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File: 17 KB, 220x334, 220px-Portrait_de_Dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13624257 No.13624257 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "Dante laments at the fact that a pagan hero is in hell" canto

Looking forward to getting to Paradiso fellas

>> No.13624265

Dante is in hell right now.

>> No.13624282

Well he was a Catholic...

>> No.13624328

sorry, but Paradiso is the worst part
well, he was pagan

>> No.13624339

just you wait until the cantos-against-florentians-i-dont-personally-like come in.

>> No.13624345

Say, who assures you that those works were real?
came the reply. The very thing that needs
proof no thing else attests these works to you.

I said: If without miracles the world
was turned to Christianity, that is
so great a miracle that, all the rest

are not its hundredth part: for you were poor
and hungry when you found the field and sowed
the good plant once a vine and now a thorn.

>> No.13624400


>> No.13624614

Except the world has never been majority Christian.

>> No.13624631

>Paradiso is the worst part
Heck is the worst part. Purgatory best.

>> No.13624651

cringe translation. john ciardi is way better

>> No.13624680

let me guess, you're one of those fags who greets people with heaveno

>> No.13625470

He's referring to the actual world, not shithole deserts and jungles.

>> No.13625475

the biggest FU to a citystate ever
is it worth the read? sad it's not titeled as Comedy anymore

>> No.13625480

Dante was such a vengeful bitter fuck

>> No.13625552

Paradiso is the scariest part staring into God as TV forever is too much.

>> No.13625616
File: 140 KB, 1300x1016, stereotypical-italian-man-eating-pizza-and-gesturing-with-hand-B0X2FM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamma mia, all-a the people who dis-a-like-a me burn in-a hellfire forayver! That's a spicy meat-a-ball!

>> No.13625646

>canonizing the damned
Brilliant move from Dante there

>> No.13625989
File: 157 KB, 1253x800, Florence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been studying Italian for about half a year now with Dante as my ultimate goal. Last week i opened up the Commedia and read a few cantos without looking up a single word.

Im getting there lads. It's summer now as well so i think i'll be starting a full read through soon.

>> No.13626013

stanzas not cantos

>> No.13626018

Seconding Purgatory. It'd put Hell and Heaven on same footing ironically.

>> No.13626364

The point of Dante is that each Cantica has very varying levels of quality and content, from sublime to low effort and unnecessary cryptic-ness (Dante fainting like twice in each of the first cantos, then Dante figures out how to make original passage sequences)
Paradiso is a masterpiece, just read Cacciaguida’s cantos

>> No.13626375

*Dante-the-character vs Dante-the-author
Avanti così, anone!

>> No.13626489
File: 16 KB, 500x322, 1478923179195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading poetry in translation

>> No.13626829

Can a kind anon post the translation chart

>> No.13627178

>it's a "Dante assumes someone he knows personally is in hell for making him eat sand from the sandbox or something" episode

>> No.13627650

>learning a language for one dude

>> No.13627670

how did he have airpods in the middle ages? was he a time traveler?

>> No.13627691

>he doesn't know it was gay fanfiction you had to read using a special candlelit stenography device to reveal a new meaning to the pages by lighting only certain words.

>> No.13627692
File: 97 KB, 680x798, dante fillipo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13627931
File: 172 KB, 1400x753, 7BC2039B-14AA-4F5D-A8D6-820CE0EA07F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13628048

What have you doing to learn? I also want to learn Italian...but I just don't know where to start

>> No.13628338

I know that mine is not an easy language to learn, but usually when I want to know a foreign language I firstly practice conversation
1. buy small phrase book and learn basic grammar
2. Watch videos, podcasts or read newspaper articles on current news or things you’re interested in
3. If you can, find some native speaker to tutor you or just talk with
4. (Optional) make a travel to that country and speak only foreign language
5. Once convo is okay, learn more grammar
6. Start reading mandatory school books in that language, maybe things that you have already read in translation, so you can compare linguistic nuances and registers
7. Never stop practising
I guess that after that you can be considered proficient

>> No.13628348

Italianon and not that one, but I wanted to answer anyway
If you wanted specific websites and/or books in Italian I could make some suggestion, but I don’t know fir sure what a foreigner could find more or less challenging