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/lit/ - Literature

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13622270 No.13622270 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw, at the ripe age of 24, I realize that I'm older than 90% of /lit/fags and the people trying to shill Stirner to me are mostly children
Real boomer feels

>> No.13622277



>oscillate between doomer and bloomer

>> No.13622288

not sure when it happened, but I'm 27 and I'm basically a boomer

>> No.13622304

>getting my dick sucked by a woman twenty years older than me ravenously

Feels :3

>> No.13622313

Yeah, but then you have to put up with polishing her (male) penis and listening to her (male) read Stirner to you

>> No.13622315

this is me

>> No.13622319

living the dream

>> No.13622338
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1565336782691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 24 year-old virgin
>tfw Dazai got published at your age and also got laid probably 10+ years earlier

>> No.13622339

You got it man :3

So is she, that’s the thing you may not understand.

>> No.13622364

You've read less than children

>> No.13622376

This is true, the last book I read was Stoner, 7 years ago

>> No.13622378

If you’re 24 you’re a millennial not a fucking boomer kek do you actually know what boomer means?

>> No.13622391
File: 272 KB, 1180x1204, 1564970047900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23 and considering quitting my job to attempt to write my first book. I have money saved up and a bibliography collected and scattered notes to develop into chapters. Even if a flop, and even if I never write anything else, I feel like it would be something to be proud of the rest of my life: "I wrote this."

>> No.13622395

Yeah, but he got laid so much it made him sad, so tragic.

>> No.13622398

You're a fucking newfag who should fuck off whence he came

>> No.13622400

I'll turn 30 this year.

>> No.13622448

Also I've shilled Stirner here before, if that makes you feel better OP.

>> No.13622474


Don't quit your job, but keep working at it every night. Try and write 1000-2000 words every single day. The biggest problem a writer faces is not the actual writing itself, but rather sitting down to write. If you can sit down now, then you won't be able to sit down even when you don't have a job.

Keep your job, but keep on writing. Get it done anon!!!

>> No.13622478

28 here. feels good knowing I don't need to impress pretentious teenagers.

>> No.13622502

>tfw 26 soon 27
>still a retarded neet

>> No.13622521

>Being a 20 something
Wait a few years, kid. Back then I thought I was a big boy too

>> No.13622532


>> No.13622610

I'm 32.

>> No.13622685

what a hero! I could never suffer like he did.

>> No.13622813

I am a 19 yo who has a bachelors and I resent myself for how I am no longer a youth

>> No.13622828

>calling people newfags for not recognizing a newfag meme
And thus anon proved how much of a newfag he really was.

>> No.13622835

You should feel bad though. That sweet period of novelty and innovation between the late 90s and (VERY) early 10s of the internet is gone.

>> No.13622845

Is life even worth living past 18?

>> No.13622852

I'm 31 and my favourite book is Thus Spake Zarathustra, kill me

>> No.13622879

Not recognizing a newfag meme makes you a super newfag, newfag.

>> No.13623034

The internet is about to be heavily moderated and will end up as forgettable as tv is

>> No.13623079
File: 69 KB, 969x559, 489625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet had always been moderated, we should keep it open

>> No.13623080

I also realized recently that 90% of posters are under 20, and now I just shitpost because there's no way I'll have a fruitful discussion with people whose brains aren't fully formed, especially when a good portion of them are under 17

>> No.13623091

How are you just now realizing this? All these shitty communists and "students of philosophy" only act this way because they don't have a clue about the real world.

That or they're envious of us that have even a little success.

>> No.13623092

>ywn fuck a hot cougar while browsing /lit/ apatheticly
why live

>> No.13623099

Look, a bootlicker cuck lmao.

>> No.13623102

I don't think that's the demographics at all any longer. Your 90% is probably wildly inaccurate. 33 here.

>> No.13623114

Look at >>13600647, and consider that underage b& would naturally claim that they're 18

>> No.13623126

Head to /fit/. It's a boomer containment board.

>> No.13623135

too old to have children, my interest dies. i need to break into the 27-32 market of women. best age in all respects.

>> No.13623151

Thanks, I was looking for a boomer board. I was thinking that /x/ might be like a more schizo /lit/, but it's probably zoomery

>> No.13623207

Get a job and buy a house. Your outlook will change substantially.

>> No.13623229

I have looked at it now.
Mean is 23.
Median is 21.
Range is 15-49.
I included even the obvious meme and trolls of 18 year olds.
27.5% listed themselves as under 20.
68% listed as 23 and under.

