for believing in your theory you read opposite viewpoints to strength it or destroy it.

>> No.13649700


>> No.13649705


>> No.13649716

damn. incels are finished

>> No.13649720

so what do you do when you come up with new concept or theory that other people hadnt thought off? there is no support from others infact others might even oppose and ridicule you for coming up with something new, so you just drop it?

>> No.13649731

books that hold negative or critical views towards women don't get published, so you might want to search for blogs where the schopenhauers and weiningers of our age theorize about women and their deeds

>> No.13649739

you can only open yourself to ridicule, especially if it's a grand overarching theory about a well stablished field. but anyway, you'll never get to that stage in academia. your professor will quite simply shut down such pathetic attempt.

>> No.13649744

you can self publish on amazon

>> No.13649754

well yeah, but it doesn't really differ from a blog post that much (see The Dark Enlightenment)

>> No.13649767

that is because you don't have the historical insight. years from now on they'll look at 4chan posts, blogposts, self published authors and think "damn... they were based after all, these guys already knew everything". just like we look at people like nietzsche who went mostly unapreciated in his lifetime

>> No.13649777

>No, i mean attention from Chads and Chadlites
So people that want to fuck give her attention. Ask your sister what she thinks of her friends, most women are lowkey horrible to each other and have very superficial relationships compared to men.
>They get better promotions and more opportunities due to their perceived beauty. Also, there isn't as much pressure for them to work, so they live a carefree life being sustained by their biological daddies until they find a sugar daddy.
Maybe for very attractive women but there’s a very real ceiling. Women have to prove themselves because it’s assumed they’re not capable to begin with. Men have much higher earning potential and our brains are more suited to the nature of work.
>Cope. Creepy ugly guys = guys that aren't chads or chadlites.
Exactly... why is a good thing to have loads of ugly people or ‘chads’ who only care about your body wanting you.
>True, but it's rare that worthwhile women (rare as they are already) also are a divorcee. So it balances out. 99% of stacies just marry a beta cuck to provide for them.
More proof of their shallow existence
>Cope maximus. Women over the age of 30 and the like get into fucking younger guys, and being ther "milfs". Which means they get their money.
Stop watching porn. The majority of 28+ year old women are pass their prime and are stressing that they won’t settle down before they shrivel up. Men on the other hand peak at 28-35 and can still fuck early 20s with daddy issues.
>Cope maximvs. There's ALWAYS someone with enough money and thirst wanting them. ALWAYS.
What you mean someone with a house, probably but there also going to be fat and ugly. Guys with enough money to actually give them a fun life just go for someone younger.

Sure 8+ stacies have it easy but so do chads, if you want to be a women so much then transition.

>> No.13649799

yeah i don't doubt that, but for a piece of writing, whether non-fiction or ficition, to get real attention, it must be published through the traditional route, or else people will think of it as inferior, which it necessarily doesn't have to be.

>> No.13649811

non stop copery...
>So people that want to fuck give her attention. Ask your sister what she thinks of her friends, most women are lowkey horrible to each other and have very superficial relationships compared to men.
There's always drama, like my sister is involved in some retarded twitter drama right now or whatever. But it doesn't differ much from males. Anyway, you act as if "people that want to fuck her give her attention" is a bad thing. You have to understand that these aren't random pajeets messagind dick pics and bitch vagina to these females. These are high status local CHADs wanting to fuck them. The equivalent would be local models hitting you up begging you to fuck them.
>Maybe for very attractive women but there’s a very real ceiling. Women have to prove themselves because it’s assumed they’re not capable to begin with. Men have much higher earning potential and our brains are more suited to the nature of work.
Exactly because not much is assumed of them, they thrive. Because their mistakes are seen as "well, she's a girl anyway" so it isn't as much as a male. If a woman fucks up at her work she gets a warm warn and a "i understand, i hope you do better next time". A male? He gets a new asshole teared on him, and a 6 months streak of depression and unemployment.
>Exactly... why is a good thing to have loads of ugly people or ‘chads’ who only care about your body wanting you.
You don't seem to understand that their ego is fed literally every single day. Literally every single day, CHADs and non CHADs alike tell these women that they're "beautiful" "intelligent" "sweet". You can't even imagine a life like that. Positive attention from "creepy" guys is only unwanted if they have a CHAD to fuck. But see how women get crazy if they aren't given any attention.
>Stop watching porn. The majority of 28+ year old women are pass their prime and are stressing that they won’t settle down before they shrivel up. Men on the other hand peak at 28-35 and can still fuck early 20s with daddy issues.
Simply cope. I see ugly soccer mom gym thots with CHADs all the time.
>Sure 8+ stacies have it easy but so do chads, if you want to be a women so much then transition.
No. 5/10 average females have it easy, that's the point.

>> No.13649816

>More proof of their shallow existence
Forgot to touch on this, but you have to understand that a female's self worth is DIRECTLY attatched to their position as a sexual toy. Their existence is being validated every single day and you simply can't even fathom what it is to live with such a rush of dopamine and endorphins on your brain from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, 24 hours of a day, 7 days of the week.

>> No.13649824

>Men on the other hand peak at 28-35
cope, maybe 3% of men are in good shape financially, physically and socially at the age of ~33, and that percentage drops fast with every passing year
sure brad pitt and tom cruise are chads even now but the other 100 million of men are fucked when they reach their mid thirties,

>> No.13649829

Your whole concept of your life revolves around sex, receiving attention and money. No wonder you idealise a women’s life because your existence is just as shallow as one.

