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/lit/ - Literature

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13634963 No.13634963 [Reply] [Original]

how badly has lit fucked you up

>> No.13634988 [DELETED] 

i don't get this esoteric traditionalist perrenial etc trend on here. isn't spending all day on a cambodian cavepainting forum a bit at odds with the glorious revelations you have supposedly been uncovering and exposing yourself to, and the ramifications those lessons have for the pursuit of excellence and living the good life?

>> No.13634994

age 10 wtf

>> No.13634999

I haven't grown an inch since i was 13

>> No.13635001

Not very badly because I'm not an easily influenced contrarian

>> No.13635008

Hamvas is a pseud.

t. Hungarian

>> No.13635009

what an embarrassing image

>> No.13635010

What's your opinion of Karol Kerenyi, I'm currently reading his book on Greek mythology

>> No.13635015
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Lit turned me into a 26 year old Janissary too, WTF.

>> No.13635017


>> No.13635032

Haven't read him yet , unfortunately.

He literally got BTFO of the country by Lukács though after he accused him of being a fascist in the post-WWII communist regime where Lukács had quite a bit of pull due to his connections. Poor guy.

>> No.13635046
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The Master said, To delve into strange doctrines can bring only harm.

>> No.13635050

Yeah but that's what Jesus said about his doctrines too.

>> No.13635501

are you a woman?

>> No.13635624

I bought a few books I didn't know about after seeing them here, but otherwise, my tastes don't largely overlap with most of /litcore/. I come here mainly for the entertainment value. It's good to have humor in your life, especially if most of the books you read are rather depressing, though those are generally the best books, so I'm not complaining.

>> No.13635632

I'm the same and I'm not a woman. I just peaked really soon, I guess.

>> No.13635671

/lit/ has mostly just amplified my previously extant signals. The soul of my reading interests remains the same; the body just has greater breadth. I doubt I ever would have read Infinite Jest, or ended up with half a dozen Pynchon books, if not for this place, though. I'm also much stronger in armchair philosophy now, so thanks for that cultural capital.

>> No.13635683
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this badly

>> No.13635686

13 To Kill a Mockingbird
14 A Clockwork Orange
15 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
16 The Stranger
17. Demian
18 Crime and Punishment
19. Moby Dick
20. War and Peace
21. Remembrance of Things Past
22. Ulysses
23. Finnegans Wake
24. Twilight

>> No.13635764

*of the Gods

>> No.13635803


>> No.13635820

>no Shankara

>> No.13635831

Seriously though, why do existentialists have such cool-sounding titles? If I was a complete pleb something like "Twilight of the Idols", "Fear and Trembling", or even "Exile and the Kingdom" would pique my interest much sooner than something like "The Critique of Pure Reason" or the "Phenomenology of Spirit".

>> No.13635874

It's because existentialism is basically just genre philosophy.

>> No.13636091

Is he naked ??

>> No.13636179

Well he is in the bath

>> No.13636245

I think its from that part in Inferno where the people are frozen to their shoulders in ice.

>> No.13636262

I actually started reading because of this site.
That's a pretty cool progression. Plotinus and the Gnosics are pretty cool. Been wanting to read Hermeti-cum and Bhagavad.

>> No.13636267
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I forgot to post the rest of my post.

>> No.13636280

Same here

>> No.13637333

>Sees Kant
How is that even possible, did you start reading philosophy at 16?

>> No.13637366

is this some kind of meme to draw current you as obnoxious looking as possible or are you really that desperate for attention?

>> No.13637367
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>upholding hacks beside Plotinus

>> No.13637370

>Plotinus and the Gnosics
plotinus says: kys

>> No.13637377

Not him, but I read my first Kant at 13, and that was because a 16 years old friend had shilled him to me.

>> No.13637409
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>> No.13637419

who the fuck reads tristram shandy at 16

>> No.13637424

i came across this video through /v/ (which i browsed age 13-15 quite heavily) and the way he described the book made me want to read it. its still one of my favourites now.

>> No.13637435
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Age 10 uhh too busy playing vidya
Age 13 Tolkien GRRM
Age 16 Orwell, Huxley, Lovecraft
Age 20 (current) C.G. Jung, Evola, Guenon, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Ligotti, Junger, Cioran, Dion Fortune , Kafka, Mishima

I might be a brainlet, but a constantly evolving brainlet.

>> No.13637440

why so surprised? I started reading at age 8, nothing fancy of course, just some classic and not so classic children's novels

>> No.13637441

It's a pretty fun and comfy book. It's more surprising that he even came to read the Enneads.

