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File: 86 KB, 1200x800, KindleOasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13638462 No.13638462 [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn't made a one-time relatively inexpensive investment in a quality e-reader
>not only would this help him reduce the overall unnecessary space that his book collection takes up, but he can literally now pirate any title in any digitized form he wants
>using calibre and other tools he can quite literally edit all aspects of the metadata, find the best covers, remove DRM and categorize appropriately
>on top of that he can now carry literally thousands of books in his backpack

Why haven't you taken the e-readerpill yet, anon?

>> No.13638524

Oh great another DEEVICE I get to charge, not drop step on or get wet. Another thing I got to fuck with on my computer before I can do what I want which is to just read.

>> No.13638546

>not drop step
How clumsy are you?
>or get wet
It's waterproof
>I got to fuck with on my computer
It has wifi/4G

>> No.13638553

The Kindle Oasis and similar models are waterproof. Book pages can become soggy or tear. Also 'another DEEVICE' vs 1000 books on your shelf, all needing individual categorisation and dusting from time to time.
>walk to book store, browse, purchase, return home / purchase online, wait for delivery
>open boookz or a torrent tracker
>download ebook, apply cover, sync to e-reader within five minutes maximum

I love books too but yours are bad arguments.

>> No.13638564

>Has a good phone
>Doesn't just pirate the book and read it as a pdf
HAHAHAHA okay retard

>> No.13638580

There's a difference. A phone has blue light, and even with an amber filter can be quite tiring to read before bed, or while being distracted by other notifications. An e-reader is a simulated paper experience with its own gentle backlight, allowing for ergonomic grip and handling, and with a direct purpose of reading. You could read a book through a VR headset if you wanted to. But that's retarded.

>> No.13638585

>Doesn't use an app that changes the light on the phone
Are you okay?

>> No.13638590

I use Twilight. It works fine. But I wouldn't want to read anything longer than an article like that.

>> No.13638595

How well do e-readers work with pdfs?

>> No.13638598

A good alternative, but I would argue it mixes up the focused reading activity with unrelated junk (social media, texts, calls, etc)
It feels much better to have a device dedicated to focused, deliberate reading, instead of having it buried in an addiction-fueled device.

>> No.13638606

Pretty well, depending on your e-reader. I only have experience with Kindles, but you can convert PDF's to .mobi's through Calibre or just port them directly. The formatting is usually fine, and I would imagine most e-readers are compatible with those files.

Also fuck me, I've used the word 'literally' three times in this post. Perhaps e-readers do melt your brain and I don't know it.

>> No.13638607

Quite badly. I wouldn't recommend an e-reader for PDFs. They are slow to load and turn pages, and scale to the screen in a weird way. Text formats work much better.

>> No.13638612

What e-reader are you using?

>> No.13638651

I think it's a Kindle Paperwhite 3.
Makes sense, maybe I should try that. Guess >>13638607 was an uninformed opinion based on my sole experience with the PW3.

>> No.13638655

>muh eys are tired :(((
Ok pussy

>> No.13638659

>spent $100 on a kobo
>load it up with dozens of books for a trip I'm taking
>weighs almost nothing and survives 2 weeks on a single charge
feels good to not give a shit, reading on your phone is awful Jesus christ unless you're a neet you can afford a fucking eReader

>> No.13638664

There is a qualitative difference between looking at a competent e-reader screen and staring at an AMOLED backlit display for an afternoon. Add that up over thousands of hours reading, and you'd notice a difference.

>> No.13638668

Get raped

>> No.13638675

Ironically, using a phone more frequently would increase my chances of being raped. I can't book an unstable chink trans hooker from a Kindle.

>> No.13638677

you could, but it would probably take 3x a long given the refresh rate every time you change page

>> No.13638689

>He doesn't have a nice physical book collection in his house to get girls wet
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13638692


Like 40/50 books on a shelf max can look quite nice, especially if they're curated hardback titles. Past that, or rare editions, you're fooling yourself.

