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/lit/ - Literature

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13625368 No.13625368 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a depressed virgin nihilistic determinist loser, name one book that I can read that will change my outlook on life to a more positive view. Bonus points if I can find a free pdf of it and it’s written in language I can actually comprehend without 18 read throughs. Does such a book exist?

>> No.13625379

I mean unironically 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. If youre anything like the dude in the picture it'll do wonders

>> No.13625386

I was in your situation. Firstly, stop caring about being a virgin. Do you honestly think any less of a person for being a virgin? Don't be obsessed with sex. Don't even be obsessed with relationships. Focus on self improvement for your own sake. For the sake of the whole world's virtue.

Secondly, How To Read A Book by Adler started a love of books. I'd recc that one. I'd also recc Prometheus Rising by Wilson.
Learning To Learn by Oakley.
Meditations by Aurelius.

Those are the books I'd recc. You only wanted one but I posted four. Sorry, dude.

>> No.13625389

I don’t drink but I spend all day alone in my room afraid of other people

>> No.13625405

Not op, but i like most people consider virgin men as inferior.

>> No.13625412

Anything by G. K. Chesterton]

"He is so happy! I can almost believe he has found God."
— Franz Kafka

If you're a little nihilistic, self-deprecating depressed/anxious queer, get ready to see your extreme polar opposite in the person of this jolly fat man.

Now, what you should read? Idk, Father Brown is pretty great.

>> No.13625414

Read the Bible nigger

>> No.13625422

Read the Carlos Castaneda's series. If you want just one of them, then Journey to Ixtlan would suffice.

>> No.13625424

if a book could change your life, why can't you do it yourself? just lift weights, play sports, and volunteer.

>> No.13625462

why tho

>> No.13625471

Just watch old educational videos. They may be cheesy but easy to digest:

>> No.13625492

well for the same reason you made this thread.

because now:
>you want others to help you
but after you do those things:
>you won't need help, and you'll be free to choose to help others or not

why do i care? because then you won't come here and lower the level of discourse with your pity party.

>> No.13625534

>implying Newton was inferior
What kind of value system must you use to reach such a conclusion? Extrapolation from hip hop lyrics?

>> No.13625601 [DELETED] 

If u no dicking hoes u loser hommie

>> No.13625612

All it would take was a good punch to Newton's skull and all his "knowledge" and "intelligence" would go away in the blink of an eye. He was pathetic. Humans are social beings, and you are definitely inferior, as a social being, if you can't attract the opposite sex, the primary goal of your body.

>> No.13625615

Also moat people aren't geniuses as a compensation for being a virgin, especially op.

>> No.13625618

virgin men are inferior unless they are volcel (maybe 1% of the population)
he was inferior socially

>> No.13625628

I agree with this poster, You're looking for something external to change your life. What really needs to change is you, and can only come from internal.

>> No.13625631

>Rules for Reddit for alt-right types

>> No.13625636

Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.13625638

If it were the primary goal of your body, it would immediately die at 50, but it keeps giving for at least 40 more years. Humans are not bumblebees, we do not exist to fuck, we are constructive animals, our intellect moves us towards creating and discovering, but also, towards social connection.

>> No.13625645

Speak like a man, queer. An adult says "white nationalist", while an infantilized effeminate whose agency over their own brain has been taken from him by the hivemind uses buzzwords fed to them by the TV. People in your first world countries are so pathetically broken that they need some old man to tell them the obvious in 12 rules of Faggotry by Peterson and that this brand of petulant savior-complexed upper-classman passes as an aspiring Academic. Kill yourself.

>> No.13625649
File: 111 KB, 600x592, thisis(you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start with the meeks

>> No.13625654

>12 rules of Faggotry by Peterson
So you agree it's reddit. Why don't you and OP fuck off back there and cry on his sub? What are you, stupid?

>> No.13625672

You are a queer.

Op is a queer.

Peterson is a queer.

All products of an artificial world of artificial people, speaking in uptalk about artificial topics, and consuming artificial food. A generation of bland academics that tell people to clean their room being regarded as controversial, spiritual cowards incapable to dealing with the reality they are neither persecuted nor opposing any form of oppression such as yourself, and completely pathetic weaklings like OP that find the ennui of their lives so entertaining they need to rub it into the faces of others.

>> No.13625684

>12 rules of Faggotry by Peterson
Enough moral posturing. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.13625707

This is hardly important enough to warrant moral posturing. We got ourselves a manchild whining that he is nihilistic and disengaged like every other young adult baby out there, another baby throwing buzzwords like alt-right and an old man telling young retards to clean their rooms and have a shred of ambition.

What a faggoty world America has become.

>> No.13625709

This is unironically true althrough /lit/ will fall into an autistic spergmode if someone mentions Jordan Pseuderson

>> No.13625891


>> No.13625974