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13643374 No.13643374 [Reply] [Original]

Which book will push me into a descend towards madness?

>> No.13643441
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Start here.

>> No.13643853

My Diary desu

>> No.13643863

Read dostoevsky when you're in an insecure, unstable state of mind. It'll fuck you up real good

This January, I read The Idiot when my mind was particularly fragile, and I've yet to recover.

>> No.13643897

What you want to do instead of read is become an alcoholic recluse who hoards guns and trash. Protip: don't dump your ashtrays, just buy more.

>> No.13643933

i also want this feel, i read someone in a different thread say that Deleuze made them have a mental breakdown

>> No.13644046

Conspiracy against the human race

>> No.13644054

most bernhard, gombrowicz

and beckett's trilogy

>> No.13644055

That book fucked me up too, I actually suffered a mental breakdown from it. That was years ago, I'm better now

>> No.13644085

Read Carl Jung's Symbols of Transformation. That'll be a nice little push over the edge

>> No.13644901

Dude are you the same guy who posted months ago that the Idiot gave him a mental breakdown? If so, I'm the same anon you replied to both times lol.

I think I asked it then, but I'll ask again: how'd you get past that shit man? Any books that can be a panacea to the pain caused by the Idiot?

>> No.13644917
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I’m reading it right now. What is so triggering about the book?

>> No.13644941

the collected CCRU writings are a good start, especially considering they're precisely engineered to convince you that everything you believe and think about the world is really just a cover story for some deeper, more entrenched conspiracy... which is ultimately say, conspiracies nested inside deeper conspiracies, each one more horrifically suspect and deranged than the next. You might not go crazy, but it can certainly justify the (anti)logic of insanity to a sane person.

>> No.13644952

R. Scott Bakker - The Neuropath

>> No.13644968

I think a lot of the 'triggering' has to do with who you are and what your mental state at the time of reading.

Personally, I saw myself as a 'positively good man', much like the prince, and I based my actions and beliefs on that spirit of being genuinely genuine and kind for a few years. This Jan, however, I was in great turbulence. Unemployed, moved countries by myself, goodbye to old life and friends, spinal and knee injuries, all that and my mind slowly weakened and the insecurity just creeped in about my entire self. And seeing what the prince experienced in The Idiot just hit like Airbus A380 full of bricks. It exacerbated my already unsettled condition. I couldn't stop doubting myself, I became mistrustful of friends and family, I thought much too much of what others might say about me. It honestly was too much to bear at times.

Dostoevsky created and unparalleled reading experience for me, but shame is that I've yet to fully recover.

>> No.13644975

Shit that’s what’s in reading right now boys , I’m at the failed sucide, I’ve found it relatively normal besides all the people tucking with the prince

>> No.13644979


>> No.13645169

What if I don't know Russian?

>> No.13645195

Then you were the real The Idiot™ all along

>> No.13645203

for me CP had the same effect.
im interested though hlw was the idiot so traumatic for you and other anon? i foumd it pretty nonoffensive

>> No.13645205

This this this
Nihilistic nightmare inducing

>> No.13645213
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>> No.13645232

The writing itself is mostly not too great imo, but the ideas, man...

>> No.13645462

Sounds like you need to go over to /fit/ and let those faggots teach you to lift your way through your feels.

>> No.13645486
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Anything written by pic related.

>> No.13645608

I find when I read jung my thought's get a little crazy afterwards.

>> No.13645723

Plato makes me feel weird after reading and it didn't seem like he was even trying to throw people into abyssal hell. Aristotle makes me feel better afterward, but the former is more correct than the latter imo

>> No.13645866

The necronomicon

>> No.13645912


>> No.13645957

Ted K.

>> No.13646219

>muh the protagonist is literally me syndrome

>> No.13646323
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>> No.13646355

Firstly know that you need to open the door to madness - this means you have to be in a prolonged state of stress, dissapointment and ennui.

When you get to this stage you are ripe for conversion and madness.

>> No.13646488

holy shit this is me

>> No.13646506


> Last seen on social media 5 years ago
> forgot how to cry and laugh

Ouch, right in the feelings.

>> No.13646566


>> No.13646705
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>> No.13646706

I wish I'd read it a year ago when I wanted to kill myself. Would have been so much crazier. At least I got IJ in during that time frame.

>> No.13646710

Unironically go outside. You need to get outside your own head, reading is the worst thing you can do.

>> No.13646772


>> No.13646947

>Sounds like you need to go over to /fit/ and let those faggots teach you to lift your way through your feels.
/fit/ reporting in, now am buff but still depressed

>> No.13647165

where do you think i got the knee and spinal injuries

>> No.13647360

how did you get that picture of me?

>> No.13647375

After reading the Socratic dialogues I started kind of jokingly using a similar method with people I know; the result: nobody knows what the fuck they're doing, and much less why the fuck they're doing it, even myself. Now, I just can't trust in people, or myself, anymore.

>> No.13647432

Can you explain how is The Idiot such a heavy book? I already own a copy of it but I wasn't dare to read it yet because of its length.
I've recently finished C&P and Notes from the Underground (i loved them both and I could relate to the main characters very well) so I'm already a bit familiar with Dostoyevsky's philosophy.

>> No.13647548

Never read it but it seems like it's regarding the shattering of naive optimism.

>> No.13648380

4chan canon books, probably for people who are already mad and just want to commiserate

> C&P
> Whatever
> Book of Disquiet
> My Twisted World
> Notes from Underground
> Kaczynski manifesto

>> No.13648425

>Kaczynski manifesto
It's unabomber manifesto