>> No.13649836

>a dog’s life is great because all they want us walkies and food and they get it

>> No.13649840

No. It's exactly why my life doesn't revolve around that that i don't want to transition. I'm merely speaking on a chemical level that females get a life of easy dopamine and endorphins from the way society is structured. I would simply kill myself if that was how my life was, but that's because i'm a man, and i realize there are bigger things to do. But i still envy their dopamine releases though, i need more of that to write.

>> No.13649854

This is exactly Weininger's point

>> No.13649867

Based and Weiningerpilled

>> No.13649872

In general women do not have it any better in life than men. Life is hard and consciousness is suffering. Every human is dealt a hand when they are born. What are you going to do with yours?

>> No.13649882

>In general women do not have it any better in life than men
except they do

>> No.13649886

guys, I have literally zero inclination to have sex. I've had a gf for over 5 years, we live together, and we go to third base all the time but I've never actually had sex with her and don't really want to. I am highly attracted to her and everything, but actual intercourse is entirely unappealing to me. what the hell happened to me and what can I do?

>> No.13649888

All your points around women resolve around sex, I highly doubt that your ‘higher pursuits’ are anything more than ways for you to get status and sleep with women. There benefits and negatives to both men and women and for most part women basically have to become submissive and trade their goals and body for safety and happiness. Men have much greater capacity for achievement and can simultaneously achieve their goals/be themselves whilst having a happy family. A women NPC might have it easier than male NPC but true men have it best.

>> No.13649891

Ok. What are you going to do in your own life?

>> No.13649896

go to >>>/adv/ and ask them, no one here gives a fuck or can even answer your retared question or offer credible advice, just fuck off

>> No.13649903

Ridiculous. Women have it way better. The only that men enjoy over women, besides obviously the intellect, is physical strength. You anon, could easily overpower a woman if you wanted to, and she'd be defenseless, even if you're a fat basement dweller incel. But other than that men are automatically dealt a terrible hand on this world, unless he is a CHAD.

>> No.13649906

yikes, there's a lot to unpack here

>> No.13649915

I have some passive income, I hope to increase it enough so I can quit my job and maybe not work ever again or at least have a regular 9 to 5 job.
Once I do this, I will live in a country side doing whatever I want, away from masses of people from the city and most importantly away from women.

>> No.13649918

Retard, all my points revolve around sex because that's the point of it, how women are wired to be sex toys and how modern society gives them exactly that. I compare it to the male condition, that of the faustian condition, an uncessant thirst for knowledge and glory, that has been shutdown in modern society by capitalism, and cultural cuckery (giving rights to females, for example).

>> No.13649927

how about this, chop off your dick and kys retard

>> No.13649940

the life of a man either revolves around sex or it doesnt. Doesnt matter how much, if he is obsessed with it or just normal average guy. One either lives in complete abstinence from sex and sexual desires or one does not. 99.9% are obsessed with sex, but some are more honest about it than others.

>> No.13649943

>its not an argument
Neither is your gay-ass ressentiment.

>> No.13649952

Ok. Sounds awesome. So why are we talking about women?

>> No.13649974

I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I seem to be detecting a slight undertone of hostility here

>> No.13649977

my brain is not some slab of rock with some prehistoric symbols on it, information doesnt get stored indefinitely, I need to reinforce my mental effort and deepen my understanding of life and women constantly so I can resist and not be (consciously or subconsciously) controlled when I meet them in real life.

>> No.13649990

Women aren’t soulless creatures, many of them know this and hate that they are trapped. If they were as ignorance as a dog then one could are it maybe a better existence but women live a largely shallow and meaningless existence which causing many to existential dread. You seem to have realised this but still try to argue it is better.

Maybe when you’re 20, as you mature there are much more important things in a relationship than attractiveness/sex and you can live a very balanced life which usually skews away from sex.

>> No.13649998

you either have sex or you dont, which one are you?

>> No.13650002

just google scientific blackpill

>> No.13650003

>Your whole concept of your life revolves around sex, receiving attention and money
So the very concept of mankind?
Imagine being deprived of just one, let alone two of these pillars

>> No.13650006

Too long to explain
She's maybe so cute you don't want to fug her

>> No.13650014

>Maybe when you’re 20, as you mature there are much more important things in a relationship than attractiveness/sex and you can live a very balanced life which usually skews away from sex.
Yeah, but this is pure ideology. Only social constructs can prevent people from only appreaciating sex and attractiveness, so as people become more and more sexually liberated, the balance between tradition(the idea that sex in not an end in its own right) and pure sexuality skews towards the quality and quantity of sex becoming the only meaningful predictor of relationship success

>> No.13650034
File: 51 KB, 421x500, ExterminatrixofIncels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon guys, just because you've blown out your brains with porn doesn't mean you have to hate women.

>> No.13650049
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 42C09367-83CF-4D93-B595-8A97B95DE2D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s all so, so tiresome


> tfw you realize Western literature literally began with the consequences of a woman running off with Chad from her provider, egged on by a woman who cheats on her own spouse and who shies away from the consequences when they come

>> No.13650064

I often think of this futuristic utopia.
The aging problem has almost been solved, immortality is still not possible (and probably never will be) but human lifespan and been drastically extended, an older person can undergo a treatment that will make him into a 20 year old again (and many times, almost indefinitely). Also the sexual desire and the need to reproduce has been solved with technology, mainly because people can live for very long, also genetic engineering and also new technology capable of disabling certain functions or parts of people brains like the need for sex. It is the golden age of a man, together with very advanced ai companion who can engage and challenge him mentally the man travels between starts and understands the universe more and more, eventually the mankind ascends into the higher plane of existence.
The women. The women on the other hand lost all purpose in life, not needed anymore they are left to wonder the earth without purpose and no men around to cater for their every need, eventually the women further degenerate into vile creatures they already are and later simply go extinct.

