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13637505 No.13637505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have thoughts like these?
I especially think about the others being able to hear my thoughts part

>> No.13637512

Which philosophers thought they were God?

>> No.13637662 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13637665

No, never. And I had near psychosis breakdowns.

>> No.13637667

Every relevant philosophers thought men had a part of god in them

>> No.13637694

None of OP's comic relates to solipsism. Reads more like schizophrenia.

>> No.13637707

Yes. They were very pervasive during childhood, less so now. I used to think if anyone let slip that they could read my mind, the existence of everything would cease, along with a bunch of other similar and equally bizarre thoughts.

>> No.13637715

For kids it's probably no big deal. I mean, they're in this weird state where nothing makes sense and also nothing *doesn't* make sense. It's hard to imagine not knowing ANYTHING. We piece the logical and illogical together as we go.

For adults though, worrying that people can read your thoughts is probably schizophrenia. There are no mechanisms that would allow for mind-reading.

>> No.13637746

Facial cues, body language, Freudian slips, etc.

>> No.13637774

You're right, that was an uncalled for kneejerk response not pertaining to the discussion. I'll go ahead and delete it now.

>> No.13637802

While unlikely, and I don't choose to believe it's the case (most of the time), things like the 'brain in a vat', and other arguments relating to simulated/'false' realities (Descartes' demon, perhaps even Plato's cave?) are not things that I think are too soundly refuted. It's not that I think they're all that likely, but there's a nagging 'what if' that is perhaps slightly more pronounced than with most people I suppose.

>> No.13638059

Is there really a different between vehement solipsism and schizophrenia?

>> No.13638065

Solipsists seem to not understand that there is a world that exists independently from them. Believing your mind has created everything that exists while you simultaneously are ignorant of the world should alert them to this fact. Some retard that doesn't know the first thing about engineering or scientific experimentation will claim that the internet, nuclear power plants, space probes, etc. are figments of his imagination.

>> No.13638079
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everyone has their bizarre thoughts like that

like if you don't do something a certain way the sun will explode or something

a common one is that if you stop fearing X will happen then X will actually happen

these are fun to read but I don't know what they are called

>> No.13638244

I have those thoughts, minus the power fantasy aspects.

I have a feeling in the future, but also in the present and the past, time is gonna go all hippy dippy.