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13625285 No.13625285 [Reply] [Original]

Girls Are Nice

By Chad

Girls are nice. They look at you twice. And then again, and again. The side of their mouth curls, their cheeks blush, their eyes soften. They have a cute name, on their name tag, or the way the look up at you and say it quietly. You can talk to them without knowing their name, such are girls. They all have that shell that they're already poked out of just to see you, fingers over the edge of a warm pearl bath tub. There she is again, making her rounds, perfect circles around the event, the exchange of glances, the permission, her yield. Her grown figure and frail body and you warm her by making her. Love is right there, no more no less, absolute male and female. Nothing but the most eternal sentence, a life together forever, why not? It could be, you know it. She’s amused by me, I who she could never understand but who she feels a strong impulsiveness to look over, as if she assigned, sometime at the moment of conception.

>> No.13625294

That is a cute sweater.
His jacket has a bass on it. I’ll bet she noticed that too.

>> No.13625394

They walk away then look back, just to see if your looking, and you are, so looks back again. You meet a lot of women and they're very cordial until the girl in them comes. Girls are nice. They care a lot about you, they can’t tell you why and they’d dare admit it, some are very good at controlling themselves around me. It’s essay to see a boyfriend in a girl’s eyes, some boy she’s dedicated to and smiles for. It is a beautiful smile, even if it betrays the effort she’s putting in to smother her interest, she might allow herself just this once to be who she is to who I am. She smiles, it’s impossible. My smile does the impossible. My face isn’t pretty, but it’s to her what her face is to me. Is this her attraction or my own? I know she knows that I know how she feels. She knows I know that she knows, but doesn’t know how, neither do I. The details don’t matter, in fact everything slowly gets more and more abstract when they enter the conversation. Everything is said through the eyes, love is preserved in silence, what we know is true. I could have you. I know.

>> No.13625407

that picture is unbelievably cute, jesus christ

>> No.13625685
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Gee can't wait to die alone

>> No.13625803

Is this... what innocence is like?

>> No.13625808

probably more about right timing.
She wouldn't even know what a boy is yet

>> No.13625819
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>this is now gone and you were to young to appreciate it

>> No.13625839

Girls didn't like me even when I was 5 years old. Kindergartencels unite!

>> No.13625843

didn't happen to me until I turned 20

>> No.13625978

It's not about girls liking you or not, it's about being unbounded by this kind of performance back then.

>> No.13627246

how you know that it identifies as a SHE !?

>> No.13627339
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Nice attractive people are nice to other nice attractive people. 90% of everything is shit and it applies to people too, social media made everyone notice that there are VERY attractive and successful people out there but the truth is most people will die lonely.

>> No.13627454
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>tfw phenomenologically training yourself not to see normies only in their flourishing blooming aspect but to see the fading withering husks of their winter aspect too, shambling around and still buying flaming hot doritos from convenience stores at age 32, then age 33, age 34, 36, 38, 41 while their looks fade and they get chubbier and chubbier and they stop caring so much about immaculately grooming their beards and hair, and you think you notice the very first time that a woman who has spent 30 long years with her primary identity being "Look Nice When I Go Out" deciding to not give a fuck and wear a sloppy uncoordinated outfit because she's finally accepting that she's an old nothing, absolute nothing wrapped in human skin, doomed to walk around a third-rate neighborhood on the keeping-up-with-the-jones ladder hierarchy of life success while her sister made it to rung #2 from the top, pushing a stroller with her multifold gunt hanging out as younger beautiful women in the prime and pluck of youth walk by her giggling and she realizes she hasn't giggled like that in 6 years since her "girlfriends" all got husbands and were locked into similar fates and her normie high school football captain husband has never given her an orgasm except by accident and he jerks off to pornhub videos of young latina women on the rare biannual events when his libido reactivates instead of expending that energy on his wife and she would cheat on the first better man that came along and throw all caution to the wind and damn her own children to years of trauma over a broken home and messy divorce settlements if she could only experience what it's like to be 20 years old and have a tall powerful man interested in her just one more time but that abortive affair at the office never got off the ground and she works from home now "for the kids" and her husband is a corpse with a dead cock bringing home doritos and despair every day and there is no escape

>> No.13627469

Fuck off with equality sentiments, only men live lonely lives

>> No.13627476

Why are you all so obsessed with women? Almost every thread is just an excuse to talk about women or politics.

>> No.13627486

Have sex posters brought out incel posting which brought out chad trolling, it was the fastest board degeneration of all time.

>> No.13627491

It's true that it's mostly me, however to my surprise I've met very lonely and miserable women but overall I'll agree with you, i should've been more accurate in my post.

>> No.13627496

Those women are lonely because a man who wants them isn’t good enough

>> No.13628405
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same goes for the men who reject women because they want something better

>> No.13628425

True. I actually feel for women, although maybe some of their standards are artificially high, but the same can be said of some men.
In my case I know that I am bottom of the barrel, but it still hurts, I blame nature itself.

>> No.13628433

most men aren't in this position

>> No.13628476

It's a cute baby, she is older. Little girls love cute babies

>> No.13628490

That is literally not true, just hogwash that idiots who believe inequality rather than observing reality push. Making a dating profile for the most disgusting girl you can find and you’ll get hundreds of guys, make a dating profile for just a jobless guy and good fucking luck getting 1.

>> No.13628493

Believe in equality*

>> No.13628495

Job doesn't matter, looks matter much more. Especially online.

>> No.13628530

Never happened to me, girls are vapid whores with no intelligence or interests whatsoever. Their personalities are copy pasted, they can't think for themselves and they are mean as fuck.

>> No.13628547

>that expression
Fug mah hart
Too damn cute

>> No.13628551

Absolutely based, redpilled and truthpilled.
Women live life on easy mode as long as they aren't fucking landwhales.
Manlets, poor men, ugly men, bald men, dicklets or a combination of these since it usually comes in a package are doomed from the start.