>> No.13650068

Ok. What about women are you resisting? How are women controlling you when you meet them in real life?

>> No.13650080

This is somewhat similar to the scenario houellebecq describes in his book, The possibility of an island, except yours is way more optimistic

>> No.13650094

how many times you unconsciously turned your head to look at random possible attractive woman on a street?
thats just the small bit of the power they hold over men, its in the genes and with strong will this can be broken just like any conditioning. Walk and look straight ahead, do not lose focus and dont pay attention to unimportant insignificant things.

>> No.13650105

Finally somewhat leveled reply.

I wonder though:
>You mean positive attention from creeps who then get aggressive when you don’t reciprocate.
This usually happens if a girl lets a niceguy do niceguy things for a while. Why can't she just tell him to btfo right away, before he gets entitled as fuck due to all the pointless effort spent? It sounds to me like girls have a double edged sword: On one hand, there's helpful orbiters, on another they constantly explode mid-flight and new ones must be recruited. Why not just stop enabling em and break the cycle if creeps are such a problem?

>Unless they are ugly or over the age of 28.
I think it's like premium service until 28, and then only a basic cable of basic chivalry. There's still bunch of perks even for old hags if they can maintain human shape and not become morbidly obese when their metabolism slows down at 30.

>> No.13650115

Those that actually have sex on a regular basis care less for it.

>> No.13650127

but they care enough to have sex on regular basis... If they stop having sex then they will start caring a lot more.

>> No.13650143

>why do girls like nice guy do nice guy things
A minority are horrible and just use them but the majority of women empathise and feel bad for them. It doesn’t feel good to be horrible to someone so if they’re causing no harm, they usually let them have their fantasies. It’s life if you’ve ever had an ugly women fancy you, you don’t just walk up to her and tell it it’s never going to happen because that’s mean.

>> No.13650146

Ok. Sounds like you are attempting to cease your desire for women in order to avoid suffering. In this case I recommend reading some Buddhist books. Schopenhauer loved the Upanishads as well.

>> No.13650147

What book did you read this in?

>> No.13650166

my diary desu

>> No.13650176

buddhist ideas of important things are quite outdated, I am not into spirituality and meditating on a top of a mountain for 20 years. I am trying to rise up above the mediocre powerless average man who willingly or not is a slave to females and (increasingly) female run modern society. I can only achieve this by fully immersing myself in scientific work.

>> No.13650185

Sex becomes a by product of good relationship and as a man the relationship typically becomes secondary to your other pursuits.

>> No.13650203

Sexual energy is very important in Tantra and can be transmuted into higher states of awareness that improve intuition (a highly desirable skill for someone who wants to be successful). Ignore the Buddhist part as they reject vendantic knowledge so the guy who originally replied to you doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

>> No.13650209

Sounds like those red pill YouTube videos are working!

>> No.13650226

Women don't have a sense of empathy for lesser males. If anything, they enjoy seeing them suffering (which is one of the reasons bullying is so timeless).

>> No.13650341

In a mans society, everyone works hard and everyone is doing great, men are succesful some more than others, but there is exchange of goods and ideas, the better everyone does the better the society.
In a womans society, only that particular woman is doing great, everyone else is below her. A less succesful man is not only despised but also prevented in many ways to succeed. Because he might become a threat. Someone successful who cannot be controlled by usual methods is then given a pussy, sex and "love" when he gets used it and stop thinking rationally he just becomes another puppet of a woman

>> No.13650380

Just make a fake female OkCupid or Tinder profile and laugh at the pathetic thousands of orbiters

>> No.13650385

post tits

>> No.13650389

tits or gtfo

>> No.13650392

Yes, and ALL OF THE SHIT YOU LISTED THERE, IS INVALIDATED BY THE WAY WOMEN HAVE TO BE TARGETS OF EXTREMELY ABUSIVE SEX TO BE PART OF SOCIETY, SUCH AS HAVING TO BE FACIALLY ABUSED, ANALLY FISTED, STRANGLED AND BEATEN UP BY THEIR MEN. As men of today are not satisfied with anything less. And WOMEN HAVE TO HAVE RELATIONSHIPS, TO BE ABLE TO HAVE IRL FRIENDS TO POST PICTURES OF ON THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE, TO GET SOME FOLLOWING AND TO GET A JOB. Because NO ONE wants to be a friend of a woman who has no relationships (but orbiters only), and NO ONE wants to follow a loser with no irl friends and NO ONE wants to hire a loser with no following. That's just the way it goes these days, as people are being defined according to their SOCIAL FUCKING MEDIA. And sex is defined by porn. So, STICK THIS INTO YOUR SKULL, before you next time start spewing your shit about how women are having it easy. ROYAL QUEENS DO NOT HAVE TO BE TARGET OF VIOLENCE FOR ABUSIVE SEX TO NOT DROP OUT OF SOCIETY. Women of today have to, and thus they are more like TRASH, collection of holes to be fucked and pieces of meat to be beaten up by men.

