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13631351 No.13631351 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13631358


>> No.13631370
File: 92 KB, 500x750, DMOG6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to buy a few books in my native language at a specialized bookstore, it had been months since I had the opportunity to speak my language and the bookstore owner is a turbo-qt, so it was even more pleasant. She had been on my mind since then so I ordered another book just to have an excuse to see her again.

This is my level of autism.

>> No.13631666

pedos should be stoned to death

>> No.13631673

hall monitor

>> No.13631676

Even satan doesn’t want pedos

>> No.13631696
File: 793 KB, 1600x1143, 1564567775575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmmmmmmcunnny CUNNY CUNNY CUNNY CUNNY

sweet and funny cute and cunny fluffy bunny

>> No.13631765

Spent last evening in the audience of a university discussion/ debate team which brought on a minor depression in me. So in the tradition of continuing arguments long after they’ve been settled id just like to say that I know how ‘they want to brig back a past’ is a standard cry from left. They may even add that ‘ it’s a past that never existed in the first place.’

And yeah of course it never existed, Conservationism is not about bringing back the past, it is about preserving those valuable or attractive elements of both past and present in more sustainable forms. Conservation after all is a long term process and the elements that we decide are worth reviving or saving from extinction are necessarily fragile and in need of adjustment.

>> No.13631772

wops more like auto-incorect ... right guys .

>> No.13631779

cute and funnypilled

>> No.13631799
File: 32 KB, 680x510, 8clFw0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13632018

Why do little girls trigger normalfags so much? Just get any child stock image from Google and they will seethe

>> No.13632044
File: 62 KB, 640x640, little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's paradoxical how these normalfags get worked up into a rage when pedophilia is implied on the Internet yet have no problem with child beauty pageants and parents dressing up their daughter like french prostitutes with make up caking their faces

>> No.13632049

I'm not actually a pedo right? I didn't have any thoughts like that before until I saw ~her~. Now it's starting to become a more general feeling and I don't know what to do. Right now I've already come to the conclusion that modern society is flawed for not letting me easily wife a young virgin. This is the purest form of love, you see, because I don't lost after pre-pubescents, though I admire them.

>> No.13632055

they are dumb NPCs

>> No.13632142

I want to study A.I. so that my future childlovers will be free.

>> No.13632149

They're insane. There's nothing wrong with cunny.

>> No.13632150

We live in a heteronormative (therefore pedophobic) society

>> No.13632408

Man I'm such a pedo. I'm in public and can't get up because my boner won't go down after seeing some cunny.

>> No.13632663

Are you satisfied with how the thread turned out so far? Reflect on your choices

>> No.13632714

they're pedos

>> No.13634502

I dreamed of going to my local library and saw a team of college students doing some geography homework. The team was led by a student who was much older than the rest. I became interested in listening to them showing off their knowledge for the library resources and random facts of the country.
Suddenly I woke up to the reality of going to my deadend job in a few hours and that there were no such students and homework.
"It's not real! They are all fake!" I said on my bed.