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File: 19 KB, 660x350, Christopher-Lasch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13636895 No.13636895 [Reply] [Original]

>"stop believing the myth of progress"

What did he mean by this? And what was his problem?

>> No.13636907

read guenon

>> No.13636910
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Progress is a false god

>> No.13637305
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>> No.13637346

Think of humanity as being in a bottle
Humans can't truly move out from the bottle we can only change configurations within it

>> No.13637450

Of course you can– what you don't realise is that the contents of the bottle are constantly fermenting and carbonating, building up the pressure inside. All we need is a rapid drop in temperature to enact our breakout plan, shattering, melting and reassembling like the t-1000 in terminator 2.

>> No.13637463

Based I think I might read Sorel now

>> No.13637516

non-Marxist socialists are way better than the Marxists ones...FUCK """"scientific"""" socialism

>> No.13637823


read/watch Peter thiel

>> No.13637846


>> No.13637851
File: 31 KB, 390x390, http_%2F%2Farchive.rebuildingtheman.com%2FRSS%2FJessePortrait2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The myth of progress is a liberal fantasy. Technology and so on progresses, but while doing so we lose good things like bravery, genuine discipline and so on. For example, an increase in automation destroyed manly jobs, this is good becuase better production but bad becuase it destroyed the virtues of masculinity and so on. Having this autistic vision that everything gets better is cringe.

>> No.13637863

could've said virtuous and self limiting sword wars were replaced by cowardly guns and missiles

>> No.13637871

Yeah that was a better formulation. But I'd imagine that the average stone age man was more alpha than the average reddit user.

>> No.13637878

This, society's level of quality is measured by how epic badass the men are
It's a shame our warrior class are now disrespected, and made fun of when they play vidya to relive their true purpose

>> No.13637879
File: 36 KB, 599x335, IMG_3738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two kay nine teen
>he hasn't taken the Lasch-Girard-MacIntyre pill
I shggy dggy

>> No.13637880

People shouldn't equate the increasing complexity of the world with its moral improvement.

Why do you think he has a problem?

Literal retard

>> No.13637881

>this guy doesn't realise that bottles don't have holes at the top


>> No.13637892


>> No.13637895

Where do I go after The True And Only Heaven? Best non-fiction book I've ever read btw

>> No.13637905

I would pick up Lawrence Goodwyn's Democratic Promise which is the best available look at the historical populists.

>> No.13637912

He meant that he's not getting the benefits of progress like others are, so he's bitter about it and needs allies to help him overthrow civilization.

>> No.13637914

Terminal youtube brain

>> No.13637917

But that's everyone who supports him?

>> No.13637981

It's the intro to the book mentioned in the pic, sorel's the illusions of progress (les illusions du progress)

>> No.13638315


I'll go for the Lasch-Dewey-McLuhan pill instead please.

>> No.13638749

>not the Lasch-Fisher-Debord pill

>> No.13638861


>> No.13638871

Everyone but Lasch

>> No.13638946

Ask queer people or women and they will tell you progress has been real and meaningful but there is still a long way to go. Lasch seems to be advocating for a return to traditional patriarchal values, but he is blind to the negative aspects

>> No.13638986

wow who cares

>> No.13639009

They were but it turns out the true alpha rather suck. All modern humans are essentially betas in a biological sense, even people like Gengis Khan. We're all essentially children compared to the alphas of old (the alphas of the earlier homo sapiens, if not earlier than that). This means almost everything we admire in the "alpha" nowadays is also a product of that childlike state.

>> No.13639025
File: 255 KB, 650x625, 1519842812116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask queer people or women


>> No.13639255

>Ask mentally ill pedophiles
lmao, no. They should be hanged from construction cranes.

>or women
Yikes, no.