>> No.13638911

which will last the longest? Paper or a lithium ion batteries charge and cheap chinese electrical components?

>> No.13639251

how many times do you plan on re-reading Lolita anon?

>> No.13639972
File: 105 KB, 550x477, 1459199676276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah who cares about a little space? just donate some books if you have too many.
1. Gah! shit! My book is nearly out of battery
2. A needless hassle
3. Yikes - is that guy really reading on a big-boy special little tablet? Paperfuck edition?

You don't need a little device to read, and it doesn't make it easier for the average person who's looking to read more. I think people get into these things because they like the idea of reading but just sitting down with a book is quite boring and is a thing for later.
>What I really need is specialist technology, then I'm going to pirate hundreds of books those losers argue about on the internet, starting with the Greeks, of course!
>NOW we're ready to READ.
>But I should probably get some more books on this bad boy first, wouldn't want to run out
sent from my iphone

>> No.13640010

If I get one of these no one on on the train will know I'm reading Plato.

>> No.13640011

A paperwhite gen 1 was the best investment i could have made to broaden my hobby and that is reading.
The most time consuming think aboit this is the search of what of actually want to read. Download,calibre format and transfer on device takes like 1minute.

>> No.13640048

Make one with pages I can flip and maybe we'll talk.

>> No.13640061

ereaders are only good for manga

>> No.13640239

>reading pdfs on a smartphone
a smartphone nowadays is still smaller than a trade paperback or even one of those Oxford "A Short Introduction" books...

>> No.13640281

Having both an e-reader and physical copies is the msot patrician choice

>> No.13640455

I have a Kindle right now, and it's fucking awesome, but I want a bigger e-ink device for reading pdfs. Zooming in on pdfs is possible on kindle but clunkier than hell, I'd rather just have a much bigger screen and not need to zoom. Anybody got any leads? E-ink is a must, I already have tablets.

>> No.13640470
File: 2.90 MB, 500x540, 1477013100093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an e-reader
>pirate everything
>purchase nice physical copies of your 10/10 favorites
>drown in pussy

>> No.13640473

>why aren't you buying more conflict minerals and endangering miners???
I quite like miners. They're often the first to sign up to shoot Nazis.

>> No.13640481
File: 13 KB, 267x400, 87786458_XS blind guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes i love using my e-reader, how did you know?

>> No.13640484

>owning books
>when you could just make your slave memorize the stories you like and recite them at your leisure
fucking retard

>> No.13640485

This is a way of ending book ownership. The only business model our decaying elite understand is rent-seeking. I refuse to pay Amazon to borrow a book I never truly own. An e-reader is a perfectly sensible thing to have so long as you actually have your own copies of everything.

>> No.13640488


>> No.13640490

>having slaves with tongues
Only leads to problems in the end.

>> No.13640491

what in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13640492

Define “owning”

>> No.13640504

Ok, I'm taking the e-reader pill. Which one would you guys recommend?

>> No.13640518

Spanish civil war, Orwell, how all your devices are made with blood money like the Belgian Congo, songs your parents conceived you to when they still had dreams, take your pick, really

>> No.13640581

There are no E-readers with big enough screen to comfortably use PDFs, use k2pdfopt to convert PDFs instead.

>> No.13640588


I just like how paper feels in my hand more. I've always found touchscreens to be obnoxious.

>> No.13640596

Boox, but it costs a fortune. Kobo Forma is pretty big, too.

>> No.13640718

just get a kindle

>> No.13640858

Okay amazon rep, we got it. Stop schilling now

>> No.13640939
File: 105 KB, 1200x720, 1529444620876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get a rimjob from his slaves

>> No.13641417
File: 1.55 MB, 4032x1960, 20190815_002927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting with my paperwhite now. what more could i need?

>> No.13641430

Why get an E-reader when I can just read on my phone?

>> No.13641494

screen glare
screen size
wildly inferior battery