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13622416 No.13622416 [Reply] [Original]

>highly educated well read academics are far left/marxists
>dumb fuck uneducated illiterate red necks and underage contrarian petit bougeois weeb incels are far right/cuckservative
well that makes things easy. which marxist books should I read?

>> No.13622429

Harry potter and the goblet of fire

>> No.13622455

Ready Player One

>> No.13622465

i said marxist not neoliberal

>> No.13622471
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I'm well-read and I hate socialists.

>> No.13622492

Hunger Games maybe then?

In all these books teen proletariat overthrows geronto-capitalism, you can't get any more marxist than that.

>> No.13622499

wow what a cute boy, sauce?

>> No.13622506
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a shocking THREE PERCENT of professors are Marxist. but I don't care, be a dumb fuck, read Marxist theory.

>> No.13622508

Appeal to authority, you’ll be another lefty retard who can’t argue in no time

>> No.13622615
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>muh logical fallacies

>> No.13622686

It is appeal to authority that I would rather listen to people who are educated and know what they are talking about rather than people who are illiterate and with double digit IQs? Ok.

>> No.13622728
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The old school academics are still classical liberals. The new school is a hodgepodge of modern liberalism, democratic socialism, and Marxism. I honestly think that you should speak with some professors of the new school to see how absurd and dull they are. None of them has a wit of intelligence and the old school HATES them with a passion. I'm serious about this. Universities have really become an egoistic battle between professors as to who can brainwash the most students into accepting their ideological hogwash. I will tell you this too, since you must know: there are some reactionary and conservative professors. I'm not talking about Jordan Peterson types (a classical liberal), I'm talking about full-on "read Culture of Critique" types. I've met one before and he was constantly at risk of losing his job, despite being tenured. Almost the entirety of the faculty hated him; however, he was clearly better spoken, more intelligent, the best read, and most handsome and in shape of all of them. Despite being in his 50s, he had the body of a student athlete. He often skipped class for random reasons, no doubt because he was disgusted with the quality of his students. I think he was an embittered reactionary Catholic, one of the only religious professors I've had. Anyways, OP, you don't know much about academia. Go talk to professors and you'll likely realize that academics vary in quality, but that the dumbest and least qualified are those who are farthest to the left. The classical liberals are fine, but if you meet a reactionary professors (your university might have one or two if you're lucky), he'll probably outshine the rest of your professors in terms of intelligence (and maybe good looks too). Anyways, remember that even France had a lot of reactionary thinkers in academia until... they got killed. Similar things have happened around the world. Don't get too hyped about the fact that leftwing brainwashing centers have leftists in charge. Get more hyped about those rightwing professors who survive in such an environment.

>> No.13622743

>lefties literally can’t debate
Such is the way of the ideology of the poor and weak

>> No.13622754
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>> No.13622780

No, low IQ humanities professors are Marxist, some high IQ philosophy professors too of course.
Superior STEM professors are not Marxist, and certainly not postmodernists since rationality and object reality are directly opposed to postmodernism.

>> No.13622781

Lenin, considering your elitism.

>> No.13622782


>> No.13622787
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>classical liberalism good
Directly responsible for Marxism, democratization and deterioration of society. The Enlightenment was a mistake, pseud.

>> No.13622789
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>> No.13622808

Highly educated academics are neoliberals or socdems.

You’re local state school part time sociology professor is a Marxist.

>> No.13622824

You misunderstand me. I'm a reactionary thinker myself; however, relatively speaking the classical liberals of academia are good, that is, if you compare them to those further to the left of them. I would much rather take a class with a classical liberal than a modern liberal or someone even further left.

Good own. You really got me.

>> No.13622829

Is there any better brainlet filter than this word

>> No.13622858

Well there's more to the "classical liberal/lefty" dichotomy. If you really want to think in cliches, it depends on the field of study. Law/econ profs would be in the conservative/"classical liberal" spectrum, while sociology/lit profs would be in the socdem/marxist one. Also in France, a lot of profs are openly conservatives, we just exported our terribly angry postmodern neomarxists to you :^)

>> No.13622870

This has been my experience as well

>> No.13622897

Very true what you said about professors often varying according to their field of study, some fields being more or less dominated by one single type of thinker almost due to the nature of their material. I didn't know France had many conservative professors at the moment. I've always found it interesting that the richest conservative tradition in the past few centuries has come out of France, despite it being one of the countries on the forefront of modernity. I guess it makes sense: action and reaction. Anyways, yeah my post was mostly directed towards North Americans. I can't speak for any other places.