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File: 349 KB, 720x905, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13642900 No.13642900 [Reply] [Original]

Muslims are going to get a lot more out of Leviticus and similar parts of the Bible than Jews or Christians, since even though Sharia is different in a few respects, Muslims come closer to following Leviticus than even Orthodox Jews do. In a way only Muslims can read it authentically since only Muslims aren't bound to either dismiss it as obsolete or say it is temporarily inactive or any number of other positions that warp the intent of the text.

>> No.13642963

The Noahide Law was handed down to all people. The Mosaic Law was handed down specifically to the Hebrew people as a people, largely to define them as a people. The ceremonial and cultural laws have never applied to Gentile Christians, who are Gentiles and not Hebrews and never have been Hebrews and never will be. Christians having superseded the Hebrews as God's Chosen people only remain bound by the moral law found in both the Laws of Noah and of Moses. How many times do you need this explained to you?

>> No.13643059

Christians eat blood sausage, please stop claiming you follow the Noahide Law. Circumcision started with Abraham, whom you claim to be the children of, "Judaism" as a religion is not mentioned in the Bible, and in fact Jews were big into proselytizing and even forced conversion before it was suppressed during the Middle Ages. Paul doesn't even use the reasoning you're talking about, he believes the law itself is abolished, not that it is only for Jews, and he does this to appeal to Greeks. Originally Christians were concerned primarily with Jews and didn't throw out the law until Paul started trying to convert Greeks.

>> No.13643076

>you can be both muslim and a feminist
I really wonder which one will win

>> No.13643085

According to Islam the Koran is not antithetical to the Christian Bible or the Jewish Tanakh. It is viewed as the completion, the final word of the Abrahamic tradition, the third revelation.

>> No.13643088


>> No.13643103
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Do you really have to ask? Which side is willing to literally kill and die for their cause?

>> No.13643110

>Originally Christians were concerned primarily with Jews and didn't throw out the law until Paul started trying to convert Greeks.
It's a fair bit more complicated than that. For example, a few hundred years before you have Alexander passing on through with his Greek culture shit, and you get a fashion in Israel for gymnasiums and naked wrestling and trying to grow a new foreskin.

>> No.13643128

Islamic doctrine is that the Tanakh was corrupted by interpolation and editing and pagan myth although its original form is correct. As for the Gospel, Islam holds it was originally the word of God recited by Jesus and memorized by his followers, similar to the Gospel of Thomas, but Paul changed the message to Jesus as substitutionary atonement. Jesus was going to be arrested but he prayed for escape and Judas was arrested in his place

>> No.13643132

feminism is backed by way more powerful people than Muslims. and even KSA is developing it a bit, they let women learn to drive recently

>> No.13643140

I'm...not sure where you're going with this, we are talking about practicing Jews, not Jews looking to assimilate and renounce their Jewish identity. Philo the Jew is more representive of Hellenizibg Judaism

>> No.13643150

They let women learn to drive because their laws are according to their doctrine only to be based on the Quran and Hadith, which obviously say nothing about cars. The primary issue was women going out alone. Eventually they came to the obvious alternative: women can drive if they have a male family member, husband or older woman accompanying them.

>> No.13643158

>or older woman
the quran allows this? seems like a massive flaw in their system to control women

>> No.13643182
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The guardianship system has nothing to do with keeping women "in their place", it is about preventing fornication.

>> No.13643189

>feminism is backed by way more powerful people than Muslims.
Yeah, women.

>> No.13643253

i thought you guys were oppressed, not powerful. you can't be both btw

>> No.13643298

How do you manage to both be more annoying, an more retarded than almost any other tripfag?

>> No.13643324

It's an imposter who broke her trip, she changed it

>> No.13643459
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We’re numerous. More numerous than Islam. A bit disorganized as a movement, but its powerful when it needs to be.

>> No.13643728
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, Fruit-Pig-Black-Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blood sausage
that's black pudding anon
that's a delicacy round our way

>> No.13643769

>Christians eat blood sausage, please stop claiming you follow the Noahide Law.
I've never eaten blood sausage in my life. And, oh, look, it doesn't qualify as flesh torn from a living animal/

>Circumcision started with Abraham, whom you claim to be the children of,
I'm not a Hebrew.

