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/lit/ - Literature

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13626001 No.13626001 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Kaczynski on kindle

>> No.13627277


>> No.13627279

Waste of time read pynchon instead

>> No.13627302
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It's the /lit/ equivalent of watching Lynch flicks on your Iphone

>> No.13627312

>being a capitalist and not paying for every breath

>> No.13627327

>reading some anti-industrialization asshat when we are WAY beyond the advent of industrialization at this point
>reading any anti-technology writer at all when you could be reading books that train you to utilize modern technology better effectively removing your need to cope in the first place
Kacyznskians are utter morons.

>> No.13627347

as if any of them were ideologues. you misunderstand his works. couldn't care less about the man or his life story, all I care about is freedom and I'm lucky enough to have the mental capacity to apprehend freedom unidealistically.

>> No.13627356

>you misunderstand his works.
How so?

>> No.13627376
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>heh my individual feelings trump any metaphysics of technology
>and reducing the grey goo of my brain into a simple mechanism doesn't make me a luddite either

>> No.13627386

>metaphysics of technology
i.e. your "individual feelings" but masked in pretension.

>> No.13627488
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>listening to a Kaczynski audiobook you bought on itunes on your ipod

>> No.13627493
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Sure, bro. Keep following the infinite of human agency.

>> No.13627507

The irony is that your brain is already reduced to said grey goo indicated by the neo-Christian values that you desperately cling to. You could very easily learn how to use modern technology but instead you choose to read a bitter commie Polack because you refuse to give up your outdated understanding of freedom and spirit and he justifies it in his pessimistic writings.

>> No.13627515

Pynchon fucking sucks.

You should try actually reading him if you are going to talk about him.

>> No.13627525

I don't read him, and it is your perspective that is close to neo-Christianity.
Nice try at flinging shit though. Please tell us more about salvation from Technology through subjective use of technology. You are truly a profit.

>> No.13627530

>you could be reading books that train you to utilize modern technology better effectively

you seem like every other tech-optimist and probably haven't read teddy k. technology will not solve your problems, boomer. time and time again tech solves one problem and creates two more. think about all the wasted energy going into electric cars, ai, massive highways, etc. all so we can sleep at the wheel and not pay for gas. lmao we solved this problem with trains long ago. infact we were so smart before that we didn't even need cars to get around because our cities were so well designed that you could walk across it in 10-15 minutes. if you were travelling long distance you get on the train.

>> No.13627539
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>> No.13627562

2 bit af

>> No.13627569


I also recommend reading Ellul. I am not a devotee of either but I think their ideas are interesting and somewhat useful for understanding the world a little bit. Your criticism of Kaczynski as Neo-Christian is somewhat apt as all luddism strikes me as smacking of Calvinism in its asceticism. That might be my modern and cultural perspective speaking though. Also any appeals to 'human freedom' or whatever hogwash don't catch my ear--seems empty. What does interest me are the ways a qualitative change in technical approaches to human problems has lead (or must lead) to certain types of societies. I am not sure Ellul has his horse before his cart in this regard. Kaczynski i like mostly for his pessimism and his clear but dismal understanding of the effectiveness of democracy to steer human affairs.

>> No.13627590

>You should try actually reading him if you are going to talk about him.
Answer >>13627356

>it is your perspective that is close to neo-Christianity.
Are you serious? I don't assert this intangibility of the spirit and separate being from technology (or capitalize either) like you do. Those things are neo-Christian.

>technology will not solve your problems
No, but knowing how to use modern technology is a major stepping stone towards solving them. The next step is learning how to monetize off your knowledge, and then learning how to invest. But I doubt his readers are even capable of getting past the first step.

>> No.13627594


>> No.13627661

His analysis of the problems seems pretty good, his solutions less so. Like Marx.

Not walking through streets filled with horse manure in a town of a 100k is the reason the modern world is bad.

All sorts read Ted. He's a smart guy. Unfortunately anarchists do tend to kill people though.

>> No.13627699

Hes a more coherent and thorough and rigorous thinker than Kaczynski tho

>> No.13627704

>He's a smart guy.
then why couldn't he get a gf?

>> No.13627705

People always say the diagnosis is good but his solution is not. What is a good solution in your opinion?

>> No.13627707

> the brainlet that can’t read a fucking pamphlet
Have you even read it? The majority of tech companies aren’t explicitly helping society, the majority of ML is for optimizing ads — they implicitly get applied in the medical field, but they aren’t the driving industry. Companies like Flatiron Health aren’t even in the same rank as FB and Google.

>> No.13627714

>implying the analysis and the problem are separate
He perceives problems only because he is analyzing from a terribly narrow and outdated perspective.