>> No.13639266
File: 31 KB, 429x547, jesus_laughing21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking that the particular is impoverished and transitory actually means you do NOT have to partake at all
>mfw the fact that you die if you do not eat actually means eating is NOT mandatory
>mfw you never HAVE to do it and can choose to die
>mfw the tyranny of the world undermines itself
>mfw particular concerns are in fact MOST frivolous from the particular vantage paint and only gain meaning from vantage point of the absolute
>mfw the owl kills the rooster

>> No.13639365
File: 94 KB, 920x920, Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revert progress

>> No.13639745

Faustian Bargain is the term you are looking for. What we are really doing is making a bunch of trade offs of technologies and power in exchange for something else, but we don't know what it is we're trading away and how important it is until it is too late.

>> No.13639780

who cares about anyone but straight white men
fuck this liberal bullshit, a few hundred years ago and we lived like kings not fucking slaves

>> No.13639794

This is an accurate take. Thank you for taking your time and making this intresting and riveting comment.

>> No.13639796

would have kissed young Ted on the mouth desu, not in gay way though

>> No.13640594

Ok now that's hot.

>> No.13640611

Women are, as a whole, the unhappiest they have ever been. The punishment for homosexuality is death in far more countries now than it has ever been.

>> No.13640635

Very based. These idiots who believe in the myth of progress are, among other things, incapable of grasping non-Western cultures (as in your second point). That, and they mistake iPhones for happiness when happiness can only be realized in community participation (most fully realized in family formation).

>> No.13640662
File: 955 KB, 1310x950, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did he mean by this? And what was his problem?

really just the crossover between frankfurt school freudo-marxism and crypto-catholicism.

>> No.13640703

100 years ago the goddamn flu killed 500,000 people in the US alone.
they didn't have magical shitposting terminals back then either.
"slaves" my white ass

>> No.13640752

A shame he's a backwards commie. If he embraced capitalism, he could have been an actor, he had the chops for it.

>> No.13640799

Cringy five year old memetics

>> No.13640917

Books for this feel?

>> No.13640964

Guenon. If you're looking for someone specifically Christian, read Meister Eckhart.

>> No.13640984
File: 1.09 MB, 1414x798, 1565759878825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you finally understand Jörmungandr
>yfw Nietzsche was right
>yfw time (and space) is a flat circle

>> No.13640997

Just as the WORLD comprised of concentric spheres, all NOUMENA is a series of concentric circles. This includes TIME

>> No.13641034

If human progress essentially never ends, How does it not lead to slippery slopes?

>> No.13641070

slippery slopes is when things are moving too fast for your prejudices. I unironically defend child drag queens and take pride in renouncing my whiteness and openly call myself a sjw scold. I earnestly think all decent people can and should do the same and to think otherwise can only mean you are an immoral person who is, at least by proxy, complicit in the murder and oppression of other human beings.

>> No.13641090

Yes, anyone with half a brain realized that Spengler was right a long time ago.

>> No.13641115

>I unironically defend child drag queens
would you be ok with 9 year old girls stripdancing for adult men?

>> No.13641746

Can you elaborate please?
Which Spengler should I read for this?

>> No.13641772

Really, what's so bad about killing 6 gorillion people of a certain race who are actively trying to subvert gentile nations? You don't get kicked out of that many countries just because you have big noses, wear funny hats, and speak yiddish.

>> No.13641829

Yes, those children were subverting nations alright. Subhuman

>> No.13641870

They sure were

>> No.13641910

>Lasch seems to be advocating for a return to traditional patriarchal values, but he is blind to the negative aspects

How about actually reading Lasch before posting on the books and literature board then?

>> No.13641969

>Bro why not let a pedophile fuck your 6 year old child? Its just your prejudice clouding your judgement.

>> No.13642454
File: 91 KB, 1080x1331, 9b7bc80097179ffac4f41230785550d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progressives and others who think they drive the progress, lead it in the way they wish to, or even decide what is the right way for it, are in the cave. Progress of anything is the same as time, we cannot control it and we in fact are the ones controlled. Don't mistake progressives for the ones who embrace the progress, since their progress is not the true progress, it Is manufactured and they try to filter it. They are similar to child playing hide and seek and counting to 100(non seconds, even though it May seem as such) before starting to seek. Conservatives are sympathetic in that they fight battle they cannot win entirely, to preserve what's good from progress, just like we try to preserve great works of art from decay over time.