>"Judaism" as a religion is not mentioned in the Bible, and in fact Jews were big into proselytizing and even forced conversion before it was suppressed during the Middle Ages.

>Paul doesn't even use the reasoning you're talking about, he believes the law itself is abolished, not that it is only for Jews,
Talking bout the ceremonial law.

>and he does this to appeal to Greeks.
He did it because that's the state of things after the Advent.

>Originally Christians were concerned primarily with Jews and didn't throw out the law until Paul started trying to convert Greeks.
Then why did Christ minister to Gentiles?

You have nothing.

>> No.13643793

It’s the bourgeoise that runs feminism in an attempt to subvert/overcome their peers. We’re all just victims of the upper classes games and they’re using women’s limitless narcissism to play them.

>> No.13643798

yayyyy, the cult of education! I am so looking forward to believing a-priori, that all knowledge must conform to a humanist liberal perception of reality, and that anyone with an extreme conviction/that any intense feeling at all is actually just ignorant : )

>> No.13643820

>Jews were big into proselytizing and even forced conversion before it was suppressed during the Middle Ages
christians and muslims have both used forced conversion at points in history

>> No.13643836

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. I'm saying the Jewish Ummah saw themselves as the proper followers of God and used to seek converts, now they shun them and make converting extraordinary difficult

>> No.13643840

Is it possible for you to go into a thread and just not say anything?

>> No.13643855

The prohibition against blood is what I refer to

Neither was Abraham

And their religion was not considered limited by ethnicity before the late Middle Ages, many tribes and peoples converted en masse before then

Technically the ceremony only relates to the temple and priesthood, Christians neglect a lot more than that

He did it because the Jewish Christians didn't listen

Christ ministered to gentiles incidentally, not as a general rule, he said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel

>> No.13644130

>The prohibition against blood is what I refer to
The Noahide covenant prohibits eating lifeblood, not blood. You're making up sins. And I say again, I have never eaten blood sausage in my life.

>Neither was Abraham
Abraham was the first Hebrew progenitor, along with Jacob and Isaac. Christians aren't Hebrews. Christians aren't descended from Abraham, Issac or Jacob. Abraham has other descendants apart from Jacob's, the Ishmaelites, but they're bastards, and act like it.

>And their religion was not considered limited by ethnicity before the late Middle Ages, many tribes and peoples converted en masse before then

>Technically the ceremony only relates to the temple and priesthood, Christians neglect a lot more than that
We neglect nothing. I'm not a Hebrew. I'm a Gentile. Why are you trying to bind me to the laws of a nation I don't belong to? Can I beat your ass with a broom for not taking your shoes off at the genkan?

>He did it because the Jewish Christians didn't listen
I think you meant to type Jewish non-Christians. Anyway, the process by which the Apostles (not just the Apostle Paul acting alone) decided which part of the Law applies to Gentile converts and which doesn't is well documented in Acts and the rest of the New Testament and was settled definitively by the Church Fathers. You're trying to make it seem like it's arbitrary and baseless when in reality it makes perfect sense and is well-justified by Christ's teachings. Christians aren't Hebrews. Deal with it.

>Christ ministered to gentiles incidentally, not as a general rule, he said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel
Christ sacrificed himself for all mankind. That isn't "incidental."

Learn to greentext.

>> No.13644139


>> No.13644163

Funny because Acts 15 disagrees

Abraham wasn't a Hebrew anymore than Adam was, his children were the father's of the Hebrews and Arabs

Never read your own holy book? Genesis 16:3

And it was a faith everyone was called to

You follow man's laws, I'll stick with God's

No, Jewish Christians. Paul went among the gentiles who accepted him as a leader whereas Jewish Christians didn't. He then established dominance by numbers

If God forgives your debt it doesn't need to be paid off

>> No.13644256

>Funny because Acts 15 disagrees
Be more specific as to what you think this applies to. That part of the decision of the Council of Jerusalem (how can it be an entire council if it was just Paul on his own being a cowboy like you claim?) was for the sake of Christians converting from paganism who might be scandalized by the consumption of foods similar to pagan ritualistic practices. It isn't an absolute injunction, just a recommendation. Same as the prohibition against eating meat sacrificed to idols. If it isn't a temptation for one's brothers toward apostasy then there's no sin in it, as Paul declared elsewhere. Personally I'm going to try blood sausage because of this conversation, and I won't even hesitate because no Christian these days grew up drinking blood in a pagan cult.