God I hate you LIARS/DELUSIONAL IDIOTS spreading your inane shit even on this board that is supposed to be +135 IQ.

Not interested in any kind of discussion. This was just for everyone's information.

>> No.13650408

Weapons are banned and very hard to get in my country

>> No.13650417

>Not interested in any kind of discussion. This was just for everyone's information.
So why writing that huge ass paragraph with caps lock all over the place? Take more tictacs

>> No.13650419

Its ok when woman shoves big black dildo into her asshole when she is alone playing with herself but if a man ask for anal sex then its abusive, its ok when a man eats her pussy out, but if he cums in her face its abusive
Not sure about tied up bdsm sex, that does sound abusive but its not something I would personally ever engage in.
Same for having no friends, no one wants a man as friend or sexual partner if he has no social circle, and its 10x easier for a woman to get a high paying job and then do fuck all at work while men do all the work, sure I can get a position as bricklayer more easily.

>> No.13650565
File: 124 KB, 220x165, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoids slavery by immersing himself in work

>> No.13650746
File: 23 KB, 348x499, 410rbL0wijL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't your thread deleted just earlier in the day? Pic related anyway.

>> No.13650791

I dunno, maybe you could read Sexual Utopia in Power. I've never read it, but it seems to touch on the subjects that you are interested in from a perspective that you will agree with.

>> No.13650951
File: 25 KB, 400x395, 4d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know those studious, polite, straight A student types of girls? Are they all secretly whores too

>> No.13651582

nice try, FBI

>> No.13651585

You can't fault them. Imagine being begged to have sex with stacies and local models that are 9/10s. That's the life of a modern female, having sex with the top of the top of CHADs.

>> No.13651648

To be a woman is to be a whore. Some just mask their transactions better than others, under more socially accepted names.

>> No.13652297

damn i never stopped to think about how females have life on easy mode, op is right

>> No.13652666

not really, my mon is not a whore

>> No.13652672
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>> No.13652686

Not even being hyperbolic or memeposting when I say that one of my bigger disappointments in life was realizing that all those "special" girls, who you think are "different," are not immune to the normie girl culture of using men as their main hobby and distraction in life. In fact they are more susceptible to it because they are surrounded by higher quality, classier men, which also paradoxically makes slumming with a slutty encounter now and then more exciting for many of them.

It doesn't necessarily mean that every nice studious girl who likes to read is a total whore. That's a caricature. But the vast majority of them are just as much a whore as any trashy low class girl, which is to say a lot. And even when they're not whores, again, their primary way of passing a boring evening or a boring weekend is still to treat life as a medium for socializing and being propitiated by men. It's just too readily available.

The only women who transcend this condition in my experience are pathological in some way. A rare few of them are aware of the condition itself, but they are miserable as a result. No woman wants to become self-aware of what it means to be a woman.

>> No.13652709

>men under 5'10 what is ur purpose on earth lmao
to drive formula 1 cars

>> No.13652925

Every single one

>> No.13652954

>Some just mask their transactions better than others, under more socially accepted names.

Being a wife is being a whore for exclusively one man ( on paper ).

Being a whore isn't about fucking a lot with different men, it's about exchanging sexual access for resources like time, energy, food, money, shelter, etc.

Things every woman engages, in other words.

>> No.13652961

*Things every woman engages in time and again, in other words

>> No.13652987

Why do so many people here live under the assumption that who you can fuck is tightly linked to your status? Is this true or is this a society built construct?

>> No.13652992

I doubt that's the case if he's using terminology from French post-Structuralism in his posts

>> No.13653020

The manipulated mad
Esther Vilar

>> No.13653074
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Give me one reason why women shouldn't be gassed.

>> No.13653135
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Women unironically need to stop being so mean to short guys. They've politicized how their bodies are perceived by men to the point where they have entire cohorts of women attacking guys whenever they body-shame on social media, and even developed an entire academic field dedicated to studying the harmful psychological effects of female beauty standards. But if women make fun of short guys, well those guys just have to man up and take it. It doesn't matter that short stature in men is linked with suicide, depression, and alcoholism.

>> No.13653242

What about bald guys

>> No.13653286

There's a link between balding and depression, but a shaven head still isn't as socially debilitating as being a short man is

>> No.13653322

I know short guys who are Chads. They are way more socially successful than me, and I'm tall and bald.

>> No.13653351

This man speaks the truth.
And in my experience, the so-called Stacies/hot girls have actually been a lot nicer to me than the girls in my league or below me.

>> No.13653368

>positive attention from creeps
Lmao stopped reading right there

>> No.13653380

bald people are literally mentally fucking ill. I've never met a bald white guy over the age of 30 who didn't suffer from extreme castration anxiety.
at least short guys are accepting of their social status, every time you're around a bald guy you can't help but feel as if he's ready to gun someone down or kill a dog at any second.

>> No.13653420

Why the fuck did we allow these things to vote

>> No.13653429
File: 93 KB, 640x360, parsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you going to do with yours?

achieve my true will in life

>> No.13653484

stop listening to the opinions of niggers

>> No.13654027

You know 5'9" guys who are chads. Actual short guys are dying on the inside. Every single one. No exception.

>> No.13654054

I was aware of some of these like women having rape fantasies or them being attracted to narcissistic assholes, but this goes so far it's fucking scary.

