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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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13639117 No.13639117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He's right


>> No.13639128

What is the difference? I browse mu but not x. I agree that both mu and lit are shit boards that could be way better

>> No.13639137

literally who

>> No.13639138

X is the best board for schizos, we should really take a page from their book

>> No.13639145

I havent been on /x/ in years. Is it still equal parts shizos, religious nuts and baiters?

>> No.13639166

Why would anyone give a flying fuck? This board is predominantly shitposting what kind of insipid moron gives this place a seconds consideration
Nothing of value comes to or leaves here

>> No.13639252

>what kind of insipid moron gives this place a seconds consideration
Egirls like r.cam who want to farm money and attention from beta orbiters by appealing to nebulous shared identities.

>> No.13639273

Different kind of schizo

>> No.13639312

stop shilling us for more followers you tranny

>> No.13639357
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I choose to follow him. OSINT exists for a reason.

>> No.13639367

that comma usage sure do betrays someone who wrote Selfie, Suicide

>> No.13639377

A lot of anti-natalist/atheist/nihilist imbeciles also. The philosophy majors found us

>> No.13639379

male thot

>> No.13639692

>argument wasn't presented in the form of a soijack strawman
No, he isn't

>> No.13639825

/lit/ is more mentally ill now than it's ever been

>> No.13639827


>> No.13639913

It's pretty lucid stuff though, completely different from the legit psychosis you see on /x/, /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.13639957

/x/ is fucking dogshit and has been horrible for most of this decade.
Used to be a really fun paranormal board with spooky stories and pictures and some conspiracy theory stuff.

Now the board is 100% legitimately schizophrenic autists making ASK A TULPA/ANGEL/SKINWALKER/GOD ANYTHING threads.
at least /mu/ discusses music and shares it.

>> No.13640125

/lit/ as a board, failed, by taking /mu/ as its model instead of [s4s].

>> No.13640148
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>> No.13640223

/x/ reads like the script to a truck stop rest area full of redneck wiccans and crystal gazers

>> No.13640225

R Cam is literally the trashiest member of his clique and the most pseud

>> No.13640237
File: 12 KB, 193x152, 1564799100263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter pseud posts
stop making these threads

>> No.13640279

twitter is one of the few places on the web that is measurably worse than "/lit/-during-USA-daytime-hours" and 'intellektual' subreddits

>> No.13640334
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>> No.13640441

Logo we can see that this is you by the way you reddit space your posts

>> No.13640482

yeah if anything it should have been

>lit, as a board, failed to...


>> No.13640505

> /lit/ as a board by taking /mu as its model instead of /x/.

Wow you really know how to use commas anon. Nice job.

>> No.13640514

no but good guess

>> No.13640573

Most people don't really give a fuck about punctuation on Twitter, though. Stop sperging around.