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/lit/ - Literature

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13619790 No.13619790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>big cities
Wow the exact same dirty overcrowded cramped hive copy-pasted hundreds of times across the globe! I'm sure that at the end of your life you'll be happy you spent your limited time and money going to sardine-can like complexes to see slightly differing configurations of tall buildings, poor people slums, druggies at clubs, and trash-laden public transportation.
>go on hikes
Pointless walking around for hours, getting nowhere and achieving nothing except staring at some stupid trees and rocks and the "rare three-striped red finch" that looks exactly like a regular fucking finch but it has a tiny red line somewhere on its plumage and thus you have seen an amazing endangered beast and this thousand-dollar excursion is the "experience of a lifetime".
>muh museums, muh ruins
Any historical, architectural, or artistic value can easily be analyzed through a picture, which is all you'll have left anyways in a couple months or years. There's nothing you gain from actually seeing them except pointless, self-masturbatory egoism gained from feeling "cultured" (read : going to stare at some rocks for a couple hours and blowing your hard-earned money to give it to the tour guide, someone much smarter than you)
>muh food
An utter meme, what kind of double-digit moron gets excited over what is ultimately just a rearrangement of grain, meats, vegetables, and spices that will be shit out by you in a couple days anyways. If you willingly spend your money "travelling" to eat "exotic" food you could just drive 40 minutes to get you deserve to lose it.
>muh weather
Is there a more pathetic "argument"? You could be doing literally anything else, yet you go "travelling" to get an effect easily accomplished by turning the thermostat up or down a few notches or getting a humidifier.
>woahhh bro its a few degrees higher ugghhh i looovvvee travelling its so exotiiccc!!!

>> No.13619793

“How can you wonder your travels do you no good, when you carry yourself around with you?”

― Socrates

>> No.13619796

Pausanias disagrees with this

>> No.13619797

People aren't lying about going outside, OP. You should try it sometime. You might like it.

>> No.13619799

Oh bugger off.

>> No.13619800
File: 1012 KB, 1831x3200, travel lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's you're favorite travel books, /lit/?

>> No.13619802

>why even live, the post.

>> No.13619828

>He typed this inside his mother's basement as she was cooking tendies

>> No.13619844

Seems like you’re really trying to persuade yourself that there’s no reason for you to leave your basement. Get out the house you ugly fat ass.

>> No.13619849

How is this lit related? Why are you so bitter?

>> No.13619851

lmao holy fuck I hope you're memeing man, if not, when you get into your 20s I hope you grow out of this

>> No.13619871

I often see this type of shitty criticism style where people reduce things to the most stripped description (eg. "what kind of double-digit moron gets excited over what is ultimately just a rearrangement of grain, meats, vegetables, and spices") as if it proves a point. Does it have a name?

>> No.13619877


>> No.13619880

and then people like this wonder why women dont want to have sex with them

>> No.13619892

OP, if you can't see the aesthetic value in a beautiful landscape, in a thriving city full with history and culture, or in some ancient ruins/museum; if you are not rejuvenated by the smell of nature and if your heart is not replenished by seeing the beautiful sights god made - well, you might just be low iq.

>> No.13619920
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The very fact that the OP has elicited such strong "Nuh-Uhs" is a very strong (because correct) indicator that he is onto deep truth.

The reason you idiots are denying the content of the OP's idea (who I am not) is because you aspire to the same Bourgeois Goals, since one is now supposed to accumulate "experiences" via phone photos (if it wasn't documented via phone, then it didn't count) as opposed to classical physical accumulation of goods (a book collection, a shoe collection, a record collection). As if any of these will stave off the blessed fact of your cessation (and mine) within a few decades, on the outside. The OP's conceit amounts to an anti-life rejection of human endeavor, which is of course true... "b-but no it isn't b-because only teenagers say that stuff and petulance isn't true" (the great psychological fallacy of the fully socialized adult, or worse, those /striving to become such/ in order to be taken seriously in life, the 20-25 set who regrettably form the core of this forum). Moreover, as this

Madrid, soccer, whoop-dee-doo. Pic related is a particularly caustic gloss along the same lines. t. not the OP and 35 years old (oh cope) life itself is cope and I have a suicide spot in mind, you should too.

This thread is liable to be deleted because "it isn't related to literature", a patent stupidity. Of course, 4chan moderators are powerless. The event of the deletion of this thread will simply further vindicate me.