>> No.13654076

if you're not a total fuckup, your SMV will peak and stay constant throughout 30s

just take care of yourself and dont give in to stacies vying for your money, take care of those sweet 20yos instead

>> No.13654318

nice black and white dichotomy there bucko

if you think that way you will always be a basement dwlling loser, why dont you try to improve yourself?

>> No.13654345

I am 5'9 and bald, how fucked am i?

>> No.13654434

Unless you have 10/10 facial structure you might want to try suicide

>> No.13654445

Depends on face and skull shape

>> No.13654447

>all these virgins
Have introspective sex.

>> No.13654463

like joe rogan, but much less weight

>> No.13654478
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I'd say you're very well off then.

>> No.13654511

I mean... at least it isn't Vin Diesel, right?

>> No.13654531

This is such a perfect reflection of the modern female mindset: they always, invariably, think they're the victims.

>> No.13654550

>the person who wrote this is probably pushing 30
damn, women are children.

>> No.13654600

>Women are horrible to each other, particularly those that are prettier than them.
Guys can be (and often are) equally catty.
>Maybe if your 7.5+ and don’t care about decent conversation. Creepy guys looking at you like meat asking the same boring questions and not really caring about your answers is not fun.
Some advice: The first conversation is always going to be boring unless the guy is lucky and trying something tOtALly rAndoM (in which case probably desperate/bored, possibly a psycho). You have to get through that first bit of convo so that you know what to talk about, then you have the interesting conversation. If there's something coming up a lot you stick it in your bio so they can ask interesting questions about it. However, I have found a lot of women to say they have an interest in something and then to very quickly show absolutely no interest in talking about it. That's B O R I N G.

>> No.13654687

>>don't really need to work, can easily find a suggar daddy or a rich bf
Not entirely. Thats young women. As soon as they gey past 25, it becomes extremely hard to find that
As an anecdote, my mom divorced my dad, took about a million off him, spent it all, and now she lives in a trailer park and works at walmart
And believe me, she works her ass off. Her whole life is dedicated to working just to survive.

>> No.13654714

>and now she lives in a trailer park and works at walmart
>And believe me, she works her ass off. Her whole life is dedicated to working just to survive.
Lmao dumb bitch

>> No.13654715

You guys ever wonder if NPCs can cope with incels being more blackpilled than even the most redpilled or even purple-pilled normal gronk boomer or even doomer (think stoomer [think skooma from Skyrim]) chad can imagine? Imagine: a world without roasties or staceys and in its place science and progress and blackpill bombs being dropped because I only have an inkling intuition that men are different than women and instead of putting in the hard work and figuring out what that means I've settled with the highest surface-level bullshit that other giver-uppers that spend 6+ hours on the internet daily have stumbled upon and regurgitated because they've seen a handful of tweets.

FAGGOT. FAGGOT. FAGGOT. Read The Bible. Ovid: Art of Love but everything, really. Shakespeare: As You Like It, Much Ado, Taming, Twelfth, but ALL. Montaigne: I.25; I28; II;35; III11; III13 to start and to pertain to your question, but then ALL. Joyce: all of Ulysses but Nausicaa and Penelope. Nietzsche: HATH woman and child section; Beyond Good and Evil Woman section (READ CLOSE); Zarathustra Woman Section (RE-READ AND MEMORIZE), and then read ALL. Then re-read Schopenhauer, but actually read Schopenhauer, even if it means re-reading On Women and actually READING it.

>> No.13654725

Fake or not. I'm really glad to hear this story.

>> No.13654764

Its real
I love my mom but she ruined countless lives
She put herself where she is through a lifetime of bad decisions.

>> No.13654766

This is super common yeah. Any time you see some broad getting rich for doing nothing, remember: they can't manage money. They can't manage a business. They can't think like a capitalist. Camwhores spend all their fucking money right away. They don't even have the goddamn business sense to just get a Jew lawyer and let him do it for them. They universally blow all their money.

Anthony Cumia, from Opie and Anthony, got divorced by his cunt wife right as the show got big. He had been with her for 10 years or something but they were always poor. He got rich AFTER they split. AFTER. She emptied his bank accounts prior to filing the divorce papers, and because possession is nine tenths, got to keep all that money. In the end, she got to take a massive chunk out of his millionaire wages for something like ten years as part of the settlement. She had MILLIONS for doing NOTHING, for TEN YEARS.

>> No.13654780

For some reason it deleted the last paragraph of my post: She was last seen on the back of a motorcycle in New Jersey, completely broke and with nothing to show for it all. She may also have been seen WORKING AT A FUCKING HOT DOG STAND.

Women can't manage money, even when they seem like cold cunning gold-digging predators they're still fundamentally lazy and passive, so they can't even go about it smartly.

>> No.13654806

>women cant manage money
Maybe this, but I think mental illness plays a role too. A lot of those women who marry rich and divorce young are psycho. My own mom has Boderline Personality, so I figured all her fuck ups were due to mental instability

>> No.13654849


>> No.13654873

5'6 here, I only play old vidya and obscure books to cope

>> No.13655150
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>be me
>6'4" handsome Chad
>girl at work wants my dick
>constantly bully her and make fun of her and push her around instead of giving her the dick

>> No.13655153

What's the female equivalent of a short guy? A tall girl? But lots of people think tall women are hot.

>> No.13655175

there is no equivalent. even the ugliest and fattest girls can find at least an average man, and "bodyshaming" them is frowned upon.