>> No.13628572

Have I just had too much to drink or is this post completely incoherent?/

>> No.13628573

Shouldn't they be? Why would a woman want to be with any of those? You should be directing your impotent rage at God, the universe, modality, genetics, or yourself, not women.

>> No.13628588

sure, but how many of those guys will be willing to become a long term bf?
You can pics of ugly guys to make fake gay profiles and you will get hundreds of guys trying to come inside or on him.

>> No.13628597

The first butterfly post that made me smile.
This is a good thread.

>> No.13628605

Chicks dig bass players

>> No.13628635

Number two butters, and I chuckled this time.
You're on a damn roll today.
I should remember that you have a charming side too. I should be nicer to butters in the future. Maybe.

>> No.13628656

I myself have nothing against women, i simply ignore them, as they do with me. However, it's hard not to be mad at women because they keep the facade of "just be yourself bro" and similar empty platitudes. They don't want to show the truth that it's ALL about genetics (including your behaviors) and thus, for some men they have no chance.

>> No.13628681

>because they keep the facade of "just be yourself bro" and similar empty platitudes.
I feel like this is changing. But then when they are more honest men will call them shallow sluts.

>> No.13628709

She's a butthole

Fuck off

>> No.13628719
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>> No.13628727

>when angry and bitter virgins decide to tell the rest of us what women are like

>> No.13628739

>I feel like this is changing.
Statistics don't agree with your feelings, cucky.

>> No.13628780

Just get along in this nice thread. For me?

>> No.13628782

This, we may never make it lads, but the joy is, they won't either.

>> No.13628821

gtfo my thread

>> No.13628834

Are we talking about the same thing? Are there statistics about how women talk about this issue? I don't mean more men are in relationships or have sex, it just seems to me that more women are now openly admitting that some men are simply not good looking enough for them for example.
But if there are statistics about what words women use to reject men, I would be glad to see them.

>> No.13629463

I once held in my arms, a girl so sweet and homely,
She was what i needed and i wanted,
The stars had lined up for me to break out of my self-inflicted purgatory.
I would taste life and its sweetest honey, with
A girl that could rival the melancholy.
But in my arms i held an ideal, her imperfections
Burst out of a black tangled mess of hair,
Out of the makeup brush,
And out of my heart,
I held in my hands, the love i desired,
But frightened by change and commitment,
I held in my arms the blossoming seed of life,
And i let it rot and wither in my cold steel grip,
Melancholy- Melancholy!
My only one bride, I love you!

>> No.13629527

>this happens
>she doesn't know I'm actually near asocial and could only hurt her

>> No.13629595

Looks and money get your foot in the door, but charisma and masculine personality traits get you laid. Stop being such a defeatist.

>> No.13630504

i had a gf when i was literally two so idk about that.

>> No.13630736

your mother doesn't count as your girlfriend

>> No.13630759
File: 38 KB, 438x531, IMG_20190813_012737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a pic of her hugging me while i stand there looking fat and unaware of what's happening. i have no memory of it but we were apparently very close except that i'd bite her. i feel weird about posting that pic even though it seems impossible to dox me based on something like that.

>> No.13630776


>> No.13630784

Schadenfreude in the 21st century has gotten way out of hand.

>> No.13630790

made me lol but also this is pathological

>> No.13630802

How does this relate in any way to literature. Can all you /r9k/ fags fuck off or at least read a single goddamn book before you comment here?

>> No.13631022

dude delete this your mom posted the same picture on facebook and she has you tagged in it.

>> No.13631065

i guess that's life
i thought it was a cute and relevant picture to the thread, it always amused me that i apparently had some girlfriend when I was tiny that i cant remember. ive been generally an overly romantic faggot my whole life so it fits.

>> No.13631258

>They have a cute name, on their name tag, or the way the look up at you and say it quietly.
I feel like this line has something to it. The rest is trash though. Childish at the start, naval-gazing incoherence at the end. Keep it up anon, you showed a glimmer of promise.

>> No.13631388

>tfw you never had a childhood friend


>> No.13631398

shit. currently having this exact situation. how do I deal with it breh? don't wanna hurt nobody. my ignorance only pulls her closer, shit.

>> No.13631412

how come little girls are cute and funny and filled with creativity, but when they grow up they lose almost everything? im talking an obvious changing starting around 11/12 yrs old.

puberty turns boys aggressive, but for girls it makes them....? inhuman?

>> No.13631420

In my personal experience attractiveness has nothing to do with how nice people are.

>> No.13631423

kys pedo

>> No.13631470

Attractive people are nicer because people are nicer to them due to their being attractive, especially other nice attractive people who are nice for the same reason.
Ugly people become bitter because people don't treat them as well, which in turn makes them uglier, which makes people treat them even worse, in the terrible vicious cycle that creates horrible incel faggots/evil roast out whores.

>> No.13631731

The way you write it makes sense as well, I guess. I've met many nice people who were unattractive - also unattractive people will be nice to each other too, so that's a thing.

>> No.13631755

I would like to know that myself, i have no idea why this happens but its really bad

>> No.13631974

Women get lonely later in life, supposing they made bad choices, or their husband dies or something. But when they're young, loneliness is unknown to them

>> No.13631980

Thats her problem for placing sex as the highest value from a man

>> No.13631989

Not true. Women just ignore you or will tell you something generic and hope you go away

>> No.13632010

I read two books I found on /pol/
Can I poast now?

>> No.13632019


>> No.13632032

hit her up

>> No.13632036

the key is to be a cunt to everyone

>> No.13632214

The answer is in your post.
>puberty turns boys aggressive
You became malcontent shits. You are the inhuman