15 1
16 1
18 22
19 8
20 13
21 14
22 11
23 9
24 4
25 5
26 4
27 6
28 2
29 2
30 3
31 3
32 1
35 2
36 1
37 2
48 1
49 1

>> No.13623359
File: 35 KB, 400x391, 1485247885803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 year old doomer reporting in
add me to the data mine
idk man getting a job sort've made me hate capitalism more
not a poorly paid or bad job either

>> No.13623385

I’m 46.
You’re ready for Stirner, lad/lass

>> No.13623419 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 524x700, 1537948281749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw think you're old but realize men's primes start in their late 20s and lasts through their 60s
>tfw you're not a woman, whose prime lasts from their teens until their mid 20s

Fuck it feels good being a man

>> No.13623442

You wouldn’t know a prime from your own ass

>> No.13623512

Calm down butterfly, you're as old as my mum. Those rough words are upsetting.

>> No.13623522

26 here. I rarely post and mostly read. The complete opposite of what I used to do when I was in my teens.

>> No.13623621

Me too except I'm kind of excited we'll all be stardust again some day.

>> No.13623668

Most of the oldfags have left. And >>13623034 the kind of nerds were/are, are no longer being made.

>> No.13623681

I was born in 2001

>> No.13623690

jesus christ you're literally as old as my mom. i hope you aren't as saggy and naggy as she is.
t. 18

>> No.13623805

>I'm 46
A true lady never reveals her age.

>> No.13623822

m- mommy

>> No.13623825

Be my GILF gf, butterfly

>> No.13623834

Chad Almagro

>> No.13624026

23yo who can't find a phd reporting in

>> No.13624933

Well, I did keep it secret for many years.

>Girl I’d Like to Fuck
I got me a lot of those myself

>> No.13624965

48, four degrees. Doctorate in English Lit.

>> No.13624981

Neat. How’s things?

>> No.13625006
File: 212 KB, 601x495, 1565418143435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this picture supposed to resemble Lolita? She really does look like how she's represented in the book. those beautiful light eyes, light brownish, spread out hair and those cute red cheeks in a tanned, yet noticeably pale skin before, wearing a blouse on top of a nice comfy bed before getting fucked by Humbert at the end of Part I lmao.

>> No.13625028

Not bad. I'm busy preparing syllabi and lesson plans for September (four courses to teach, none of them overly exciting), but I managed to get out and kayak a little today.

>> No.13625160

I really don't know how extensive your job is, but the last job I had, there were times where I did nothing but just stand there and wait. It gave me a lot of ideas and things to write about as opposed to staying at home where I'm distracted and have to gather up my strength to not play video games or watch YouTube videos.

Just stay at your job and write when you have free time.

>> No.13625184
File: 108 KB, 500x321, 374A3402-81FC-4E1B-8129-614DA60F514B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad hominem, the thread. Stop spamming the boards with low IQ garbage and kill yourself immediately you complete waste.

>> No.13625213

Which part? Being a "true lady" or your age?

>> No.13625374
File: 115 KB, 967x879, 1564164643493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 23 and considering quitting my job to attempt to write my first book. I have money saved up and a bibliography collected and scattered notes to develop into chapters.

literally me. do it anon. at least so im not doing it alone

>> No.13625398

you're a millennial

>> No.13625415

My age. I mean I kept it all hidden in the beginning. Anon coaxed it out of me.

If only I had me a nice girl to support me while I wrote my notes into its full story

>> No.13625450

im also with you desufrens and this make me feel okay

>> No.13625496

Busy with writing a bunch of novels myself with different genres (3-4 books per subgenre) as to give me more chance to be published.
We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.13625502

I think most ppl who post on lit are around you age.

>> No.13625509

are you also 23?

>> No.13625721

t. mad child

>> No.13625740

Seconded on the capitalism hate thing. Before getting my first job I was still swayed by the boomer "you gotta have a job and be financially independent" discourse. Now that I have a job (a relatively comfy and well-payed one even) I realize that's complete cuckery.

>> No.13625741

I'm 26 and I've embraced it.

>> No.13625744

I didn't get laid until 19 so yes. I didn't stop being a retard until 25 so yes.

>> No.13625748

We're drops of water falling as rain. I'll be one with you back in the ocean soon bro.

>> No.13625749

Life doesn't really begin until 18.

>> No.13625753

This, until then it's tutorial mode.

>> No.13625762

Gilf mean grandma id like to fuck, old lady

>> No.13625846

Turning 34 on Thursday. I'm a literature professor. Come here for ideas on what to assign first year students. Have assigned some meme texts for the luls.

>> No.13626006

>for the luls
ok grandpa have fun with your class

>> No.13626031

>tfw 28 and life just gets shittier

>> No.13626056

I'm 24 as well and hate it, I've wasted my life. Schelling, Keats, Novalis, and all of my other literary/philosophical heroes had done something significant by this point, and I'm just atrophying away in indolence.

