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/lit/ - Literature

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13635570 No.13635570 [Reply] [Original]

Currenly going through pic related, I didn't expect it to be this comfy. What are /lit/s thoughts on it?

>> No.13635577

Not redpilled enough

>> No.13635581


It's redpilled but only if you actually read the whole goddam thing. If you read only the first one or two volumes like a pleb, then you are bluepilled and are gay.

>> No.13635614

It's max comfy until it isn't, but even then it's like hearing a friend talk about his worst nightmares, harrowing for sure but there's always this chic and cool bourgeois lackadaisicalness, which Proust meta-identifies will be the downfall of French society anyway. Be warned though if you're /lit/ at all Proust is the biggest intoxicant ever and extremely addictive, those hours will just fly by and any outside reality will pale in comparison to the book and crumble away, it's great

>> No.13635636

Some of his sentences are too long and complex, but I am enjoying the ride nonetheless. I feel like each new sentence is one of the many chocolates contained within a big box of chocolates. There are so many beautiful sentences in the novel that it's crazy.

>> No.13635735

Shit translation, Proust would get the guillotine if I had it my way. In no way comparable to Joyce. Some beautiful passages though, just dated as fuck despite everyone LARPing otherwise.

>> No.13635747

Very enjoyable throughout. I wasn't expecting quite so much homosexual degeneracy but that doesn't really take away from the experience.

>> No.13635755

By the time you get to around book 4 your reading comprehension in regard to subjunctive clauses will be 100x better than what it is now, guaranteed, it's just a side effect of reading Proust

>> No.13635759

this book is literally trying to turn the reader to homosexuality, so I would drop this book immediately before you will get your first urges. Believe me, been there done that. You do NOT want to go there.

>> No.13635766

Gilberte best girl.

>> No.13635790

Yea what’s the deal with that shit.

>> No.13635794

Proust was a homosexual jew

>> No.13635825

Factually you’re are correct. But a better explanation could be provided. Don’t be so dim witted and pull some anti-Semitic /pol/ disposition from you’re ass. Use
a better explanation