>> No.13637444

10: video games
13: video games and friends
16: video games and anime/manga
20: popular good literature like Nabokov, Hesse
23: the Greeks

>> No.13637447

thats because you are still 13

>> No.13637449

>age 10
Molière, Melville, J.K Rowling, Tolkien, Stephen King
>age 13
Kant, Dante, K. Dick, Chekov, Gautier
>age 16
Nietzsche, Baudelaire, Matheson, Boileau, Huxley, Lewis, Orwell, Malherbe
>current, age 28
Miller, Harbermas, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Brentano, Bioy Casares, Mishima, Bernanos, Stendhal

Apparently I peaked between 10 and 13. Also had a huge Dosto phase in my early twenties. In the end I'm not too permeable to /lit/ memes, probably because I came to this place pretty late.

>> No.13637456

>age 13
what a terrible mistake!

>> No.13637469

Eh, it was groundwork of metaphysics of morals so nothing too life-changing. The Pure Critique was another beast altogether.

>> No.13637524

nowhere as bad as this image, putting guenon and blavatsky in the same category.

>> No.13637584

Who's that based boy on the right?

>> No.13637604


>> No.13637615

Boa, nando.

>> No.13637660

it is I

>> No.13637703

It's made up, who the fuck reads those authors at age 10 ?

>> No.13637744


>> No.13637765

Darren Shan
>28 (current)
Nothing excites me anymore

>> No.13637938
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Deleuze is the next step.

>> No.13638404



>> No.13638441


>Reading Spinoza at 18

You remind me of me when I lugged a copy of War & Peace everywhere in 8th grade. Didn't read more than ten pages of it but boy I bet everyone else thought I was smart and cool.

>> No.13638448

haha i still read matthew reilly it's really good

>> No.13638539

I only started reading because of /lit/. I went for what appeared to be the most important books discussed on here. I skipped a lot and kinda just went right for Kant because he looked interesting. Way above my head though, with the fucking Critiques Of Reason and Judgement. Mainly liked him for Prolegomena, which I could actually almost understand.
I was just drawing for fun. It's supposed to be a Hawaiian shirt.
I specifically went to Spinoza because my parents owned Ethics and I didn't have to buy it or get it at the library. I didn't read any of his other works yet. I don't claim to have even a half-understanding of the work. I fucked up hardcore my youth reading and education. I'm trying to compensate that nowadays.
>Having friends
At least you started with the greeks.
That's pretty good anon. What book of Stendhals are you reading? I've never read him, but heard of him. Is he any good?

>> No.13638547
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>> No.13638575

>all those jewish authors
thanks for admitting the bulk of the posts on this site are scripted as part of a conspiracy to propagandize western culture directed from the inner circles of the jewish religion

>> No.13638588

He's reading Islam not Judaism, you ignorant hick. Towelheaded swordsmen not tiny hatted bankers. Get better at racism.

>> No.13638702


>> No.13638710

google 'zohar' please

>> No.13638779

As soon as I will finish up everything I have planned, yes. Thanks.

>> No.13638792

Oh yes, anon is as Jewish as Madonna
Which one of those do you think led to the fez?

>> No.13639494

pop sci and pop philosophy
read a bunch of philosophy but didnt understand much of it. I can remember reading a treatise on human nature, an enquiry concerning human understanding, russels history of philosophy, wealthy of nations
mostly popular book. Hungergames, harry potter, lord of the rings, enders game, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. a lot of books from my native country. enjoyed all of this very much.
16: same as 12, but actually understood most of it. read plato, aristotle, hume, kant, descartes, nietszche (a lot of this lmao).
18 - now (22):
generally same. Read mostly a lot of pomo stuff (deleuze, rorty, zizek), phil of science (kuhn, and kantian stuff), political philosophy (feminism, adorno, marx, spergler, schmitt). I also read a lot of the philosophers that trend on and off here. Whitehead and Land i actually found very insightful. Don't know if i agree with them, but, like deleuze or kant, you can appreciate the kind of thought proccess that gives rise to that kind of argumentation/writing.

>> No.13639506

Kant, Nietzsche, Freud and Marx are necessary prerequisites

>> No.13639614

kant at 13? nietsche at 16?
who the fuck you think you're fooling?

>> No.13639645

Not at all. I was fucked before I came to /lit/ and I'm only here to shitpost.

>> No.13639695

Not him but that's not strange in my country either. By product of a Catholic society that makes you cram Aquinas from 10-12

>> No.13639786

I feel like I should clarify this.

