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13622480 No.13622480 [Reply] [Original]

>At four months she was too unknowing to be punished for disobedience. But for her own good, we attempted to train her not to climb the stairs by coordinating the voice command of “No” with little spats on the bare legs. The switch was a twelve-inch long, one-eighth-inch diameter sprig from a willow tree.

>A seven-month-old boy had, upon failing to get his way, stiffened clenched his fists, bared his toothless gums and called down damnation on the whole place. At a time like that, the angry expression on a baby’s face can resemble that of one instigating a riot. The young mother, wanting to do the right thing, stood there in helpless consternation, apologetically shrugged her shoulders and said, “What can I do?” My incredulous nine-year-old whipped back, “Switch him.” The mother responded, “I can’t, he’s too little.” With the wisdom of a veteran who had been on the little end of the switch, my daughter answered, “If he is old enough to pitch a fit, he is old enough to be spanked.”

>After about ten acts of stubborn defiance, followed by ten switchings, he surrendered his will to one higher than himself. In rolling the wheel, he did what every accountable human being must do–he humbled himself before the “highest” and admitted that his interests are not paramount. After one begrudged roll, my wife turned to other chores.

>She then administers about ten slow, patient licks on his bare legs. He cries in pain. If he continues to show defiance by jerking around and defending himself, or by expressing anger, then she will wait a moment and again lecture him and again spank him. When it is obvious he is totally broken, she will hand him the rag and very calmly say, “Johnny, clean up your mess.” He should very contritely wipe up the water.

From "To Train Up A Child"

>> No.13622511

In my experience it's people who have been abused in this way that are the most ardent exponents of such behaviour. They need to be to not see their parents as monsters but rather people who were simply doing what is necessary.

>> No.13622519

Also Christianity. Spare the rod, spoil the child, and other such nonsense.

>> No.13622530


>> No.13622539
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Yes, the Judeo-Christian view of the world which sees everything as property and legal/moralistic control is also to blame.

>> No.13622553

You say this and post a picture of a theologian?

>> No.13622564

>At a time like that, the angry expression on a baby’s face can resemble that of one instigating a riot.

>> No.13622566

And Orthodox Christian I might add.

>> No.13622570

That phrase is supposed to mean "the rod of discipline", as in discipline, but Americans just took it as "beat the shit out of your kids"

>> No.13622575

Bs, beat kids become softy parents who raise kids who beat their kids who become softy parents and so on. Ignore the stupid postmodern take.

>> No.13622579

This is the greatest argument for anti-natalism.

>> No.13622583
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Yeah, he was an idiot and just look at him lmao
He still looks like the child forever in fear of getting hit. And if it wasn't also the theologians it could be written off as just the pleb-tier. But it's slave morality to the very top, beyond even the political aspects.
>Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront. Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for the act. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite. But if it comes to clear ideas and the intelligent meaning of things, then there is much more rational and philosophic truth in the burial at the cross-roads and the stake driven through the body, than in Mr. Archer’s suicidal automatic machines. There is a meaning in burying the suicide apart. The man’s crime is different from other crimes—for it makes even crimes impossible.

>> No.13622589

This is your interpretation, and a decidedly enlightened and contemporary one. I imagine the actual, original, and literal meaning, to actually involve the use of a "rod". Which isn't particularly far fetched considering it was written in the bronze age.

>> No.13622593

Is there a parenting guide on hypnotize children?

>> No.13622599

I cannot speak for Americans at large, but whenever I was punished for misbehaving, my parents always made sure that I understood exactly what I was being punished for, and why that behavior wasn't acceptable.
Switching a 7 month old child is nothing more than abuse, a 7 month old child has no real conception of what behavior even is. It is treating a human being like an animal, training them with Pavlov's Switch, rather than imparting onto them any sort of understanding or provoking any thought about behavior.

>> No.13622605

Excuse me, iron age.

>> No.13622619
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This is my experience. My sister spoils her kids and has zero control over them, screw supper we're going to McDonald's philosophy. And basically doesn't allow the father to do anything out of fear he could be anything like our father who was a relentless tyrant.
Although perhaps this is just a boomer cycle rather than anything beyond modern times.

>> No.13622624

Same shit. Moralism is a slippery slope.

>> No.13622640
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>> No.13622646

>In my experience
I have spoken to these people. How is my claim even remotely postmodern?

Going beyond my anecdotal evidence, it seems there is no correlation: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/releases/042115-podcast-child-abuse

>> No.13622653

Based is the land/deleuze/evola/zizek fuck with your kids.

>> No.13622664

He writes eloquently at least, albeit misguided codswallop.

>> No.13622670

Deleuzian response is the most based.

>> No.13622684

>rod of discipline
Its literal, numbnuts. They even sell the damn thing with "rod of discipline" or "board of education" written on it. My uncle had one though he never beat his children. Also, in sanskrit danda means both punishment and rod, because when the teacher wanted to punish his student, he would hit him with his rod

>> No.13622688

>70% of the book is Jewish
Is there any other kind?

