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13621506 No.13621506 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many religions centered around a humbled surrendering to life? Instead of an active engagement and conquering of it were hero’s and people of great strengths are what’s desired in a society?

>> No.13621522

We became insects 2000 years ago basically

>> No.13621535

>a humbled surrendering to life

you mean 'humbled surrendering to the clergy'..

>> No.13621539
File: 86 KB, 921x874, 557D4332-661D-4C7F-B4AA-CBFFEBFAE3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion normally just a control mechanism. Elitists don’t want disobedient strong minded people

>> No.13621540

Because any result or action pertaining to the manifested universe is transitory, only the Divine/Liberation is eternal; all else is comparatively worthless in the grand scheme of things

>illuminati triangle
fake and gay image

>> No.13621545
File: 68 KB, 668x874, 156CF5F1-CAB0-4CCF-A066-99BFD3C57AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one’s talking to you ‘shroom head

>> No.13621562
File: 53 KB, 360x450, adolf-hitler-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is another way

>> No.13621571


Because wordly and spiritual issues are complex and require that an individual dwells on them. People on the fringes of the societal bell curve will do so, but the average person will take on a pre-made, standarized way to attach value to the world.

In a nutshell, the more intelligent people (and some of the dumbest) will take these matters into their hands, while the average person will follow what these intelligent and sometimes dumb people have established as a standard. It’s just easier.

>> No.13621576

Imagine being so naive ahahah

>> No.13621577

What makes you think we’re not statist already?

>> No.13621604

There is nothing edgier or more transgressive than Hitler. Stop listening to chapo trans house sissy hypno asmr, and Join your local o9a nexus today, maybe try your chance at culling some random mundanes, what could be more radical and revolutionary than literally murdering innocent people? just to take the piss, you know. epater le bourgeoisie. stick it to the man and protest against the corporate culture of consumerism and conformity,gamer upheaval and that sort of thing. the redditors who think they are edgy just because they like rick and morty, the chapo trannies who havent left their room in three years due to crippling social anxiety and yet fancy themselves revolutionaries who would totally like punch a nazi? all those 115 managers and bureaucrats, the journalists and academic pencil pushers who they are smarter than they really are. also People who browse pol and post ironic jew memes but think satanism and culling humans is just a step too far. ever wanted to see them eat shit and die?

>> No.13621649

>Stop listening to chapo
Never have
>Partake in random murder
I’m an anarchist though
>like punch a nazi
We punch them to the ground out of love and as a warning. A fair chance to amend their bourgie ways.
>People who browse pol and post ironic jew memes
Yeah, right.

You off duty, agent? Okay to post on drugs then?

>> No.13621794

because the omnipresent truths are always dual,
where the clergy and the power-mad see the control mechanism that the masses easily accept for it suits their lazy slave mentality, the adept sees that way to reach happiness contained in all wisdom and that is always self-overcoming through self-destruction so that you can become what you came from and where you are destined.
if you believe you being destined to get there inevitably makes the exercise useless/a waste of time you are yet to "get" why something is done despite some obvious characteristic of it.

>> No.13621802

You’re so annoying

>> No.13621814

sounds like you're spooked

>> No.13621827

The atheism meme is already collapsing

>> No.13621841

OP you'll get many answers and some of them you might understand theoretically but the true answer comes with spiritual progress and spiritual insight.

You'll never understand it until you really know it. This counts for a lot of things btw

>> No.13621855

Because no matter how hard you dunk on the world you’ll still end up dead. Much better to dunk on your ego so you can partake in eternal bliss after death.

>> No.13621878

How much of a brainwashed retard are you? The “control” of religion can just be shifted elsewhere, look at the Soviet Union or China. Did state enforced atheism make them any less brainwashed? No. At least with God you are accountable to a standard above the state, without him the government might as well be the ultimate arbiter of moral truth. Tell me which scenario sounds more controlling to you