>> No.13619922

>Y-you disagree so that must mean OP is right! Haha gotcha!
Stopped reading there

>> No.13619934

I sometimes hope you pseuds get bullied by chads

>> No.13619937

>having fun and doing what you like is bourgeois

>> No.13619943


And in this, you have been wrong. You don't even have a real grounding for the substance of your comment apart from "I don't like thing", whereas I actually do.

>> No.13619946

>being contrarian means you're right
such an insightful analysis, incel-kun
besides traveling is surely better than clicking refresh on the catalog while sunking with each passing moment deeper and deeper in your depression that then you proceed to blame on stuff like masturbating, jews or women while the real reason is because you're literally a failed human refusing to live, a net negative for the human race

>> No.13619955

This guy doesn't like food, travel, seeing new things or nice weather. Please, tell us, what do you like, because I get the feeling it's literally nothing.

>> No.13619959
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>> No.13619962


>> No.13619968

what if travelling does nothing for OP, as he himself has exposed on his writing? why can't you take OP's post with an aesthetic apreciation for a pleasure reward system forever satiated by over stimulation from a life of continuous instant gratification leading to numb reward receptors? the man is literally incapable of feeling pleasure, have some sympathy for him! but no, you need to take the inflammatory position produced by an abnormal mind and lit it on fire yourself, and make it about yourself, "oh no, how he is attacking my position as a generic lover of travelling and nature!" i need to tell him to have sex because he did articulate how maybe my liking of such things is actually a shallow pursuit innate in human nature as banal as instagram pictures of food and "live, love, and laugh" quotations.
not OP, and i barely travelled through my country let alone the world, but even though i haven't travelled much, i deeply enjoyed. however, this stance of travelling as this transcedental experience is pathetic and OP is based for BTFOing it

>> No.13619975


Another substanceless post. Another competing, contemporary moral narrative (which everyone strives not to be ensnared by, while there is an ounce of jet fuel left: not flying and generally staying put. (I must compete to take my cute pictures somewhere in Europe before this becomes impossible, I lived, I mattered). Such is real petulance.

>> No.13619978

i dont even have an instagram account you dumb fuck
also op elicited annoyed answers because he come off as an edgy 16 tard explaining how love isn't worth experiencing because muh chemicals
kys faggot

>> No.13619983

not sure why you're latching onto that as that is literally irrelevant to the main point. you are simply dumb and shouldn't be on /lit/ with such a pathetic lack of aesthetic apreciation and interpretation of texts. kys retard

>> No.13620001

>(I must compete to take my cute pictures somewhere in Europe before this becomes impossible, I lived, I mattered)
i live in yurop, don't take pictures while i travel and when i travel (very few times since im a poorfag) i go with close friends to build memories toghether
if youre unable to understand why traveling and/or hiking are appealing you might be autistic
you mean like op that is literally unable to enjoy visiting a museum? kys

>> No.13620013

Travelling is for fucking dumbass morons, OP is right.

It's literally just going from point A to point B. Wow. Amazing.
I fucking hate women and happy people so much, no fucking class consciousness.

>> No.13620018

What's even worse than these blatantly off-topic posts is that retards respond to them. This board is becoming like /v/. Sage and reported.

>> No.13620019

I recently realized most young people nurtue a deep and consuming desire for travel, to the point some spend most of their savings in constant trips to exotic or trendy locations.
This desperation relating to travel intrigues me and, while it's not by any means a modern phenomenon, I can't help but think it has substantially increased as of late.
What all these people so desperately look for? Is it status from bragging about what they have seen and experienced? Is it a cosmopolitan identity? A cheap sense of open mindedness after "integrating" with other cultures? Or just the always ominous Meaning?
Any thoughts about it?

>> No.13620026

Literally just rearring molecules to temporarily fight entropy as if it did matter and hadn't been already done (unsuccessfully) millions of times. Just die already.

There OP, I summed up your own mentality better than you did.
Now go fish for attention elsewhere.

>> No.13620030


>> No.13620037

It's for enjoyment you autistic fucking retard.
Jesus christ I hate this pseud filled board; you're all autistic in the most obnoxious malignant sense.
Stop being such a resentful faggot and go read a book.

>> No.13620040


>Food is just a rearrangement of grains, vegetables and meat and spices that you will just shit out in a couple of days

This is your brain on nihilism. Did you read Sartre once?

>> No.13620043

>/lit/ - Literature
Also, traveling isn't about the places you visit, it's about the things you experience with people you wouldn't normally meet, pleb

>> No.13620053

Your post drips resentment.
Also, I nurture the same desire for travel, but question the nature of it and why it's so omnipresent among the youth.

