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File: 730 KB, 601x841, weirdtalesmaberry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13639637 No.13639637 [Reply] [Original]

Sounds pretty awesome if I didn't say so myself.

>> No.13639640

The cover art will be shit.
The stories will be shit.

>> No.13639642
File: 20 KB, 781x112, jm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13639676

Why do jews like authoritarianism?

>> No.13639681

Watch it, you're coming dangerously close to hate speech.

>> No.13639688

lmfao kill me

>> No.13639698

I'm shocked.

>> No.13639730

At least we know it will flop.

>> No.13639739

I don't think he's actually Jewish, I think he's just talking to his actual Jewish friends here.

>> No.13640055

>so yeah like this thing happened or whatever

Why do they all talk like this?

>> No.13640073

Not at all, sensible people are fringe.

>> No.13640089

It’s reddit speak. It’s this sort of waffling, half ironic, noncommittal tone instead of directness and confidence. But it’s spread from reddit to the whole bugman left.

>> No.13640114

they seek to escape cliche, but in doing so they simply choose another

>> No.13640151

They're few in number and unlike their surrounding neighbors, so they either depend on severe bottlenecks and centralization, or they are forced to blend in and accept the decisions of others.

>> No.13640154

When will they realise that the "racism, sexism, and homophobia" is stuff normal people like?

>> No.13640173

This is actually super mainstream and all the normies are gonna go out and buy it in droves?

Also the SJW idiots are a vocal minority, most aren't actually that fucking extreme.

>> No.13640307

The average person is opposed to all the things he listed, because they were told to be. Does that mean
>This is actually super mainstream and all the normies are gonna go out and buy it in droves?
No, that doesn’t follow.
>Also the SJW idiots are a vocal minority, most aren't actually that fucking extreme
It’s not about SJWism, anti-rightwing sentiment is the mainstream, default position.

>> No.13640406
File: 27 KB, 220x323, 220px-Weird_Tales_May_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the racial anxiety, the unabashed exotic orientalism, the aestheticised trauma of modernity and technics, the fixation on biological degeneration and violence, the contempt for woman, and the throbbing homoerotic undertones were precisely what made those tales 'weird' and tillitating to the 20th century american boys. Pulp fiction reflected in popular form the same eldritch vibrations that were being picked up at the time by Spengler, Nietszche, Marinetti. The art style and themes are like a pop art american interpretation of the european decadents, art deco and expressionism, Robert E Howard witnessed the first Texas oil boom in his youth.

Nerd culture is an infantilising means of dealing with modernity and screening out all psychosexual and historical horror with cheery ironic pop culture. The emphasis on moral purity and didactic politics is to be expected. Nowadays, alienated youth seeks tilitation elsewhere. Now that I think about it, seems like Nick Land and co. really are our Lovecraft. The problem with SF is the people who write about wonderful things and strange new worlds ended up being the most banal and sheltered people around, focused on representing themselves as sci fi writers upstanding members of a liberal community, ie. the total inverse of the CCRU's hyperstitional LARPing which knows you have no choice but to represent real life through sci fi.

>"My own conscious ideal has been to delude the reader into accepting an impossibility, or series of impossibilities, by means of a sort of verbal black magic, in the achievement of which I make use of prose-rhythm, metaphor, simile, tone-color, counter-point, and other stylistic resources, like a sort of incantation- Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.13640445

They hate “normal people”.

>> No.13640448

>So yeah
>racism, sexism, blah blah, blah

What a shame

>> No.13640565

*quietly trunks "Effeminate Negro Rapists of Atlantis"*

>> No.13640895


it won't make any money, the investors will withdraw and it'll stall. just like the Omni reboot.

>> No.13641742

I'm so desperate to be published that I might even try

>> No.13642170

Start a rival zine called Weird Stories that only publishes racist, sexist and homophobic stuff then. I'm sure it'll do better than this shithole of a reboot.

>> No.13642212

I've written some great short horror stories, where can I submit my work to them? I assume it will be more than one issue. Some of my stuff does feature "sexist" stuff though.

>> No.13642260

Pulp carries the heroic mythos, which was pushed aside in the arts as it was "fascistic", but the attempts at subversion always failed because of how primal the pulp is.

Even in something that early dominated by leftists as comic books - Capitan America is obviously superhero from the jews, for the jews, for these who understand the implications of his character but for a 12 years old boy reading comics he's that cool guy dressed in American colours and symbols who beats up Germans(or other perceived enemies). They don't look at it as a symbolic refutation of The American Ideal defeating the Nazis, they see it as warrior of our tribe beats up warriors of other tribes. Judge Dredd is obviously a caricature, but that caricature caught on because when taken on face value, people kind of liked the dude. He's square but in 1960's or 1970's, with the rampant crime explosion, you wish your local policemen were similarly shaped.

Yeah, especially after "concerned citizens" start sending emails to every single company selling your magazine that is should be pulled off the shelves because it's nazi, which they will argue for by citing articles with 20 clicks on each of them.

>> No.13642498

You know what I meant. People like the sexy violent stuff just not when it involves real life bigotry in general.

>> No.13642514
File: 412 KB, 5000x5000, f05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute. Is he implaying that racism homofobia and sexism are not wired ?

>> No.13642642

He's literally normalizing them.

>> No.13644399

none of the [themes] once associated with this title

>> No.13644819

>None of the racism, sexism, and homophobia that was once associated with this title.
Weird Tales was alive less than a decade ago, and didn't feature any of the shit he's babbling about. This is pure virtue signaling.

>> No.13645202

>so yeah
What an absolute shame. I saw the thread title and got excited but this is just awful. I don't want it at all.

>> No.13645220

No, they are hard wired.