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13624346 No.13624346 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13624435

Tender is the Night

Part of me loves it and feels that it's comfy and part of me is fucking bored at points. I really hope it's going to bring home some profound point by the end because i'm past half way and it's basically well just about trust fund babies being shitty to each other. I'm moving on to Storm of Steel next hopefully it's more eventful.

>> No.13624443

Gulag archipelago - very interesting, would recommend

>> No.13624445

The second Boogiepop ranobe. It's chuuni YA trash, I know, but the late 90s J-urban fantasy atmosphere is something that's dear to my heart both in text and in animus.

>> No.13624571
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Gravity's Rainbow
Not going to lie, it's starting to drag. Long book, hard to keep everything in your head.

>> No.13624578

Plato's Timaeus. Really mind blowing

>> No.13624586
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Finished tonight. Is good, but I thought it was going to be more philosophical. Ended up being a biographical account, probably ghostwritten, sprinkled with his thoughts and ideas. Wanted to read philosophy that countered Ted K. 4/5.

>> No.13624593

The divine comedy.
It has highs and lows, maybe I'm too brainlet for it,but at some points it's fascinating and then just drops.

>> No.13624594
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Moby Dick.
It is funnier than I expected it to be

>> No.13624600

I ended up finding the endnotes more interesting. Dante put so much thought into every aspect of it.
Id like to reread a different translation one day.

>> No.13624613
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>sperm whale oil is still illegal in the US

>> No.13624618

Wuthering Heights.
I’m only 120 pages in. I can’t tell you it it’s good or not and I don’t think I will be able to tell you until I’m finished with it

>> No.13624623
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Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman


>> No.13625290

One Hundred Years of Solitude
It's great so far. Not a single boring page.

>> No.13625420
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Just started Ubik. I'm liking it. Reminds me a bit of The 5th Element, and I mean that in the best possible way
Context on this? Is this the really long ass one where he argues that human existence is meaningless and all that? If so, is it worth checking out? I usually like reading schizo-esque work like Kaczynski and all that

>> No.13625428
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Mine isn't.

>> No.13625546

hunger - knut hamson

its really straightforward so far. really enjoying it. quite a detour from the surrealist novel i just finished

>> No.13625569

>What are you currently reading
Epictetus' Discourses
>and is it any good?
Very good

>> No.13625700

The Iliad; Diomedes has gone full berserk, it's great.

>> No.13626035

The Romantic Imperative: The Concept of Early German Romanticism

It's incredibly based and consolidating and connecting things that were just a vague mess in my head before.

>> No.13626074
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I just re-read that. It's one of my favorites.

Currently reading The Brontes Went to Woolworths. It's pretty funny (a nice contrast compared to how depressing Wuthering Heights is) but it was rather confusing at the start.

>> No.13626087

The myth of the 20th century by Alfred Rosenberg

The Chad Aryan vs the Virgin Levantine: the book

The writing is less turgid than I feared, but I am extremely skeptical about theories and worldviews which seek to explain everything through their hobby horse, which is race in this book.

>> No.13626133

A confederacy of dunces its top tier comfy and I catch myself laughing out loud at it

>> No.13626139

growth of the soil

will be my favourite book ive read this summer

>> No.13626158

Of Human Bondage

This is far from my first Maugham so it is a familiar and very enjoyable experience

>> No.13626293
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First Circle

Yes, I wanna be imprisoned for life now, I just have to marry a qt grill first.

>> No.13626320

The Woman in the Dunes
very Kafka-esque

>> No.13626548

Diomedes was the best character in the book