>> No.13622699

Wouldn't Land be muttering to himself 'we have food at home' while allowing the kids to go in, then bitching about it later with twatter references to bleak-pragmatist-sci-fi?

>> No.13622895

>70% of the book is Jewish
kek, should be JUDEOOOOOOO-christian

>> No.13622910

> Why are Americans like this?
Because the protestant heretical religion warped their understanding of good and evil.

Anyways, babies at 4 months can't crawl or climb anything. At best they can flip over from the back to the stomach. So. fake and gay.

>> No.13622918

Yes, as the great Judeo-Christ famously said: "Spank your kids, so he grows up to be an uptight Republican and make some mad shekels."

>> No.13622927

This. You need to carefully balance discipline and freedom. There is a golden mean between them that is the only way to raise a confident, independent child

>> No.13622938

>protestant heretical religion
>Judeo-Christian Judaism
>Christio-Judeo Judaism
How do I know which is right for me? Should I go with the father, the son, or the holy spirit of N-oG-d?

>> No.13622950
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>Because the protestant heretical religion warped their understanding of good and evil.
This is very true. They are just like the antivaxxer parents, except instead of polio or whatever they bring back 3rd century heresies: arianism, gnosticism et cetera. People actually have a very hard time figuring things out for themselves. Luther spoke of the the priesthood of the laity, but the existence of 30,000+ Protestant denominations proves that they don't agree with themselves on anything, which you would think that being united in faith by the Holy Spirit would prevent.

>> No.13622984

If you don't beat your children time and again you don't love them enough to care about their future. End of story.

>> No.13622990

Writing "board of education" on paddles is kinda nean joke, but still a joke, stupid.

>> No.13623100

Or how can anyone forget "brb pirating this fish"

>> No.13623142

he's catholic

>> No.13623186

If you beat an infant too young to have any idea why you would do that, you aren't teaching them anything, you're sperging out against an innocent and lack the self-control necessary to have kids.

>> No.13623199

aw poor kid aaww.
Fuck off sheltered american pricks. my parents used to slap the shit out of me since before my memories started forming. And not just a light slap, like literally slap me around the room for failing to perform adequately in social situations.
Spanking turns kids into well behaved adults. Its 100% natural and should be encouraged.

>> No.13623213

This is such an obvious compensation that I don't know if you made it on purpose as bait.

>> No.13623216

Of course you wouldn't do that to a really young child, but if they talk back and their balls have dropped already there's no reason not to give them a good smack, or else they won't learn capital D discipline.

Softness in childrearing is the source of all these weak manchildren that you see nowadays.

>> No.13623220

Its true american. Everywhere except in america mothers beat their children, why do you think you are above nature?

>> No.13623222
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>With the wisdom of a veteran who had been on the little end of the switch, my daughter answered, “If he is old enough to pitch a fit, he is old enough to be spanked.”

>> No.13623223

what the fuck is switching?

>> No.13623226

i hate kids

>> No.13623233

Hitting your kid with a soft stick.

>> No.13623242

nah kids need to be disciplined.
shit parents generally raise shit kids the cycle goes on.

>> No.13623273

>I was abused, so abuse is okay

>> No.13623290

Well idk I'm not a master child rearer that's just my take on the matter. Seen some cunt kids whose parents don't discipline them and I'd assume they will grow up to be underachievers.

>> No.13623543 [DELETED] 

A swich is a thin branch picked off fresh from a living tree,with the side branches torn off. Often, the victim about to be switched has to clean the branch, of even pick it off the tree by himself or herself.

>> No.13623548

A swich is a thin, short branch picked off fresh from a living tree, with the side branches torn off. Often, the victim about to be switched has to clean the branch, or even pick it off the tree by himself or herself.

>> No.13623999

the pleb triangle side is the one on the right

>> No.13624093

what is postmodernism

reminder that you definitely know better than philosophers and that any answer you give me is correct because words mean whatever you want them to

>> No.13624115
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All this sophistry. People commit suicide for selfish reasons, sure. They also commit suicide because they're terminally ill, in massive pain, about to die anyway, about to be captured by an enemy, because they perceive themselves as having done some dishonor punishable by death. Suicide happens for as many reasons as there are suicides.

>> No.13624117

and they wonder why there are so many school shootings

>> No.13624155
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>Because the protestant heretical religion warped their understanding of good and evil.
The entirety of christianity was "warped" from the beginning. Each translation is a warp. Each verse is a battleground for the authorities reprinting them. The protestants warped catholicism. The Catholics warped the early church. The early church was an underground rabble passing an oral tradtion back and forth during a diaspora. The earliest Christians were just political rebels against the Roman empire warping their own Jewish tradition by mapping it onto their contemporary political situation. The Jewish tradition itself was a warping of Bronze Age Canaanite culture. The earliest alphabets and abugidas were just "warps" of the logographic writing systems. The logographic writing systems were just a repurposing of the pictographic signs of proto-literate pottery cultures. The pottery cultures were just settled agriculturalists. The settled agriculturalists were just taking advantage of techniques discovered after the end of the ice age. This loyalist babbling is tiresome to anyone who bothers to learn for even for a couple of years.