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/lit/ - Literature

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13625549 No.13625549 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:

When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex.
Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities .
It was over before it even began.

Life is all about being YOUNG and cool, a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars, seeing her priceless face as you first enter her pure pussy, moaning your name when her parents aren't home. Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about

Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin gf under the stars. Penetrating her for the first time. Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over. You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.


>> No.13625556

Me in the background.

>> No.13625567

i was one of those guys, i dealt drugs and fucked 15 year olds
it doesn't make anything better when you become and the ruin sets in
then you just want your boys to be around, and theyre mostly gone
fucking a girl will never solve what you lost and what was missing the entire time

>> No.13625577

Lamest kiss I ever seen ffs

>> No.13625583

Nah most of the parties happend at my village house, so nothing was happy behind my back. Except turbo Stacy going to the club at 16 but who wants that.

>> No.13625587

You could have just said you fucked girls and we would have understood. You didn't have to make it weird bro

>> No.13625593

>When you were 15
Looks like you still are.

>Life is all about being YOUNG and cool
So are you gonna kill yourself as soon as you're past puberty?

>a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars
You know, this is the literature board, you aren't allowed to make such retarded grammar mistakes on here.

>Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about
What a nightmare. Death would be dearer to me than such a life.

>Time to man up and become a provider
>implying I'm gonna get married
It's much cheaper to travel to Russia or Thailand if you want sex. It might not be the same as your idealized high-school Stacy but you gotta make do with what you have.

>> No.13625595

This would have been better bait if you stuck with your opening sentence and left out the rest of it.

>> No.13625598

yeah but im weird as shit, even the hot girls i fucked were weirded out by me. that's why im on 4chan

>> No.13625627

>Her breath stinks of alcohol
>"Ugh stop Steve, not tonight"
>The car windows are fogging up, but it's cold enough for prickly nipples.
>"But you promised Lexi! I got the condoms from my brother like you asked, come on just for a little while."
>She smiles, and blinks twice, "Okay, just 5 minutes, okay?"
>You pull out Steve's cock, it's limp and droopy from all the drinking.
>"What's wrong?" whispers Lexi.
>C'mon Steve, get it together, you groan together but for different reasons, as you insert your thumb inside his rectum.
>With the other hand you flick Steve's testicles impatiently, the pitter patter of a passing summer shower tinkles on the rav4 detachable roof above.
>It sounds like hesitant pissing.
>Steve begins to motion towards Lexi, who is now drooling aimlessly over her pictphone, her face aglow in hypercolor and blank stupidity.
>Sexual supervisor is a great job Garry, we'll be able to afford another partition to our room and you know how much money that could bring in if we sublet, I could finally start saving for my fin and gill operation
>The pleading meowing of your delinquent species cohabitator rings like a concrete drill drilling concrete in your earhole.
>That's it Steve buddy, keep it up.
>Steve is finally erect and hands you a profi, a profela, a fucking plastic dick hose, with a face of pure confused arousal.
>"Pssshit, Garry buddy, give me a hand here."
>Lexi chimes in distantly "Yeah Gary, do your fucking job, what does the government pay you for anyway."
>At least it wasn't another blowjob jumpstart night tonight. I smile without showing my teeth and meekly envelop engorged Steve.
>"There you go, all set." I mutter under my breath a curse in tagalong they wouldn't understand even if they could hear it.
>Steve begins to manually pump around Lexi as I frantically sign and stamp the consent digiforms. I turn my headlamp on and guide Steve to the goal, the lube glands Lexi had installed for tonight were oozing a flourescent orange and smelled like paprika.
>At least this beats skin peeling or testing condiments. I've got it better than most other Garys.

>> No.13625657

i didn't really understand what was this all about, but is it Steve the dude from minecraft? that's pretty cool, didn't know he was a prostate orgasm enthusiast

>> No.13625665
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How much you wanna bet I can throw a pigskin over them mountains?

>> No.13625667

So you want me to play football

>> No.13625678

Life isn't all about sex you hyper-sexualized fag carry yourself with some dignity.

>> No.13625689


>> No.13625692

You know there's beauty in being mediocre, an ugly kind. Went to parties with autists as a teen, 10 or 15 nevermore, barely any girls, all we did was drink till we puked and passed out.

>> No.13625739

>virgin gf
girl in the pic is an old roastie

>> No.13625766

when i was 15 i was living in war zone

>> No.13625773

t. cumbrain

>> No.13625778
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 1536781676609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool projection OP you know this is a literature board right?

also TFW you had idyllic teen years and a big group of friends

>> No.13625783
File: 34 KB, 389x599, The Winner - Arno Breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>6 ft 3
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>good looking (stronk jaw, prominent chin, Greek nose, you get the pic)
>didn't realise girls would regularly flirt with me like touching me/random massages, saying I have beautiful eyes, nicknames, etc.
>was always confident but like most teens was an autist with women
>started browsing here in highschool
>Hit year 10
>start flirting with girls
>realise all those girls liked me
>even had female teachers complementing my looks
>"you fucking idiot"
>learnt all you need is confidence, as example I would say/do average or stupid things confidently and women would be in a spell
>start dominating other guys easily by my sheer confidence
>tfw "just be confident bro" was true

Also started reading philosophy/psychology and literature in year 10 as well so it was nice occasionally flexing on girls with Evola.