>> No.13620098

Jesus the worldview presented by this comic is unbelievably bleak, even the style it's drawn in contributes to the general sense of an all pervading ugliness
Everyone drawn in this is grotesque looking, and of course the lack of color further adds to this presentation of a world with no beauty or warmth.
Cold hard damp cum stained floors, garlic smelling french chads, nasty overly synthetic perfume and make-up layered thicker every year, breasts and roast lips sagging further alongside, boy stinks of acne cream thinks STEM field will save him, sweat stained muscle shirts, tattoo ink fading and stretching and crinkling up as the years go by, cheap vodka and overly sugary spirits pooling on a night club floor, STEM goon squirting his barely potent loads into chad's old roast night after night with the lights off in total silence, and then two more nasty FAT little amerishits are popped out to continue to keep feeding the meat grinder

>> No.13620104

That comic is so fucking accurate it physically hurts. Saved

>> No.13620126

OP is depressed because his thoughts are overly negative and this leaves him incapable of enjoying anything. The faggot should stop being a faggot- feeling sorry for him does nothing

>> No.13620137

I enjoy hiking. Walking alone through a forest is always a memento mori for me.

>> No.13620145

OP is a bitter basement dwelling incel but that doesn't change the fact that travel is overrated and that people today treat it like some kind of race. Talk to normies and it's clear they collect travel destinations like Pokémon, they only go somewhere so they can tell everyone else they've been there. Of course, travel is still fun if you do it responsibly and if you go somewhere for at least a month instead of a week.

>> No.13620146

based money hoarding bugman

>> No.13620148

there is a pretty good essay written about this topic by Umberto Eco, he talks about similar things but in a more complex and intellectual way

>> No.13620156

every workday I do travelling between my home and workplace.

>> No.13620199


>> No.13620200

The Earth is mine to stride over eternally. I will mount the sharpest ridges and deep the darkest furrows. I am of this world, and I will make it know me. I will also fuck OPs mum.

>> No.13620203

It’s exactly the same

>why enjoy anything when it’s all meaningless

>> No.13620205

>Umberto Eco
King brainlet detected

>> No.13620206
File: 36 KB, 489x313, Wizdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just back from Scotland, went on top of Ben Navis to see fucking nothing but fog everywhere. Just tell me what's a better way to waste my time if you're so woke.
> Inb4 read a book
You think we're on /lit/ or what.

>> No.13620215
File: 24 KB, 300x384, E2145FD9-FCBA-4E94-AB40-A5E9158EF437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds kino

>> No.13620226
File: 99 KB, 1024x831, 1564065686769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I lived in Hawaii and D.C. for several years and OP can't even step outside of his parents house

>> No.13620231
File: 227 KB, 1062x1192, 1558723732728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world the same all over.

>> No.13620238
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>> No.13620241
File: 48 KB, 660x371, 32D9BDAA-74F2-4B60-9442-4FC2029754AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain’t seen nothing yet son

>> No.13620255
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>> No.13620260

>Die Blondie Bestie

>> No.13620264

>it costs thousands of dollars to go hiking

>> No.13620267

Can you explain why you have done anything you’ve ever done in a sentence or two

>> No.13620269

you must be literally retarded to discredit the entire work of Eco, regardless of what you think of him as a person or regardless of whether you like his novels or not.

>> No.13620272

Photos of smiling people piss me off. Am I the only one?

>> No.13620276

Why is this thread on my fucking literature board

>> No.13620279

Are you the only miserable autist? No, probably not.

>> No.13620287
File: 548 KB, 500x775, Green Hills of Africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13620289

God I fucking hate other people enjoying life. Suffering is the only path to enlightenment.

>> No.13620346

In the past, travelling was part of some sort of greater endeavour, hence why people thought it would be educational and enrich your perspective. I agree that mindless tourism does not have the same effect. Whether you're going pub crawling in Barcelona or Berlin for a weekend, doesn't matter. The same goes for tanning on a beach in Thailand or Croatia.

>> No.13620357

Travelling is really fucking overhyped though.

>> No.13620363


>> No.13620365

reductio ad absurdum

>> No.13620389

Eh excuse me there lad but reading books IS traveling so I'm not sure what you're on about

>> No.13620399
File: 74 KB, 507x579, Dad's browser history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the alternative?

>> No.13620420
File: 472 KB, 500x775, The Theory of The Leisure Class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13620437

Being a bugman

>> No.13620446
File: 472 KB, 500x775, The Theory of the Lesiure Class2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13620497

>big cities
It’s interesting to live in a city that’s very different to your hometown, you just have to be paying attention.
This isn’t even travelling, hiking is an easy dopamine hit because we’re biologically wired to get a kick out of reaching the top of something
How do you know what “pictures” to look at to gain all this information from your bedroom?