At 8, I was functionally illiterate and still on picture books with two and three letter words. Dr Seuss was too difficult.

At 9, I learned to read basically overnight, driven less by a desire to read and more by a desire to write, and by the time I turned 10 I was reading with university entrant-level comprehension and speed. Around this time I started reading because books were interesting, and began with Watership Down, Ender's Game, and The Snow Goose.

I began to go through my parents' extensive bookshelves systematically. At 11 I read an Orwell anthology, though I only remember Animal Farm. At 12 I read The Horse Whisperer, which alarmed my school teacher at the time because she had also read it and she was concerned about me reading the sex scenes.

At 13 I lugged around and read the entirety of the Three Kingdoms in snatches over the course of a couple of months.

At 16 I finally read Harry Potter myself, because until that point it had been read to my younger siblings by my parents, and I used to just listen in at story time.

At 21, I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest because I appreciated the irony. I had found it in the psychiatric hospital library, where I was committed for 10 months. I also read a bunch of Stephen King, the Bible, and those awful Eragon books. There wasn't a lot to choose from in the library.

At 24 I was free and was making my way through the complete collection of Sherlock Holmes novels, between reading a lot of non-fiction natural history, biology texts, and canine anatomy theory.

At 28, I just read whatever catches my eye. No one's opinion on what I'm reading will have any effect on me. I'm here in my half-literate glory to annoy people.

>> No.13639951
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am zoomer
spiderwick, a series of unfortunate events, charlie bone
spook's apprentice, magyk
murakami, orwell, huxley, garcia marquez
nabokov, borges, jung, lispector

>> No.13639958

ew guenon

>> No.13639987

Not very. Introduced me to Camus, which has helped me develop a more positive worldview. So thanks, I guess.

>> No.13640164

Didn't read.
Anthony Horowitz, Young Bond
Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, George Orwell, Harlan Ellison, Issac Asimov
Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Cormac McCarthy, William Gibson (I got to the Sprawl trilogy late), Thomas Pynchon

>> No.13640186

>implying i read

>> No.13640207

>Hang yourself, you will regret it
But there's no afterlife, Kekegaard.

>> No.13640804

You just need a cursory glance of these guys to understand Deleuze. Stop being a meme man and pick up a fucking book for once rather than spewing out lit charts.

>> No.13640840

Nice list hombre
>Hesse and Timothy leary at 16
you the man
Dope list. I see Villers in there. Is that suppose to be Bloy?
Wish I could read the thirty guy

/lit/'s getting into Jung eh?

>> No.13640844

For someone who used to only read science fiction and history mostly I've broadened my reading horizons quite a bit. Read some really good stuff from all walks of literature.

Read a bunch of boring shit too.

>> No.13640847



>> No.13640960


>> No.13640976

Phenomenology of Geist is a cool-sounding title u pleb

>> No.13641181

Comics almost exclusively except for Ray Bradbury and Salinger. Watchmen, Hellblazer, Sandman, The Question
Camus, Kafka, Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, Kerouac, Wilde, Federalist Papers
David Foster Wallace, Murakami
Return to Kafka. Virgil, Shakespeare, Pynchon, Delilo, John Williams, Faulkner, Rawls, Plato, Kant, Rousseau, Hobbes, Montaigne
Calvino, Balzac, Flaubert, Mark Fisher, Marx, Heidegger, Freud
Baudelaire, Borges, Walter Benjamin, Adorno, Gibson, Nabokov, Kierkegaard, Luc Sante, Carver, Bolano, E.B White, Daoist texts

>> No.13641242

diary of a wimpy kid, goosebumps
minecraft, dota 2
Melville, Plato, Dostoevsky, DFW, Tolstoy,
Bellow, Nabokov, Borges, Baudelaire, Mann, Maugham, DeLillo
Céline, Bernhard, Sebald, Wallace Stevens, Sir Thomas Browne,

>> No.13641759
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>> No.13641784

how did you get dumber to the point of developing an interest in Levinas. u peaked bro

>> No.13641803

Where's Deleuze?

>> No.13641810

Cosmopolitics is harder than Totality and Infinity.
It might be harder than Voynich as well.

>> No.13642902

Age 10 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid, absolute masterpiece
Age 13 - Nabokov, Fitzgerald, Plath, Camus
Age 16 - Dostoevsky, Easton Ellis, Joyce
Age 20 - Tolstoy, some Homer, Hobbes, Plato, Nietzsche, Bataille, Hume, Mill, Dickens, Whitman, etc