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/lit/ - Literature

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1362241 No.1362241 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book overrated or what?

>> No.1362243

I think fantasy is gay but I sort of liked it.

>> No.1362244
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No, you moron.

>> No.1362248

i think gay is fantasy so i've not bothered to read any despite how fucking beautiful that would be.

i have annie on my mind on my HDD but i dont think it will quite cut it.

>> No.1362255

It might seem overwhelming at first, but stick with it, it gets amazing.

>> No.1362294

We Are The Knights Who Say "Fuck!"

One of the best fantasy series out there, though. Same underlying cheesiness of all sci-fi/fantasy, but there's far worse things you could read in the genre and out, like that Crowley thread yesterday. I haven't much cared for the stuff ever since I turned, oh, 15 or so, but I have to admit I'll probably go back and read these when the series is finished by whoever takes it over when the fat bastard chokes on black pussyhairs and a hot wing chicken bone during a crisco-bathed Nubian orgy.

Yes, I jelly.

>> No.1362321

That girl's face looks like she dipped it really quick in a french fryer at McDonald's.

>> No.1362328


she has a face?

.. o yea you're right

>> No.1362350

I'm 16 and I consider Malazan Book of the Fallen and Wheel of Time to be greatest series I've ever read. Is there any hope for me?
I just got in 'A Song of Ice and Fire', and it's looking very interesting.

>> No.1362450

You are the target audience for those book's. They are written for teenage boys, no one else. Jordan even said as much a few years before his death. He wanted a series that teenagers can grow up with so he can milk money off of them. Life had other plans for him though.

>> No.1362511

well, i'm (not the guy you replied) putting malazan > a song of yada yada and >>> trollocs
When i first read WoT, i was like WOW. greatest fantasy ever (one of the first fantasy, besides tolkien books). i got the hype for about 6 books, then these series went downhill quite fast (and women in his books. wtf!?). got readable again around book 11 or smthing. Then got my hands on the song of fire and ice.Really liked the politic stuff, wars and backstabbing. After a time i went back for a reread and when it felt meh. Didn't get rid of felling, that George masturbates furiously while writing all that pedo sex and incest scenes.
The came Malazan books. Still waiting for the crippled god and reading return of crimson guard. and i'm loving every book. The politics, the wars, characters, history, magic, etc. Really well thought out world. And that you can kill anything there. God? goes down the drain. Some ancient overpowered thing? Well, maybe in his times.

>> No.1362519

There are too many children on the literature board

>> No.1362545


The first Malazan book is so fucking slow it makes mid WoT seem bearable.

I don't care how detailed your world is if it doesn't grab me by the balls in the first couple chapters then it's just not worth it. I read fantasy for fun, not as a fucking history lesson.

The fact that ASoIaF is getting the HBO treatment makes it the superior series anyways.

>> No.1362547

The story is great.

But the characters in the first books are boring and generic as fuck.

>> No.1362558

Until you realize that the whole thing is a subtle rant against traditional archetypes (well, aside from Jon and Dany, who seem to be pretty genuine wish-fulfillment/self-insertion characters so far)

>> No.1362562

well, the dragon-bitch was one of my favorites since first book, it was good to see her grow

still hate the imsololdark kid

>> No.1362571

>But the characters in the first books are boring and generic as fuck
No they arent.

>> No.1362574
File: 63 KB, 290x441, A Thread of Trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1362579

why does /lit/ hate fantasy

>> No.1362584


Because if the genre called "fantasy" were any gayer it would have unicorns cumming rainbows on Jude Law's anus

>> No.1362586


how is it gay :(

>> No.1362597
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Anyone who doesn't like fantasy was always the nerdy kid who got picked on for reading and now they attempt to feel better about that by berating anyone down their self-created "literature" hierarchy.

Prove me wrong, faggots. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1362596
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>> No.1362602

The nerdy lonely kid was always the one that read mostly fantasy in the first place.
The kids that read actual books (not fantasy or other genre garbage) were the ones that got put in the Gifted program.

>> No.1362606

I don't think so. I don't like fantasy as a genre, but I do like Harry Potter (so shoot me) I don't like Sci-fi as a genre, but I really like William S. Burroughs. Typically, I just don't like genre fiction.

>> No.1362607


>implying the "gifted" program wasn't full of pasty kids with glasses who got their lunch money stolen every day

>> No.1362614

Actually I thought this too, and didn't even proceed with the series until I heard about some of the later events.

Eddard, Robert Baratheon, Viserys, Jon and Cersei all seem pretty generic at first if you're used to reading non-fantasy literary fiction. It's because GRRM takes his time getting to the parts where he subverts the conventions those characters are based on. People who've read the whole series forget that many of the characters hardly even had any face-time in the first novel because of the split POV thing, and many of GRRM's choices are *designed* to seem generic at first glance so that he can subvert them later.

Plus the prose style in Game Of Thrones is easily the worst of the series, more of a problem for hardcore e/lit/ists, but one that did delay my getting into it.

>> No.1362615

At my school the Gifted kids were the ones that stole lunch money from retards.

u mad?

>> No.1362616


I'm calling bullshit on that one. There has never been a school where this is the case and there never will be.

>> No.1362640

This is a lie, because GT programs were redesigned so that any parent that felt their child was "gifted and/or talented" would be given admission.

You were only really gifted and/or talented if you persevered outside of and despite those programs.

>> No.1362662

Not that guy but you never went to a school with a bigger magnet program than had residential students. It's pretty common in Valley middle schools here in California. If you were white and not in the magnet program you were no better than a nigger or a mexican in their eyes and occasionally got a beating for fun. It does even out by high school though but that's mainly because the mexican kids had joined gangs.

>> No.1364092
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which book is the best out of the four books that are out so far?
Im reading clash of kings right now and shits cash im tellin ya

>> No.1364110

Storm of Swords is brick-shittingly epic in every imaginable way.

>> No.1364144

I'm reading Game of Thrones and I'm loving it, The plot jumping with the many characters is frustrating, but the whole story is epic. Can't wait to read the rest - i already have the collection. Mas pages.

>> No.1364166


ITT kids too dumb for GT

Sorry you couldn't learn to plot trigometric functions in fourth grade then go on to speak at MIT as a result of your GT attendence.

BTW I was hand picked for the program because I practically aced an IQ test in first grade.

Get your kids smart young they will be motivated. now i dont care anymore but my brilliant boy made my daddy proud lol

do you hunger for the thirst as me

>> No.1364173
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>aced an IQ test

>> No.1364176

It's funny but I've seen way better trolls. Go practice on /adv or /fit

>> No.1364180


as in almost 100%

it was for 1st graders? maybe its not a real iq test?

fool i know who i was

stop poking me with your thundercock

>> No.1364181

ill never bother any of you again. i love books too. bye.

i feel like i kicked my favorite author by half trolling here.


>> No.1364215

For such a smart guy, you seem pretty slow at learning how to sage a thread.