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/lit/ - Literature

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13629163 No.13629163 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13629168

The Aeneid. It's amazing. I like it much better than the Iliad

>> No.13629172
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Fanged Noumena
The Fourth Political Theory
Living in the End Times
Conspiracy Against the Human Race
The Decline of the West
Industrial Society and Its Future
The Structure of Scientfic Revolutions

I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.13629177

Rereading *The Foucault Reader*(edited by Paul Rabinow)

>> No.13629195

The Kindly Ones by Littell and yes it’s the shit.

>> No.13629204

I got four books but none are /lit/ classics.
One is The Joy Of Reading by Doren.
It's a collection of essays about various historical authors. I thought it'd be a good way to get into reading as a whole.
Nice dude. Which version you got?

>> No.13629221

Vro why the fuck are you doing this to yourself??

>> No.13629233

Simultan (the collection of short stories) by Ingeborg Bachmann. Started reading them to improve my german but they're actually super comfy

>> No.13629245

I'm reading Mindhunter, by the guy the show is based on, and it's great. Better prose than I expected. It's full of colorful anecdotes from the guy's life (he was pretty well lived at 32 when he took over the behavioral science unit as depicted in the show), and for true crime readers it's pure gold.

>> No.13629270

I want to figure out how to move beyond capitalism in the 21st century

Starting to think it's pointless. But idk what else to do. If I don't keep working on the project my life is pretty much worthless. I'm a hikkikomori virgin who lost all of his irl friends do to repeated bouts of revulsion and who feels as if he's going to have a heart attack if he fills out a job application. I've always been interested in philosophy so I just decided that if I'm going to not so anything that actually means anything with my life as far as labor goes I'll try to understand the modern world to a t and leave behind a possible prescription for its ills.

What sucks is I still have to read Kapital, Revolt Against the Modern World, The Phenomenonolgy of Spirit, Dialectic of Enlightenment, and various oyher works of economics and philosophy old and new after this. Idk i honestly might just lose my fuckin mind

>> No.13629277

Wheel of Time
it's shit

>> No.13629279

>Nice dude. Which version you got?
Lombardo translation, Hackett publishing

>> No.13629284

this thread. and no it isn't.

>> No.13630145
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Fuck you

>> No.13630150

Gavin Douglas or Dryden bitch start over

>> No.13630151

Moby dick

Ofc it’s amazing and even more so on my second read

>> No.13630165

Warlock by Oakley Hall. I like it even though the impetus for some of (what appears to be) the primary conflict and some of the blunt philosophizing feels contrived. Banal sentence structure makes for an authentic western feel and the prose is more than serviceable.

>> No.13630285

The Idiot, very good, at the part of the failed suicide. was heart breaking not gonna lie.

>> No.13630363

Count of Monte Cristo, enjoying it very much. One small problem is that I can't help but picture it all like an anime, even though I don't even particularly like anime.

>> No.13630858

Nineteen Seventy-Four by David Peace
It's ok, fairly entertaining.

>> No.13630866

I’ve been reading the Sound and the fury for ages, I really like it and I think it’s very good and I’m determined to finish it. I’ve also started reading Child of God; it’s a lot of fun and pretty funny at times.

>> No.13630880

nothing, ive been in one those intensive writing periods during which Im kind of assimilating shit Ive been reading and thinking about for a long time.

I do still read some poetry every day, lately Holderlin and Shelley a lot but I kind of poke around at random, and there are some poems I reread almost daily because it's practically an Our Father for me, which I also have been trying to say, even though im not even sure if im christian, it's kind of the best option for me now, and faith i guess is not supposed to be knowing something for sure.

>> No.13631014

very appealing to me
>The book of five rings
easy to read, not enjoying
>Quiet: The power introverts in a world that can't stop talking
Pretty good, would recommend

>> No.13631085

Neuromancer. It's great.

>> No.13631097

Peace. It's shaping up to be one of the best books I ever read

>> No.13631101

Journey to the end of the night, well its good in a no hope sort of way. Sometimes it goes so bad its funny.

>> No.13631109

A wizard of earthsea - I dunno the author

It’s delightful so far, great book

>> No.13632193

The book of Amber
I kind of like it but I'm only halfway through the first book.

>> No.13632230

>banal sentence structure
hard to believe that was the Pynch's favorite novel

>> No.13632412

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill. It is very good. Roadside Picnic is up next.

>> No.13632452

Stoner by John Williams per this board and its OK. If it wasn't such a quick read I would probably stop though.

>> No.13632459


>> No.13632469

Finnegans Wake, which is, well, exactly like I expected it and more, and Anti-Oedipus which interesting to say the least

>> No.13632483

Start working at a homeless shelter, try to connect with people. Most of us are bottom of the barrel, the upside is that we're not alone there.

>> No.13632509

I'm intrigued by a title like that. What is it about?

>> No.13632717

Taking a break from books until I start school next week

>> No.13632739
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>Fanged Noumena
Good collection
Eww throw that away
>The Fourth Political Theory
Dugin has good points but overall he’s mostly wrong
>Living in the End Times
>Conspiracy Against the Human Race
I’ve never seen the point in reading shit like that. Life is inherently meaning, fuck whatever these sad fag ass clowns tell you.
>The Decline of the West
>Industrial Society and Its Future
Overrated, Heidegger’s take on Technology is better.
>The Structure of Scientfic Revolutions
Never read

>I want to fucking kill myself
See chart.

>> No.13632773

Deluded normie. I can't wait until your life turns to shit. And before you say that your life is great and "you are loser blah blah blah". Remember that the higher you are, the more painful the fall.

>> No.13632817

>Alan Watts

>> No.13633109

Bowling Alone. I would recommend it.

>> No.13634021

The brothers karamazov and even if i'm pretty sure everyone knows that already it's a great book.

>> No.13634026

Race and Culture. I thought Intellectuals and Society was better.

>> No.13634300

The Monk. Its very lukewarm, way too much about romance when there are so many better themes in the rest of the book to explore further

>> No.13634321

Pale Fire
Leading Yourself First
Bhagvad Gita

>> No.13634353

>Defeat Into Victory
very good
also very good

>> No.13634365

A Tomb for Boris Davidovich
A little weird, not what I was expecting but it is nice. The Mechanical Lions is my favorite story so far.

>> No.13635893

The Gospel According to St. John

>> No.13635911

I'm just finished catch-22 and I think I am going to start Brave New World when I close this thread

There actually is an anime based off the book

>> No.13635919

The Power and The Glory

Extremely bleak but very good. I read The 39 Steps before this and it is quite a contrast