>> No.13625787

>just be confident never mind I was a tall, socially intelligent and good looking genetic winner. That has absolutely nothing to do with it - the post

>> No.13625788
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Jokes on you I just want to suck dick

>> No.13625800
File: 331 KB, 1500x715, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel projection posting
These posters should be euthanized. Ever since their subreddit got canned, they've flooded in thinking, falsely, that we're their loser friends. You're worse than regular redditors.
>Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over.
Football and sports are the most repetitive and boring thing. That sounds really lame. I'd rather stay up late with my loser Christian friends til 2:00 am driving around the city and watching anime, which I sill do on a weekly basis.
>You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.
I can't even tell if the incel invasion produced this, or it's trolling. But if you sincerely think this way, it's very small minded and shows a narrow view of history, philosophy, and the philosophy of your life. There were times in High School I was a loser. There were times people praised me for having skills and being advanced beyond others my age. But as a free adult, I don't think about it anymore.
You are a loser, because you'll perpetually be enslaved to thinking all that mattered in life was a period in our culture where your choices mean so little, save for the kinds of traits and habits you pick up.

>> No.13625809

based cuckcel
nearly got quads

>> No.13625812


Also I had better skin than the guy in OP's pic.
And she cheated on him with his best friend because he forgot to delete a text message in which he was flirting with a girl from middle school. He didn't learn his lesson and just kept dating girls like this until he ended up with one that married him, gave him kids to love and worry about and then left him to start her own #bossbabe business.

>> No.13625852
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>> No.13625860
File: 19 KB, 236x576, Prometheus - Arno Breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree - there are far too many incels and non-whites on /pol/ then there should be for a white advocacy movement however those genuinely "Aryan" anons do exist and such is myself.

>> No.13625904

>there should be for a white advocacy movement however those genuinely "Aryan" anons do exist and such is myself.
good luck browsing /pol/ with 2 other guys

>> No.13625920

>good luck browsing /pol/ with 2 other guys
Yea it's cosy when they all culminate in the one thread - the ethnothreads are good for that.

>> No.13625923

>will never have 1000 wives or lead a 100,000 man charge across a battlefield, conquering entire continents, pacifying barbarians and minting his face on coins as a true living god worshiped by millions

awww bad luck geneticsanon, i guess you can always fuck stacy until a younger chad comes along and you marry an asian. if only you had been born during a time when any of the things you mentioned would actually help you instead of borderline hinder you.

>> No.13625941

Nigger I was unathletic and loved playing video games in school and I still fucked several 8-10/10s. It's all attitude and confidence.

>> No.13625951

That's not even the shooter, just a guy with the same name. Poor guy got mistaken for a mass shooter

>> No.13625955

>i guess you can always fuck stacy until a younger chad comes along and you marry an asian.
>if only you had been born during a time when any of the things you mentioned would actually help you instead of borderline hinder you.
Firstly I don't fuck Asians, secondly hinder? What? You'r talking as if physical attraction doesn't have a basis in biological advantage. "Good looks" only branches forward into its own abstract desired because of what it forbears. Still my iq's likely in the 130's so it isn't as if I'm some Hollywood typical alpha (kikes that got bullied by chad Christians in school).

Still you never know, I could become an important figure at some point - my works of high enough standard it's just a matter of timing and whether to pursue a career in the arts, philosophy or psychology. Even in the heroic sense my place would be found given the correct and opportune timing.

But please tell me, what is this foul attitude? This sly snake? Is it jealousy? Do you honestly think a disgusting degenerate weaboo faggot could ever lead a glorious battalion forward? It has always been the able, attractive man - with strength of will and heart. Not frighten sheep, like you.

>> No.13625960

>I don't fuck Asians
You're missing out.

>> No.13625970

Psst, can't you see that he's ugly? He's bad! Ugly people are bad! He deserves it!

>> No.13625980

it's not all anything, but I will grant that the lookism autists are coping for being total spergs by claiming they never had a chance

Looks are important, being able to talk to girls comfortably and make them laugh is also very important (though easier with good looks), and access/ social circle is possibly most important. If you're not spending any time with girls outside of classes, you're at a HUGE disadvantage.
The best advice I can give to guys still in school who aren't getting any is to find your way into a group of some kind that has a decent female/ male balance, at my school for example all my friends were male nerds

If you get stuck there then you have to rely on either family friends/ out of school events, or wait until college where again you still need to find a group or you're FUCKED

Thing is, it'll be harder to find friends in college if you don't do it very early, but easier to get laid once you do.