>> No.13655252

Why is it ok to make fun of bald guys, but you can't make fun of landwhales

>> No.13655351

I'm not going to go into how you're stuck with a perspective of bullshit, but you are. I'm guessing it's from too much indulging in ressentiment. It only ends in your having an ugly personality on top of everything else.

In the past there have been women just like you. Ever looked at the Manson family? Wonder why those women joined up and did what they did? They were fucking unfuckable and ugly, they were the incels of their day. In the age of free love nobody wanted them. Get some perspective before Charlene Womandaughter gets you going down on some 80 year old granny so you can camp out on her ranch.

>> No.13655501

This is like an alcoholic saying he doesnt care about alcohol, while he is drinking.
Socrates said that a man who has a certain thing no longer feels a want for it, but obviously he still desires that thing, it's just not something he feels at that moment.

>> No.13655509


>> No.13655534

As much as I disagree with your post and consider you a person that I would most probably kick to death on our first encounter,
>now capitalism has memed them into working
this. Women DO work and 99% of the time it's terrible for both them and their environment.

>> No.13655743

this picture is so fucking infuriating. my brother is the best guy i know. but 5'10 he might never get a girl. hes a phd and im a dropout. yet i get a girl even though im a scum and a fraud with a little halo effect. females are fucking horrible and stupid

>> No.13655937

Honestly I was thinking about this. All the greatest achievements today center around technology rather than art or literature. And that within the technology sector, it is "start-ups" that are providing the chief creative drive. Whereas literary culture (books, journals, etc...) have been slowly declining. I honestly believe this is coincident with women's involvement. Introduce women into any industry and it is absolutely going to stagnant and decline. Just look at what's happened to papers like the Paris Review or the Guardian. For some perspective, Walter Pater use to write for the Guardian. Now compare that to the load of mostly female dribble that comes out of that paper. It is just a bunch of empty-headed females and cliches. Or look at the Paris Review. It's just awful. Nothing but women complaining about being mothers or "finding balance." Or some silly efforts to resurrect shitty female writers that deserve to be forgotten.

Look I say this with all due respect for women. But they are so tiresome, dull, and unoriginal. There is something about being female that prevents a person from being genuinely interesting, strange, dangerous, fascinating, grotesque or ridiculous. Even when they try to do this, it mostly somehow fails to be striking for its own sake. I love em. But they should just stop. Go home. Be mothers. That's the only type of woman that is actually charming. And I mean REAL mothers. Not the idiots that exploit their families to write shitty pointless articles.

>> No.13655986


>> No.13657018

5'10" is plenty tall enough pretty much everywhere in the world, he must be really ugly and beta to not get any interest

>> No.13657036

>There is something about being female that prevents a person from being genuinely interesting, strange, dangerous, fascinating, grotesque or ridiculous.
If there's at least one quality that can produce any and all of these behavioural traits, i would call it Ambition. women are fundamentally unambitious

>> No.13658382

I think that is mostly the case in America because so much of the population is fat, which created the "nooo we mustn't fat shame mentality as cope and defense mechanism. In my country it's way more common to make fun of fat people, they are so few in numbers that they always stuck out

>> No.13658405

>write novel
>set entirely on one day
>in the middle of June
>in a capital city
>using stream of consciousness and generally bouncing all over the place
>ends with the main character finding out about another character's suicide and thinking about life and death
>"But it's not like I like Joyce or anything, b-baka!"

>> No.13658428

Rollo Tomassi's The Rational Male. Any textbook on evolutionary biology.

>> No.13658444

Yes, they have just learnt to hide it better because experience teaches them it turns men off. If you successfully present yourself as a libertine free spirit, she'll open up to you about her fantasies of being gangbanged, tied up and beaten, and more. I dated a PhD in Western Literature for a while who was just like that, the most innocent looking face I've ever seen. It was pretty hot though.

>> No.13658455
File: 103 KB, 638x903, secret-garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a literature board after all, this book is rarely mentioned here but it's one of the finest redpills in existence, after maybe Robin Baker's Sperm Wars. Those two books together are actually life-changing in the true sense of the word.

>> No.13658457

Almost every female op-ed in papers like The Guardian or The Times are about themselves ultimately. Men write about current events or even abstract ideas without talking about themselves. It's pretty funny once you notice it.

>> No.13658461

>dont give in to stacies vying for your money
this literally never happened to me, I dont think I ever even had a conversation with woman that touched or came near any intimate subjects

>Women can't manage money, even when they seem like cold cunning gold-digging predators they're still fundamentally lazy and passive, so they can't even go about it smartly.
this may be true or some women, especially western woman, but its definitely not universal, I know plenty of women who are excellent at managing their money.

>> No.13658463

can you summarize?

>> No.13658466

The real redpills are this book's goodreads reviews. Holy fucking shit

>> No.13658473

It's a compilations of letters of women who detail their sexual fantasies, from the 70s. It starts out pretty tame. Later on you have chapters on bestiality, incest, sadism, rape, etc.

>> No.13658477

The real redpill is the mainstream acceptance of a non-fiction book in which women admit to fantasizing about their dogs or sons fucking them, and how it's championed as a milestone in "feminist" literature and liberation.

>> No.13658481

No, the REAL redpill is that what I said is pretty much exactly what you said

>> No.13658489

good post

>> No.13658539

My mother had this book in her bookshelf, and in early puberty I used to secretly read it when my parents were away, because it made me horny and I hadn't really discovered porn yet. I don't know if the book had anything to do with it (although I'm pretty sure it did), but my idea of female sexuality and attraction was completely fucked up back then, and I abused some girls, thinking they enjoyed it. It was only a few years ago when I actually understood how sexuality works, understood that what I did was actual abuse, and I have been wracked with guilt ever since. I hate Nancy.