>> No.13627724

>ads aren't beneficial to society

okay. I like how you can completely ignore all the good that comes from development and just focus on the frivolous as if it was some black mark on society

>> No.13627729

>people don't speak up
>people with wealth don't invest in helping them
>people demonstrate themselves as being hostile to new things
>people who embrace new things don't invest in helping them
That's how it works. No one owes you anything just for existing. Maybe clean your act up and people will care about you again.

>> No.13627737
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>> No.13627928
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>Unfortunately anarchists do tend to kill people though.

Depends on your flavor.

>> No.13628007

>Kaczynski audiobook
Who narrated it? It would have been neat if he had but I suppose that's impossible.

Severe autism.

>> No.13628017

I’m not a socialist, so I’m not retarded. I also don’t care that tech companies have my history logged, I’m using a product without explicitly paying for it — they are doing me a favor. Still, to call tech benevolent is dishonest — to allow them to exist without being checked is being an ignorant anarcho-capitalist. By moderating, I don’t mean splitting them up — that’s extremely stupid and only the ignorant support that.

>> No.13628035
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>Kaczynski audiobook
should be on /lit/ ylyl

>> No.13628059

Though considering Kaczynski's real voice we really missed out on a definite ylyl.

Some inmates (like Kemper, famously) read audiobooks, Ted should have been given the same opportunity.

>> No.13628975

We have the duty to explore the universe. Until aliens appear, we are the only consciousness, the only being that might understand the complexity, the full beauty, the sublime awe of creation. Our descendents must fill the universe with intelligent awareness.
But for now perhaps we will suffer and we walk a hard, narrow path. One where misstep might end in death, in consumption by a consciousless AI overmind, or unimaginably worse. Yet we must not retreat to ancient pastoralism. We must thread the needle of the future. Take those technologies that accomplish that divine goal. Avoiding those that might destroy us or strip away our humanity. Becoming the elder race or like unto Amish with nanomachines and spaceships.

The 90s were so long ago and everything is better now?

Yeah that's how it works.

>> No.13630032


>> No.13630042

>basedboy pitch
Jesus, no wonder he hates technology lmfao.

>> No.13630044


>> No.13630085

>Pro Life
>Dies Anyway

>> No.13630192

I'm glad I wasn't raised by a shitty family or in a shithole country.

>> No.13630393

>Unfortunately anarchists do tend to kill people though.
barely. Niggers kill way more people every year but everyone pretends like it doesn't happen.

>> No.13630540

sounds like he's uncomfortable and in a echo-y room
some inmates probably throat fucked his voice

>> No.13630552

Now this is a spooked post

>> No.13630559

also hate how the faggot interviewer is trying to climb on top of him with his rude tone

>> No.13630755
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Everyone already knows; you're on 4chan. Stop obsessing.

Put up or shut up, Stirner.

>> No.13631359

>neo-Christian values
I don't necessarily disagree with you but technophilia, obsession with progress and human vs. nature are the absolute height of 'neo-Christian values'.

>> No.13631454
File: 51 KB, 640x480, DZifT8MW4AIR9Vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha we'll just use technology to solve the problems technology has created, brah

>> No.13631475

Required watching.
TL;DW: No, your utopian future-tech will not save the techno-capital society.

>> No.13631728

god I wish that were me

>> No.13632217

lmao sounds like McKenna

>> No.13632222

What's wrong with that? He hated anprims.

>> No.13633781

Nothing is stopping you anon

>> No.13634804

This man in my country he is everything.

>> No.13634819

His take on leftism is pretty cringe

>> No.13634911

>books that train you to utilize modern technology better effectively

the fuck does this mean

>> No.13634925

boomer tier post

>> No.13634926

See: >>13631454
"No, no! Dig UP, stupid."

>> No.13635028

>read ISAIF
>become terrified of the tech dystopia Ted seems to hint at
>read Anti-Tech Revolution
>discover that he actually thinks humanity is just going to drive itself to extinction
What are some books about losing faith in your heroes?

>> No.13635056

If the system doesn't collapse soon that's exactly what will happen.

>> No.13635067

>eating a rabbit while reading kaczynski

>> No.13636381

Who to read next guys?

>> No.13636657

>problems technology has created
Like what?

>> No.13636674

Uncle Ted will always remain soft in my eyes because he refuses to read Mein Kampf. what a pussy faggot.

>> No.13636685

the greeks, obviously

>> No.13636690

Why'd you post a picture of Weird Al?

>> No.13636757

Inability to leave your nation without throwing away everything and traveling to a remote region where it is too inconvenient for park rangers to arrest you.

>> No.13637434

tarantino flicks

>> No.13637840

Technology made it possible for nations to be larger, for people to have more belongings, and for people to take all their belongings with them across farther distances, so I'm not sure how the first half of your past applies. Not sure how the latter half is a "problem" either except if you're a criminal.