I think travelling is vastly overrated but your points are retarded.

>> No.13620505

cities are toilets of greater areas of land

>> No.13620586

>going to sardine-can like complexes to see slightly differing configurations of tall buildings, poor people slums, druggies at clubs, and trash-laden public transportation.
I watch the ants go back and forth in to and from their home in a single file line and find this to be an enjoyable experience. I would probably enjoy watching ape-men do the same, except the ape-men will intermittently look me with suffering in their eyes and shriek "HELP ME!" with a hand held out for money.
>Any historical, architectural, or artistic value can easily be analyzed through a picture
This isn't true, and I doubt you've ever been to an art gallery that's worth its salt. Seeing a painting in real life is totally different than seeing a picture of it, and sometimes no quality pictures exist for good works of art.

>> No.13620609


I like how he savrd the picture dumbnpccunt.jpg

I really hope it's a troll, not some sad sack

>> No.13620618

I can't even tell if this is satire or not.

>> No.13620619

I am obsessed with
A. history
B. Maps
C. Architecture
D. Ancient to modern art
This translates well to traveling, sure it's overhyped by most who have no reason to be traveling to places they have no context of but to paint such a broad on a vague activity like "travel" is shortsighted. I usually would study a region I'm into for a couple years and then make my pilgrimage. I literally get excited just seeing where the dot of my current location is on a map. I can read about the Byzantines and ottomans for years but it's nothing like flying over the actual bospherus and realizing it's a real place
I also like fucking tourist girls

>> No.13620663

Anon you must cross post on biz a lot. You make so many threads. What do you do with yourself during the day? Read and play the stock market for neetbux?

>> No.13620681

In 2012 I travelled to the alps with my father for 10 days on a motorcycle. That was really when i met my father it was a great experience with a lot of difficult situations. Last year i went 7 days to athens with my woman. And it was great now that im alone and kinda depressed. I workout out and cook a lot so the time passes.

My point is that these people are negative about travelling cause they have no one to travel with.

Also reccomend me a book

>> No.13620727


>> No.13620738

>Also reccomend me a book
a moveable feast

>> No.13620751

this is one of the worst images I've ever seen

>> No.13620760

"What good does it do you to go overseas, to move from city to city? If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person."

- Seneca, after quoting Socrates. Letter CIV

It's a way of seeing things realistically (through reason) and putting distance between you (what you can control .i.e, the correct use of impressions) and externals (what you cannot control) by deconstructing them and assessing their true value. For instance, this is how Marcus Aurelius reminds himself what's sex is in essence: "Sex is nothing more than two people rubbing genitalia together and making odd noises in the hopes of inducing muscle contractions and the secretion of certain bodily fluids." [Paraphrased]. In other instance, he describes wine as smashed and rotten grapes, purple-dyed royal robes as sheep hair and urchin blood, etc.

>> No.13620761

>Pointless walking around for hours,
Take your scooter with you.

>> No.13620777

Travelling is a temporary escape from your problems. Some fags (women) think it will change them and make them feel fulfilled but it never does.

>> No.13620785

>It's a way of seeing things realistically (through reason) and putting distance between you (what you can control .i.e, the correct use of impressions) and externals (what you cannot control) by deconstructing them and assessing their true value.

You’re ideology is showing. All you’re doing is describing things mechanically while avoiding their aesthetic/sensory/psychological values. By ignoring the pleasurabke effects of eating and sex you are not “realistically” describing them, you are reducing them to one ontological plane, the mechanical. This makes them seem ridiculously because their laws and effects dont make sense without knowledge of pleasure

>> No.13620809
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>> No.13620838

Travel is often lost on those who afford it. You see the little shit kids gaze bored into their phones, the mom's petulantly berating them, only the dad striving effortfully to "soak it all in." Or you have the boomers, traveling for all the wrong reasons, simply smear their stain over as many places as possible like slugs. Or yuppies there to consume the "local flavor" when really all they are doing is moving from one high end quarantine zone to another.

Travel should be a sensory bath, a refresher of the mind. Every time I travel I notice that my writing improves because it has something new spark it into action.

>> No.13620848

Lmao fuck off you stupid cunt, you’re probably more of a net negative to the human race if you contribute to the system.

>> No.13620864

>tallest mountain in the uk is a small fucking hill