>> No.13658571

>well thought out post with reference to great historical thinkers and verifiable facts


>Have sex
>School shooter

Quality thread, and you wonder why this idea permeates

>> No.13658588

Anon, it took me many years to realise this and I don't expect to just suddenly change anyones mind. I was in your position and then I realised women are not the problem, it's the terrible society and culture we are living in, which makes women (And men) into pieces of shit.

This is particularly noticeable if you spend any time with women who are cut off from this cancer. That usually means extremely religious and conservative.

Society exists to exploit human beings and twist their desires for profit and keep them running a nihilistic consumer treadmill.

Take the ted pill.

>> No.13658670
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Manlets can become gods.....

>> No.13658685

Shut the fuck up faggot, your brother is just ugly. I'm a 5'10" Slayer, woman are easy when you have a beautiful face

>> No.13658709

Why not just become the chad?

>> No.13658728

the more feminine and innocent looking she is, the more deceiving she is

>> No.13658741

look, there are two types of women, wives and meretrices. Wives get taken care of because their husbands have the obligation to take care of them, meretrices get what they can by their own merit.
Women want to be wives, but only of a man who is capable of and wants to control them.

>> No.13658744

no they don't. first, divorce and white-knighting needs to be banned, then, the tall guys need to take the best women as their wives, then the leftovers can go to the short.

>> No.13658773

"read the bible" is stupid advice, no one reads it cover to cover if they don't already know what they're reading, and since everyone is vaguely aware of the stories, they'll silently inject the usual interpretation, making it useless.
Joyce is trash.
You're missing Aristophanes' Assemblywomen.
The list is too literary, and far too much literature about women focuses on le chad getting in the pants of le stacy. Need to examine the law books of ancient societies for how women are treated, and most importantly, look for how the laws change over times.
In the Twelve Tablets time, if a woman lives with a man for a year she's his husband. In Augustus' time, she can break up with her husband and return to her father. Around 200, they had to set a minimum age at which a woman would be permitted to sell her ass, due to the level of fornication and adultery.
Our culture today has a ton of fornication and adultery.

>> No.13658775

no, married men aren't as interested in dating

>> No.13658780

the virgin phd probably doesn't think he has the right to change the thermostat setting without filing a 500 word essay and getting buy-in from stakeholders
the chad dropout part-timer scumbag does what he wants to
tell your brother to be a man

>> No.13659788

If you wanna enforce monogamy then the problem of short men being overlooked wouldn't exist. And the "best" women will distributed to either rich, tall, or good-looking men, not exclusively to tall men. There are more characteristics worth selecting for than simply the ability to take up vertical space

>> No.13660319

single digit iq
People followed manson like the 12000 fresh new cults back in the late 60s

>> No.13660586
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what is stopping any of you writing the modern incel bible?

>> No.13661032

look into the old reading list of r/theredpill. the place is far far gone nowadays, but back in 2013 or whenever it used to talk about exactly this and some old blogs provide a lot of insight

im going to have sex now

>> No.13661107

>can easily find a suggar daddy

why do incels keep saying this?

>> No.13661346

Because it's true? Read twitter.com

>> No.13661923

how is it true you fucking knob? there is the same amount of women as there are men. unless the suger daddies take 1000 women each how would that shit even work?

>> No.13662540

>can easily find a suggar daddy
Some of them just settle for an old STEM cuck and find their Christian Gray

>> No.13662596
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>> No.13662760


>> No.13663057

fucking kek, you think you have an insight into their minds but the second paragraph is just embarassing. people joined manson cults for the cheap drugs and sex, retard. it had nothing to do with being incel or whatever.

>> No.13663067


>> No.13663088

You r*dditor vermin aren't even trying to hide the fact that you're eniggers anymore.

>> No.13663701

>A self aware woman
I feel like I still have yet to meet one of those. I wonder if I ever will.

>> No.13663740

It is undeniable that women are degenerating, but so is everyone, so why would anyone expect women to somehow escape that fate? In fact, given that they are the weaker sex, it would make much more sense to expect them to degenerate more and faster than men, and to not even have a clue that they are degenerating (as opposed to quite a few men, who do); and that's precisely what we are seeing.

More importantly, as regards theory, it is ridiculous to blame women's degeneration on women themselves, as the "manosphere" rabble has been doing. We've already been over this: you don't blame a dog for getting run over by a car: you blame his stupid owner for allowing it to run around the streets without a leash. And in the case of women, the owner of course is (or rather was) men.

So you ask me why women are degenerating? Because men began degenerating long before the women. Who gave them the vote? Who made divorce possible? Who allowed them to open bank accounts and own property and study at university, etc. etc. etc.?

It's not that women grew stronger and won their independence, as the American colonists won it from the British. There was never an armed female insurrection any more than there was a black one (or a homosexual one, or a cripple one, and so on): men simply gave these weak, inferior groups their freedom because they'd grown too soft to continue enforcing the harsh practices that are required to keep a subjected population in check.

And why did men grow softer? Oh, that's a long story, my friend — a very long and fascinating and above all complex story, and its name is "civilization".

