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File: 39 KB, 400x600, AVT_Louis-Ferdinand-Celine_8513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13618731 No.13618731 [Reply] [Original]

I need some help /lit/, my dad is obsessing over Céline and I don't know what to do.

He doesn't read anything anymore because he compares everything to Céline and just says it's shit and Céline did it much better.

If you try to talk politics to him he just says "Céline captured it so well with..." in any single topic.

His opinion on people is completely reliant on their opinion on Céline. He hated Macron and considered him to be a pathetic lunatic wimp, but when he heard that Macron likes Céline he wants to vote for Macron as president of Europe and wants every country to be ruled by EU with Macron as its head, he doesn't want any nation states anymore.

If you joke about Céline being a misanthrope he gets irrationally angry and starts yelling about how Céline understood people perfectly and is the greatest lover of humanity to ever exist.

What the hell do I do?

>> No.13619147

Your dad sounds based

>> No.13619151


>> No.13619212

Imagine being a father and yet so immature to let some edgy frogman dictate your value system and your opinions.

I mean, Celine may be based, but one has to keep reading and keep questioning. Your father is as retarded as those who find solace in the Bible or the Quran: he thinks he has found a one-stop solution to all his problems.

>> No.13619229
File: 38 KB, 540x327, DrDion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13619235

Macron said he likes Celine? How the fuck did he get away with that?

>> No.13619247

Google "gilets noirs". Macron is a racist and he can get away with anything. Before becoming a politician he worked for the Rothschilds, so this must all be part of an elaborate plan to detsroy the white race and enslave the black race, for the greater glory of Israel.

Black people in France aren't deported, they're just kept as undocumented slaves with no rights whatsoever. Cheap labor is always good for the hooked noses.