>> No.13625984

I can assure you your IQ is not "in the 130s", but if you're as handsome as you say it shouldn't matter too much

>> No.13625985

>You're missing out.
It's literally for beta's, maybe the top tier Asians but even then - most are ugly and they go to extremes to look white.

>> No.13625990

The guys I know that was popular in high school have shit lives now. One is a drug addict, another one that was the popular guitar guy is still now in his shitty band, still trying to make it, basically broke at 30

>> No.13625997

>no proper guidance or tutoring (doesn't understand the basics of being a benevolent dictator, alienates those beneath him)
>mentions 3 domains where success is measured by jewish nepotism and no great white contribution has occurred in 100 years
>attempts to be clever at the end betraying immaturity and lack of sufficient vocabulary to appropriately gauge conversational levels even in meaningless/playful anonymous interactions - imagine the lack of awareness in real life where there isn't the capacity to edit and rewrite your thoughts with minutes of delay between each message -

>the faint tinge of accusatory self-deception to hide obvious intellectual insecurity, given all intelligent people measure themselves against idealized and impossible goals rather than a relative scale of educational aptitude and approximate cognitive throughput

whites are dying as a race. fallen leaves across rippling lakes.

chinese or arabs who rise up?

>> No.13626005

>chinese or arabs who rise up?
Considering how Arabs are fighting with each other since time immemorial, I'd place my bet on the chinks

>> No.13626010
File: 3.87 MB, 480x270, B546D09A1A70444AAFD8A64A63DFA5CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's a hell of opinion you got there man

>> No.13626014

>still my iq's likely in the 130's
every fucking time. no it isn't you brainlet.

>> No.13626027

I can assure you, it is.

>> No.13626032

i am sure your assurance is not assuring, probably because you're both uninsured.

>> No.13626055

>He's still too autistic to get ironicism
I'm obviously a genius to cut it mutt. You project your own insecurity's by your attack upon myself. To be truly benevolent you have to understand reality and so quantitative difference. I have alienated no one, only assert the truth which you have been quick to insult and ignore with please: that I am by all measurements far superior to most in regards to physiognomy, physique, intelligence and character. You also forget of Breker, who was one of the many great sculptures and he was no more a hundred years ago.

Your lack of wit and oversized use of vocabulary has only worked to present yourself as both a pseud, and a fool who cannot get a joke - even still.

>whites are dying as a race. fallen leaves across rippling lakes.
Correction, you have already died. Your "wow poetic" writings prove so.

>> No.13626065

>errrr you aren't special
Sure you don't have a complex there relating to your lacking father?

>i am sure your assurance is not assuring, probably because you're both uninsured.
Are you sure? I'm quite sure it is assuring at least in comedic effect and so assuring in a generality therefore assuring of my intelligence in some partial ironic way. So, sure about that?

>> No.13626080

but im not white.

>> No.13626088

Then know your place, if it had been you - as non-white - when you talked of a how a benevolent leader mustn't alienate his people then I would of said "those that are not white, are not my people".

>> No.13626114
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>tfw phenomenologically training yourself not to see normies only in their flourishing blooming aspect but to see the fading withering husks of their winter aspect too, shambling around and still buying flaming hot doritos from convenience stores at age 32, then age 33, age 34, 36, 38, 41 while their looks fade and they get chubbier and chubbier and they stop caring so much about immaculately grooming their beards and hair, and you think you notice the very first time that a woman who has spent 30 long years with her primary identity being "Look Nice When I Go Out" deciding to not give a fuck and wear a sloppy uncoordinated outfit because she's finally accepting that she's an old nothing, absolute nothing wrapped in human skin, doomed to walk around a third-rate neighborhood on the keeping-up-with-the-jones ladder hierarchy of life success while her sister made it to rung #2 from the top, pushing a stroller with her multifold gunt hanging out as younger beautiful women in the prime and pluck of youth walk by her giggling and she realizes she hasn't giggled like that in 6 years since her "girlfriends" all got husbands and were locked into similar fates and her normie high school football captain husband has never given her an orgasm except by accident and he jerks off to pornhub videos of young latina women on the rare biannual events when his libido reactivates instead of expending that energy on his wife and she would cheat on the first better man that came along and throw all caution to the wind and damn her own children to years of trauma over a broken home and messy divorce settlements if she could only experience what it's like to be 20 years old and have a tall powerful man interested in her just one more time but that abortive affair at the office never got off the ground and she works from home now "for the kids" and her husband is a corpse with a dead cock bringing home doritos and despair every day and there is no escape