>> No.13663757


F. Roger Devlin is the real deal. Sexual Utopia in Power was a fantastic book. w/r/t female nature I've read so much 'redpill' and blackpill stuff that it all seems mundane now. women follow their biological imperative: hard to believe this was ever contested. is any young man not cynical nowadays? frankly i've given up interacting with women, period.

>> No.13663767

civilization is pussies rallying in thoughtful power to stop violent men from dominating them and the women and nothing else

>> No.13663770


actually the classic redpill reading list is great. i've literally read most of the books recommended twice but no one ever responds to my posts :(

Bang, Day Bang, Game
all Rollo's books
the TRP and askTRP sidebars and handbook
the meme stuff like 12 rules, Way of the Superior Man, Jack Donovan's stuff, 48 Laws, How to win friends, etc.

I've read it all. any question, ask away

>> No.13663777


also self help stuff like David Burns, Pyscho-cybernetics, etc.

>> No.13663833
File: 521 KB, 586x1742, 1554089952094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminism is a virus and the root cause of the degradation of gender relations today. It is not the first time this has happened however, as this can be seen in the Bronze Age collapse (https://archive.is/t3cvv)) and the cause of the Cambodian dark ages (https://archive.is/45gAp).). Civilization decline and destruction begins whenever women gain entry into occupations and positions once reserved for men. You can also tell how bad a population is infected based on how the women dress. I have no doubt as the West succumbs to Feminism women will practically be naked, as we've seen in the dress of those now collapsed civilizations. We're already seeing efforts on that front with the Free the Nipple movement.

>> No.13664244

>You mean positive attention from creeps
Top kek, proving op right on first sentence. The fact you immediately complain about those annoying Non-Chad that dare speak to your highness is proof enough of the status of women. I'm probably not on the incel side of 4channel and I'm still glad when abominations like hamplanets or faggots notice me.
To 95% of men getting too much attention that you would complain about it is purely a thought experiment.

>> No.13664279
File: 119 KB, 900x790, Artificial womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw women will soon be obsolete
i cant wait lads

>> No.13664296

lol cope. there are oxytocins and other important neurochemicals that will never be released by robots and the like. you'll always feel like a retard for not cumming on a hot, flesh and bones human pussy

>> No.13664336
File: 66 KB, 1024x599, blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are fucked

>> No.13664352

You do realize that the urge to fuck a woman will disappear eventually if fucking a woman is not necessary to reproduce? And if we one are going to be able to have technology that makes reproduction without women possible, then why not chemically alter the brain so that the urges would no longer be there?

>> No.13664385

Photoshoped. Can't be real, I swear.

>> No.13664393

Don't get me wrong, this is the final solution to the woman question, but don't get your hopes up for the near future. This stuff is still a century away, we won't see it, perhaps our grandsons will. Our generation is still tied to standard biosluts.

>> No.13664404
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a century away
think again

>> No.13664422

I wish it was real, you can make a fake tinder account and see yourself. A friend of my ex was
>obese fat
>had a lazy eye
>man-shaped skull with boxer jawline
>extremely impertinent and annoying, would say whatever comes to her mind without any filters

She did not only have a boyfriend but she cheated on him nearly on a weekly basis with different guys.

>> No.13664439

why did you befriend this creature

>> No.13664543

Said the same thing when dolly the clone was born (cloning is biologically degenerating trash but a related issue). There are actual difficulties going from sheep to a human. And being able to do a one off is very different from being able to scale it as an upgrade on standard reproduction. This stuff is like nuclear fusion reactor or optical data storage, it's been 30 years that's it's just around the corner, and will likely still be for some time.

>> No.13664550

I'm two days late, yes, but for the love of God, take your meds.

>> No.13664585

You write in a position of judgement, implying that women should be the way you want them to and if they don't conform to your standards theyre bad. Who are you to say what a woman should be like? You are using your standards to judge them
>in 4 rostie
I'm a 26 yo virgin

>> No.13664899

What a meme answer, there is nothing wrong with judging people and those that bitch about it are judging people themselves.
Of course any anon can have terrible tastes and standards but that's an entirely different criticism. Other anon didn't seem to have such a bad idea.

>> No.13665017

I swear to god if high-functioning autists weren't so valuable to society, they'd get rooted out via eugenics and abortion like people with down syndrome are rn.

>> No.13666327

Hmmmm quite strange that you make this point like it is universal. Personally, I quite like women beating me up in much more horrific ways in bed

>> No.13666369

>Don't judge anyone! Everyone can do whatever they want! Who are you to judge?? She's just trying to live her truth!!

No, you're definitely a woman alright. This is one of the most central elements of feminine thinking, short-sighted antisocial hashtag tier 'ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME' shit. It's an unconscious tic, basically women are deeply terrified of being shamed and judged by the tribe, since they are weak and social acceptance is everything to them, so they try to demonstrate as loudly as possible that they would never judge or shame anybody (even though they will do exactly that, as long as it's completely safe to do so, for instance when the target is already ostracized and the shaming has already been begun by others). Like all things women do, it's both a sign of invertebrate servility and also a subtle lie, a promise that will be broken as soon as it's safe and convenient to do so.

If you're not a woman, you're a better argument for 'woman's brain in a man's body' tranny shit than any dick-lopping mental patient on the internet could ever be.

>> No.13666600
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>incel wiki
>that intel logo
>incel timeline
My sides weren't ready for this.

>> No.13666705

Nah, one is free to live as he/she wants, but no one is free of consequences. Don't worry, if a behavior is wrong the person will pay, maybe not right then and there but they will.