>> No.13642562
File: 27 KB, 400x487, more foreign aid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what the attempted meaning is, and I feel horrible for it.

>> No.13643558

Why is he so angry?

>> No.13643616

Women have always been allowed to operate in medieval societies if they are competent enough. Now we just do it to all women for no reason. Fags are disgusting and should hang.

>> No.13643662

Try getting rid of a cockroach infestation by only killing the fully grown ones and report back.

>> No.13643723

It is an open ended word that has had a whole lot of crap stuffed into it. Progression is more the word for the fact of the ever changing world.

Like that old (Doaist, I believe) story about the farmer who finds his only horse has ridden off in the middle of the night.
>His neighbor comes by and says “ahh, bad luck for you”. The farmer says “We’ll see”
>The horse comes back with a wild horse, now he has two. The neighbor comes by and says “Ahh! You were right! Good luck!” But the farmer isn’t phased “We’ll see”
>His teenage son attempts to ride the new wild horse and he’s bucked off and breaks his leg. The neighbor admits the farmer was right again. This wild horse was dab luck. “We’ll see”
>The next day the emperors army comes by to pull conscripts from the village, but they have to pass on the boy with the broken leg. The neighbor comes by, arms flailing around “ They took my son! They took him!”
“They took that wild horse off my hands too. Come in for some tea”

>> No.13644335

Seriously, do you ever find a thread that you don't want to stink up?

>> No.13644981

>Progression is more the word for the fact of the ever changing world.
Words don't mean just whatever you'd like them to in the fairyland cesspit of your mind, you chubby dyke cunt you.

>> No.13645014

In what universe are these be remotely similar?

>> No.13645075

I'll take the Lasch-Ellul-Berry pill, thanks.

>> No.13645085
File: 132 KB, 590x612, power process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted Kaczynski explained this

>> No.13645111

Words are squishy things and do indeed get more specific or different meanings when philosophy comes to play with them.

Any questions?

>> No.13645118

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.13645712

I love life.

>> No.13645995
File: 59 KB, 908x539, 1516063381315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triptrannie thinks religion is a spook
>has no problem citing a religious passage positively as long as it proves his point

>> No.13646022

You're certainly not going to like what rises from the ashes. Let's just say it's going to be a little more old school than you're used to.

>> No.13646075

literally all of spengler
but specifically man and technics, and then decline of the west

>> No.13646133

What an idiot you are

>> No.13646341


>> No.13646351

How mentally ill you are.

>> No.13646403

Says the freak who's probably stalked her across multiple threads for several days straight.

>> No.13646954

t. corporate bootlicker

>> No.13646961

fucking yikes, I wish butterfly realized Christianity is proto-communism and that early Christians had anarchist communes

>> No.13647256

Not an excuse

>> No.13647382

Most fundamental similarity is critique of individualism, and the enlightenment notion of desires as philosophically primitive rather than conditioned. But there are lots of lines of intersection.

Girard's critique of Hellenism chastens MacIntyre's view of the Greeks.

Girard's discussion of the scapegoat mechanism relates to Lasch's call for a "spiritual discipline against resentment" greater than liberalism can provide.

MacIntyre's general account of tradition-constituted enquiry speaks to Lasch's assertion that we need to reconstitute the populist tradition for the 21st century, by better understanding the questions of political economy that it is uniquely able to answer.

There are other specific examples but I'm struggling to think of them now

They're all Aristotelians deep down. They're approaching the same problems from radically different fields, but the bedrock is an aristotelian idea of the self qua citizen as radically particular.

But the fact they aren't altogether similar is the point. They all fill out each other's blind spots. And that's why reading them together forms such a powerful unit

>> No.13648051

How do you know I'm not wearing the boot?