>> No.13626637

No, you wanted to let it out so you could act as some sort of perverse matronly figure to the mongoloids of this board. You love the attention and can't get enough.

>> No.13626712
File: 125 KB, 275x275, 1564350001997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually heavily booked but when I'm not I have no responsibilities.
I'll have to keep thinking it over. I don't have any belief that I will "make it" but the thought's more for posterity than career or recognition. Although I do chip away patiently, as >>13622474 suggested, I do not think that I have enough time (between work and self-care and ostensibly building graduate school applications) to properly write it, in large part because I have a great deal of reading to do before I will be able to properly discuss my topic(s).

>> No.13626732
File: 129 KB, 400x331, 1565501168992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he writes for the future rather than for the present
Deluded pleb.

>> No.13626737

You know, there are bacteria that live in water which think rising into clouds and descent into surface water is part of their life cycle, like spring or autumn. They're probably right.

>> No.13626741

I'm 24 and I wonder why I wasted the last 3-4 years playing garbage muliplayer games and applying for meme companies and certifications
Thx god I was a bookworm a decade ago so reading is still a pleasing journey

>> No.13626752

It doesn’t apply to me.
You’re supposed to call them cougars tho. W/e

Check warosu. I kept it all hidden. Must’ve been ten years ago. I was just another named user with no trip... the posters actually read

>> No.13626763

Don't quit your job. Just work part-time or like 6 hours a day instead of 8. You need to protect your downside (homelessness, destitution, poverty).

>> No.13626793

>kissless virgin
>still hate Stirner
Feels good man

>> No.13626809

24 here, datamine me.

I don't think I'm a boomer or doomer, frankly I feel like I'd be less out of place in the 1920s or even the 1860s.

The only thing I'm 'writing' is my doctoral thesis (well, sorting out corrections now). Did a short stint in a consulting company whilst waiting for viva etc., it was well paid but I discovered I despise being salaried. Declined to continue and now need to figure out what would be satisfying once corrections are done and the thesis is out of the way.

I have several company ideas, I think I'm going to become one of those bastards who gets bored of idealism and instead pursues a materialistic hedonism of making companies and money, without even a target that will provide satisfaction.

Also academia is just the modern clergy, and fuck anyone who goes into it.

>> No.13626812

There is posterity in the present, too, anon.
This is fair. The threat of homelessness (or, less painfully but more shamefully, parasitism on my family) is all that keeps me going to work as it is. I cannot imagine enjoying a job.

>> No.13626997

>The threat of homelessness (or, less painfully but more shamefully, parasitism on my family) is all that keeps me going to work as it is

yeah that is most decent people. the problem is young guys are all in/all out and often end up failures. I'm not saying to take the middle path because that is often a horrible compromise. a bimodal strategy is best. if you can get one of those jobs where you work 2-3 weeks on, one week off then you'll have the best of both worlds and it's way more tolerable (and often higher pay) than a 5-6 day grind week in week out.

>> No.13627035

Becoming a chef might be a good option for a lot of anon's
>Work at night
>Good restaurants often hire chefs for half the year and expect them to travel for new menus the rest of the year so you get a year's salary for six months on six off
>High tolerance for antisocial personality disorder in the industry

>> No.13627061

what games? If you spent years into it you shouldn't regret it that much

>> No.13627127

real oldfigs don't care enough to keep up with all the zoomer kid memes

>> No.13627564

3k hours of dota
I could have learnt an instrument in that time frame

>> No.13627592

Or read Proust

>> No.13627890

>18 as of a few weeks ago
> Going through the normie classics (1984, To kill a mockingbird etc.)
> Tried to read The Trial but don't think i grasped it that much
> getting into entry-tier philosophy

>> No.13628164

I was doing 3-4 twelves a week before. I liked having 3-4 days off every week but it was also exhausting. A normal week schedule is does a lot less a toll each day but can easily subsume all hobbies.

>> No.13628265

the days are exhausting, but because you know you will have 3-4 full days off you don't really have to worry about doing much on the days you are working. Being a 9-5er mon-friday means trying to squeeze everything into each day, but the reality is that you've wasted your best hours wageslaving and the chances of you getting anything creative done is next to nothing. its a prime example of "the middle way" actually being the worst of both worlds. you're better off oscillating between two extremes.

>> No.13628704

>the 27-32 market of women. best age in all respects.

ah yes, when they finally have the stability needed to own several cats.

>> No.13628937

Recently joined add me Anon
>t.full-on 18yr newfag

>> No.13628950

27 and still young af. U all basically just teens to me

>> No.13629593

24 as well with no clue what to do. About to finish this dumb IT bachelors this spring and probably turn into a wage cuck