>Abraham wasn't a Hebrew anymore than Adam was, his children were the father's of the Hebrews and Arabs
Abraham was the progenitor of the Hebrews. He was the first Hebrew.

>Never read your own holy book? Genesis 16:3
My own Holy Book says that Ishmael was born of a servant, not his wife, and Ishmael was disinherited from the Abrahamic covenant, and his descendants will be like a curse on the rest of mankind. Context is key.

>And it was a faith everyone was called to

>You follow man's laws, I'll stick with God's
You're literally accusing Christians of sins you've just made up. You're a law unto yourself.

>No, Jewish Christians. Paul went among the gentiles who accepted him as a leader whereas Jewish Christians didn't. He then established dominance by numbers
Paul was a Jewish Christian as were most Christians at the time.

>If God forgives your debt it doesn't need to be paid off
Forgiveness requires sacrifice, which Christ provides.

Anyway, stop being a Judaizer.

>> No.13644272

Welp no point in arguing with Christians who argue against what they believe is relevation from God on the basis of "current year". Same nonsense your deviants use to say homosexuality and fornication are now halal

>> No.13644292
File: 124 KB, 648x1024, 1565366100613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism

>> No.13644350

>Welp no point in arguing with Christians who argue against what they believe is relevation from God on the basis of "current year".
Another false accusation. Isn't that a sin in Islam?

>Same nonsense your deviants use to say homosexuality and fornication are now halal
Yet another false accusation. I've never argued that. The prohibitions against homosexuality and fornication are part of the Moral Law. Did you not watch the above video?

Anyway, I just started reading the Koran. The first verse is the most important, right? So I should start there? I mean, it's not like Muslim exegesis has a systematic, institutionalized form of textual abrogation, does it? lol

>> No.13644371

The first Surah is a rhyming prayer used five times a day by all Muslims

Abrogation is one meaning of naskh, although sublation is too and that is more how it works in my school

>> No.13644384

Based black pudding

the official anglo litizen food

>> No.13644412
File: 263 KB, 838x517, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13644421

A bunch of high school boys trashed a national level soccer team not long ago.

Numbers don't matter. Women are property.

>> No.13644441

Islam will get hollowed out by Liberalism just like Christianity and Judaism have been.

>> No.13644452
File: 110 KB, 590x613, 1560116848682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Muslims will. Feminism was was literally a communist plot to weaken the West by decreasing birthrates and increasing social alienation. Betty Friedan was a Marxist who hung out with a club of Marxists and devised an application of Marxist class struggle to gender relations.

Unfortunately (for them) Communism is now as dead as a doornail and Jews are going extinct rapidly because their women are whores and all fuck niggers.

This system is not self-sustaining, it needs constant injections of money and media support from Jewish power in order to exist at all, and that money will dry up quickly, and soon.

Additionally Muslims know an important truth about left-leaning people: When you kill them, they apologize to you. So when the Muslims ground up all of those little British children into hamburger with trucks, the response was to increase hate speech laws to protect Muslims.

Similarly when they start throwing faggots off of buildings or stoning whores to death, the white liberal will desperately scramble to protect the killers, because he doesn't want to be racist. In the end, the Muslims WILL win. Even the Jews snivel and scrape before them because they can't handle open hostility unless they've got a fence and a bunch of snipers backing them up to shoot the children throwing rocks at their tanks. Pic related, the result was censoring of hate speech targeting Muslims.

>> No.13644503
File: 545 KB, 720x1078, ruh roh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think not






>> No.13644506

Didn't even read, but totally lost at the pic.

>> No.13644582

And where is their PO box located?